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@doppelgreener [wave]
@BESW [zombie noises]
[joins Zombie Rights march]
"What do we want?"
"When do we want it?"
@BESW lolol
hi guys
@KRyan Hi!
did you get a chance to look at my edit of that answer?
@KRyan i will check it now!
@KRyan looks good c:
@doppelgreener sweet
do you see what I mean about specifically addressing "why not 4?"
that was an important point that no other answer had addressed, which is why I liked the answer so much
@KRyan yeah, i see it
i didn't recognise that point as being made originally :O
@doppelgreener it was, it was the whole reason the "required to take 3 levels" thing was relevant and not meaningless
you are correct that there is no choice about taking 3 levels if you have to
but there is a choice about taking the fourth or not
and that was what he was getting at there
it is a good point
Anybody here know what the soundtrack for Sins of a Solar Empire sounds like?
Like this?
Is that representational?
Well there is a lot of different music
Battle stuff, faction themes, idle music.
This is another nice one:
Here is a list of tracks, if you want to try and look them up yourself:
Opening Theme
The Fallen Empire
Ten Thousand Years
A World in Isolation
Peace and Prosperity
Impending Darkness
The Arrival
A Futile Challenge
Birth of a Coalition
The Emerging Empire
The Prophecy
Collecting of Will
The Expanding Empire
The Return
Two Fronts
mmm. Oh, well.
I was hoping someone would be able to give me a sense of the thing before I listened to it all.
(Reviews have been decidedly unhelpful.)
I'm looking for something to play during Lady Blackbird this evening.
I'm hoping for something like a dieselpunk Star Wars sound.
1 hour later…
@doppelgreener Jinx.
@BESW second time i have left simultaneous comments with someone in two days xD
I'm actually trying to re-organise my RPG drawer right now...
[learns what punitive means]
...it had not occurred to me that might be a word outside common vocabulary.
I have seen it used, just never in a context where it's mattered for me to look it up.
but yes it definitely isn't in common vocabulary. More like uncommon.
My sense of common vocabulary is totally shot; I know this.
I consider this a good thing, if people converse with different vocabularies, they learn.
I'm sorting through my RPG drawer and getting rid of old notes.
Aspect: An explosive reception(ist).
@BESW XD wow
Someone rigged the robot receptionist to blow up, and that's the aspect they created to represent it.
Ooh, I remember this:
Trogdor was at a formal party in the Delany House (aspect: stuffy atmosphere), and he used Create Advantage to say that it had hidden rooms which he then tried to find.
...and here are the minis I used to represent the different part of the dragon's body in a 4e combat.
hmm? this sounds like two different campaigns
it's a bunch of different things, ok
Yeah, I'm trying to organise that drawer.
It's full of Ruhí and RPG stuff all tossed in together.
@trogdor Do you remember the blind seer with uncontrollable visions? I can't remember what campaign that went with.
that was in the enchanted forest campaign
it was online with a bunch of people from this site
Disaffected Blind Seer/Oracle
Uncontrollable Visions
I Always Take My Time
TRUE ANSWER: Because I am an oracle, once per game session I can accurately answer a question someone asks me spontaneously, whether I knew the answer or not.
Okay, yeah. I forgot that we put him together IRL so I'd have a physical note about it.
...I'm missing my Level Four card for the Abominable Snowmen adventure.
in Fate game room, May 18 '13 at 14:17, by trogdor
"You Do Not Take A Wizards Staff Because It Deflates Their Ego And Impedes Their Magical Powers"
@trogdor I still love that bit
And that is why you don't fill all your stunt slots before play.
...I have physical artifacts of at least six unique Fate games here.
@BESW next fate game i have a couple of things to ask my players about :)
first is if they want to empty any of their stunts to work them out later
second is if they want to switch to one stress track
actually, they may want to leave some skills blank too.
If you haven't seen the Aeon Wave pregen character sheets, I'll show 'em to you tonight.
They really helped me put together a lot of experience about Fate character generation into actual actionable learning.
I haven't. :O
Hello humans
[wave] What's up?
Not much just debating with myself wether I should specialize my wizard or not and just try out all of them since it's my first time as a wizard
What system?
I'm thinking of becoming an enchanter since wizards have so few attack spells
I suggest specialisation for your first time, because it reduces options and in my experience analysis paralysis is often a challenge for people jumping into 3.5 casting.
I got it down so far my only challenge is running out of spells after one fight lol
We've got a lot of questions about running wizards effectively at low levels.
You might find some of those answers helpful.
Ya but i'll figure it out eventually i've been mostly enchanting and casting Magic missile when needed
no wait abjuration oops
I've been casting protection spells mostly
Now I just need 2 to get rid of i'm thinking of saying screw necromancy but now I need 1 other any suggestions?
2 hours later…
@doppelgreener [poke] Raycia's not here yet, but we can start Skyping socially any time.
6 hours later…
So, ran a session of Lady Blackbird tonight with two IRL players and one Skype player. Worked well!
There was vent crawling and button-pushing, and things blew up and things were jettisoned into space.
I don't know what is "Lady Blackbird" nor "IRL", though
Lady Blackbird is a free premade adventure scenario.
IRL is "in real life," as opposed to Internet Things.
ah, ok, thanks
I will have a look at it
Do you know if I can delete or close chat rooms I created?
Or must I leave it be buried by new ones?
Chat rooms are forever.
They get frozen (no new typing allowed) after two weeks of inactivity, and can be unfrozen by mods.
Ah, thanks
(i think if they have <100 messages they will...eventually...be deleted
(or some other, relatively small, arbitrary number)
I think our big stumbling block with Lady Blackbird was that our Skype player was new to the game/system and chose a pre-made character that didn't really fit his playstyle.
fewer than 15 or just 1 user posting, inactive 7 days
He chose the conscientious, sneaky, daredevil pilot, when he'd probably have been better off as someone with more in-your-face abilities.
So he didn't get much XP, because in Lady Blackbird you get XP when your character does things in line with certain personality/goal traits.
it was definately much more than 15 messages, but it is not important. I just wanted to know if I should close it to keep the site clean and tidy
@BESW Roleplaying XP is one thing I used to love, but it's harder to implement than it looks
@Flamma Lady Blackbird does it pretty well.
@Flamma no worries, freezing will take it off the front page of rooms, so no worries
I have players that have a lot of trouble roleplaying. It's very difficult to them, and I don't feel good for them having less XP
Each character has "keys," which are specific things they do like "make players laugh or explain something in technical jargon," or "respond to a request for help or make someone's life better." Every time your character "hits a key" meaning he acts in that way, he gets an XP point--two if it put him in danger.
Are those keys known to the players?
Yes, it's part of the character sheet.
If your character ever acts contrary to a key, you can choose (you don't have to, it's just an option) to "buy off the key," losing it permanently and earning five XP all at once.
You can spend five XP to gain character advancement mechanics, including getting a new key.
I think that would be useful for one specific player I have, who often gets blocked because he can't figure out what his character would do
Yeah, having two or three keys is a fun way to define a character.
Sounds interesting, the kind of game BESW enjoys :)
About Skype
One nice thing about keys is that they're positive reinforcement.
Seems so :)
You don't get punished for not playing your keys--you just don't advance.
Not advancing sometimes feels like negative reinforcement in my group :(
So you're never forced to hit a key if you don't want to in a particular scene, but you've got positive pressure to set up scenes so you can hit keys.
So, yes, about Skype?
Keys system seems cool for players that are for narrative and for creating a good story, but for competitive players who are focused on advancement seems it could make strange scenes
I wanted to ask if the Skype player don't seem a bit isolated
I used to play with one Skype player, and it seemed to me he missed much information, jokes, and comments
We put the laptop on a stool at roughly head level on the other side of the table so he could see us all, I hooked the speakers up to the TV so we could hear him, and I did a sound check to be sure he could hear us well.
And we did remain aware that there might be a slight lag, so we deferred to him more than we would have if he'd been physically present.
Didn't he miss some conversations or smalltalk?
It didn't seem to be a problem this time, but in the past I've also typed important stuff into Skype chat to make sure the Skypers didn't miss it, especially in investigation scenes.
@Flamma I didn't get the impression he did; he seemed to be laughing at the joking asides regularly made by one of the players.
I see
I think we still need more experience on it
I did have problems with that sort of thing back in 2006/2007 when I first did games with Skyping players.
And better resources
But the tech seems to have improved.
Because we usually need to shut off the video in both senses for an acceptable sound quality
I just used my MacBook Pro camera and microphone, and ran an audio line to my TV's speakers to boost the volume a little.
@Flamma I have encountered that in the past, and was pleasantly surprised it wasn't an issue with this new group.
We got better results with the PS3 move camera/micro, because it is less directional
(I've got two players who've joined us over Skype recently, though only one did tonight.)
Maybe you have better Internet connection
Possibly. He did switch out from a wireless to wired Internet connection on his end, but I was wireless on mine.
On the other hand, the other way we tried Hangouts with other people and the sound/video quality were acceptable
*the other day
I'ma try Hangouts next time, I think.
I'm going to run a Hangouts only game
with people I don't know
Apparently there are dice-rolling apps, which would be good as one of my Skype players doesn't have many dice.
which is a new experience to me, because I have only played with friends until now
(Lady Blackbird uses a LOT of d6s)
Yes, there are
@Flamma Ah, yeah, these two Skype guys are kinda interesting that way.
The one I use is not very pretty, though, but it works
One is Hobbs, from this chat, and the other is a real-life friend of his I hadn't met before I ran a Cthulhu Dark game for them.
One question, how have you done the rolls? Online rollers or you just trust the player won't cheat?
We trust each other.
Hobbs is dopplegreener?
Yeah. Used to be JonathanHobbs.
Sadly, I can't say I trust 100% my online player
And definately there are other players that don't trust him :(
Heck, in Cthulhu Dark some of my players call going insane "winning," and if they want to fudge the dice to go insane faster who am I to stop them? (I don't think they do, but...)
So, you knew Hobbs from RPG.SE? Or you met him in RL?
We met here on RPG.SE.
Nice, how do you ended playing together?
*did you end
He played in some of my Fate Accelerated playtest games in SE chat last year, and we became friends.
Then a month or two ago I found Cthulhu Dark, which is very exciting for me and my group, and he was interested but his group had enough trouble meeting for its regular game; so I offered to run him through a game of Cthulhu Dark.
SE == StackExchange?
@Flamma Aye.
I didn't know games were organized here
Not regularly, but yeah! We've got a dice service, after all.
I hadn't the slightiest idea? Where are they announced? On the chat?
Oh, nothing quite so formal as you're probably imagining.
Just talked on the chat, right?
The Fate stuff was semi-formalised, but it's mostly just "Gee, I wish I could play/run this game," "Oh, I'd like to be part of that!" "Me too!" "When are we all free for a few hours?" "...oh, time zones."
And maybe once or twice out of every five times, something actually gets organised and happens.
hehe, cool
When Fate Core was new, we had a dedicated chat room for talking about it and playtesting.
And there's also the Back Room.

 The Back Room: Live Tabletop Games

A space for online tabletop gaming.
(Currently frozen.)
Ok, thanks for the info
My pleasure.
Hmm. Reminder to myself in the future: at least one of my players loves my Bad Russian Accent.
Use sparingly, for greater effect.
Sleep now! Goodnight.
Good afternoon!
@Flamma we've also got a 5e starter set game that's running on Thursday nights,
And how do yo play it? On Skype, Hangout, chat, roll20,...?
@Flamma hangouts + R20 plugin
I see, thanks
Heads up folks, We're currently read only for about 20 minutes
nm, back to writeable. (SE is testing their failover DC in Oregon)
or not...
7 hours later…
@waxeagle Something's buggy with the rep and comment pings.
yeah, I noticed

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