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I looked at your answer ("bruit du tatouage infernal", french.stackexchange.com/a/47190/17649) ; your translation really is an error (multiply so).
1/ In French "tatouage" is only two things, the action of tattooing and the drawing or picture that results. Your use of "tatouage" has to be taken, obviously, as meaning the action. The action is fundamentally noiseless; a machine driving the needles makes a noise; there is therefore Something much less than ideal: "bruit du tatouage" comes through as vaguely defined.
You can fix that and there are two ways; you use either the term "machine à tatouer" or its synonym, "dermographe" (books.google.com/ngrams/…); that gives you "bruit de machine à tatouer infernal" or "bruit de dermographe infernal" (there is a problem for this second possibility, as you'll be able to see next).
2/ Supposing the action is well defined by "tatouage", there is anyway an initial error; what is "infernal" is the noise, not the "tatouage", but as written you understand just as well that the "tatouage" is infernal; that couldn't have been left that way, and you had at least to write "bruit infernal du tatouage" (only way to fix that; if "tatouage" had been feminine, then there was no problem; "machine à tatouer" is feminine);
that is why only the first choice above is correct; in the second case it is better to say "bruit infernal de dermographe".). You have a choice between "de machine" and "de la machine" and between "de dermographe" and "du dermographe", as you might know already.
The plural is also possible ("du bruit infernal des machines à tatouer").
3/ "Bruit de machine à tatouer infernal" or "bruit infernal de machine à tatouer" or "bruit infernal de dermographe" is fine as far as meaning and grammar go. It remains one thing to consider, and that is the likeliness of what has been asserted. Personally, I think it is not so bad if we consider the quality of the noise made by the machine in the following video:
However, its intensity seems much too weak; I can't see how it can be called "infernal". I would find then a modification such as "d'un infernal bruit amplifié de dermographe que la grêle faisait en se heurtant comme de…".
Nevertheless, the noise you can hear in the video is by no means typical, and what can be heard in the next one is more often what a dermographe seems to sound like.
In the end, I think it is best to use another image.
No kidding.
4 hours later…
@Lambie Here is an example that consolidates the idea that "bruit de tatouage" is not very good. Talking about driving a car, would you say "le bruit de la conduite"? It would be strange, too vague, and instead you probably would rather say "le bruit de la voiture", or even more direct, "le bruit du moteur".
3 hours later…
@LPH Thank you for your effort and non-recriminatory attitude.
3 hours later…
@LPH An issue is that you have wasted lots of efforts trying to salvage what is completely wrong and based on a complete mistranslation, in order to make look it as "not wrong" as possible, by adding bits and pieces, being supported by a specific sound from one specific video and all. A true house of cards.
It is intellectually unsound imho.
In my opinion, once a person knows they made a mistake, they should correct it and use their skills to provide the best answer they can, not disguise the incorrect components to make them look sort of right, which requires more effort from the community to expose the intricate make-up and disguise which would be engineered by such attempts you showcased.
C'est de la grêle sur la carlingue d'un avion, et le locuteur parle d'un tapage rythmique en utilisant un verbe en anglais qui veut dire exactement ça. Et un autre locuteur qui connaît ce verbe n'a aucune image de tatouage ou de machine à l'esprit.
Seulement des gens qui n'ont pas cette connaissance et qui s'attachent à leur savoir incomplet et voient un homonyme peuvent penser au tatouage. Et célébrer cette grossière erreur en l'adaptant le mieux possible est aberrant.
Il n'y a aucun espèce de rapport.
Je suis convaincu que ton intention est bonne mais ce que tu proposes est un maquillage intellectual d'un propos incorrect et erroné.
Qui célèbre l'ignorance.
C'est un peu comme si on avait en français on sentait une odeur de chair brûlée et qu'en anglais on avait traduit par burnt chair. Et là on cherchait à trouver un type de chaise dont l'odeur se rapprocherait de la chair brûlée.
The smell of a burnt chair made of old bones.
Close enough??
C'est de la bullshit.
Le blâme ne vient pas du fait qu'on se trompe. Pense-t-on que je connaissais ce sens-là de tattoo avant de réfléchir à cette question-là ? Non, c'était la première fois de ma vie que je trouvais ça.
Le problème c'est qu'une fois qu'on nous présente des sources crédibles qui détaillent le sens, une fois qu'un locuteur natif vient le confirmer, on persiste à tordre la réalité et la langue et la vérité et les faits et les sons, pour ne pas avoir à changer son propos.
À l'image de l'exercice que tu viens de proposer @LPH.
Je salue ton effort mais je condamne un tel exercice.
LPH va pouvoir se concentrer sur un autre sujet favori: les innombrables erreurs des écrivains français qui ont régulièrement tout faux, archi faux, et n'ont pas le droit d'écrire ce qu'ils écrivent...
You keep harping on and on about this tattoo thing, you can keep on and on. I have said what I have to say (I admit I did not know the word tattoo had another menaing!!*) Now, the point here is to **leave the mistake (as you call it) for all to see mistakes are how we learn, not by deleting them! And you have two mistakes. A point man (the word for a spokesperson) is not the face of a company (visage d'une entreprise).
@Lambie He doesn't have mistakes. You do. Fixing mistakes is helpful on FSE, otherwise those who learn the language will not know what is correct and what is not.
A point man is just not necessarily a spokesperson. Quit it already.
And éveil is awakening. And finally, implication (French) is involvement in English, not engagement. Though if you are engaged, you are involved.
@Lambie Why do you insist on being so sure of yourself? What's the point?
@Frank Wrong. Leaving mistakes does help people. And FSE is not just for languaagege learners.
@Lambie Funny how harping in a way that provides you the tools to hide your mistake doesn't seem to be an issue. I was replying to LPH. But yeah, even if I were mistaken, that wouldn't make your answer right. Also, the past edits/revisions remain so one can always look there.
@Lambie Wrong^2. Mistakes are useful to the person who makes them, if they understand the mistake and adopt a correction. It's not useful when a reference is wrong.
"Oh look, this physics book's value for g is 15." Hehe - readers will have to guess it's wrong!
@Lambie Éveil is but one part of that answer, which contains other items and which discusses other points which were relevant and correct. And without pointless verbiage and commenting.
@Frank The point is this should not be a one-way game as you two seem to be wanting to make it. I make mistakes but you don't? Or yours don't count? And by the way, stop playing moderator and telling people to delete answers.
Delete answers? But you are not acknowledging you are making any mistake, only insisting you are right but we are wrong.
There is a difference between being more or less accurate, or there being other possible answers, and being plain wrong.
But Lambie is unerring, while you, Kamala, are wrong.
I missed the episode where with Lambie or LPH acknowledged any of their errors whatsoever.
@Frank Yes, sir. That's what Kamala said. NOT ME. I never said I don't make mistakes. BUT I was surprised by my mistake re the ENLGISH.
Their reaction to being wrong is an intellectual cover up. Meh, it's no use.
I have said about FOUR TIMES, I didn't know that meaning of tattoo IN ENGLISH. There is no effing cover-up. And I will not delete it.
@LPH No matter what you say INCLUDIDNG saying my answer was NOT good, they still pick on you. :)
[correction: including]
@Lambie Dans ta réponse pour intimé, pourquoi te contentes-tu de donner la définition, qui est déjà donnée par l'OP? L'OP demande pourquoi, et il connait déjà la définition...
l'histoire de quand le mot apparait est tracee, pas pourquoi intime veut dire defendeur
@Lambie I'm not picking on LPH, I've explained why I thought disguising the mistake an answer contains is not in line with accurate content and why I think it's wrong.
@Lambie Your answer could be forcibly removed, as was LPH's lycée one by top users, but since your wrong answer doesn't make any wrong statement about the French language per, se I don't believe that's necessary.
@Kamala-1FTW Oh, dear. Now we are disguising a mistake. In chat. Imagine that. Maybe he can help you with yours? Yeah, well, I think your behaviour is inexcusable and has been for a long time.//Forcibly removed?? Tnat's usually for people. Unbelievable, how you have belabored all this.
You could still edit it. An answer doesn't need to be plain wrong to help the reader. A simple "this is not about tattoing the skin" does the trick. And then you could provide a valid better crafted answer. But you will not. Simply out of spite, to make a futile stance. It's no big deal. But the community can remove garbage from the content collection if it sees fit.
What LPH proposed was trying to make a wrong answer look good. It is disguising.
Don't lecture me on language, you didn't even know what tattoing was and you're a native speaker.
"I understand what the dictionary says. And if you say tambour, tambouriner, the sound is dull (sourd). I think it's like the sound of tattooing. Ergo, that's what I said what I did. Plus, it's unholy, so definitely noisy. Like tattooing." –
Making up whatever excuse to justifiy a wrong answer.
"That is BrE, according to that dictionary. The speaker appears to me American." (Lambie).
"tambouriner is throbbing or drumming, here he is clearly talking about noise. Tattooing is noisy. So, my translation is not inaccurate" (Lambie)
"Not inaccurate". Forget about being right or providing a valid answer.
Some of the lamest stuff I have ever seen on the site. Anyways, suit yourself.
You are the victim of your own self-entitlement.
And of your low standards.
Answering stuff just to signal you know about a topic, like intimé. Forget about explaining why the word was chosen. Meh, it's just pitiful.
I'm done discussing this with you @Lambie.
@Lambie Trying to use None to prop up your own answer is just weird. There is no double-standard here. Your answer merely defines the word, which wasn't the question. Her answer provides the meanings which explains why the word is used to name that party in the proceedings. You're not being singled out here. You just decide to answer whatever pleases you and don't answer OP's question. You're more focused on justifying why you act like so than researching and improving your content. Meh.
@Lambie I am done trying to help you make better contributions here. You are set in your ways, you don't want to improve nor think there is anything left for you to learn, you won't translate to French, you will only discuss about the English side of things, on a French language site, since you never translate to French as a professional and would want to be paid, you will only provide quotes and no explanation, no formatting. But you will provide comments and rationales for doing so. Great.
I have wasted my time here and life is short.
@Lambie Quelqu'un pose une question sur un terme de droit et ta seule réponse est la raison est juridique. Tu pense sincèrement que ça apporte un éclaircissement quelconque, que ça explique quoi que ce soit ?
Apparently, there are people who confuse peer pressure with peer's dictature and overbearingness. Peer pressure is the negative vote that you give to an answer and that tells the answerer and the reader generally that there are one or more users who do not agree. Peer pressure is also the comment you leave under the answer. Peer pressure is the democratic process through which opinion is weighed;
to suppress someone's answer is not a right as long as that answer remains within the bounds of plain common sense, decency and the rules for writing answers. This principle has been infringed on the FSE by people who abuse their prerogatives. All over various SE sites you find quantities of people who hold on to their posts, whereas the negative score on those posts are incredibly high.
The score is only an indication: for instance, there are posts that show a few positive votes and that, therefore, give the impression that the answer you are reading is acceptable; however, you might be surprised and find out that this is just the tip of the iceberg in the way of conferring the degree of acceptance, and rejection;
a positive score of 6 might for example be the algebraic sum of 18 positive votes and 12 negative ones; such a result tells another story, very different from what the displayed 6 reflects at face value.
The decision of an answerer to preserve their post is theirs in the end. There should be no talk that clearly aims at subduing a user into getting rid of their post, or even that aims at subduing them into modifying it (except between people on really friendly terms).
It seems I haven't yet met with this type of coercive attitude on the SE except on the present site, and always as displayed by one single user, always the same. That is why, even if I think user Lambie's answer relative to "bruit de tatouage" would gain at least a vote after a mere modification, I have nothing to say to her as whether she should or not delete that answer, but I would say to her, that no one's is going to take her initiative
to leave an error in her post for the sake of teaching others what not to do, as either truly genuine or useful (although studying an error, one's own or somebody else's, is a way to learn), and even less as sensible; she is doing herself a disservice.

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