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6:44 AM
@Sarov I think I'd trade off being some kinda stoic bundle of nervers ready to break down at the drop of a pin to being RIGHTOUSLY ANGRY sometimes
7:03 AM
Good morning or other time of day
6 hours later…
1:17 PM
@JourneymanGeek You do you I guess!
1:47 PM
Random Ethics Question Time!
When a parent has two kids and favours one much more than the other, that's generally seen as, y'know, bad.
How do you think that compares to a pet owner favouring one pet over another? Not actively abusing/neglecting one, just showing one of them much more affection than the other.
@SerenaT Morning.
I've observed jealousy in pets; while there's not the societal implication that you'd have with children, there's still a definite impact on animals. Beatrice definitely gets "jealous" if there's a kitten in the house, because she's "the baby." (Generally she then realizes it's a foster or boarding situation and starts playing with them within a couple of days.)
2:06 PM
Yeah, our less-favoured cat often beats up our more-favoured one.
Which leads to him being less favoured...
2:19 PM
My previous cat was one of a litter of three; the other two got more attention from family members because he was a little weird about being held and they were polydactyl (for some reason it didn't dawn on us for a while that he was calico, so actually more "special" than the other two). I did my best to give all three equal attention, so he ended up bonded to me, and was a great companion, but jealous of any hint of another cat.
I do my best with the current trio to give all of them attention; they all have their own preferences on how and when they get it though
We're a one pet at a time household
(and I suspect its going to be a while before we get another dog)
1 hour later…
3:41 PM
@Sarov In our household different people had different favourites. So did the cats. I think that might be natural as well and I do not think anyone feels left out. The most jealousy we had was from people the cats did not prefer because they got less cuddles in

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