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@JoshuaAslanSmith OGMs?
Original gangster may refer to a veteran gang member. It may also refer to: * O.G. Original Gangster, a 1991 album by Ice-T * "O.G. Original Gangster" (song), a song from the album * Original Gangsters (gang), a criminal gang in Sweden * "Somethin' for the O.G's", a song by M.C. Hammer from The Funky Headhunter album * Original Gangstas, a 1996 action film
@BESW ah, thanks, that's useful
Yes making a joke along the same lines as my greeting
@BESW can free invokes be used to compel?
Umm. Technically not.
Let me find the source to back that up.
Can't find a pithy bit about it.
But basically here's the deal:
Fate points can be spent to invoke or to compel. Free invokes are a way to invoke without spending a Fate point.
But they're specifically free invokes, and don't have anything to do with compels.
That's what I thought
It could be argued that because both "cost" the same amount of currency, something which lets you ignore a Fate point cost to do one thing should be transferrable to the other thing.
but if I created an advantage like "Stunned" with a free invoke I can either use a Fate point to compel the character to be stunned, or treat it as passive opposition with a difficulty of 2 (or 4 if I had two invokes)
But I think the reason this is untrue is that a) compels usually come from the GM, not from the player, and b) at the end of the day a compel is more powerful than an invoke because it simply says something happens rather than making it more likely to happen like a +2 does.
@C.Ross In Fate Core it's not quite that precise and numbers-y.
@BESW a) BS, b) absolutely agree
walks off to get book
First and foremost, Stunned is a fictional positioning tool which just says "you're stunned."
Stunned automagically limits the character's options until it's removed, probably with the Create Advantage action.
No need to compel or use passive opposition, it's just true that they're stunned. Prior to Core, some Fate systems would have used compels or passive opposition.
The free invoke can be spent on, say, getting a +2 to hit the guy because he can't dodge out of the way.
When he tries to remove the aspect, then he's going to be rolling against either a passive opposition set by the GM (and potentially unrelated to the shifts put into making the aspect or the number of free invokes attached to it), or against an active opposition by another character if the fiction allows it.
@BESW in this case the character would get double advantage ... stunning the opponent and getting a free invoke
and what guidance is there for setting the target for removing stun?
GM's call based on the fictional positioning, and of course he can invite player suggestions.
Generally, though, you set difficulties at +2 for every aspect which would make the action harder to accomplish.
That's just a good rule of thumb.
@C.Ross That's how Create Advantage works: you create fictional positioning and get a free +2 on a future roll for your trouble.
@BESW then what is the use of the invokes for static opposition then?
I'm not sure exactly what you're asking, but this is one of the standard uses of an invoke:
> Add +2 to any source of passive opposition, if it’s reasonable that the aspect you’re invoking could contribute to making things more difficult. You can also use this to create passive opposition at Fair (+2) if there wasn’t going to be any.
@BESW if the mere existence aspect can prevent action, why bother with creating passive opposition?
Passive opposition has two roles, as I understand it.
First, if the fictional positioning says that a task should have a chance of failure but doesn't justify active opposition, setting a passive difficulty is the way to represent that.
Second, and more like a specific subset of the first, passive opposition is used when removing aspects (changing fictional positioning).
So while Stunned makes it impossible to do some things, it would make other actions simply difficult, and removing the Stunned aspect would be one of those difficult things.
Honestly, Stunned is not an especially great aspect.
It'd be better to say Frozen in place, or Shocked witless, or Got the wind knocked out of me. All of those could be what Stunned means.
For a better example, let's say I have a Broken leg. I can't run, or jump, because fictional positioning says people with broken legs can't do those things no matter how much they try.
But I can talk, shoot, and use a computer within arm's reach without obstacle.
If I want to move toward a computer terminal, that'd probably require passive opposition for me to hobble along: possible, but not easy.
If instead I'm Out of breath, I'll find it hard to run, or talk coherently--passive opposition for both of those actions. And I'll need to beat passive opposition to catch my breath and remove the aspect.
@BESW but what about Nerve Locked?
in fictional positioning if you're Nerve Locked you can't do much of anything (think the agent in Serenity)
anyway, off to bed, thanks for the insight as always
@C.Ross In that case, there's going to be a wide variety of things you can't do, and the difficulty to overcome it is probably high.
One presumes that the ability to cause that condition was paid for in stunts or extras or creating advantages, or the setting is particularly gritty and brutal.
gotta off topic question.... does anyone know of any program that can scan my itunes library and tell me what albums I am missing from the artists in my library?
@MC_Hambone If there is one, my computer would probably fry trying to use it.
@BESW hahahaha, mine too :P
I just have a lot of bands that I like, but are new when I get into them... then a few years pass and I am still listening to their first 1-2 albums
then I google them and i see they released like 5 more albums
i'd just like a program that I could have that tells me when I need to go buy new albums
I, on the other hand, tend to just pick up one or two songs from any given artist.
The number of artists/bands where I want a whole album, much less all their albums, is relatively small.
(And in a lot of cases when I do pick up a whole album it's for atmospheric music in my RPGs, not for casual listening.)
I am a completionist :D
Fair enough. I am too in many ways, but not in my music.
Although I do have a few songs that I'm completionist about.
I generally do things in steps, if I like a song, i listen to a few more, if I like most of them I'll get the album, if I like the album I try another one, and if i like the second album i usually just get all the albums the band currently has
some bands are projects for me, like Frank Zappa and the Mothers of invention.... I doubt I'll ever have the full discography
I like Bob Dylan and Doctor Who--being a dedicated completionist would probably kill me.
hahaha yea, those like zappa, would be hard to complete
especially since some of the old Doctor Who stuff has been destroyed, right?
Nearly 100 episodes are still incomplete or totally lost.
Every now and then someone unearths a lost episode or two, usually copies sent to TV stations on other continents and then misplaced.
However, the audio for every episode is still preserved because even in the 60s, fans taped their favourite shows--they didn't have home video, so they recorded the sound.
It almost is, even here...
@Magician Not quite.
One of my favourite Doctor Who stories of all time was missing until 1991. The telerecordings aren't really top quality, but they're a durned sight better than nothing.
i have only seen the new series from the 9th doctor on up
New Who has its moments--I like the Ninth Doctor best of the recent Doctors, despite a lot of his stories being kind of rubbish--but it's a lot more.... homogenous... than Old Who.
The strength of Doctor Who lies in its chameleon-like ability to be horror one story and historical farce the next, changing its genre and tone, its budget and writing style, and even all of its actors, without losing its essential Who-ness. New Who has a lot of strengths, but I think one of its weaknesses is trying to be too similar to itself.
9th is also my favorite, my friends think i'm insane because they think Eccelson was "too mean" but i kinda liked the gruff exterior he had
Eccleston was successfully alien in ways that Tennant failed at and which Smith didn't get enough opportunity to do.
Ten is popular largely because he's so human, but for me that's one of the problems with Ten; he's not very Doctory, he's just a manic pixie girl.
manic pixie girl, i like that
I am hoping the 13th doctor will be good
In five or ten years Tennant will be a great actor. Right now he doesn't have a lot of... nuance.
@MC_Hambone Well, certainly Capaldi takes the role seriously and has the acting chops for it.
I am a little concerned that he's a big fan of the show, because that sometimes makes it hard for the actor to really make the role their own.
But I think he's a good enough actor that if Moffat lets him, Capaldi can do it.
That's my big concern--Moffat.
Anyway, I must go. ttfn
@BESW adios
@BESW @C.Ross This is a thing I've run into myself: what stops players from trying to place Shocked witless on Orcus, or an aspect like Strangled or somethin'?
I think the first is resolved by just pointing to his high concept of Demon Lord of Dread and Anguish or whatever, and looking down at it, and back up at the player, then back at the high concept, then back at the player, then back at the concept, then back at the player... then saying 'no.'
And the latter is just: no, you can't create an aspect saying he is strangled or suffocated, because that wouldn't make much sense (especially if he stood around for an hour with that aspect), but you can sure place an aspect describing that someone's trying to do something lethal to him like that.
@JonathanHobbs First off, this is one reason placed aspects fall off at the end of an encounter unless it makes a lot of sense for them not to.
Second, yes, sometimes existing aspects restrict the kind of aspect you can create: they define the current fictional positioning, which in turn defines what kind of changes to the fiction can be made.
And third, a GM is always able to say "Sure, you can try to shock Orcus witless, but he's got a +8 bonus to his Will defense because he's Orcus."
Which leads me to the central key about aspects: they need to be appropriate and proportionate to the fiction they're changing or describing.
And there's no rule which can cover that.
It's just a matter of having everyone at the table know what the fiction is and agree on what's appropriate and proportionate in their setting for that situation.
@BESW That makes sense. In a game of gritty espionage, immediately placing an aspect such as strangled would be completely appropriate: as would the lethal consequences.
(Also I feel like I should take that exact question to the site - though I'd still need to figure out the wording for it)
Also remember that because it's all about fictional positioning, one aspect can cancel out another.
For example, if Hercules has The strength of a god then he can strangle gods who would be immune to mortal attempts.
From what I gather, this is one of the fundamental conceits of God of War: gathering aspects to justify a mortal being able to challenge gods with increasingly daunting fictional positioning which should make him insignificant to them.
@BESW plus, y'know, this guy has the heck compelled out of his grief and torment. By the time he actually fights Ares, he has a dump truck of fate points to unload on the guy.
Right, but it doesn't matter how many Fate points you have if you're trying something which is actually impossible.
That is true.
@BESW This sounds like an accurate description of the games, too. Or if he's not gathering aspects, I can certainly picture that each session, he's changing an aspect to put him that much closer to making fighting Ares and winning an actual possibility.
(I haven't actually played the game, so I'm working on cultural osmosis.)
Huh, my scrollbar keeps breaking. Autoscroll, too.
On this page only, or generally?
@BESW I have, or at least the first one. You're spot on.
Kratos is just basically hunting down Ares the entire time, trying to find some way to destroy this guy, and passing through trials on the way.
@Metool Try refreshing?
I always do, but I'd like to not have to.
I get similar bugs, but not half so often as you seem to.
@Metool I'm suddenly curious which browser you're using.
Google Chrome on OS X 10.newest
Tampermonkey for SE Chat Modifications and Chat.SE Typing Indicator.
@Metool That SE chat modifications script sounds suspiciously like it could be involved.
The one by rchern?
I have no idea, but you have a script modifying your chat and your chat is behaving weird.
Normally when SE is being buggy the first thing I check is that SOUP isn't causing it.
I suppose I'll go the night with it off to test, then.
Ack, imprecise timestamps.
hmm. I should think about creating specific NPCs for my Knave Port campaign.
...and I should come up with a better name for the campaign.
@BESW Storm Ports Episode III: Revenge of the Slith
I'm sorry I should have used one of the sequels for a basis instead
Good morning.
Good morning hi I made a joke that involved the star wars prequels and I feel bad
How are you?
Giving a talk later today. Standard jitters.
As above. (Which Way: Supergirl - The Girl of Steel, 1984)
What are you reading? :S
choose-your-own-adventure book endings.
Wow... what?
How come it has Mxyzptlk ?
The book is a Supergirl book.
Oh, yes.
Mister Mxyzptlk ( or ), sometimes called Mxy, is an impish supervillain who appears in DC Comics' Superman comic books. He was created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, and first appeared in Superman #30 (September 1944). He is usually presented as a trickster, in the classical mythological sense, in that he enjoys tormenting Superman. In most of his appearances in DC Comics, he can be stopped only by tricking him into saying or spelling his own name backwards (Kltpzyxm - "kel-tip-zix-um"), which will return him to his home in the 5th dimension and keep him there for a minimum of 90 day...
Good morning! Here is an aardwolf puppy, in case you need an adorable alien creature this morning http://www.arkive.org/aardwolf/proteles-cristata/image-G75293.html
Heh, Goodmorning @BESW :)
3 posts in a row - very engaging of you.
And none of them original content!
You have been less engaging of late I have noticed.
I've been very frazzled.
Work, family, health.
The triad of frazzling. :/
2 hours later…
Holy homebrewing!
Platinum, lighter than most metals?
Holy SCIENCE, Batman...
> This page is of questionable balance. Reason: the abilities are way to high compared to the cost. consider renaming as platinum is both heavy and malleable so it wouldn't provide the bonuses described in this section.
Wasn't it only a week ago that I gave the whistle-stop tour?
What's that?

The contact zone between mechanics-first and fiction-first

Apr 9 at 1:59, 20 minutes total – 34 messages, 4 users, 2 stars

Bookmarked Apr 10 at 0:06 by BESW

Good morning.
ALL THAT IS GOOD AND JUST IN THE WORLD IS DEEEEAAAAA oh wait there it is, hi Good and Justice
@BESW Well, I need to determine how big and costy my Hulking Hurler projectiles are, since I need to bring them from home.
Turns out platinum is conveniently handy but way too costy.
[abuses the it bug for fun and profit]
@BESW - So my wife is starting a god game with the PbP rules we've grown accustomed to, and the player of the Best Villain Ever wants to do a reprise of his original role
As Athe, God of Doubt
....I still really want to build that Tomb of the Cybermen adventure....
Way too many projects.
you guys see the ardent build question?
Q: How to improve a character´s AC when it is so low that enemies hit with rolls of 3-5?

AnnaThe AC of my character is falling a lot behind her other defenses, and I´m wondering if I have missed out on something basic and important. I am going to post some of her stats as an example to this question. AC In general: The armor class of a character is basically determined by: 10 + ½ level...

Good Morning
@JoshuaAslanSmith What about it?
@Aaron Yopp.
just find it interesting is all, Brian has a solid answer
The "hidden" armour bonuses drove me nuts.
....Grabbed a glass of grape juice, turned out to be a glass of tea. [startled]
yeah the exotic materials is kind of sideways. its kind of bonkes that he has scale or chainmail and is wearing leather
@JoshuaAslanSmith I don't know much about 4e but when you have that low of a dex don't you want heavy armor?
also he like built his character for crit damage and I fairly certain that an Ardent's crit fish abilities are quite low
@aaron yep that applies in 4e
basically light armors (cloth leather hide) allow your dex bonus to apply to AC
@JoshuaAslanSmith That is what I though.
Dex or Int.
cloth gives no bonus whatsoever leather is 1 and hide is 2
4e lets you choose the better of two scores for each of your defenses, and for AC it's Dex or Int.
That is kinda nice
Fort is Str or Con, Ref is also Dex or Int, and Will is Wis or Cha.
I do have a question about armor in 3.5. Is there any armor that I can enchant that wont limit my allowable dex mod?
@BESW Ohhh. I like that
4e classes are built so that you specialise in one primary stat and one of two secondaries ("A" classes), or one of two primaries and one secondary ("V" classes).
@aaron sounds like a question....
@Aaron Gnome twist cloth, IIRC. Whatever its name, it's on Races of Stone.
@JoshuaAslanSmith good point
You might also use 3.0's Arms and Equipment guide rule that you can enchant whichever item granting you armor class bonus as well, e.g. bracers of armor.
I have bracers of +8 but my ac still isn't quite high enough :p
which class are you?
@Zachiel Fighter/Aegis
uhm, isn't Aegis PF?
@Zachiel facepalm
yes I meant PF
oh then I don't really know
My brain no work today.
Write that question, I wish you good luck
I thought it was Tuesday if that tells you anything.
And now, back on finding cheap ways to win Initiative against a Tarrasque.
@Zachiel You are fighting the Tarrasque?
It's a challenge. Bring in your CR13 character, try to solo Big T
I'm applying with a Hulking Hurler character, trying to one-shot him before he gets in melee range.
On a bad roll, I can spot him at 120 feet, and he can rush at me and attack me before I can act, if I lose initiative.
I posted that in this chat.
That should one shot him. It would take a 10 foot chunk out of him.
@Zachiel Ah. A buddy of mine sent it to me on skype one time. I thought it would make a good anti Tarraque weapon.
the Tarrasque occupies a 30x30 feet cube, regeneerates lost limbs in minutes and 40hp per round. Good luck killing him with those.
well ok, less con, more dex
^that image is why I don't play 3, 3.5 or pf
What if the Tarrasque readies a movement against my attack?
@Zachiel Get like three of these. In one round even if you miss unless you miss really badly you could take out three of it's legs. If it then takes minutes to regen then you can attack the hell out of it.
It isn't exactly an expensive arrow.
@JoshuaAslanSmith All the various reasons to run screaming from D20 and you pick the Best Arrow Ever as the reason?
Here's my star, sir.
@Aaron (I still wanto to do it the old way. By dealing insane chunks of HP damage)
@Zachiel At lvl 13?
Not impossible.
@Aaron yessir. It's been pointed out to me that a level 10 build already did it.
@Zachiel Huh
I can do it at level 5. Summon Undead for the win.
the 4e tarrasque is kind of meh
(getting no experience, since there's no entry in the table for a level 10 party and a CR20 monster, let alone for s single CR10 character.)
@Lord_Gareth What would you summon?
An allip.
@waxeagle You say this like Big T was ever a threat.
@Aaron Allip. Incorporeal, wisdom damage in an aura, and I can keep summoning them while I hover out of his reach
Five rounds of unresistable Wis damage per summon
@Lord_Gareth IMO a proper tarrasque battle shouldn't actually be a battle. I'd want it to be a skill challenge
@Lord_Gareth I've taken that to the forum and I produced a lot of arguing about wheter bypassing epic damage resistence also counts as bypassing magic.
@Zachiel Still a 50% miss chance, bro
And since I have more allips where that one came from
I don't really care
Now, I've never been good at tactics. What can I do to guarantee a short range attack lands? I can't afford to miss.
Find a way to pop True Strike. Add Greater Magic Weapon. Boost your Strength/Dex
Hitting is not the problem. Seeing him rush out of range when I declare my hit is. But if I prepare against him moving towards me he can't do a readied action when I strike, right?
I also have "reroll one attack roll" gloves
What's Big T's Int score?
as high as whoever moves it decides to, for all relevant purposes.
Slap whoever's running him right in the nuts. Big T isn't sapient. He does not plan.
I trust him to try to charge me
Which is part of why he's a non-threat
He can't really react
What are we operating.
a hulking hurler, Metool. With lots of strenght and no way of being sure to win initiative
If the spot distance roll is low and he wins initiative, I'm a dead half-minotaur loulthtouched orc.
maybe I can risk him critting me once and buy some more initiative boosts
@lord_gareth but I love 4e its not the d20 system so much as the design philosophies behind that specific d20 system implementation
@waxeagle you just hit the nail on the head, if its combat itll be incredibly lethal or incredibly boring
that said, I bought a wonderful Kaiju mini that I do intend to find a use for in a future campaign
One of the best mini's that ever got used was a hastily prepared D&Dnext playtest adventure I ended up gming. Crab, Giant and Cultist were right next to another in the monster pdf so naturally I mad the Big Red Crab Cult
for which I printed out a kawaii papercraft crab that was exactly the right size for a size large creature on a square grid
This is the crab
very nice
[hugs] ... [crushes papercraft] ... [bursts in tears]
so glad that skill question came in
Ive been missing out on the 4e gold of new players not reading the manual (less this question and more others lately)
despite not like supes or green lantern this image is badass
@JoshuaAslanSmith Amazing.
[zips off]
apparently smallville continued on as a comic line for DC
and the above image is smallville's clark becoming the green lantern for our sector
Actually, before I go, does anyone know of artists with a good online presence and decent mech-drawing skill?
are you looking to just poach some art for a game or more like looking for a commission?
The latter.
@JoshuaAslanSmith don't forget the errata on aid too. (DC is now 10+1/2 character level)
(even though I work unpaid for the next however-long)
@waxeagle yeah, but I didnt wanna quote the whole rules, you think I should add the formula though?
@JoshuaAslanSmith definitely, let them know that it's at least harder than they think it is
and the -1 penalty on failure is important too
I did mention the -1 on failure and only +2 on success
@Metool where on the continum from power armor up to power rangers/ pacific rim would you say your mechs lie
or better yet, bigger or smaller than this:
@JoshuaAslanSmith I heard that games plays exactly like COD only with mechs thrown in.
@aaron Maybe? Its definitely fast paced, but without the worst aspect of COD (kill streak rewards)
the balance between pilots and the mechs they can control is pretty even which the map design plays a huge part in as well
honestly my biggest gripe from the beta was that the shotgun and homing pistol made things too easy for noobs
but I still outperformed just about everyone
@JoshuaAslanSmith Maybe a smidge bigger. Metal Gear-ish.
You're also forgetting Gurren Lagan.
check out some of the stuff for hawken maybe?
also you sayin metal gear just dredged up so many bad lines of dialogue
Such as?
@metool all of them?
mostly mgs3 stuff since thats the only game I played in full
Metal gear =/= Metal gear solid?
("Hombre nuevo, an unmanned weapon! A robot!")
guess that answers that question.
@aaron they are interconnected and a metal gear is the giant nuclear mechs that the series focuses around.
There's also Metal Gear Ac!d
@JoshuaAslanSmith ... I haven't played much metal gear solid I guess.
I only know about the series in so much as one of my best friends growing up was a big fan and I like to know about big things in gaming so I can talk about them
also because Hideo Kojima is a posterboy for everything thats wrong with japanese game development (and by and large game development in general)
I want to slap you but also can't argue...
@JoshuaAslanSmith What did he do?
I need scissors! 61!
@zachiel he hasnt done any 1 great mistake or sin, but his games rarely innovate in terms of gameplay, are filled with lengthy wanna be movie cutscenes and a plot that is always ridiculous
It's not just a nuke, it's a walking nuclear-equipped tank possessed by the spirit of your dead mentor!
I'd like plots to be better, yeah.
also he developed a character for the latest MGS game that is supposed to be some kind of elite sniper who runs around Afghanistan in a string bikini & fishnets and whose name is quiet
(I'm not talking about metal gear, which I never played. I'm talking in general, mind you all)
im like the last guy to beat the drum about this kind of thing, but come on its stuff like that, that gives video games their terrible reputation with the wider culture
@zachiel yes, I generally take issue with cutsceney games though because they are rarely done well
@JoshuaAslanSmith doesn't look like a very comfy bikini.
Not for running around in war-torn countries, at least.
imagine crawling prone over scorching hot rocky terrain in those clothes
I just deleted a +6 post I made. It was just addressing the wrong things
Yet it scored a +6
I feel bad.
Gold clap for self discipline
@Zachiel enjoy the badge?
badges are an incredible temptation to act in a way contrary to the best interests of RPG.SE (for me at least)
@waxeagle "oh, wow, a bronze badge."
1 hour later…
@Lord_Gareth lol, raise the concern on meta?
@waxeagle I...could. One moment.
Who cited 3.5 FAQ on a RAW question?
@Lord_Gareth it wasn't hellish
@DuckTapeal binder + metabreath question
also, a case where the FAQ is completely wrong
if it were right, the binder wouldn't actually function
Q: Is there any way a Binder can use Metabreath feats?

Baka-MastermindSome of the vestiges that Binders have give breath weapons like fire breath, or sleep breath, which is flavorful and fluffy. Though, to maintain battle efficiency, one may want to do something to make them not only fluffy, but powerful as well. Metabreath feats can provide that, giving an edge t...

@KRyan - Interested in helping me get such a meta around? We'd have to keep it strictly 3.5 given Pathfinder's differing policies on the matter
But I'm kinda annoyed about it
@Lord_Gareth it involves a fight with mxyzplk
Eh, I don't think he'd have a dog in that fight.
we won't win and we will get embroiled in an ugly fight with an extremely obnoxious person
@Lord_Gareth oh he absolutely does and would
I have argued with him on the subject repeatedly
I commented on that answer about FAQ not being RAW, he said it was a valid answer, and then wiped the comments
tbh though, the quality of sources is a problematic issue to deal with. Largely it's going to come down to a decision to make a comment like you did, and either upvote, or create an alternate answer. So I guess in a sense it's not worth going to meta over (specially when that question is like a year old)
@waxeagle I have an alternate answer
it's also correct (so says I, I realize, but it is), and that one is incorrect, regardless of source
You might be able to actually make a main site question out of whether or not the 3.5 FAQ constitutes RAW or how it should be regarded otherwise, but that's a bit tricky
@waxeagle to be blunt? I don't trust this site to answer or vote on that question correctly
and yes, it's a matter of correctness
@KRyan If you ask, you get to choose what answer appears first
(unless it's yours)
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