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What the.
Cat just came into the bathroom while I was brushing my teeth.
She has never done that before.
Now she's just lying in the hallway, purring all by herself.
Cats work in mysterious ways :D
@Stephie In short, humans are Jerks :D
We currently have a lot of feral chickens in the neighbourhood. There's a ton of food, and not many humans and they're breeding quite enthusiastically as human traffic is much less cause of covid....
Once covid ends I'm worried someone might decide "OH NO BIRD FLU" and we might lose our lovely avian neighbours
Its a very urban area
its literally less than a KM outside our main business/office district :D
So I don't think most people make the connection between KFC and CBD chickens.
(Central Business District, not ... cannabidol)
2 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek yet both can make someone happy?
@Stephie one is illegal here 🤣
9 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek It's true that urban people often either don't associate the two, or don't have the stomach for it. My household is moving out to the country, with some discussion about getting chickens (or ducks). One of my housemates insists they be for laying only, because she can't imagine raising them for food, while I grew up doing exactly that.
When was pets.se founded? On its birthday you should rename this room to The Glitter Box!
@Sarov 9 October 2013
1 hour later…
@AllisonC As soon as you get a rooster and allow your hens to brood, statistics are against you and you will end up with 50% roosters (on average). There’s only so many places that will be happy to take them off your hands and keep them. So…
@Stephie The goal is to not let them brood and just collect unfertilized eggs (which she's fine with). Hens are better meat anyway, which is why roosters tend to get culled.
Eventually she might warm up to the idea of eating chickens, but we'll probably get fancy ones for eggs instead of basic ones for food, at least for starting out.
@Stephie I think out ferals are 1 roosters to 4 or 5 hens
Different sorts weirdly. I saw a totally black one, even the claws, but most are jungle fowlish
@AllisonC fancy as in unusual hens or unusual eggs?
@Stephie Possibly both
We always had very plain ones growing up (because they were food, we didn't do laying hens), so I'm down for getting some of the more unusual hens
'Unusual' in what way? Appearance? Taste?
@Sarov appearance, since my housemates won't eat them :)
There's lots of options with pretty feathers or fluffy crests or things like that
I mean, could be unusual egg taste!
"Tastes like chicken."
On that front, we're also considering ducks, which do have different tasting eggs (and also come in "pretty" varieties)
Huh. What do duck eggs taste like?
Also how would you stop them flying away?
I've heard "richer" than chicken eggs, never actually had one. As for flying away, probably the same way you'd protect them from predators, build them a covered enclosure
2 hours later…
New cat owner. Came in to say that it sounds like my cat is saying "hey" to me in the mornings. Does anyone else feel like their cat is trying to say the word "hey" sometimes?
@Meia My family used to have one who would say "Hello" when the phone rang. :) (And I have one who sometimes says "Meow." Not like a cat meowing, but like the word "meow.")
@AllisonC haha I can totally see that! I get the sense the words they catch onto greetings. It's really distinct when a meow is said with 2 syllables!
It definitely shows you how we got to that word as onomatopoeia for the sound a cat makes!
2 hours later…
@Sarov I've heard that one, too :) Along with "Mao."
2 hours later…
Ahh my favorite song/meme! "Nyan nyan nyan nyan etc..."

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