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Aaaaargh. Is it “irresponsible dog owners month”?
That’s like the third post in quite a short time which gives me “Hello?!? Forgot the basic dog ownership rules?” vibes.
happy new year to you all.i have got myself a new kitten and this time it is a maine coon mix 4 months old male,i still have my other cat trine 17yo she have got kidney failure and diabetes so she will probably not go on for much longer.
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@trondhansen SO FLUFFY
So, there's been a mynah that's sneaked into my apartment (well my parent's apartment) through the front door... 3x times in 2 days
I'm like "If we had a dog..."
he is fluffy now and in a few months he will be huge and fluffy :)
One of my former SU regulars had a maine coon. Was a big kitty
@Stephie we have the crazy questions every year,it is best to close them before you get too frustrated,many can be marked as duplicates.
@Stephie the question in an answer?
@trondhansen what a cute fluffy kitty!
I was so sure one of mine was a Maine Coon mix (she might still be, I'd have to DNA test her to find out); she looked like she was going to be huge but stopped growing at 10 lbs/4.5 kg, I'm curious to see how big yours gets
@AllisonC thank you he is cute :)
@trondhansen Do you have a name for him yet?
i think i will name him lillepus(littlecat)in case he gets very big LOL
That sounds like a great name choice!
the kitten has lived with his mother for 4 months and this really makes a difference in behaviour of a kitten in how he reacts to other cats signals like my other cat trine,she is not comfortable if the kitten comes to close so it is fine that he stops when trine say so.
@JourneymanGeek yep.
@trondhansen OMG! What a cute furball!
@trondhansen it’s fine, I can handle them. It was just a few in a rather short time.
@trondhansen is that playful mischief I see in his eyes?

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