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I just looked through the open window in my room and I saw a low-hanging full moon. And I have been wondering for the whole day why I have been so nervous since today's morning!!!
3 hours later…
@lila Does the beast in you want to howl at it? ^^
7 hours later…
@lila was it a lunar eclipse?
@C.Koca It is quite possible, it was what I was immediately thinking, but the moon did not look that much reddish. It had a slight, unnoticeable almost, orange tint but I suspect it was because of the clouds, and not Earth's shadow? I will web search for it now.
@lila I did, there was no lunar eclipse
I guess it is time to change into wolf for you :)
@C.Koca My first thought was "okay, there was no lunar eclipse for you in UK, but maybe in Poland it was?" and now I feel exactly as bright as a black hole :o
@lila Nope, it is not unbright to think that. Odds might be slim but you can have eclipses visible in poland but not in UK
@Elmy Hahahaha thanks for brightening my day right from the start, I am giggling :D
@C.Koca Oh okay, really? I assumed it was only the case with solar eclipses (Moon's shadow is smaller than Earth, and they are only visible in localized places). However, in case of Moon being in Earth's shadow, the shadow is being cast from our point of reference (as we are on Earth) and from this point of view, the Moon either is in the shadow or not, regardless of where we are located on the globe.
@lila Moon is in the shadow, but that shadow might not be visible to you.
@C.Koca Oooh okay, makes sense; thanks for picture! I will explain a bit deeper because I missed important detail for why it made me feel exactly as bright as a black hole :D my exact thought was that Poland was seeing eclipsed Moon while at the same time and UK was seeing uneclipsed Moon! :o
@lila ahaha, it is not big of a deal :)
5 hours later…
Look at this please, this is so amusing, in my native language we call this "inanimate entities displaying malice": pets.meta.stackexchange.com/posts/2362/revisions
TIL: First confederate flag was EU flag and Austrian flag together
I thought it was quite appropriately white
and wasn't the original union flag with the stars in a circle?
Austrian flag with stars in a circle on top left
White stars, blue background: EU flag
@lila What? Also why is there a concept called hot meta concept?
It had been featured for 12 days, then just a brief moment after Elmy the moderator removed the "featured" status, it got into hot meta question list and came right back to the list of featured questions!
@C.Koca because someone upv*ted this, and I noticed it works like if question gets 3 or more score, then hot meta list.
@lila I was trying to hide from the people of Scifi SE. I guess, now I am all out :P
@C.Koca Oh I understand, do not worry please, I just deleted this whole Q&A altogether to protect your privacy :3 no need to thank me, I just did what I felt was right ;3
@lila Ahahaha :)
Btw I was going through the logo suggestions and I loved the dog smelling their own butt through a portal logo :)
My god, it would be hard to find an uglier dog though. Does that dog have an affliction or is he really that ugly?
@C.Koca Hahahaha the one in post with -12 score? :D It is so obnoxious and ugly that I couldn't help to be charmed by it as well :D
@lila Yes that one!
For reference: relevant post (warning, potentially NSFW; needs 2000 respect points to see).
My suggestion is simple: a pregnant platy! Half the people using this site would get their answers just by looking at the logo
Wow genius idea! :D
Did you notice how a lot of entries in the "Petsuit Trivia" Q&A have the same template form? "Only one user ever has [...] this user is James Jenkins."
I just checked the trivia and I still didn't make it in there :)
Such a mundane user :P
Guess the user's name based on his avatar, and then explain what made you realize it is @JacobB.
@C.Koca :( :( :(
@lila Someone Jamaican?
No, someone from USA; user of Pets SE :D
Okay I checked Jamaica flag, now I see what you meant!
I mean, this is avatar of user of Pets, but avatar was drawn by me.
2 hours later…
@C.Koca Oh I was going through that as well. We could change our own logo, but it must contain Unicode characters that are not emojis... I found a paw print šŸ¾ unicode character, but unfortunately it's an emoji :(
I could ask if it's still suitable for a logo if you like it as well. It would replace the "PE" in the default speech-bubble icon of our site.
@Nai45 Please consider upvāˆ—ting this comment if it was helpful, thanks.
@Elmy Really? I assumed the custom logos were designed for that purpose, not recycled. Link please link please link please sugar top???
Q: Magpie robin raising

Piyush PatelI found a baby magpie in my backyard; his parents had abandoned him because of other chicks. I tried to keep him in the nest, but everytime they pushed him out of nest and I finally brought him inside. I have kept him for a week and half; I feed him crickets, earthworms, rice, etc. But he does no...

How is this in the close queue? I think it is relevant enough for pets. I have seen people taking crows as pets before and magpie is just the stupidest of the crow family.
Also, what is pets in general? We have feral tag which refers to animals that have never seen inside of a human house. Frankly, if we are speaking of pets, feral tag shouldn't exist.
If I keep a sheep in my house like a cat, is she a pet? She eats, she grooms herself, she defecates, she cuddles... I might sound like PETA right now but I really can't see the difference between a sheep in the house and a cat in the house, except that the former is very rare.
Q: Dealing with situational jealousy

WasabiI have two 2-year-old cats, one male, one female. They are siblings and both were fixed a long time ago. The male is very affectionate and frequently follows my girlfriend and I around the house hoping for some attention. If we sit down on the sofa, he usually jumps up to lie down next to us. The...

Best answer in pets I have ever seen
@C.Koca :(
@C.Koca Oh believe me, the existence of feral tag has been intriguing me ever since!
@C.Koca I remember some post/comment clearly stating that a farm of chickens is off-topic, but a single chicken is definitely a pet. Which means, your sheep example is totally valid pet example!
@C.Koca Which answer? I guess Flater's answer, but the link leads to Q&A, not any specific answer.
@lila It makes perfect sense but it also shows that this question should not be closed.
@lila Yes Flater's answer. It must be obvious :)
It was as if listening to a law professor
@C.Koca I did not look any more detailed at this before because I do not want to vote for close/leave open. But you made me look closer and I clicked it, are you happy about how I clicked????????!!!!!!!!????????!
@lila Yes I am happy :) Sorry to be a nuisance :)
@C.Koca I forgot to include link sorry for that: pets.stackexchange.com/review/close/25466 and sooo, are you happy about how I clicked????????!!!!!!!!????????!
@C.Koca Hahahaha no, no, you are not a nuisance, sorry for not being clear, the "????????!!!!!!!!????????!" symbols are ironic :D :D :D I'm just teasing you :D
@lila Yup, that is why I added the smiley, to show that I am being teased :)
It is really hard to reflect irony and sarcasm through internet
@lila I thought moderator votes are binding, but it is still in the close queue
@C.Koca it is messed up, they are binding but if you click "leave open" it does not nullify the existing close votes, you must wait normal time before these votes decay on their own
I see
Well, they really have a complicated system for moderation
@C.Koca Nooo not really, it is only complicated if one wishes to unnecessarily complicate things. I have been doing it via no-nonsense, simple and honest way: I just instantly delete things I do not like, and leave those that I like, and it works totally fine!
:D :D :D
@lila Ahahahahaha :)

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