So true. Mine trained me, among other things, to give them treats. I trained them to sleep through the night, and one trained me to snuggle her instead of getting up when my alarm goes off. (Well that one wasn't so tough...)
@AllisonC We also set up some common hours to sleep. He comes back around 1 AM and doesn't disturb me until 9 AM. Until 11 AM if I give unlimited access to dry food :)
He doesn't cuddle though. He likes sleeping between my legs or in the cavity of my knees if I am sleeping sideways. Sometimes he let me put my hand on him while sleeping. Those are the best sleeps :)
@C.Koca I am no expert, but your fox looks perfectly fine to me. Perhaps he’s got a few fleas, but that’s also normal. I am also following the philosophy of “don’t interfere unnecessarily”. In an urban garden environment there’s usually enough food available and in the long term it’s better for him to keep a safe distance from humans. Not everyone has a kind attitude towards animals and even well-meaning actions may be less beneficial than the human thinks.
Btw., the he/she debate reminds me of how I believed a certain family member (the one that grew up on a farm, actually) instead of checking myself. So our first lamb went by “Sophie” for a few hours before being renamed “Harry”.
@Stephie Thanks Stephie! I also think alike. I don't want to fed him much so that he might lose his edge in hunting. There is also a chance that if he gets too familiar with humans, he might eventually scratch or bite someone and animal control might kill the poor animal.
@C.Koca Mine have different ways of cuddling. Artemis always snuggles on top of me and wants cuddles if my arm isn't under the blankets, Havoc does the between the legs/cavity of the knees thing sometimes, steals Artemis's spot sometimes, and snuggles with Artemis (and me) sometimes. Bea absolutely REFUSES to snuggle, except early in the morning when she lays down next to me and wants to be cuddled. But only a little bit of cuddling.