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Ration Of Disgustation.
ARe you implying it's malevolently sentient?
Yes, it's absolutely vile.
> Rational rationing. Gain +2 to all rolls made when trying to make a limited resource last for longer than it ought to.
@kviiri Meat, pasta, and tomatoes? That's just Italian food. Very workable.
@SPavel It's Italian-themed powder in a bag.
Drain the ...macaroni stew?, peel tomatoes and mash them into the liquid, reduce on stovetop to make pasta sauce. Saute the meat and pasta, then combine with sauce on low heat and reduce some more.
@kviiri while everything you say about the variant rule is true, I'm not sure how relevant it is. It seems to me OP's dissonance doesn't so much come from the notion of a STR10 character carrying 150 (which the variant rules would address), but the fact that a 48# gnome can carry as much as a 150# human, if they've the same STR scores.
@nitsua60 That's what the same STR score means though
So an adventurer/miner/thing dies of starvation, and his ghost sits around grumpily until it hears of some other miners/adventurers/thing complaining about how bad their rations taste, and in a fit of spite goes around the area cursing all the food to taste like yuck.
That or the restaurant owner is sabotaging the adventurer supply shop rations so that returning adventurers will eat at the restaurant.
@nitsua60 Hm, perhaps you're right
@kviiri How can you have powdered macaroni
@SPavel I know. That's why I didn't ask the question =)
@Frezak I like that last one.
@SPavel By being a light eater and a hoarder who can't get rid of free food wherever it's available
Actually, I'm totally adding that to this week's game.
That'a nice "solve the mystery" plot-point that really shouldn't end in lethal violence. It'll be a real conundrum for D&D players =D
@nitsua60 Yeah, on re-reading the question, I think you're correct. I think I'll still leave my answer there as essentially correct and relevant, even if it's clearly not the best one possible.
@kviiri Can you enumerate your ingredients here? Or is it just the military version of instant ramen?
@nitsua60 hold on...there are other options besides murderhoboism? LIES!
@NautArch There's also murder-live-in-a-house-ism
@NautArch There are! (They're just not very well-supported by the system.)
Most of history's murderers have a permanent address
@SPavel Tsk! Military rations are national secrets, so obviously only the top brass and everyone in Hogwarts knows the ingredients.
Then again, why not.
@SPavel Only if you dig back to a previous edition's Castle Guide or Book of Strongholds.
@nitsua60 You mean you're not playing 3.0, objectively the best edition?
Speaking of which, anyone else catch Coleville's dig at "buying castles in 10' sections"? As a player who fondly remembers designing and pricing castles 10' at a time, I resemble resent that remark!
@SPavel You'll have to pry my red box out of my cold, undead fingers first!
@nitsua60 I think they can be, but it's more in player mindset that makes it harder. But it's a session zero sort of discussion.
@kviiri Also ebay
speaking of...anything I should know for saturday @nitsua60?
I ran a God Machine WoD game and the players seemed a lot more invested in the rock star's mum's cosplayer friends and the Coffee Wars between two coffee shops on the same street than the actual God-Machine-shenanigans
@SPavel Macaroni, tomato, chopped beef, onion, green peas, modified potato starch, vegetable fat, sguar, salt, yeast extract (MSG I think?), maltodextrine, maltowisdomine, mustard, minced animal, John the Baptist, colouring, bleach, oregano, acid, black pepper extract, Lembas, sand and other please specify: _______
Man, reading this thing is hella depressing - the alleged food doesn't expire, and you heat it up by submerging it in hot water...or eating it cold
@kviiri No, I mean the discrete objects inside the container
@kviiri yeast extract isn't MSG.
Is it a homogenous powder or what
also, how do you find enough remains of John the Baptist? and lembas?
y'all very chatty this morning
@NautArch Christian relics were basically mass produced during the Crusades
@NautArch Oh, my mistake then. I remember there being a minor MSG panic here roughly ten years ago and some investigative reporter bashing a school meal provider for changing from MSG to yeast extract despite that being "the same stuff".
MSG is salt
Well, a salt
@SPavel so is ritalin (lemme double check that... might be another adhd drug)
But not the kind of a salt that's actually some random ionic compound, and when you look at your chemist friend he goes "lol you didn't specify which salt" as you spit up potassium permanganate
I like umami flavors a lot and I've been thinking of getting an MSG shaker at home
woops, Adderal, not ritalin
If you’ve ever put table salt in tomato soup, you’ve made MSG.
@Yuuki So that's why tomato sauce tastes so good with added salt!
So i'm a scientist now? WOOOO
@kviiri as long as you don't have an allergy to MSG, it's not a problem. Umami is delicious.
The spooky truth, however, is with the right amount of salt, oil and sugar, everything becomes quite palatable.
And the right amount is usually "more".
@kviiri I can't decide whether I want my head-canon to be that the Finns have named something locally "John the Baptist's rose" and its ground and dried hips are just, colloquially, "John the Baptist" or that Christian relics actually make the best preservatives.
Maybe I'll go with both.
I’ll need someone else to verify, but the anti-MSG campaign is at least not insignificantly grounded in racism against Asians (specifically Chinese).
@Yuuki No, it's just another food industry scapegoat, like trans fat, cholesterol, or carbs
@nitsua60 There's a stupid Finnish non-sequitur meme about new chips (crisps for Commonwealth English people) flavors being pea soup, liquor, scaffolding and John.
"[blank] is at least not insignificantly grounded in [blank]ism against [blank]" seems like it's usually a safe bet.
@kviiri You mean , , , and
@SPavel Well memed!
@Yuuki I've heard similar accusations, and I'm not sure about America, but here it seems to be a part of the general food additive panic that resurfaces regularly.
@SPavel It literally used to be called “Chinese Restaurant Syndrome”.
Pea soup chips might not be so bad, we have hummus chips, bean chips, etc in the pantry
I'm not sure how I feel about scaffolding chips but it reminds me of an old Soviet joke that the notoriously low quality sausages of the time were made out of "dog, along with its doghouse"
apparently, you can get garlic chips
@goodguy5 You can MAKE garlic chips
They're good
I'm not sure if it's just sliced and baked garlic, or if it's pringles style (powdered and pressed)
People will happily buy xylitol gum for their kids or so but heavens forbid someone put E967 in their children's gum!
@Yuuki Your new character?
@SPavel I think time will render that joke unfunny, as weird chip flavors will come to reality in greater numbers than ever.
For my children's children, the joke will be how normal a scaffolding chip tastes.
The ration tasted bad, but not disgusting. However, I feel less full after eating it.
What sorcery is this?
Negative Food?
Seems so
Rations are not good
That, I can agree with.
There was about 5 minutes where I thought it was hip to eat them
I'm not doing this because it's hip, I'm doing it because I hate wasting food.
They're designed for nutrient intake and mild palattability
oh, and shelf life
When I was in the army, I had a choice: either hoard rations, or throw them away. I hated wasting food even then, so I chose hoarding.
> A whip is just a boneless sword.
🤔 hmmm
@kviiri I also have a dislike of wasting food, but my wife does not share the same compulsion. :-\
The problem is, rations taste horrible, so I basically left them on the shelf for years. But they feel like a waste of space there, so I'm eating through all the supplies lest my dear SO throw them away.
so it's either go crazy/divorce or be less annoyed about it
And she'd be smart to, because letting them rot on the shelf is worse than just getting rid of them... but if I can force myself to eat them, that's even better.
I'm sure you know, but be careful of your caloric intake. those fuckers are dense
Yep, luckily I don't have enough of them to make a long term change in diet :)
that would be a nightmare
What IS the shelf life of what you have to hand?
^My guess is 10 years?
Nominally six to eight years I guess.
These are meal bags, not sure if the canned stuff I already ate had a longer life.
Electrically charged roderns = rat ions = rations
mind blown
@goodguy5 (please keep the language PG)
oh right, sorry. I try :(
wait, pg or pg13?
as the ToS says that you must be 13 or older
And PG13 says we can used the f-word occasionally.
regardless, I will try to curse less.
Yeah, if you're not careful, the Witch's Union will get on your case.
@goodguy5 We are not a movie or a tv show, so a PG13 rating has no relevance.
took me a second
@kviiri Fast food sorcery
@NautArch well then neither does "PG"
@kviiri Nah those were not flavours, it's chips made entirely of hummus, beans, etc
@goodguy5 except the ToS doesn't say PG. It says 13 or older. And we generally try to use Nice language here as part of Be Nice.
>Nice language
So, French?
If it's not clear, I'm making a semantic argument here. I like to do that and sometimes is comes off as me being a jerk. Just wanted to preface that before I continue.
@NautArch How does one define "Nice Language"?
@goodguy5 The language spoken in Nice
Let's not get into the definition game.
I mean, Kev (how I assume your handle is said, kviiri - "kev eerie"), do you have something better to do?
@SPavel That’s French.
Well I ought to be writing my thesis :P
@Yuuki I already said that
@kviiri Is your thesis on MREs and hunger
@SPavel It's on time complexities of distributed algorithm in toroidic grids.
I'm just saying I would say my earlier profanity does not fall under "be mean". So, that leaves "be neutral" and "be nice". I was actively engaging in conversation and offering mild advice with a warning. Which begins to stray into "be nice"
@kviiri Who is Tori Grids?
Aw man you edited it and now the joke doesn't work
@SPavel tori is the plural of torus, which reeks of hypercorrectionism to me and I avoid using it.
@kviiri the only help I can offer you is this video youtube.com/watch?v=gXlfXirQF3A
(it's also Finnish for "marketplace" or [town] "square" so it catches my eye wrong)
(And again, The standard here is little-to-no profanity, so I try to adhere to that. I slip up. I'm just interested in how the occasional f-word conflicts with "be nice")
@kviiri Everyone knows the plural of “torus” is “torusopodes”.
@Yuuki yes
My username is actually just the first letter of my first name followed by my last name. So basically my default username everywhere :)
not really. I don't think it addresses any of the things I said. And further, that chat is harder to enforce. It's closer to a conversation than an essay (i.e. - like the forum posts).
@kviiri but how is it pronounced
bah, work needs my attention. brb
@goodguy5 okay, well take it up with the mods then. But overall, we try to keep the language clean to be a welcoming atmosphere. I'm not going to debate the merits of that, but mods may.
@goodguy5 Try to avoid extrapolating SE rules to individual chatrooms.
@Yuuki exactly
@goodguy5 /kʋi:ri/ I guess
Each chatroom might have their own rules more or less restrictive than the SE rules.
I can't find IPA for my last name so I had to compose a bit. I'm not too good with pronunciation stuff.
@kviiri The IPA for my name doesn't exist because I don't like IPAs at all, they're way too hoppy for me.
@Yuuki !
I like stouts, porters, and some lagers.
I was never a lager fan, but stouts and porters were my fave.
I lost my taste for beer recently. I wonder if it will come back
@Yuuki Try Belgian quadrupels
@kviiri Have you tried Lost & Found?
Maybe someone donated it to Goodwill?
@SPavel I think I've tried one of those once and it was good.
@Yuuki Is that a porter?
@kviiri No, it's a place where people put things that they found which might be lost.
I feel like I just stepped into a leslie nielsen movie.
> NautArch: I feel like I just stepped into a leslie nielsen movie.
> Everyone else: how do i make a pun out of that...
last night we had a 5e session where the DM said he developed the battlemap off of DOTA/LoL. I've never played those games, but it was a ton of fun.
@NautArch So the map in these two games are very similar. They consist on three "lanes". One runs across the diagonal from corner to corner. The other two lie on the borders of the map square.
A very shallow river cuts down the other diagonal, splitting the map in half.
Is that like what you played?
Would this be a good stunt to the evil sorcerer turned penitent tinman:
@Yuuki yup, exactly. There were also monsters in some of the sections that could be attacked to gain buffs. But they wouldn't attack you unless you went after them first.
@NautArch Yep. In the areas between the lanes lies the "jungle".
Each team had a main structure that was protected by towers on your side of the map. Each tower would fire off 5 magic missiles to any opposing team member within 30'.
In the games, allied and enemy minions/monsters march down the lanes towards the opposing base.
YOu could destroy the towers to weaken the main structure (each tower had 100hp)
> Inconspicuous. When you stand or lie motionless, you appear as just a toy to anyone who doesn't know you. You can spend a Fate point to be picked up by a passer-by and be carried to a more convenient location.
Yup, and minions also went down the lanes. They ignored everything but opposing structures.
But killing minions or enemies would generate coins you could cash in at vending machines for buffs/abilities/items.
Yeah, your job in the games is to escort your allied minions to destroy enemy structures.
Also had 3 lives, with each respawn reducing your HP max by 50% and ability scores by -1.
but you'd get all your spells and consummable resources (luck points, magic item charges, etc.) back.
@Yuuki Ah, we didn't do that. But we won.
After we finished the map, the guy who put us in htere had another trick up his sleeve and a beholder came out. It nearly went TPK, but I saved the day :)
@NautArch In the games, you have unlimited lives and no respawn debuffs (but there is a respawn timer) but your enemies gain gold whenever they kill you.
LoL is definitely one of my favorite games to watch because there's a lot of strategy involved.
@Yuuki Ah, we'd lose any buffs we had on a respawn.
@NautArch Well, unless you get killed by a neutral minion (i.e. jungle monsters) you also lose the buffs in the games.
And for certain buffs, they're actually transferred to the killer.
There was a high level enemy paladin (17th+) who I nearly dropped Heat Metal on, but it seemed like a waste because I'd kill im and he'd just return, but without heat metal.
@Yuuki I don't think anyone engaged a neutral minion.
The action cost for attacking minions, and even enemies, was a bit too high for me. I focused my efforts on the towers and the main structure.
@NautArch I'm not sure the benefits of having a jungler would translate well to a D&D simulacrum of LoL.
And hit enemies with fireballs incidentally while aiming at the towers :)
I also never tried to get to a vending machine for the same reason.
@NautArch I don't know how your game worked, but the point of escorting minions to towers is that the tower preferentially targets minions unless an enemy hero is attacking an allied hero within range.
So if you push your minions to the tower, you can then attack the tower without repercussions.
@Yuuki Ah, I'm not sure what would have happened there in terms of target selection.
but ifminions went in first, the towers should have fired on them and then made it clear. I don't think any of us even thought of that.
Most of our damage was ranged for everything. The winning option was an early maelstrom on the main structure.
Yeah, that's the problem with games like Dota and LoL, there's quite a bit of a knowledgebase to build off of.
@NautArch Ah, in the games, the towers outrange almost everything.
And they hit hard.
So plinking a tower from range isn't an option.
Plus, they gain defensive stats as long as an enemy minion isn't nearby.
@Yuuki Neat, the DM did not incorporate those. But he did make standard weapon attacks at half damage. Only spells did full damage.
@Yuuki and fireballs aren't exactly plinking :)
@Yuuki Belgian beer in general is good, I like Tripels and the occasional Dubbel
@Yuuki But my favorite moment was during the beholder fight. I had just popped out and hit him with a fireball and then popped back in. Had a feeling he was going to get me if I popped out again, so I through a card from my deck of illusions out and ran towards a petrified ally to help them.
The card that came out was the Ace of Diamonds...A Beholder.
@NautArch Stop hitting yourself?
@Yuuki It was pretty awesome.
@NautArch btw did you ever run your underwater kraken hunt? If so, how did it go?
@Rubiksmoose have not yet. Some folks are ahead of me in the DM line and I haven't finished (read: not gotten very far at all) in my planning for it :)
@NautArch thought that might have been the case, but I was curious.
@NautArch that whole thing sounds pretty amazing
@Rubiksmoose I think it's one of my favorite encounters in the past 5 years of playing.
@NautArch :D
Quick question: by RAW, what reaction is available to all PC, regardless race and class?

I know readied action and opportunity attack, but is there such thing as doing observation (perception check) on an enemy/surrounding as a reaction without relatable feat/ability? Taunting, shouting, talking to other creature (including PC)?
@Vylix No, there is know perception check reaction that is part of the ruleset for every race/class.
But that may be a good question to ask on the main site.
oh? I thought it was too obvious/negligible to be asked at the main site :o
I"d ask without the second bit so as not to guide specific answers - unless you are wondering if there is a reaction that does that (in which case, ask that question because that's the one you really want answered.)
@Vylix not at all! Worst case is negative votes, but I don't think you'd get them.
@Vylix If you're looking for a list, I think that may be too broad (but may be fine). I'd suggest that if you have the specific question on a perception check reaction that you ask that.
@Vylix I think that to be a good mainsite question, we'd need to know what you need this information for.
Otherwise it's a bit of a XY thing.
2 hours later…
Q: New enchantment tag, not sure about this

KRyanSo the enchantment tag was created today, and assigned to five questions. We already have conjuration and divination tags, so it’s not without precedent, and I can buy that enchantments, as found in D&D, lead to a series of issues that can raise related questions and a tag may be worth grouping t...

Tangent: I'm more emotionally invested in Finn and Poe's friendship than I am with Finn and Rose's relationship.
@Yuuki Can you have something tangential to nothing?
@GreySage Isn't that where tangerines come from?
@Yuuki No, tangerines come from Tang, the space-age drink
You can only cast Silence on a point in space, not on an object that can be moved. Silence is immobile. — András 16 mins ago
That's deep ^^
@nitsua60 If you have a high enough Intimidate to scare people quiet, does that count as being able to cast 2nd-level spells for the purposes of prestige classes?
@nitsua60 [mind blown]
@NautArch I have played some LoL, but when I get to actual random PvP battles, I am not very good. I do just fine on public comp stomps, because it is low intensity. My son plays LoL competitively. his team were in the finals to achieve the challenger rating a few years ago ... the ELO/EOL system for matchups about drove them crazy.
It can be addictive, that's for sure.
I soured on the game when they completely redid my favorite champion: Gangplank. (Pirate) And then they completely changed the runes and skills scheme, so I'd have to learn that crap all over again. Bah. :p Now I log in with either Corky (pilot) or Sona (Keyboard player, support) and play a pubbie about once a month.
@KorvinStarmast I don't think I'd ever play it, but the D&D version of it I sure enjoyed
@NautArch I can't do online games. Either I just don't want to/can't put in the time to be good enough to enjoy it or I suck regardless and rage. I just don't find either case particularly relaxing or fun.
@Rubiksmoose I used to play a reasonable amount of CounterStrike, but if I ended up even on ratio of kills to being killed it means I had a good day.
@NautArch The closest I ever got was playing Super Smash Bros. online for a while.
I wanted to try a mmorpg once, but was too cheap to pay for one. Found KalOnline (some random korean mmorpg) and played it for awhile. Realized that I'm way too competitive for those things. Addictive was an understatement.
@KorvinStarmast Dang, that's impressive.
@NautArch Yup I could never do an MMO for that very reason. I would never be able to stop.
@Rubiksmoose Just glad I recognized what was going on :)
@KorvinStarmast Well, they changed the runes/skills scheme because it began to function like "you must be this tall to play" with regards to PvP/competitive play.
I had discovered that I could run several instances with multiple computer logins. Had 2-3 accounts farming while I played around. Would go and collect every couple days.
Some characters and roles, like jungling, were exponentially more difficult if you didn't have the proper runes or masteries. Both of which were restricted by meta-progression levels.
As for Gangplank, his rework mostly affected his visuals and only one of his abilities.
Namely, instead of a passive/active stats buff, he could place explosive gunpowder barrels.
Honestly, it feels a bit more fun and interactive to me.
I mean, I used to play a lot of Fiora (French duelist) and I get feeling certain ways about reworks, but I generally understand Riot's reasons for them.
Plus, if it wasn't for reworks, I would've have played a character I really enjoy now: Poppy (gnome-esque warrior with a massive warhammer).
@Yuuki That belief has gotten chatrooms banned in the past. SE rules apply everywhere on the SE server domain, no exceptions.
@Miniman Probably for less restrictive, but have chatrooms been banned for being more restrictive than SE rules?
@Yuuki Not that I'm aware of, no.
Generally it's been a case of "we don't have to be nice/can swear as much as we want/can be super offensive/etc because of room culture".
Oh boy, room culture.
@Yuuki I find the barrels to be to micro intensive. Personal taste thing.
@goodguy5 (Sorry I missed the ensuing conversation about my comment to you--I popped out to lunch just-after that and only now am getting back to the desk.)
@nitsua60 remains unsure just who authorized mods to have lunch 8^0
Other mods
@KorvinStarmast I resigned for a few hours, then resumed the mantle.
@KorvinStarmast Definitely, but the original skill was just boring. Passive attack damage that granted temporary movement speed when activated.
(I sorta did--I was going to leave a comment about where to take concerns about moderation and deletion in response to that rude/argumentative comment to you, @doppelgreener, but then just popped off for lunch.)
@doppelgreener A memo on mod nepotism shall be sent to the community manager, of course 8^o
@Yuuki tastes will differ on that.
@doppelgreener good answer XD
@KorvinStarmast Mod nepotism is authorised by mods though
It's mods all the way down
@doppelgreener Aha, the conspiracy is finally revealed!
@KorvinStarmast I mean, the issue with old Gangplank was that he was already incredibly uninteractive to begin with. Unless you played a ranged character in top lane (which is incredibly rare), laning against Gangplank was literally just farming your lane while occasionally eating bullets to face when he decided to harass instead of farm.
@KorvinStarmast Oh no WHAT HAVE I DONE
@doppelgreener blown up the bridge, of course.
@doppelgreener "mods," of course, is a little-known acronym: "mods oughta do stuff."
@Yuuki A few years ago I had some fun doing mid with Gangplank built as an all blue build ... but that was a lot of patches ago
@doppelgreener hehehe
@nitsua60 the infinite acronym, the best kind
@trogdor I covered a friend's comp sci class the other week, and a student took over 3 hours (!) to not-quite-complete her test. On recursion. When I told him this he looked shocked, and I managed to deliver the line straight-faced:
"she went depth-first."
I mean,... some of us need extra time
I know I have, at least on math stuff
maybe not so much on other things
some of my history tests have been done in like 2 minutes XD and yes the grade was still fantastic
but oh god math man
@nitsua60 Mother of god.
Recursion occurs when a thing is defined in terms of itself or of its type. Recursion is used in a variety of disciplines ranging from linguistics to logic. The most common application of recursion is in mathematics and computer science, where a function being defined is applied within its own definition. While this apparently defines an infinite number of instances (function values), it is often done in such a way that no loop or infinite chain of references can occur. == Formal definitions == In mathematics and computer science, a class of objects or methods exhibit recursive behavior when they...
See also: recursion
@Yuuki oh I know what Recursion is
@trogdor And the old joke is "to understand recursion, you have to first understand recursion"
@KorvinStarmast I mean, I didn't claim I was a godly being of recursion understanding, just that I know what the concept is :P
@trogdor I have this odd habit of trying to make jokes. If I tried to do it for a living, I'd starve.
@KorvinStarmast I don't do it nearly as much offline, but in this chat for example, I feel a lot more confident cracking stupid jokes
I crack jokes all the time. I am not sure if it's a habit or an obsession.
@trogdor I've been graduated for more than a year, and I still have nightmares about Math exams
@GreySage I have no idea if I do because I don't typically remember my dreams much
@trogdor I have a lot of vivid dreams, and if I wrote them down I suspect I might be able to write a book ... of very odd stories.
@KorvinStarmast Reflex
It is for me at least haha
I have become pretty good at reminding my self that, no, I don't actually have some math class that I've forgotten about for months, haven't attended lectures or done homework, and now I have a final to take.
@GreySage That one still gets me, and I have not been to college in decades.
@KorvinStarmast the few dreams I can remember are very strange indeed
no idea why it worked out that way
I have a friend who keeps a dream journal. I remember getting advice from a doc that this was risky, in terms of something like a self reinforcing loop
@trogdor also, you can just burninate anyone who doesn't laugh
hah. hah.
hahahahaha ... voice cracks
@nitsua60 lol
I did a little experiment where I made a D&D ensemble based on a complete breakfast. Meet the Breakfast Club #dungeonsanddragons #thieves #golem #wizard #necromancer #shade #breakfast #characterdesign #gayartists
@doppelgreener Ah, that type of cereal. The one in my breakfast would probably be more of a druid.
@doppelgreener I liked the comment "breakfast is the most important melee of the day." Nice on, I thought.
@Anaphory two Cereals in the same party, it's a bit confusing sometimes but sometimes people just have the same name and that's that.
@KorvinStarmast haha, i missed that!
hey there @KorvinStarmast
@KorvinStarmast (also true in a house of 10+ kids)
hey as well @Anaphory
This question just made me think about what happens when you banish a demon or something...
Like [pop], they arrive in the other plane, with no idea where they are, so they have to get their phone out and check google maps to try and find their way home
if they're a devil, there will be signage everywhere and excellent directories.
if they're a demon, i don't know if they'll mind all that much not knowing where they are
Now I'm imagining what the menu in a Subway in an alternate plane would be like. The devil arrives in the middle of a Subway, decides "sigh, screw it.. uhh... can I get a 6" soul torment on rye?"
@Ben Demons can teleport
So they just teleport home, no Waze
Well that would definitely have to be policed. Can't have Demons Telporting all over the place, willy nilly. There would be no security! No privacy!
That's why they go to alternate planes, where they can do that freely
@Ben That's sort of the idea of demons
Oh, whoops - Devils*
I'm making jokes based on @doppelgreener's interpretations of th edifference between a "devil" society and a "demon" society
@Ben Wouldn't that be on wry?
@JoelHarmon Ha... hahaha.... aaaaahahahahahahaha
Brilliant XD
Did I turn it sour? D'oh!
waits for it...
i'm just riffing off of D&D devils being lawful & enjoying order, and D&D demons being chaotic and enjoying disorder
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