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hey there @daze413
@Shalvenay heya! sorry can't stay and chat.
Wanted to respond to a @Ryan's ping, but found godskook already responded.
@Ryan It's not up to you, the player, this is the sort of question you should ask the new DM, you can suggest the change, but I honestly do not think it's gonna be relevant most of the time, especially in published adventures.
Miniman and I just had a short discussion about why language is weirdly important to a player but not to (at least for us) GMs. He made an excellent point about how the player places importance in it because it helps the player determine the character's place in the world, the same goes for deities.
Point is, most DMs will let a diety change slide, but of the few who don't, they're not wrong either :)
@daze413 Citation......"needed" :P
Fumbles is my Tyrion for Goblins. If Thunt kills him, I'm.....I'm not sure I can keep reading the comic after that.
that's based on our opinions heh
@daze413 I mean I wanted you to cite the short discussion.....for SCIENCE
@godskook it's in my discord channel, unfortunately. It was really short, basically what I said he said above, and me agreeing
ok now I really have to go TTFN :D
Morning yall
good nighttime
I usually go with a "good day/night period", but I was feeling charismatic
hey there @jwacalex
Wassup @shalv
not a whole lot, as for you?
More than I'd like. Feeling like I'm constantly chasing myself haha
However, I do have a game on tonight! Looking forward to it with @daze and @miniman!
@Ben Just to check that I haven't gotten timezone-frazzled again, that's in 8 hours time, right?
@Miniman by my watch, yes
@Ben is that the one on Discord?
@nitsua60 Yep.
It's separate from the bigger game. We're running a 2-man adventure to help resolve a character arc for my old D&D character
@Ben I mean, I thought we were doing it because we don't have enough players for the bigger game but wanted to play something anyway :P
I am excited though. This was the first character I made for D&D (properly), and he had a really cool back-story and everything, but then the game just stopped.
@Miniman That too haha
hmm... TIL spray paint dissolves styrofoam.
Most things dissolve styrofoam XD
Which is rough, because I've got a 4' x 4' cave system carved of styrofoam that I'd rather weren't white...
@nitsua60 Most aerosol paints do :/
@nitsua60 Wooooooow
@nitsua60 Just say it's limestone :P
@Miniman =)
@Ben Not a huge deal. About once a year I go to town on a set-piece. I was due.
It doesn't look horrible. Kinda like pumice.
Google suggests coating it in glue, or something else that will form a seal, before painting.
@nitsua60 No, I'm just impressed at the size. I mean the best I have ever had was a few individual set pieces to scatter around - not an actual single board to that size
@Miniman That's actually not a bad idea
@Miniman perhaps lard.... I've got a Costco-sized tub of Crisco up in the kitchen.
Incidentally, minor point of pride: I completely avoided adding a rant against Wild Magic Sorcerer to my latest answer.
You get a gold star. Well done
@Miniman too weak? too strong? too swingy?
[edits WM sorceror praise into Miniman's latest answer]
@Shalvenay Weak, and all of its class features are under the DM's control, while not providing any guidance to the DM as to how to use them.
@Miniman yeah, I think the class could do with more DM guidance
Also, it's another one of those really cool concepts that appeals to a bunch of people and totally fails to deliver.
hey there btw @Papayaman1000
IIRC one of the entries is "target polymorphs randomly." Do you know how hard it is to quickly come up with a suitably random beast? I do. Because my last WM sorcerer rolled that one three times.
out of curiosity and an completely other topic: do you know any system how to manage character/dm things effective on multiple computers and also offline/online?
@jwacalex Like... Notepad?
@jwacalex are you OK with a tablet or laptop at the table, or do you run things fully pen-and-paper?
@Ben currently i'm using a version control system and text files for the online stuff. if i'm at the table i'm bring the whole relevant stuff to a binder and some folders. @Shalvenay i'm trying to avoid this, because my handwriting is not as recognisable as needed for tablet usage and having a laptop there breaks kind of the flow. even if i use it sometimes, i've a strong preference for paper
I think I might be missing something here then. Is this for a particular game/system? Or have you made one of your own? What exactly do you mean by "version control system"?
@Ben SVN or something like it, I'd assume.
@Ben I think he means something like SVN, Git, or Hg
Ohhhh right
Yeah. SVN
@Shalvenay / @Miniman correct :)
regarding game systems: it should support at least the black eye, d&d and fate. this is why i'm using text files. i can layout them so they can contain all relevant information and by using the same for different games/pcs i can find information as good as on the official ones, maybe even better
Or... well... depending on the scale of your storage system you'd like to control... I can suggest a more powerful solution, that includes version control, data extraction, workflows and much more? :P
Also depends on how much you want to spend... But I think perhaps a few thousand dollars might be a little above the intended margin?
what's your intention? selling me an industrial grade document management system with file plan and reference numbers? ;)
Lol. Nah. I just have/use/manage/have a reseller license for a DMS that is really quite useful for that kinda stuff. I mean, If I were allowed, I wouldn't think twice about putting my notes and such into the system.
But if that's all I was using it for... it'd be like Terminator-level overkill
you know, that i use reference numbers for my characters and npcs?
It's a good idea. That way you can't lose track of anything
i handle my p&p stuff the same way as any other document. but there is a lack of a good DMS with online/offline crossing. e.g. if i reference an npc it's fine if i click on that number to get more information. but for printing i want to have it expanded there.
I see
same mechanism can be used for meeting minutes for organizations. maybe red tape has ruined my way to play p&p or other side round.
personally, I'm mildly amazed that DMSes and VCSes aren't on more...convergent evolutionary tracks, myself
same here. but i think there is an scalability issue
@jwacalex in terms of contents or users?
contents, maybe the commit history might explode. maybe you want to to share all history with every user.
I'm saddened that there's no 3rd party sheet-site that can handle interactive rules+sheet storage
Such that PCs can just "link" feats into their sheets, and the rules-text is added+tracked auto-magically, akin to how these sorts of things already work in MMOs.
You guys may be interested in learning how to make a cliched high fantasy book cover
(I think @BESW in particular should love/hate that)
@Miniman por que no los dos?
@daze413 About 3.75, I think.
@Miniman I was gonna say 15
@Miniman 6 1/2 hours as of this message. (putting in 30 mins allowance for me coz I might get stuck in traffic)
or an unexpected workload :/
@daze413 In case it needs to be said, I have no idea what this means.
@daze413 So... here I am counting the words in your message and comparing it with the phrase "why not both"/"why don't we have both"
< Check out mr linguistics over here
@Ben I am saying that we are running the smaller duo game because of both reasons a) we dont have enough players for the bigger game, and b) we want you to have closure on that one character... actually there is a c) been wanting to run this redemption campaign which was sitting at the back of my head
@daze413 That's fair. I understand the relevance of the question, just saying that my attempt at translating is [ahem] slightly flawed.
@JoelHarmon They missed "make sure the character on the cover is white, even if none of the main characters in the book are."
(Yes, that's actually a thing.)
Quick question about Dwarven lore: would you call it "Mother" or "Father" rock?
Since dwarves believe they were born from the rock
Wait, which dwarves believe they were born from the rock?
Last I checked, D&D dwarves were made by Moradin.
And they make new ones by breeding.
(And in 4e, there's a nasty rumor that Io needed to borrow Moradin's template in order to make dragonborn.)
@Miniman I mean, the original race of dwarves.
Unless "made from rock" is their version of "delivered by storks/found under cabbages/etc"?
@Miniman Dwarven depravity knows no bounds.
@Miniman Headcanon accepted.
The idea that dwarves are "stubborn as a rock"
I'm weak as a wet noodle but I don't think I'm derived from pasta.
So, in that case "Stubborn as the rock that Moradin made them from"?
So, again, which dwarves are you talking about? Cuyahoga dwarves? Warcraft dwarves? Warhammer? Middle Earth?
@Ben Pretty sure they just think Moradin made them.
Dark Sun? Eberron? Faerun? Points of Light?
That's just my impression of dwarves in general. Short, stocky, solid and stubborn. Like a rock.
I've heard that comparison a lot, just not sure now if it's relevant in this case
Well, yes. In the same vein, elves are tall, weedy, and wimpy. That doesn't mean that they're made from asparagus.
Well, I'm not making the comparison. I've heard that, (the dwarves rocks thing... not asparagus elves)
@Miniman Headcanon also accepted.
So... stale broccoli?
@Magician Finally, something elves and dwarves can agree on.
@Magician Brussel sprouts
(This is something I liked about 4e's open-ended attitude toward lore; each race had multiple notions of their origins and nobody ever said --in the setting or in the game material-- which, if any, was 'right.')
The alleged Diabolical Pact between Urbain Grandier (1590-1634) & the Devil (all eternity). It's in Latin & is sign… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/889851813222076416
> dwarfs were born from the blood and bones of the giant Ymir, whose flesh was used to create the Earth
So I would say that is where I'm getting it from
Also: Directly form the PHB (p.18)
> Dwarven skin ranges from deep brown to a paler hue tinged with red, but the most common shades are light brown or deep tan, like certain tones of earth.
But, that's merely a reference.
3 hours later…
@BESW we are most amused
@doppelgreener Those signatures are amazing.
@BESW They are!
And I love "The influential Lucifer, the young Satan."
it's cute & flavorful
that seems like a major embellishment
he isn't young compared to any of us by a considerable margin
Today in why is your fantasy world so boring, a slavic photo series collaboration called Pagan Poetry
(among others)
I... what. That article title needs at least three kinds of side-eye.
@BESW I agree and do not like it at all.
I couldn't find another page that actually collected the photo series.
Ooh, I could link to their facebook album. It's not devoted to that photo series, but it could do.
I mean, I think I've met a few people who said things like that? But they're the same category who say California, or Manila, or wherever they happen to be, has no culture because they've bought into a pre-packaged false idea of what culture is.
And it's not like "Slavic" is exactly a single cultural unit anyway. And, um. Those designs shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who's ever seen a pysanka.
I'm linking to their facebook album instead.
@BESW (nor should they be necessary to prove anyone has an amazing culture... nor should whoever it is need to prove they have an amazing culture anyway... nor should a photoshoot really be taken to prove anything about an entire culture...)
Also "pagan."
Costumes though!
Yes. The images are quite excellent.
@BESW yeah that is just a lump together word for people who don't practice the same beliefs as you do,.... not a great word to use honestly
The articles says the collection is called "Pagan Poetry" while the photographer's sites don't give it any name at all... but the costume designer calls it "Pagan Poetry" on their DA account.
Still, there's a difference between a collection's title using the word, and using the same word to describe the contents of the collection generally.
And hey, look what just showed up on my feed:
The Wallachian sheep. https://t.co/jAaJ6TDttq
(Wallachia is not strictly Slavic, but a large number of Vlachs assimilated into its population so there's a lot of Slavic influence.)
I think the Wallachian sheep would fit right in with those costumes.
Yes it would :D
2 hours later…
@BESW While I am willing to believe this is a thing, I'm having trouble recalling very many specific instances where skin color is mentioned at all, particularly if you consider "fair" to mean "beautiful" rather than "light-skinned"
2 hours later…
hail Satan? XD
Nah, I prefer a nice high-thread-count cotton over satin.
...I.......yeah nevermind :D
Morning friends!
Good Morning
morning yall!
@B.S.Morganstein Morning
For those following my dysfunctional campaign...last night the big reveal occurred and we've been bamboozled the entire campaign. The book and advisors that were guiding us had been tricked by the Big Bad and it turns out everything we had done was directed by the evil. And that the situation in the last town where the Barbarian went nuts and the DM lost his mind was because the people in that town were evil and the DM needed them to continue railroading us to where we got last night.
@NautArch -- First off... its y'all, second morning :D
@BanjoFox i'm too lazy for an apostrophe
@NautArch -- hoary SHEET!!!!
:O .... also... that really sucks about your campaign haha! What a plot twist :D
@NautArch So it all came together then? How did the Barbarian deal with it?
@BanjoFox [reads that in Joseph Joestar's voice]
@BanjoFox yeah, kind of a bummer. And my paladin burned his one 4th level spell slot to try and locate our lost party member who we thought (but it was a trap!) was on a small island being held captive (but that was a 'fake' scrying that showed us where she was)
@doppelgreener -- moo?
@NautArch -D'oh! XD
@B.S.Morganstein well, sort of. This DM likes to put Big Bads in front of us that we aren't supposed to fight, but simply be forced to go in a certain direction. When the Barbarian attacked, it prevented that direction from being given. We 'fixed' that situation by having the barbarian give the evil warlocks all his wealth (about 10K worth of gold and gems) and the cleric apologized and then was shown the whereabouts (or so we thought, and with an insight check of 19) of our lost friend.
brb... covfefe
@BanjoFox this guy! :D (language warning: it's pretty much constant Engrish cussing.)
It's a Japanese voice actor playing an American man who speaks Japanese but swears in English and it's a delight.
@doppelgreener - HAHAHAH... thats awesome :D -- yeah... thats how I hear myself think all the time u.u always with the yelling.
@doppelgreener this is just what i needed this morning :)
@NautArch Hmm, how did he(?) take it?
@B.S.Morganstein the barbarian? Fine. It was more of a table realization that we've never been in actual control throughout the entire 2+ year campaign was the twist. He lost his wealth (didn't care), but felt vindicated that his reaction to attack was right. It was just set up to be a TPK if we did attack.
@doppelgreener is stardust crusaders good? Loving the animation (and that guy's voice acting!)
@NautArch Ok, cause I could imagine the Barbarian getting pretty upset in that situation, though I bet that the twist would help everybody realize that it was really all going to come together after all
@B.S.Morganstein Nah, he didn't really care about money. He was more upset that he made the right call and still got punished for it.
But the twist itself originally irked me - but then I realized it didn't really matter. Whether the railroad was by the good guys or the bad guys, it was still a railroad. Just enjoy the ride and see where it takes me.
@Adam As soon as he revealed THAT is exactly what I shouted.
hah XD
@doppelgreener if I wanted to share a document with you, would you prefer gdrive or dropbox?
@NautArch Hahah... how did the table react?
@NautArch makes sense, you'll have to keep us updated moving forward!
@BanjoFox About the same. Big Bad gives speech we're not allowed to interrupt and then we set up for combat next session.
@NautArch Money in D&D is usually pretty cheap anyways. I mean, unless a key point in the game is about how the group doesn't have money, it's usually pretty easy to just go on another dungeon crawl to get more treasure.
@NautArch It's alright. It would be outright awesome, but it progresses slowly, especially compared to the other JoJo series.
@NautArch - So no hard feelings?
e.g. if Stardust Crusaders progressed at the same speed as Diamond is Unbreakable, plots that cover 2 episodes would instead cover half to one episode.
Money in DnD is a constant headache, a number to track to the last gp even if it rarely does anything real unless one's game is specifically gritty and poor.
The night before we got there we totally screwed up an ambush. Traversing wilderness and I crit a survival check looking for signs of activity/movement of creatures. Discover that there is some sort of large bear group moving around who seem to have ridiculously sharp claws. At least 3 of them.
So we clearly set up a trap for them (fire with meat and then kindling around it that we'll light on fire from afar whent hey're close). It's working, but the guy who would cast the fire spell waits untilw e're all awake - which gave time for the bears to finally hear us and move to us and away from the trap.
@doppelgreener would you suggest Diamond is unbreakable over crusaders?
@NautArch Yep
@BanjoFox about the same level :) The DM has built a cool story, but we've clearly got no say in how it progresses, so I'm just along for the ride to the end.
@NautArch -- Thats... good I guess?
@Adam there's no dungeon crawl/treasure or even really places to spend it on this campaign. So the money doesn't relaly do much fo rus - unless we're trying to convert it to diamond dust so we can cast greater restoration when needed.
@BanjoFox yeah. Just more of the same frustration about events we can't influence. But I've gotten over that (well, I'll still complain, but at the table I'm just going with the flow)
JoJo's Bizarre Adventures, as a series, is awesome and I'd totally recommend it. It comes in four parts: part 1-2 are awesome, part 3 is Stardust Crusaders, and part 4 is Diamonds are Unbreakable. Part 3 is slower, but it's where they introduce the concept of Stands, so it's also interesting.
@NautArch At least you've got a good attitude about it. I know people who react to the slightest perceived railroading as a cue to so something as unpredictable as possible. Doesn't work all that well :)
TBH though I saw them in this order: parts 4 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3.
@doppelgreener before I go off to research - are they streaming in japanese with subtitles anywhere legally?
@NautArch Crunchyroll has absolutely all of it available in original Japanese with subtitles.
Naturally I highly recommend the original Japanese because of Joseph Joestar.
@kviiri I didn't always. But it's also made me a bit checked out of the campaign itself. I don't really care what happens or what choices we make because I know it doesn't matter. I've found a happy place where I can enjoy the sessions, but it's been at the cost of caring.
Agreed :)
I was in a game once where we did a MASSIVE amount of work only to have the GM clearly state at the end of it. "...and then you wake up." Crazy frustrating but good fun. I'm pretty sure I call him an SoB then we all had a good laugh about it.
@doppelgreener Nice! i've rarely found english dubs that I've ever preferred. Japanese voice acting is generally superior and I don't mind reading subs.
@NautArch Sounds a bit like a campaign that I was in a few months ago. Story was pretty much set in stone the whole way. Very little money, and not much to buy with what was available. It was supposed to be this three part epic where the DM would switch out every 5 levels or so. We only made it through part one. First session of part 2 was a disaster, and the game has been "on hiatus" since then because most of the players are in a different state for now.
@NautArch I agree with that, there's only a handful of anime that are equal or better in English dubs.
@BanjoFox He should stop watching St. Elsewhere/Newhart.
@Adam woof. This has been going on for nearly 3 years.
@NautArch Then you are an absolute saint. I was getting to fed up with the game by the end of it, that I almost left 3 times.
@doppelgreener was this a legitimate close? I'm often confused about the same answer/different question posts, but this one seems like it's a duplicate.
@NautArch -- It was a Ravenloft game so it actually made sense haha. If I recall, we were basically reset to the beginning (but "awake"?) so it meant we might ahve had a second shot at ti.
@Adam No - just have no other local choice for gaming :) It was either deal with it or walk away. And I wasn't prepared to stop playing :)
Meetup.com ?
@NautArch close as a duplicate if it's the exact same question and exact same answer, or if it's nearly exactly the same question and the answer is completely obvious in the answer to the duplicate target.
@doppelgreener okay cool. I think my question I closed with a dupe for is more accurately the Duplicate than the other - but both kind of work.
we've had dupe closures before where the question was answered somewhere in the bottom 1/4 of an answer on another question if you go looking for it and understand everything else being handled, which doesn't work.
That is why I dislike LONG answers :) ... Long answers (more than 1-2 paragraphs) tend to get the TLDR; treatment it seems
@BanjoFox Do headers help make those easier?
-- They do indeed, which is why I try to include them in my answers :)
It is -also- possible that my affinity for technical writing has biased me against wordy documentation.
@BanjoFox ??
@BanjoFox hahaha. We haven't yet done another paranoia session.
>.> I got SO excited to get a copy that I put 2 in my cart before checking out... glad i checked the confirmation haha
@BanjoFox That book is above your clearance, citizen. Please report for summary execution. Have a nice day!
"Salutations, Prospective GM!
(If you are not the GM-to-be of this mission, you have already incriminated
yourself by making eyeball-to-word contact with it. Your best option is to
run the adventure and pretend you always intended to. In which case,
Salutations, Prospective GM!)"
@godskook -- there... I AM suddenly cleared for that book :P
@BanjoFox that's awesome.
cool, now i need to convince some people to play that game with me :
@jwacalex -- which game?
@BanjoFox paranoia
@jwacalex -- Nice :D ... maybe someday i can be convinced to run a game here :3 but i would like to test it out on my locals first :3
but i had some strange settings in other systems too. it's not limited to paranoia, but the group i've played with is a bit… special
@JoelHarmon You mean, fantasy books which mention a main character's skin color? Off the top of my head... American Gods, Earthsea, The Chronicles of Chalion, Dresden Files, The Jungle Book, Young Wizards, The Inheritance Trilogy, Indian in the Cupboard, The Rivers of London, Who Fears Death, Broken Earth, at least one in the Dark is Rising Sequence, almost every fantasy book in this tag, basically any vampire novel one cares to mention...
@BESW I've tried some searching, but couldn't find anything and know your search-fu is pretty amazing here. Has there been a meta question on allowing upvotes/downvotes on closed/duplicate/onhold questions?
I'll get back to you on that; right now I'm filling a reference question that requires searching my physical books.
@BESW grazie!
@NautArch Do you mean on the mechanics of providing the option to upvote/downvote at all, or on the principle of whether or those questions should be upvoted/downvoted?
@Adam the mechanics of providing upvote/downvote on those questions.
@NautArch Could you go into more detail about what it is you're wanting?
What's the question you're hoping to get answered?
Why do we allow voting on questions on answer for a question that has been put on hold. If it's not good enough to answer (because it's a duplicate, closed, or needs more information), why should it be good enough to upvote/downvote?
Q: Why allow closed questions to be voted on?

EarlzIn seeing some of the potential solutions and problems related to this answer and question I noticed something. Why are closed questions allowed to obtain more reputation for a user? So my recommendation(even though it's a pain to implement probably) is this(note, this includes all close votes ...

> Closing is the trial, deletion is the sentencing. The user(s) shouldn't be punished until the sentence is carried out.
(And duplicate questions are actually kinda good, at least in low quantities, because they basically function to increase the paths new users can take to find an answer.)
@BESW interesting. Definitely seems odd when a duplicate question can give users reputation increases for not having searched for their answer first.
@BESW and i hadn't thought about it like that :)
A: Is voting supposed to be permitted on answers to closed questions?

Marc GravellClosing (or indeed locking) a question doesn't prevent voting on answers. It doesn't even prevent voting on the question (although locking does). If we lock individual / all answers (very rare), then that prevents voting. This is by design. Just because something was closed as "no longer releva...

Q: Reason of enabling voting after the question gets closed

FallenAngelQuestion scores show how a question is good or suitable to a specific site, or it is not suitable or has poor quality. But there is something I wonder. After a question got closed, it still can receive upvotes/downvotes. Downvoting means, a question is either not suitable or have poor quality ...

criminy, my search-fu stinks today.
Q: Any point to downvoting already closed questions?

Levi Morrisonhttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/7304008/a-language-like-a-typed-php That question of mine was closed a long time ago (relatively, to me at least). However, from time to time I still get downvotes for it. That got me thinking: is there any reason to still downvote closed questions?

@NautArch I went to the meta tag lists and typed in "vot" and chose , then typed in "clos" and chose . Searching both at once narrowed the field to 22 questions, and it was pretty easy to see from titles which would be relephant.
@BESW didn't even consider tag usage :(
so interesting, i don't think i really agree - but I can get over that.
Tagging! It's fantastic.
TIL: you can drag-and-drop a path from Windows Explorer into a command prompt.
@BESW Fantagstic?
@NautArch [tag:fantastic] =
Cool RPG Stuff:
[RPG A Day 2017!](https://autocratik.blogspot.co.uk/2017/07/rpgaday-2017-announcing-rpgaday-again.html)
🤘 [Misspent Youth](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/robertbohl/misspent-youth-rpg-sell-out-with-me "Misspent Youth: Teenage rebellion in a fucked-up future! Play the only kids that can stop some asshole from turning the world to shit.")
❔ [Humble Doctor Who RPG Bundle](https://www.humblebundle.com/books/doctor-who-rpg-books)
🕯️ [Night Forest](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/rosscowman/night-forest "Wander the Night Forest in this ritual game of memory and connec
@BESW oooh, new markup for me :)
@NautArch If you want to get really fancy, meta-tag links to tags on the meta of the Stack the page or chat room is associated with.
@Magician Spire added to the pin! It actually seems pretty cool. @eimyr You might like it.
I'm in love with the art style they're using for the kickstarter.
I's vaguely Mignolian.
@doppelgreener WHO DARES SUMMON ME?!
@eimyr [audibly sweats]
I saw The Spire earlier when it came out on KS and I was only vaguely interested. Thanks for the tag, I always appreciate.
> Spire is a new stand-alone roleplaying game from the designers of Unbound and Goblin Quest. It’s like D&D crossed with Unknown Armies, or Gormenghast crossed with Necromunda: a city-bound fantasy horror game of terrible decisions, hard choices, and deeply personal loss.
The last portion of this description was what made me think of you.
hah! accurate
What's inside @EvilHatOfficial's upcoming #Fate Adversary Toolkit? @LevelOneWonk got a sneak preview! #Tabletop #RPG https://cannibalhalflinggaming.com/2017/07/26/level-one-wonk-reviews-fate-adversary-toolkit/
I'm not much into KSing games, because I have a crippling consciousness of me not being able to play any of them ever
@eimyr i'm glad my eimyr blingy machine is well-tuned :D
@doppelgreener You know me well enough, Green One
@doppelgreener Are you backing any of these?
I'm backing Misspent Youth for reasons.
well, I am backing 3 KSes at the moment, SCUP, Age of Anarchy and Dialect but all of these were backed due to former optimism
are there any raw for how damage is calculated for a 'bleeding wound'?
@Clarus_Nox Which system?
@Clarus_Nox ( I can't actually help in that case, but I can guarantee it'd be different between at least some of 5e, AD&D, Pathfinder, FATE, or Paranoia )
@Clarus_Nox Is "bleeding wound" being specifically dealt by an item/spell, or is that a natural-language usage? I ask because there exist weapons of wounding (cf. sword of wounding) that do ongoing damage from a wound. That could either be the source for your damage, or a model for it...?
@Clarus_Nox As far as I'm aware "bleed" is a pretty rare thing. There are no general rules on it, aside from maybe the Festering Wound injury from the variant "lingering injuries" rules in the DMG. It also isn't a codified in-game condition. In general, any effect that involves some kind of bleed specifies what that means in the stat block
it is a called shot on/near a vital area with a knife like item that dos not have any magical effect to cause profuse bleeding
this result is intended to be from combining monk fist of the shadow and rogue assassin archetype
so an auto crit
@Clarus_Nox Hmm... "called shot" and "vital area" are not things in vanilla 5e, so I guess there's some homebrewing going on?
some, trying to balance it though.
@Clarus_Nox You can maybe look toward the Stirge, or bearded devil as inspiration. Both have attacks which cause you to lose hitpoints due to some kind of wound. In both cases the amount is roughly equal to one of the damage dice of the attack that caused it.
the scenario is to use the monk's shadow teleport to teleport above them upsidedown and slit their throat using air genasi levitation to remain stationary, and the assassin auto crit on surprise at from above
this is for an evil character campaign
@Clarus_Nox Why can't the target just, you know, die?
because im pretty sure my dm wont let me do auto-kills
despite the insane damage the attack is already doing
I get so frustrated by DnDnormativism lately.
norm what?
@Clarus_Nox ( D&D being considered "default", i.e. the "normal" case, in RPG discussions )
I think I finally know how to balance an encounter to legitimately challenge my players! Ahahahaha! Enjoy fighting Driders with class levels! AHAHAHAHA!
Assuming that D&D talk is the expected norm in general RPG channels and therefore omitting clarification.
is there a dnd specific room?
It doesn't happen exclusively here.
I don't think there is though.
but consider this: let's say you play Fate and have a chatworthy question. You log in and go "Hi, in Fate when X then Y, right?"
you don't bother with DnD, just go straight to "When X then Y, right?"
@eimyr this is fair. Do you feel like it's seen an uptick recently?
It's annoying me more than usual, that's true, but I just think I started noticing it more.
@eimyr I do think there's been a shift, personally. A year and a half ago I'd have said that if you came blind into a game-convo here, odds were better than not that it'd be Fate-family.
guess i've just gotten used to there being a bunch of people here that i can reliably ask about 5e dnd that i stopped clarifying that
I'd be incentivised to say it's creating a treshold for starting a non-DnD discussion because of DnDnormative talk, but on the other hand, folks who play DnD are often less interested in indie stuff (statistically), so it's not the custom but the company deciding the treshold.
this is like only the 2nd time i ahd to clarify that
@Clarus_Nox Yeah, what goes through my head when people do that is "Hey, did I miss the beginning of the discussion? How could you possibly ask a question witho... oh, it's DnD. I forgot it exists. Darn."
@nitsua60 I'd say the faces here, short of a couple old regulars, are all different too.
@Clarus_Nox Sounds like you're going to have to sit down with your DM and come up with something together then. There are no real general rules for you to work with, only specific instances of similar effects. Personally, I would push for just killing the dude outright because, if you've built an assassin character, one-shotting surprised dudes means that you've succeeded. Failure is having the dude survive.
@eimyr Yeah, there's been a notable bit of turnover in the last... 6mo?
back when I was not here
@eimyr This has not been the case in my experience, if only because there are so many versions of DnD that you need to clarify
I'd be interested if someone were to pull long term chat activity stats and clusterise them to create a few types of users by chat occupancy
@eimyr How's life going, btw? What's new in the world of geologuy?
@eimyr gravatars, recognizable characters, fantastic beasts, sepia, green, ....
@GreySage well, I disagree, usually it goes "Hey, I have a question, does foo bar?" "which game?" "5e" "Yep, foo bars with baz."
@nitsua60 I'm good, thanks. Rocks are rocks. You?
@eimyr Kids are healthy and growing, work shifting in good (I think) ways, I'm in love with a woman who is smart enough to admire but stupid enough to have said "yes." 3-for-3, I'd say.
@eimyr I think that's a product of it being the newest edition of the game combined with the status of D&D as an icon. The newest edition attracts the newer players, who don't realize that people don't stop playing the other editions. Or who don't know about the other types of games. And when you ask someone who isn't deep into the hobby to name a TTRPG, D&D has the icon status, so they can name it easily.
@nitsua60 Wonderful!
well thanks @Adam and everyone. talking with my dm about ideas now
@eimyr I feel like this happens with 3.x/PF with some regularity, too. (Though in those cases the terminology seems to be unusual enough that the follow-up question is "you're tlaking PF, right?" rather than "what game?") But it certainly only seems to happen with either of those two.
@Adam I agree with pretty much every word. It doesn't change the status quo though.
@Clarus_Nox Good luck! Happy Gaming!
somehow, however, despite massive popularity (say, Fate back when it was this chat's sweetheart) other games don't become normative
"Main chat room for tabletop role-playing games" --> "Main chat room for the wide world of tabletop role-playing games"
(or something like that)
@Clarus_Nox Hope it goes well. IME lingering effects like bleeding/wounds are a bit of a pain to track. I also believe that a silent, levitating-above-your-sleeping-head, assassin/monk should be able to autokill, perhaps subject to a crit-fail-like mechanic. (Upon which they'd only critically hit, but not autokill.)
"Someone is in my room without my knowledge, has an instrument of lethal harm at the ready, and is trained to take advantage of a foe's lapsed defenses" != "Combat" in my book =D
@nitsua60 I'm not sure anyone actually reads room descriptions ;P
Although the jeff-tag is still quite the eyecatcher.
@eimyr I don't really see that as a problem though. In most cases it comes from an honest mistake, or an accident. The perpetrators are people who, typically, aren't fully in the hobby yet. We'd have to change the perception of TTRPGs of the outside world; the people who aren't in the hobby
@ACuriousMind well then... "Main chat for tabletop role-playing games" --> "Main chat for how awesome sheep are"
@Adam I don't see people who do it as evil or this being a call for a witch hunt. I just observed a niggle of mine.
@nitsua60 nice
@eimyr What? No witch hunt? Awwwwww... puts away the torch and pitchfork
On another note, we, as a community, managed to break into the mainstream as "the nerds around the table with the dice, right? D&D?". Maybe after decades of "WE EXIST!" it's time to start saying "WE HAVE SO MUCH DIFFERENT STUFF!" and come out of puberty.
I have a better slogan though. "Some RPGs are art."
If people in TV and movies and comics and such things start playing PF or Paranoia or Call of Cthulu instead of D&D on their "Let's nerd out!" sequence, I'd be down.
or better yet "RPGS ARE ART"
@eimyr Addendum: Some art is bad at being art
@nitsua60 Godskook cleverly buys some sheep-costumes, to sneak into sheep-room with fellow Garou
@eimyr I'm likely a suspect here, but having been active recently, it seems that a lot of the discussion is 5e or fate, skewing to 5e. Assuming 5e may be a symptom of the common discussion?
@Delioth Not necessary. I'm 100% sure children's fingerpainting is art, even if I don't consider it good art. Modern art is also art, even if a lot of people don't like it. No one argues film isn't art, despite the existence of Sharknado and Dirty Grandpa.
@NautArch It's just what people what to talk about, and then it becomes a norm. It's normal to have a norm, and for ones outside it it's normal to be annoyed.
@eimyr Sharknado was a masterpiece!... Well, it was a piece anyway, a piece of... well, you know. But it was a masterful one!
@eimyr The medium might be art, but the implementation may be less-than-art. Live TV could be considered an artform, but there's very little artful about a static camera broadcasting a live football game. Not necessarily in the group of "Not-art" things, but certainly less artful than others (thus, bad at being art; is art, but barely. Kind of like a shot glass to get hydrated on a hot, sweaty day- yeah, it'll hold water to hydrate you, but it isn't doing that job well).
@Delioth well, that's what I'm arguing. The medium is art. That's enough. We don't need to claim RPGs are always an art, though it could be argued by some. I think it's time for the mainstream to recognise that just as much as there can be an artistic film, there can be an artistic RPG - both in design and in actual play.
@Delioth I rarely see "static camera broadcasting" for live football games. Usually, the camera is constantly shifting to best illustrate the action taking place on the field, a goal that'd be called "artistry" if I was talking about a football movie, so I don't see how it stops being "artsy" when its real.
@godskook the word you're looking for is "craftsmanship" or "artisanry"
@godskook Of course; this wasn't a real direct experience, it was an example (because I'm not cultured enough to find many true examples of something being bad art that aren't just "not my taste"); @eimyr Yeah, that's why I proposed it as an Addendum (though "footnote" might have been a better term)
I'm not sure it's necessary, I think it kinda goes without saying.
Fair enough
well, anyway, if I'm to go to the wide world and scream "RPGS ARE ART", having many ifs, unlesses and addendums blurs the message
Well but of course, how can you trick people with fine print if you shout the fine print at the top of your lungs? It's more bold at that point. (Not to imply that we want to trick people into our hobby)
There's no trick, I honestly believe that slogan is truthful
@Delioth There's tons of good ways to cook food, many more than I've experienced or even that I'm willing to experience. I can still tell when Michael Bay puts too much salt on his Transformers movies....I mean explosions.
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