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@nitsua60 Yes
@nitsua60 lol
oh he is here, neat
@mxyzplk when comments are getting out of hand and one mod-moves them to chat, is that a canned message that comes up? The "comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat."
@nitsua60 Yes, we just click "move to chat" and it happens automatically
@mxyzplk That's too bad that you can't individualize the message. I noticed on the lycanthrope CR question that you responded to my flag. But the canned message could easily read as "dude's a stick in the mud and won't let our voices be heard" when if you'd been able to append "per flagging activity" to the end, the obvious interpretation would be "dude's helping out where people ask."
@nitsua60 Yeah, my days of worrying about who thinks I'm a stick in the mud are long past. We could edit and change the default message, but everyone who's been on the site more than 3 days should know the drill
(I mean - we can't change the default message, but once it's posted it's editable like any other comment)
Just thinking about February in meta.... Perhaps your days of worrying about who thinks you're a stick in the mud *shouldn't* be past?
That would be a pain to click into the comment to edit it each time, though.
Yeah. I'm not interested in "passing the buck" to flags. I took the action. Flag or no flag. It might be worth mentioning in some contexts when it's not clear why action is being taken, but that's a clear case where everyone knows why action is being taken.
I appreciate the support though.
On the other hand, I was just offered the opportunity to move a bunch of comments to chat on this answer and it created the chat room, but didn't remove the accompanying comments from the post. Should I flag them for mod-deletion?
@mxyzplk Thanks, and no problem.
Please. Actually even when we do it, it doesn't delete the comments, it says "now you have to delete the comments manually" so we have to delete-all-comments and then undelete the comment that says it was moved to chat. It's a pretty annoying process
why does it automate the message but then make you delete the comments yourself?
ugh. You can't just.... buuuuurrrrrrnnn them =)
that does seem like it just creates more work
because they hate america?
hmm, I guess maybe auto delete wouldn't be able to leave the comments that are not supposed to be deleted alone
By nature they have to spend less time on mod tools than on functionality used by the whole community, but it means a lot of the stuff there is pretty rough, most of it we can't edit, etc.
so we just have default process workarounds we use
Makes sense, tough for you, though.
OTOH, now it looks like a bunch of the comments from my auto-move were deleted. I guess that just lags a bit. (I had re-loaded the page once or twice.)
This morning I actually couldn't undelete comments so in that specific case you linked I actually repasted the "moved to chat" comment manually. (mod functionality sometimes doesn't work for little spurts of time)
No that was me
@nitsua60 stuff works like that sometimes here, like seeing other people's edits
since you already linked it, didn't bother waiting for the flag
@mxyzplk ah--I was looking for them to flag them for you =)
@mxyzplk ah ok XD I just thought it was a uniform thing XD
@mxyzplk Hmm... it looks like you deleted more than were moved to chat. Is it possible to undelete?
The chat room starts with my "@DavidWilkins that's one interpretation..."
I thought I recalled there being some more before that. If not possible, well comments are transient =)
afk awhile (putting the kids to bed). Thanks for the time, @mxyzplk. @trogdor I trust you'll hold down the fort =)
what fort?
@nitsua60 I can. did you only move some of them? Or was tha tpartof the automatic functionality?
undeleted the 2-vote one as the only one of any helpfulness
Today in I do not think that means what you think it means: "A West African chimp from a Swedish zoo named Peter."
@mxyzplk the auto-migrate grabbed some subset, but I don't know how it was determined. If you could see all the previous-to-migrate-point ones and resurrected what was worth saving, I trust your judgment. Thanks again.
@BESW As in, "why would they name a zoo 'Peter'?"
May I ask the Chatizens a stupid food-question?
So, French fries have nothing to do with France, we know. [I feel really stupid already....] What about French toast? Any France-relation there?
It became popular in a 15th century French court.
wikipedia says it's also called german toast, gypsy toast, and spanish toast
Yeah. It pre-dates the concept of "France" by hundreds of years, if not more.
Very common across a wide stretch of history and geography.
@BESW You mean eggs and stale bread predate France? =D
(that must have looked really weird without a verb.)
Anyone know if it's terribly popular in France now, six centuries later?
@nitsua60 sure no worries
@nitsua60 They do eat it, at least. It's called pain perdu, or lost bread, 'cause you can make it from dry/stale bread.
@Pixie to the rescue =) Thanks.
@Revolver_Ocelot Hi!
@Revolver_Ocelot Nice name.
Would it work?
alternate question, will it blend?
Please cross-post this over in chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/36138/…. I dream of the day that's grown into some sort of magi-tech breeding ground.
I suspect it'd trigger as soon as it's shot.
@AncientSwordRage I'm concerned by the design. The launch velocity itself could break the stick.
Also, seriously non-aerodynamic.
@doppelgreener That's why we need it modeled in Inventor or SolidWorks; we know how to do those analyses! Pleeeease =)
Range increment of 10 ft, tops.
@nitsua60 link to this message from there. the conversation will die in that room.
@doppelgreener done, and you're absolutely correct. I can't even get a mod to tell me who owns it/how to get it assigned an owner or a real name.... And I've pinged all three on different occasions.
@AncientSwordRage You're pumping a tremendous amount of acceleration into the arrow shaft. Usually that then pushes the arrow head along. In this case, the arrow head's made of many parts, so each part pushes on the next. In this case, the cage pushes on the stick, and the stick pushes on the tube. If the stick's fragile enough to break when the arrow eventually lands, it's fragile enough to break immediately on trying to transfer all that energy through to the tube.
@nitsua60 There is none. Click INFO in the top right of a chat room, and then ACCESS. Compare this room to that one.
@AncientSwordRage don't listen to the nay-sayers. They probably said you were crazy when you proposed crossbow bolts with Oil of Impact built in!
@doppelgreener So if I created a new magi-tech room, would there be a way to suck all of the messages from the "chat on question..." room into the new one?
I imagine many archers were lost in the development of this weapon.
@nitsua60 link to them. someone asked an RPG question here, it'll get attention here, it can stay here. create the room, see if it garners interest.
@doppelgreener Quite a sacrifice to make when there's Mage Hand and Unseen Servant. :P
@Pixie I think a few of them were not expecting there to be much danger involved. "Great! This passed the Unseen Servant test just fine! Let's try it out."
@doppelgreener Oh, I meant something even simpler: you can just have the Unseen Servant drop the hole into the bag to begin with. You don't even need the arrow. But yes, underestimating risks is entirely possible. xD
Additionally, I feel like weight of the arrow would be a concern.
@Pixie Oh yeah. :D
The smallest bag of holding you can get weighs 15lb.
I award this arrow: Most Amusing Way To Trick Your Enemies Into Destroying Themselves 2016.
@nitsua60 we could use a similar spinning projectile release, as used in RPGs (ha ha)
@Pixie ... a fifteen pound (or more) arrow is more of a balista bolt.
'im ^^ precisely!
@doppelgreener I see where you're coming from: impulse delivered to launch must be greater than impulse at landing (via resistive losses), so how can one not trigger? But impulse at launch can be spread out over greater time than impulse at impact, leading to a "sweet spot" in force needed to trigger.
@nitsua60 would the flight not act as an air brake?
(It's also the reason you need your Arrow of Annihilation impact grenade to hit a hard surface--so you don't replicate that low-force impulse on landing and leave an untriggered munition for a kid to find.)
All atmospheric flights act as air brakes. The task of design is to identify requirements and constraints, then produce product that will act within constraints while exceeding requirements.
(simple as that, eh?)
@SPavel [wave again!]
That unnamed spring ^^ between the "impact trigger" and grenade body--that's where the magic lies =)
Wow, I own a room now. And I can protect questions. And I'm a good sportsman. All in one day! I need to sit back and process....
@AncientSwordRage In a "real* RPG--which I know next-to-nothing about--how long is the launch impulse spread over? I.e. what's the thrust profile on the 'R' like?
@nitsua60 UXO is no fun.
@Shalvenay UXO="unexploded ordnance"?
@nitsua60 exactly.l
@Shalvenay My son thought we found some earlier today...
We were digging our cubic-meter hole, hit something hard, and he saw a spark fly. "Dad, I think there's a bomb down there!"
Turns out it's just a big rock hit by the pick, but today he discovered fire anew.
The human race will on.
@nitsua60 besides, you could throw a fresh-off-the-line Mk82 in your campfire and it won't blow up
@Shalvenay you could. Leave me out of it =D
There are caves around here which still might have UXO from WWII. And every now and then a farmer digs up a canister of mustard gas.
@BESW Toss 'em in @Shalvenay's campfire. (Seriously, though--that's scary.)
@BESW ouch. that's scary indeed.
I betcha a lot of that stuff is wicked unstable by now
Luckily, in my part of the world the most-recent thing Peter and I are like to dig up during this project is a musket ball.
There are some places where they've chosen to just wall off the caves to keep people out, rather than go in and try to clear 'em.
@BESW What's the geology like that these caves are around? Are they lava-tubes? Limestone? (And forgive my ever-ignorance, those of you who love geology.)
Some of our caves are cut out by groundwater running along limestone/basalt contact zones and/or remnants of old surge channels cut through reefs that later uplifted as limestone cliffs.
But we've also got manmade caves dug into the limestone by the Japanese during WWII.
I haven't heard of any UXO here thankfully. We have a military base nearby, but the ops that run out of there are recon and EW
Some of them are proper underground bunkers made during the occupation; others are more crude and were made by soldiers who went to ground rather than surrender after the American troops reclaimed the islands.
We also have several decades of the US military dumping their waste pretty much wherever they like.
@BESW =(
These hills have a mixture of spent WWII ordnance and modern detritus from war games:
As a kid biking through there, I could stop at the bottom of almost any large hill and sift through the dirt to find a handful of cartridges and maybe a bit of shrapnel. Once I found a big old-fashioned key.
So I'm an idiot, and it's a little hard to read topography from the image... are those sharp escarpments where nothing's growing, or is it recent earth-moving?
Yes, steep escarpments.
It's exacerbated by off-roading and the war games, but there's no deliberate earth-moving, just erosion of anything not held in place by the grass.
It looks very earth-ey, not so much rocky. Is there not much bedrock/regolith near the surface in Guam?
Guam's geography is very diverse. Central southern Guam is mostly volcanic red clay like you see there, with basalt underneath.
Go north or east and it turns into limestone on basalt.
Guam's underlying geologic history: A volcano emerged and then subsided so that a reef could grow on it. Then another volcano emerged just south of the first one, lifting the reef out of the water.
So our south is rolling volcanic hills and our north is flat limestone with steep cliffs around the edges.
The south has rivers and waterfalls, the north has an aquifer and a single basalt hill sticking up out of the limestone. Caves are found at the boundaries between limestone and basalt (erosion), and in the limestone cliffs (old surge channels).
"surge channel"?
A surge channel is a narrow inlet on a rocky shoreline. As waves strike the shore, water fills the channel, and drains out again as the waves retreat. The narrow confines of the channel create powerful currents that reverse themselves rapidly as the water level rises and falls. Surge channels can range from a few inches across to 10 feet or more. They may create tide pools if the conditions are correct, but the rapid water movement almost always creates a dangerous situation for people or animals that are caught in it. The West Coast Trail on the coast of Vancouver Island, B.C., is famous for its...
Ahh... I think we called them "thunder holes" as kids.
Yeah, that'd do it.
When the reef is lifted up out of the water, the surge channels become ravines and caves.
TIL: Guam is the RL Lava Me (warning: YT link)
@nitsua60 ...yes.
Looking for a good picture of the Keyhole.
Night, all! @Adeptus -- keep doing your thing =) @AncientSwordRage you made my day.
...nobody takes photos of the Keyhole that show off its geologic origins. [sigh]
The Surge Channel is my favorite. An entire network featuring only programs about a 1990s soda.
The Surge Channel: Carbo-loaded Television
2 hours later…
I think AG-I might be a thing in our campaign some time.
2 hours later…
I made a robot to help me argue on the internet https://t.co/NxpXhk0NMM
Yes. That is how it's done.
2 hours later…
@nitsua60 thanks
@BESW I actually communicate via one of these
@AncientSwordRage I prefer to use a cat; their randomisation algorithms are very robust.
Most rep I got in a day
Dammit...if you just want to roll dice and win, go play yahtzee
@DavidWilkins ?
My roommate arguing that dice either are the end-all or don't matter at all, there's no in-between
I had a lecturer called david wilkins
the name made me double take
my character died last night :(
because our monk decided to create a distraction by beating me up in a pub, then the paladin got charmed and strangled me to death
Oh dear @ToshinouKyouko
I can assure you I have never lectured
3 hours later…
@Wibbs And it continues, and now I'm adding to the mess....
1 hour later…
anyone knows about SR5e?
@ToshinouKyouko I can have my character distribute hugs. Giving them myself might look creepy.
@Golokopitenko Explain what SR5e is, please
Shadowrun fifth edition
@Zachiel appreciated
@eimyr You'll appreciate this, I think: my son and I were digging yesterday afternoon when his pick clanked to a stop just below the then-surface. He thought for a moment, then...
"Dad, how much would an emerald the size of our truck be worth?"
I think it's a very relevant question.
I'll ask it in the office.
@eimyr what's your profession?
@nitsua60 I would bet on classic cthulhu-book antiquarian
@nitsua60 I am a programmer, but I work for geologists
We look for gold'n'stuff
My answers to him were, after a moment's thought: (1) "it's hard to put a value on because there's not really a market for gems that large." (2) "We'll probably just give it to a museum and hope somebody nice gives us some money for our trouble." (3) "Of course, there's probably a building in Dubai just aching for a three-ton gem in its atrium" (4) "Yes, I promise that if we find an emerald the size of our truck you can have the $1704 you need to build a zipline to Lucy's house."
@eimyr Well, if you get a middle-of-the-night call from me, you'll know what it's about =)
@Zachiel based on avatar?
@nitsua60 And on gem evaluation. (I'm joking, obviously.)
@Zachiel Interesting.
Anything else you can deduct from my behaviour in chat?
@Zachiel he he he
@eimyr I'm not an empath, sadly.
You can take wild guesses.
@eimyr You're the Polish guy living in England? (I don't know if it counts as "deduction" when, if it's you, you've stated it outright...)
I am
I don't really try to hide it.
Then I think you're a good listener IRL
(you pay too much attention to words and their layers and layers of meaning--semantically, contextually, sonorously--not to be.)
I need to find some good excuse for this bog hag to attack the PCs, then try to have them forget the whole thing when she'll be losing the encounter ...by telling them she's a sser and she can tell them their fortune.
@eimyr Do you have a family of your own?
define family
@eimyr sorry--partner and/or dependents?
I live with my girlfriend.
People would count it as either, depending on their convictions.
If you think of it as family, then I do.
Also, thank you. I was actually told two days ago, that I have good listening and questioning skills at a communication training. Didn't know it's chat-relevant though.
(which should have been my first response to "define family," really)
Yeah, I kinda do.
It is not a relationship that I would take lightly and there is a lot of responsibility involved.
No dependents though, unless you count animals, which I have plenty.
Then I'd assume you intend to--or think about, or are open to considering seriously-- raise your own children someday. You named me "your favorite dad on the internet" one day, which I imagine would only come from one who's spent some time imagining/visualizing that role.
And that's about all I've got.
That's insightful.
I mean, I did think about raising children and have some visualised ideas about how I would do it, but I'm not seriously considering making/having any in foreseeable future.
I'd say I agree with a certain way of stimulating children's imagination and curiosity, which I believe is absolutely vital. If you can put a few dad jokes in the mix and be a True Dad in the back garden then you're approaching excellence.
And that;s pretty much what you did with a cubic meter of dirt.
Anyway, @nitsua60 I had a different response in mind. I thought you would, as I surely would, jump into wild speculation based on subjective perceptions, faint ideas and your mental image of myself, both for amusement and verification.
@eimyr Thank you. (On days when I'm not totally feeling like digging and I'd rather say "go by yourself, Peter, I'm putting up my feet," I sometimes think of Eimyr and pony up.)
@eimyr Oops =)
E.g. recently I was told by BESW he would think I'd play a Troll Hunter in WoW when asked.
It was amusing and jokeworthy, as well as completely inaccurate. Trogdor nailed it though with undead warlock guess.
@nitsua60 don't be discouraged - it's still possible, also, your response was far more valuable.
@nitsua60 Awww, thanks.
I assume that was a reference to Great Band Name statistics.
@eimyr In other interpretations, before you starting educating me on Polish pronunciation and propping up my dad-skills I always assumed your avatar indicated you were one of the classic Space Invaders who slipped through my missile defense, chasing me down after all these years.
I feel like Cthulhu lacks in PR.
If he(she? it?) became a bit more friendly-like, he would be summoned to destroy the universe a lot more frequently.
I always assumed Space Invaders was Cthulhu PR.
I can't remember where I picked the avatar. I think it can be found if you google Cute Cthulhu
Sort of a Colour out of Space or From Beyond homage?
@Zachiel sorry, Z; not quite following what you need. Care to elaborate a tiny bit?
More of Unspeakable Vault of Doom homage.
@eimyr I'd play whatever was the better thing in the game (after pestering people I trust to tell me), just to discover that either the people I trust know nothing about what's really OP in WoW, or that I'd need the richest of equips to really give justice to the build.
@nitsua60 The adventure I'm DMing is a premade official adventure with add-ons by a few guys who tried to put some sense into the machiavellan plots that WotC authors sometimes write. This time, the result is really weird. A supposedly cackling evil enemy that, when defeated, asks to be spared and offers a stupidly invaluable thing in exchange. Like "sorry I tried to kill you, spare me and I will tell you a prophecy". I think the PCs should just laugh at the attempt and kill her.
@Zachiel what sorts of levers are your characters comfortable with you pulling on? I.e. do your clerics=warlocks communicate directly with their deities=patrons? Is there time for them to overhear a suddenly-wealthy confess that he's been following advice from the hag after besting her in a chess game?
@nitsua60 Sadly, I'm not provided with such details. At the moment, I think we're approachin roll-playing, with the occasional snerk when we spot plot holes or when something happens. Last time the snerking happened, it was because they avoided confrontation with a dragon and later, when the dragon broke free, they had to kill him. "To think that he would have lived if he didn't come out".
Also, how much do you need them to not kill and to receive the info?
(Implication: if you need the thing to happen, don't try to gerrymander the players into making it happen, just make it happen. I prefer not offering an illusion of agency by yanking agency when I need and trying to minimize those times.)
@nitsua60 No real need. They can kill her and nothing changes. I guess the encounter is just there to introduce them to the fauna of the new area - it plays out like a random encounter while they trave lo their destination.
3 hours later…
For all you FIASCO! players who want to play online... fiasco.tabletopsoftware.net/version/1.1
Nice. I may have to use that, Fiasco sounds like fun...
I've played it several times - enough to get tired of the system, and probably it's better wit people who know more tropes about the various settings than my friends.
But yes, it is fun.
2 hours later…
Still wrapping my head around things: Saturday morning in your part of the world, @trogdor? Or Sunday morning?
hey @nitsua60
It's @Shalvenay!
Wazzup, bro?
@eimyr not a whole lot. NWN's turned into shades of C-SPAN over here :P
@nitsua60 it is Sunday here
and it is indeed morning
First day of March I don't have to get up before the sun.
You get to eat during daylight, eh?
Yup. New Year's day!
@Polyducks Did you notice your fave Paranoia is in Bundle of Holding?
@BESW Happy New Year then!
@eimyr (as in, political meetings)
Thank you.
anyone wanna play some vidya gaem perhaps?
I'd appreciate some multi with less QQ and 420NoScope
Figured. No probs though.
@BESW Do you plan any celebration on the occasion?
@eimyr For Geek Night last night, I baked an orange lambie cake and pumpkin gingerbread muffins, and I made my signature fizzy cranberry-calamansi drink, and we had rootbeer floats.
@BESW I wanted to ask - do you play any computer games at all?
@BESW You strike me as someone who wouldn't do that at all, but at the same time... I don't know.
@Shalvenay heya
@nitsua60 how're things going?
@trogdor cool, thanks. My limited grasp of spherical geometry has a date line somewhere between me and Beijing, but I wasn't sure where you fell =)
no problem
@BESW this is due to fasting?
@nitsua60 Wherever you are on the globe, the date line is somewhere between you and Beijing. If not, turn around.
Aw, snap. Just got straight up manifolded.
@eimyr (true, I didn't explicate that I was considering the directed chord between me and Beijing and containing the red hills of Guam)
@nitsua60 Still. My knee-jerk reaction was NAH, isn't he like from the USA or something? Surely he doesn't consider going wrong way around.
@Shalvenay good. today: moved furniture, got everything straightened out for tax-filing, halfway done with Monday's assignment, and even snuck in a nap.
@nitsua60 cool.
@nitsua60 Yeah, 19 days of no eating or drinking between sunrise and sunset.
Not much, but at all? yes.
@eimyr Funny, I thought we Americans were known for lumping all of Asia together =/
@nitsua60 No, Asia is the capital of France, remember?
@eimyr can I venture one more speculative insight, a la this morning?
Oldest child in your family? Or second-oldest, if it's a large (>4) one?
Chuck Norris did something like that once. Except the continent in question was called Pangaea, and he didn't cut it, he drop-kicked it.
Why would you say that?
On account of the evil?
Thoughtful, not attention-seeking, stepping in confidently when something needs saying. (I think I remember you stepping into what was starting to feel like an uncomfortable chat moment with someone, and getting their head back on their shoulders pretty quickly.)
(I beg to differ, I AM attention-seeking but I try to curb myself. I am working on being less egocentric.)
@MaliceVidrine No, earlier today I misinterpreted an opening for a joke as an invitation to tell @eimyr what I actually thought of the person-behind-the-elder-one, and I kinda went to town. And I woke up from my nap with that one lingering thought I hadn't run by him.
But, well, I am the oldest of my family. Not only immediate one, but the first grandchild too.
Ah, that makes more sense than what seemed like quite a strong reaction to a Chuck Norris Fact.
(Also, I'm trying out my skills for a new career as a fortune teller, if this teaching thing doesn't work out.)
You're doing well.
Alright, peeps and peepettes, I'm off for a few hours.
Taking a friend to a devotional meeting.
@BESW Happy new year.
Mmm. Mexican fruit paste candies. My coworker's poor taste is my gain....
Urgh. I tried to say some greeting that would be applicable to tell someone going to a devotional meeting without sounding sarcastic, shallow or excessive.
I surrender.
I have nothing
See you around @BESW.
@MaliceVidrine this was the start of my misunderstanding earlier:
7 hours ago, by eimyr
Anything else you can deduct from my behaviour in chat?
Not my most profound moment.
@eimyr - I'm sort of the same about that sort of thing. I don't grok faith-like things, really, so most of my ideas of what to say come from... Well, probably hammed up actors playing Catholic priests in horror movies.
@eimyr @MaliceVidrine What's wrong with "have a good morning?"
@nitsua60 - Well, I don't track morning very well even where I live, much less for another country :P
I am non-religious to a fault.
@MaliceVidrine I think, given your schedule, if it's morning for your body-clock then it's morning for BESW, trogdor, greener, Miniman, Pixie (?), and a few other common chatizens =)
I was raised catholic and my attitude towards religion is very cynical - even though on an intellectual level I do appreciate and value religion.
@nitsua60 I'm actually EST. I just have no sleep schedule whatsoever.
Unfortunately I think I would sound insincere if I said something that would imply participation and something like "I hope your mass/congregation/coven/ritual goes well" sounds strange.
@eimyr Fair.
@Pixie Hmm.... No fortune-telling money from Pixie for me =D
I would just say "good day", but that's what British people say instead of "Oh, fuck off already", so that never sounds right.... :P
@Pixie Hi!
@Pixie eastern North America, southern Central America, or western South America? (Or a research vessel in the Caribbean?)
Aug 10 '15 at 22:32, by Pixie
@BESW People sometimes get confused about my timezone online because I am around at some truly ridiculous hours for EST. xD
North America.
@Pixie well then hi, neighbor =)
@MaliceVidrine yeah, text hath its limitations....
@eimyr Counter-hi.
combo breaker hi
reverse hi
3x Combo hi -- Amazing!
[sets one "hi" facedown] Your move.
Finish hi!
But yes, you wouldn't know I'm EST. Sometimes I'm completely nocturnal. :P
I think Pixie is ESP.
Also, I can't decipher what @Pixie avatar is.
It looks like some girl from behind? I think?
a girl with cat ears from the back yes
I think from some anime she linked in one of the rooms a while back
it looks similar enough anyway
Puchiko from Di Gi Charat.
IT's hard when you don't follow the genre
It's an extremely niche show, anyway (though one I wish more people had seen as it's hilarious).
it could have been a sentient croissant and I wouldn't be able to tell its gender.
You'd have had a heck of a time with certain other DGC characters.
(Even the characters in the show have no idea what that bear is. Its name is Weird Animal.)
(I see it. I can't find that bear among other heavily stylised beings)
Sentient Croissant would be a good name a band.
(Waiting for my friend to show up.)
@BESW First single: Butter Tiems
First album: I Think, Therefore I Jam.
... Friend is just now leaving his house, 20 mins away.
Island Time is a real thing, and i want to read Ehdrigohr more closely soon.
it is a real thing
I too know this XD
At least he chose a meetup spot where I can leech WiFi.
From a Facebook chat: "Spoonerise, Malaprop, and Mondegreen" would be another good name for a band.
They're in the same genre as the Sporrible Hoonerisms, obviously.

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