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@jlliagre T'es en retard, j'avais signalé cet article de l'Economist il y a un bail :-)
Oui, je me doutais un peu que c'était un duplicate.
Tiens j'ai une nouvelle nouvelle définition d'une "faute" en langue.
En fait, ma définition c'est que les fautes ne sont même pas possibles, par construction.
C'est une drôle de définition.
Parce que une vraie faute, c'est quand le destinataire de la communication ne comprend pas.
Et en fait, le français, l'anglais, et toute la communication ont des moyens de corriger dans ces cas-là.
@Frank Ah, ça arrive alors.
@Frank Corriger quoi s'il n'y a pas de faute ?
Par exemple, quelqu'un dit: "An answer has not title". C'est très bien. Le destinataire a tout compris, donc la communication est réussie, et c'est tout ce qui compte.
Par contre, si je dis "daf hjafs adfkle", là va falloir corriger quelque chose
Oui, là c'est une vraie coquille, je pensais no et j'ai écris not.
Oui, mais même, le destinataire a complètement compris.
@Frank jhgaz quzbeh nbfe ?
Oui tu vois, là, je mets en branle le mécanisme de la communication qui permet de comprendre, je dis: kèzako ?
Le mot clé dans ces cas-là.
Un peu d'occitan, ça fait du bien.
Tu comprends l'espagnol ?
Tu vois, donc, les fautes mineures n'empêchent pas de se comprendre.
Je comprends un peu l'espagnol. Je te signale que je vis dans un pays hispanique.
Hmmm. Mais tu sais, si on avait 25 patois, comment on ferait ? Le gouvernement devrait payer pour imprimer tous les documents en 25 patois, et entretenir des interprètes pour toutes les paires de patois ? Standardiser est aussi utile. Ceci dit, on peut toujours parler son patois en deuxième langue.
Ici aux US, la plupart des gens parlent anglais et leur langue maternelle à la maison.
Aussi, avec le progrès technique et en particulier des moyens de déplacement et de communication, les régions qui ont particularité tendent à devenir plus grandes ? Dans le cas du melting pot des US, tu pourrais dire que chaque pays apporte son "patois".
Ceci dit, interdire officiellement l'Occitan en battant les enfants, je suis contre, évidemment.
Je ne pense pas que ça se fasse encore?
Aussi, tu sais, il y en a eu beaucoup des langues qui sont mortes. Et il y en aura beaucoup, et il y aura de nouvelles langues aussi.
La bataille juridique pour protéger les droits des Américains... 32 cas+.
Et évidemment pour combattre la pédo-MAGA-présidence.
Les amis à F.Elon et DD sévissent !
De vrais leaders vs. MAGGOTS
Ça fait même pas 3 semaines. Quand les Américains vont-ils se lever ??
2 hours later…
CLASSIC case of the limitations of current generation LLMs
i'm looking at my flashcards and i get these two in a row and not for the first time it puzzles me
scout (noun) - éclaireur
scout (verb) - récurer
so i ask chatgpt, why isn't it éclairer or récureur, why is the verb different from the noun
and chatgpt is like

> You’re noticing an interesting point about the French language! The reason why we have récurer (to scrub or clean) and éclaireur (scout or guide) instead of récureur or éclairer has to do with the way French words evolve and the difference in their roots.
and i realize i misread the dictionary entry as SCOUT instead of SCOUR but like chatgpt was all set to pretend that my question made total sense
also, i've been watching nota bene on youtube and i noticed he doesn't pronounce the F in bœuf or œuf
is that a regional thing? i've never heard it left out before
"scout (verb) - récurer" ?
only in the plural would you not pronounce that f
Hmmm - maybe in the singular also for boeuf sometimes
but more in the plural, I think
yes both times it was plural
abandon all hope ye who use LLMs
it's a very helpful tool!!
Lasciate ogni speranza, voi che usate LLMs, pour toi, @jlliagre
sometimes it's useful
as long as you don't need a proven reference, I guess
well like i can quickly ask it "is turlupiner literary" and it's like yes definitely
that's helpful
but is it true?
because, actually, turlupiner is not literary...
it's a bit aged now, but would be rather informal
it's pretty low in usage
i take literary to mean "uncommon in regular modern speech"
indeed - but just because it has aged
by that definition, I guess it would be "literary"
These AIs have a very poor "understanding" of the French language.
I use it to summarize and translate and the result is comprehensible at best. It leans a lot on the English language, is not very natural, and fails at using context for word selection.
It requires tons of proofreading.
It shows the French language was a very small fraction of the training set.
It makes mistakes a beginner wouldn't make.
It is not consistent, from paragraph to paragraph, or even from sentence to sentence. It will "understand" a sentence but not the next, even though it is quite similar, it won't use the same words.
For instance I was providing with a text on gas cylinders. It's obvious to anyone this is the context. But it still says « cylindres » and in French this is just a shape and cannot be used instead of « bouteille » in context.
Either it doesn't know the usage, doesn't understand the context, or basically promotes conflating English with French.
We've been warned about this. It anglicizes the French language.
among other issues
ah i most definitely would not have known that
idk if it's true to say a beginner would not make that mistake
So every time it tells you something, I would ask it "are you sure" then tell it your friend told you the opposite and he's a native speaker then watch what it says. Maybe it will break under pressure.
Maybe, maybe not.
again, if you need a reference, be very very careful
those tools are not references
even the creators of those tools know that
since they are trying hard to fix that
with eg RAG and what not
DeepL fails less than those AI and it's based on a LLM from what I understand, but they must have curated their set or used a specialized set.
Training Ais on all the ever dancing crap of the world was a mistake.
When these do surgery on you you will feel the pain no doubt.
"Bluffer" is the very best word here.
I watched video creation using those and the result is utterly pitiful. Most of the time it lifts from some video game, usually a well known FPS, like counterstrike or what not. It's utter garbage.
it will not create anything really new
It introduces clipping, fucked up geometry. It makes you laugh for sure, but it's shit.
With painting or images it just rips off real creators and artists. It waters down their talent, their IP, their art.
It's all muddled down like fuckin' goo.
Then they use that shit to clean up footage and introduce butt holes in people's face and uncanny valley weirdness all over the place... but amazing... hair.
You can tell I love this shit.
So caveat emptor.
It will make this world even more average than it already is.
Ultimately, bottom of the barrel like.
As we're all hired to proofread and clean up the mess it spreads.
While energy is used to generate that crap.
A great future for all mankind.
We'll be mopping the digital floor for generations.
But it's the ultimate UX because it's "conversational". Man.
Ça a l'air que j'ai découragé l'autre...
Ok ok /rant.
Peut-être que c'est ça qui va remplacer les employés fédéraux haha.
Si y'a encore un seul employé fédéral...
Le truc que j'aime pas c'est l'élimination des budgets pour la recherche en biologie.
Ca va faire mal. Je serais pas surpris si l'année prochaine on n'a même pas de vaccin pour la grippe, par exemple.
Il va y avoir au moins Elon et ses interns. Ouais, bien j'avais lu à propos de Kennedy mais quand je l'ai entendu parler j'ai été vraiment troublé.
Des gens vont mourir aux US même.
Ouais, c'est épouvantable. Des enfants même, suite à toutes ces sornettes sur les vaccins.
Moi j'irai me faire vacciner à Vancouver. Faut vraiment que je vois comment me faire soigner de l'autre côté de la frontière si besoin.
C'est incroyable d'avoir un vaccin de Moderna gratuit inventé aux États-Unis avec un vaccin contre l'influenza, alors qu'une bonne partie des Américains crachent là-dessus.
Sélection naturelle - mais il faut aller jusqu'au bout de ses idées: si tu refuses le vaccin, ne demande pas à ce qu'on te soigne (à bien plus cher) après.
Je peux pas comprendre. Mentir à propos de ta business, des gens tordus ça a toujours existé, mais mentir systématiquement sur tous les sujets en même temps comme les Républicains, je peux pas comprendre.
La sélection naturelle des enfants, des vieillards et des gens malades ??
Non sequitur.
J'espère que ça va finir par leur retomber dessus, parce qu'un jour ou l'autre, ça sera un mensonge de trop, et les gens verront bien que c'est du bidon.
Oui, je sais. Ca serait la sélection naturelle si ça s'arrêtait à ceux qui refusent le vaccin, mais ils mettent tout le monde en danger.
Bien le Treasury ça frappe fort. Parce que la vie privée c'est un sujet sensible des deux côtés du spectre politique.
Et il n'est pas élu.
Et la constitution n'autorise pas un grand nombre de ces décrets.
Bah, ils finiront par toucher quelque chose où ils licensieront dans un red state et peut-être que des républicains finiront par se réveiller ?
Certains décrets contreviennent directement aux protections constitutionnelles et ont vocation à les supplanter.
Oui - les lawsuits commencent.
Bourbon hahah. Le Canada a compris la recette.
Touche au Bourdon, au jus d'orange et ouch.
C'est le seul contrepoids, vu que le Congrès est paralysé.
Soit paralysé, soit vendu à orange man, c'est pas beau à voir.
Mais si ils n’obéissent pas aux injonctions, it leads us down a dark path.
Probablement une guerre civile.
Oui, y'a ça aussi.
Les oeufs pourraient être le déclencheur... c'est drôle mais c'est pas drôle.
Ça peut être n'importe quoi, tout le monde est armé.
1000 personnes avec un AR, tout est possible.
C'est pas gai tout ça. Bon, allez bonne nuit!
4 hours later…
Les fantômes et les lutins sont la plus facile à dessiner parce qu'ils n'existent pas.
@DannyuNDos Prouve le !
@Lambie Yes, you did. You confused answered question with answer to a question.
5 hours later…
C'est le weekend, on n'a rien à faire, t'as quelqu'un qu'on pourrait suer pour se faire de l'argent de poche, @jlliagre ?
And the French gov needs to do better with its English: france.fr/en/destination/saint-pierre-et-miquelon So bad.
@jlliagre So what was the bug you claimed I found and which I didn't realize I had found? Hm?
Is it this? Which you said? |The bug is that you can ask for a question to be closed as a duplicate (this is fine)| The duplicate is not the question, it's the fact a question has already been answered.
@jlliagre I have no idea what you mean or where I supposedly did that. There are answered questions and unanswered questions. That's what I mentioned.
Les Européens ont l'occasion de prévenir un sabotage similaire à ce que fait Trump en détruisant l'extrême-droite préalablement.
Ces gens-là veulent détruire les institutions de l'Union et saboter la lutte aux changements climatiques. Les migrations sont un conséquence de l'incurie des ignorants et de ceux qui savent mais ne veulent rien faire. Pas une directive de l'Union. Mais la propagande est en marche.
Luttez contre les collabos !
Comme lors de la 2e.
@Lambie Oui, le gouvernement français, qui comme chacun sait, a pour mission de traduire les dépliants publicitaires de St Pierre et Miquelon, doit être renversé ! Bailleroux à la roue !
@Lambie Oui, il s'agit bien de ce bug. Et tes questions confirment bien que tu l'as découvert sans t'en rendre compte. Procédons par ordre. Tu es d'accord que tu as demandé il y a deux ou trois jours la fermeture de la question Symbolism of the name Red Rose in Chapter 8 of The Scarlet Letter ?
Oui, il faut fermer car c'est un méchant livre.
@Frank Tu me fais suer !
La Lettre écarlate (titre original en anglais : The Scarlet Letter) est un roman américain de Nathaniel Hawthorne, publié en 1850. == Résumé == La Lettre écarlate relate l'histoire d'Hester Prynne, une jeune femme vivant dans une communauté puritaine de la colonie de la baie de Massachusetts. L'action du roman se situe entre 1642 et 1649. Hester Prynne, au début du roman, se voit condamnée par la société à porter sur la poitrine la lettre 'A', qui symbolise initialement l'adultère, mais dont la signification change au cours du roman, 'A' pouvant désigner Aptitude ou Ange. En effet, elle est accusée...
Oui. Terrible. Tragique.
@jlliagre Yes, because in the LIST it showed up as an A and a Q, which I didn't know was not a duplicate, I guess. Is that a crime? Instead of trying to understand me, you just say these sarcastically-inspired statements. Whereas I was trying to understand why it was not considered a duplicate. But you said it was a bug, then you showed the Celine example (with an A and a Q). So, I guess it is not a bug or a duplicate. The system just lists both. So, you are wrong, too.
@Lambie D'accord. Donc tu as demandé la fermeture d'une question parce que tu pensais qu'elle était dupliquée. Ce n'est pas un crime, mais des modérateurs essaient de lutter contre les demandes de fermetures non justifiées. Qu'est-ce qui t'a conduit à penser que cette question était dupliquée ?
@jlliagre J'ai déjà expliqué tout ça. [soupir]
@Lambie Tu n'as pas lu la question ?
@Lambie J'imagine qu'avant de faire apparaître cette fameuse LISTE, tu as quand même d'abord lu la question. Puis tu t'es dit que la question te rappelait une autre question que tu avais déjà vu sur literature, non ?
Just forget it. My thing was ONLY about the Literature site.
@Lambie Tu penses que ça n'aurait pas pu se passer ailleurs que sur le site literature ? Que l'incident est lié à ce site ?
1 hour later…
you know how you can say "les amis" or "les enfants" to address a group
can you do that with any noun or is it just like these fixed expressions?
can i say "les filles" or "les garçons" or "les plombiers" to address groups of those entities ?
You can
Les gars
les plombiers, maybe less
if it's like a group of workers in a factory, and you are trying to rouse them, you would say "Ouvrières ! Ouvriers !"
like "Françaises ! Français !" in a political rally maybe
or "Citoyennes ! Citoyens !"
not "Les ouvrières" ?
Otherwise, "hé, les gars ! Devinez ce que je viens de voir !"
Not "Les ouvrières", no.
just because hahaha :-)
don't the workers deserve a definitive article? don't you believe in workers' rights?
this is some real anti-union BS
haha :-)
Similarly: "Camarades !", not "Les camarades !"
If you are really addressing a big group at the beginning of a speech, no definite article
Even a president addressing the nation wouldn't say "Les amis" ?
No. That would be "Citoyennes, citoyens", for sure.
Or "Françaises, Français"
don't worry - I doubt you will ever have to use that hahaha
probably not.
ok yeah wow before yesterday i had no idea the F in œufs and bœufs was silent, as well as the S in les os
are there any others i should know about like that?????
i'm watching a lot more youtube content in french now this year in pursuit of my goal of being able to understand spoken french with greater ease
so little gaps like these in my pronunciation knowledge are being ironed out
@temporary_user_name Instead of les amis, I believe mes amis would be more common.
@temporary_user_name Les cerfs, les clefs, les nerfs but the F is silent in both the singular and the plural.
yeah i just learned it's silent in clef this week
i was almost embarrassed
shows how much more time ive spent reading than listening.
Although sometimes the F of cerf is pronounced, like in serf.
oh bien entendu
pourquoi pas
OMG i have mispronouncing cerf-volant too
FUCK man
For clef, you can remember that the word can be written clé too, so the F is mute.
like i have known from the first time i took a french course in middle school 22 years ago that z, n, d, t, s could all be silent
eventually i learned L could be, years later
it took WAY too long to realize M, P, and S were all silent in temps
and only now, 20 years in, have i realize this past couple months that fucking C and F are silent sometimes too
@jlliagre yeah it's not hard to remember i'm just sad it took this long to realize
@temporary_user_name How would you pronounce Meursault?
I would pronounce it "ay-tran-jay" myself
Comme c'est étrange !
the L and the T are silent
so....like Meurseau
How would you pronounce Montrachet?
ooh ones like that are more ambiguous because you have to know whether to treat it as Mon trachet or Mont rachet
i think i would likely say it as Mon traché
That's the usual mistake. The first T is silent because of what you guessed (Mont Rachet).
ah fuck im wrong
i checked on forvo after guessing
place-names require experience hearing them
i remember there was this one place somewhere out along one of the trains from paris whose name was just fucking bonkers
i wish i could remember
it was very atypical even for french
And you have places pronounced differently by the locals than the majority of the outsiders, like Auxerre or Bruxelles.
i'm looking for a map of train stops in île-de-france
Hay like Ail ?
Yes, the only French word with an umlaut on top of a Y.
that's a word??
not a place?
i cannot find this place, damn
Ok a proper noun.
i thought it was along OUIGO
From where to where ?
well it would've been from paris
i stayed there summer of 2016
and i remember seeing this stop along the map
and being like WTF pronunciation
it had like x and c and apostrophe or something
To the South ? West ?
not aix-en-provence
idk anymore, it was too long ago
it was just the weirdest place name i saw while i was there
ouigo is one of the train acronyms over there
not really
it's like inoi
these are train names to be fancy
or memorable
but not synonyms of "train" outright
> The literal translation of Ouigo from French to English is "yes go"; the name is also a play on words with the English homonym "we go."
oh ok not an acronym but w/e
the term for one of the networks / service providers
@temporary_user_name Bourg-en-Bresse ?
no that's easy
i'm telling you it was off the wall
Not that easy.
im just looking at a map of île-de-france now
Most people do not pronounce it the expected way.
huh i looked it up on forvo and it sounded as expected
how do most people say it then?
oh bourk ?
2 out of 3 were like that
true that's unexpected
but also not a serious error
even a french person might say that wrong if they weren't from near there
whereas if i go over there and say cleFs people know immediately im american
it'd take a long fuckin time for them to not know anyway, but i still try to minimize errors like that
in truth, my pronunciation is actually really good. my biggest failing point is always just using the wrong word by anglicizing, or small grammatical failures
like the other day....opposite instead of opposé
are you also looking for the elusive nativvvv essence?
i mean, i have always wanted to be bilingual
it's why i practice this daily and have for so long
i hate being monolingual
there are many levels and side quests to get to that storied and fabled ultimate level
i could probably get away with saying im bilingual at this point, even if my french is often imperfect
but i feel i have a long way to go yet
and you need to fight the Final Boss
it's a double final boss
@jlliagre and me
we'll give you a final exam
including a commentaire composé, a résumé, a dissertation, and a sonnet to compose
and a dictée of course
okay i remember that this place name i'm trying to think of was one of the X-sur-Y ones, i'm PRETTY sure. but all the ones i'm seeing are normal pronunciations, nothing weird. i can't find the crazy one.
There are many "-sur-" and "-sous-"
Bures-sur-Yvette (there are several Bures but only one Yvette).
Bures - Haven't been there in a long time
It's a very important city, @temporary_user_name
you should know that one
Gif-sur-Yvette, Villebon-sur-Yvette.
no it was more broken than those
i swear it was like....Oc'y-sur'ecq or something fucked up like that
a really, really atypical combination of letters
is the F silent in gif there btw?
Le Vésinet-Le Pecq
Plouelec'y-sur-Trougadecq, c'est plutôt en Bretagne
now that is pretty close to what i'm talking about
@Frank it isn't the same one i'm thinking of, but the spelling issues are the same as i remember
i have NO fucking idea how to pronounce that
it was a lot like that one
Oui, Montcuq, je crois.
You know, nobody knows how to pronounce it unless you live there. Don't worry.
@Frank There are people living in Montcuq !?
Ca, ça serait à toi de nous le dire... je ne suis pas trop versé sur Toncucq.
Frelaté, even.

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