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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

@Oxinabox Should the tree look mostly normal?
@Oxinabox Here is a good picture. No bodies but not hard to imagine them there 2.bp.blogspot.com/-ImHkcGyN3YE/T5qRNZwJGZI/AAAAAAAAE30/…
It should look more human, ideally
I might take thatm, recolour the sky read and then apply some colour changes
@Oxinabox Very nice
3 hours later…
We now have 400 questions tagged 5e!
1 hour later…
@waxeagle you said no D&D this weekr ight?
nvm just found it from the 29th, just confirming Ill let ken know
@JoshuaAslanSmith to confirm the confirmation, no game tonight.
ARRG has no Refresh. Features beyond the default amount are paid for by increasing the GM's reserve pool of FP he can dip into for NPCs, and the number of FP a PC starts with is equal to the number of character aspects that PC has (and it doesn't reset at the start of each session, but at the start of each issue).
Whoops, lost all my tabs to a crash.
@BESW So you might start with 5 fate points by default? (What's an issue, is it a short story arc?)
@doppelgreener Yup! It's a high-powered game.
And yeah, an issue is one or two sessions' worth of plot, going from one cliffhanger to another.
I realised yesterday that if I want to make this Fate Hack & Slash thing really dance in the fate engine, it probably also needs ways for the players to tell the GM where the drama should be.
even if it's something like a mechanism for deciding what quests are about
i.e. the players walk into the keep and the bookkeeper approaches them; engage quest-creation mechanic
but I'll work that out later in testing.
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