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@lila You could also probably remove RichieACC, "last message 222d ago
last seen 105d ago". I would also add yourself, not only are you a moderator, but you are by far one of the most active participants in this chat, for example, your fellow moderator Harry V hasn't posted a message in 20+ days, and I don't think I have ever personally encountered (in chat or on SE), whereas you are consistently "chatty" and is in here every hour (even where your "sleeping").
@Nai54 mods do have 'full' RO powers
Generally its 'symbolic' - its a good way to denote a 'foreign' mod as someone you trust to moderate the room but otherwise...
@JourneymanGeek Mhhh, ok.
@JourneymanGeek Unrelated question, you being the more experienced SE user, I hope you have an answer :D .... how can I see the percentage of messages I've posted in a chat room? Thanks
@Nai54 391/65426 * 100% = 0.5976 %
@Nai54 In the webpage chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/info/10964/the-litter-box you look for your avatar on the right and it has your number of messages, on the big panel on the left you see total number of messages.
@Nai54 Oh thanks for posting your opinion; I have a problem with removing RichieACC because he is actually the only one person from these 4 "old" room owners who I have actually witnessed and he even talked with me a little, so I feel I cannot do it (because of sentiment).
@Nai54 And thanks for encouragement but I think it would be pretentious and obnoxious if I appointed myself as room owner, it would give me the same vibe as patting myself on the back or awarding myself a medal that I specifically bought for myself.
has anyone of you been automatically logged out of the site and chat?
It happened to me about 30 minutes - 1 hour ago, I refresh the page and see I am logged out, but I did not log out myself.
@Nai54 no automated way to
Shog used to run a script for that
1 hour later…
@lila Thanks! :D
@lila except... in your scenario, you would not only deserve the medal, but you would've been head of the Olympics... no one will hold a grudge to rightfully give yourself a medal... after all, we all need medals :)
5 hours later…
Look at that poor neglect canine! Playing dead while I am chopping up the training treats. I am left here, dying of boredom!
(Note “the look” - Do you see me?)
Ten minutes later. Having so much fun!
Uuuh what are you training on?
And I mean I totally get needing attention :D Maybe not aaaall the time but what to do without that sweet attention?
Basic obedience (sit, stay, heel...), a few tricks. Impulse control.
That’s my parents’ yard, it’s just nice and large and mostly distraction-free.
He really looks like he enjoys training, thats so cool
For him, it’s not “training”, it’s “having fun together”. We always play between commands and I am not super strict when it comes to precision. Those who take it seriously will insist on sitting straight and walking at the handler’s side in a specific way.
@Stephie there's nothing worse than people taking it too seriously :(
With all the trouble we had in the past, I am fine if he plonks his rear end down and walkes reasonably close at my side.
How do you train heel? I have seen one dog trainer doing it but that seemed like it would not work for every dog
Which version are you interested in? The “classic” way is to hold a treat and let the puppy sniff and push at your hand, then slowly switch to a hand higher up, then treat under your arm and some will go as far as taking a treat in their mouth to encourage the desired “look at your human’s face”.
For a less food-driven dog, they will use a favorite toy, like a ball.
I would be fine if the dog just walked next to me at the same pace, nothing fancy really
Ha! Same here.
I often go to a farm for vacation and some work and the dog there is uuuhh rather wild :D
I taught him some basics since I want to be safe when I take him for walks
But especially for cars passing by (there are no sidewalks) him walking next to me would be really great
For many dogs, “heel” is different that walking in a leash. Don’t ask me why.
We are working on the leash bit as well, especially as he’s got that panic attack impulse.
The leash part is difficult too but since I bought him a harness and a longer leash its gotten better
Yep. We use both in longer walks - harness and long leash for “go sniffing”, leash means “stay here, no discussion”. Works so-so. At best.
Yeah we mostly walk through a forest and the long leash is not a problem there, no vehicles and he really does not seem to have any hunting drive
But since we made a point of playing a lot even during walks, he’s more oriented towards us vs. speeding ahead.
But the part on the road is more difficult since I want him closer
When you say play what do you mean? A toy?
Our trainer said “go slow, if you manage five meters it’s ok”.
Play can be a toy, something we pick up like a pine cone or stick, suddenly changing direction and doing a kind of slalom through the trees, a short jog / catch game, hiding the dummy...
I could verbally call him back yesterday. There was a mountainbiker crossing before us (a huge trigger) and while he clearly was torn and kept watching, he came back and was rewarded with a bit of ball playing.
To me, that’s a gigantic improvement!
That does sound amazing! Training is never about what others can do, it is about your progress
We very much need to practice and get that done with as soon as possible - the Black Forest is literally overrun by walkers, bikers, people with dogs... in summer. Covid didn’t help, a lot of city folks have rediscovered the area and hiking is a trend.
I stay at home on Sunday afternoons for a reason.
I get that, I take some shelter dogs for walks (when there is no covid) and I usually try to go where we wont meet 600 other dogs and children
Especially as Xabi freaks out when he meets other dogs. It totally stresses him. And we have no idea why.
Yeah the shelter dogs mostly do too. Some are afraid, others get more aggressive, but the hardest part is other dog owners not having any control or care for their dogs
@Stephie defensive or just scared? :(
This weekend I was walking with him towards a crossroad in the forest (on the Flexi) and another dog came around the bend, dashed towards us. No working recall. I had a growling and barking monster at my side, hair on end. Luckily the other owner understood and we ended up with both dogs about five, six meters apart. While he “exploded” a few times, he also managed to callm down, sit, lay down, look at me for guidance.
Defensive - and probably confused why you're not freaking out? :D
@JourneymanGeek Good question. The GSD will always pick fight over flight, when things get too close. And he tries to get away when we “are followed” by something he considers “dubious”. His comfort distance is quite large, that’s also a problem.
So there’s a large portion of “scared” plus he’s defending his “human resources” at all cost. When we meet people he will try to position himself between me and the other person. We very diligently push him behind us. Rinse and repeat. Then he will occupy himself for a bit, then sneak to the front. Or try to.
Problem is that we meet a lot more friendly pedestrians than potential attackers.
@Stephie Telling the difference is important :D
(we kinda had the 'benefit' of a trainer who did bomb and attack dogs back in the day - Other than geography, sounds like the sort of person who'd do your doggo good :D )
We have seen a big improvement when it comes to the home turf. He used to do a big drama when people walked along the garden on the side walk. That’s getting better, a week ago he was happy on his back, getting his belly scratched while a child was tottering along on inline skates. The family with pram and toddler on a balance bike got a quick glance, but that was it.
Dogs however.... urgh.
Sometimes I need a pat on the back and an “it’ll be fine”. That dog is a challenge - and we survived our fair share of drama with the kids, so we are no strangers to “not average”.
@JourneymanGeek only if in full protective gear. I would guarantee for nothing in case of a real attack. We are looking at 70 pounds of muscle, teeth and determination.
@Stephie ah... that's the thing
a good attack dog dosen't "attack"
You can't call off an agressive dog. They will grab and not let go, sure but its a "game"
So, Ash was about.... big enough to pick up with one hand and hung around gentle giants :D
@JourneymanGeek exactly. And as long as we don’t have Xabi’s behavior with others under control, we will definitely not do anything like IPO. No matter whether he comes from a line of dog sports ancestors.
Former “Schutzhund”.
@Stephie More the trainer than the training
If that makes sense
? Don’t get it, sorry.
@Stephie hm. I'm not sure how to articulate that ._.
(Also wondering if I put my foot in my mouth :D )
No problem!
3 hours later…
2 hours later…
@Nai54 haha thanks! I still would feel like I was doing something pretentious and obnoxious, though :D
Are you claiming that you salute us, that there is a salutation existing and you are stating its existence, or giving me a salutation whether I want one or not?
I am sorry if I am nagging, but what is your opinion about you answering this question?
Q: How cruel is it to make your cat listen to other cats?

C.KocaFrom time to time, to control how cats act, I use other cat sounds (I play these sound using my phone). Female cats are attracted to crying kittens, whether they are spayed or not, while male cats are controlled by fighting cats. In case of emergencies, such as to get a hiding cat for a vet visit...

Last chance for +100.
Eh, I don't think what I have to add is really worth an answer. Especially since I have nothing to add to the core 'cruelty' aspect of the question.
1 hour later…
@lila Out of curiosity, how 'come you don't go to the Awkward Silence anymore?
@Sarov Good question; give me some time please because I need to think a bit about how to answer it without being too blunt, I have to watch my words.
@Sarov Oh okay, your question prompted me to quickly check this room's transcript, and I think it is ironic what I saw and how you were the specific person to experience it first-hand. In short, I was just tired of the excessive political correctness and having the feeling of constantly walking on eggshells to avoid accidentally asking "sensitive" questions that would immediately make some people antagonistic to me, like you have experienced yourself. Litter Box somehow ...
@Sarov ... does not have such problems.
@Sarov I mean, if someone spots a "problem" in a Q&A post and thinks it should be corrected - you are welcome, go on. However, was there really any need to casually mention it in the chat? Was this meant to be constructive, or rather meant to signal something?
Aah. In general I don't have that problem with most users but I can understand if you want to avoid it entirely.
I mean, I really really genuinely used to like that chat room (and I kind of still have the sentiment) and do not regret participating; this is how I met, for example, you, after all. But some subtle things were progressively growing on me on and on and it reached a certain point where I had to give up. Thanks for understanding.
1 hour later…
I am sorry because maybe this is starting to get obnoxious, but...
Q: How cruel is it to make your cat listen to other cats?

C.KocaFrom time to time, to control how cats act, I use other cat sounds (I play these sound using my phone). Female cats are attracted to crying kittens, whether they are spayed or not, while male cats are controlled by fighting cats. In case of emergencies, such as to get a hiding cat for a vet visit...

Last chance to get +100 points, only 3 hours left!
@TalkisCheapShowmeCode hi welcome to Litter Box chat room, please make yourself feel like you are at home.
Hi I have used this chatroom earlier and I have uploaded a picture of a dog which I have given to the my neighbour kids
I wanted to find its picture
I have posted that for identification but its very old post , almost 3 years ago :-)
Well, there's a 'load to my last message' button at the top?
Oh okay, were you using different account back then?
@TalkisCheapShowmeCode is it this picture?
@lila I have been considering answering the question.... however, you probably know by now that I feel uncommittable answering questions when there is no research to look at or any sources to cite - without them, I have no idea what I should be writing, I'm not a veterinarian. Which is why I don't think I will answer the question, as I don't want to offer untrue or bad advice if I don't know what I'm talking about.
...I completely read it as 'uncomfortable'. Didn't even notice the error until you pointed it out.
Brains are weird.
@Sarov Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
@Sarov S1M1L4RLY, Y0UR M1ND 15 R34D1NG 7H15 4U70M471C4LLY W17H0U7 3V3N 7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17.
Do you think I will be able to downv*te posts while having 1 or less reputation? Opinions and facts are both welcome.
I mean, facts with links preferred, but opinions welcome too.
As a mod? Probably.
And that is also what I believe, but on the other hand downv*ting answers deducts 1 reputation from you, and as far as I know it cannot go below 1, and I am curious what will happen.
haha you see, a good riddle, with a hint of Sarovesque flavor, isn't it?
I am also thinking about this: okay I went down to 1 reputation and let's say I cannot downv*te answers anymore; I undelete one of my less-than-stellar answers that I deleted earlier and get back the points, then I go down to 1 back again after downvoting a few one-liners, then I delete the undeleted post back again. What will happen? Big brain time, too big for me.
Or maybe downvoting will overflow and suddenly you have 4294967295 rep!
@Nai54 It is okay, I understand, however, I think that professional experience is not required nor essential because this is in a part a question of ethics; what is more, no amount of veterinarian nor any other specialized knowledge will let us know how exactly are those stimuli perceived subjectively by the cat, all we can do is observe its reactions or at most measure indicators such as brain activity or cortisol levels.
@Sarov Haha good point; now I am wondering whether they would be grateful for me discovering a malfunction, or would I become their public enemy number one because of exposing something that was supposed to be a "secret" :D
Psychologist: "And how does that make you feel?"
Cat: Takes a crap on the bench
Psychologist: "Hmm, I see..."
@Nai54 What I mean is: there is a thing called knowledge argument, and it shows example of professional sciencist who is 100% colorblind (sees the world exclusively in monochrome, or in other words greyscale). She is the most educated and knowledgeable human-vision scientist; she has deep knowledge about how our sense of vision works and how electromagnetic radiation (including visible light) works; she knows that 700 nm wavelength equals red light and 400 nm equals violet light.
@Nai54 However, despite all of her knowledge, no amount of research and experimentation is going to allow her to experience how does it actually feel like to see red, violet, or any other color.
@Nai54 Analogically, no amount of expertise is going to tell you how does it exactly feel from the cat's point of view to be exposed to these sounds. My argument is that, even though you are not a veterinarian, you could as well go on and write your answer because being a veterinarian would not get you any closer to cat's subjective experience.
@lila Makes sense.... maybe I will give it a shot, although I have 1 hour, but I'll do my best. Thanks! :D
@Nai54 No, relax please, not just 1 hour, there is full 24-hour-long grace period afterwards :D
@lila oh yeah, relief.... I love the grace period ;)
@Nai54 And the question has answer that is both acc*pted and has score of at least 2, so I do not have to sit there and award it prematurely in case if I was going to do shopping, etc. because even if I leave it untouched then it will be automatically awarded full amount.
@lila but the grace period still applies? Like, it wouldn't automatically award acc*pted answer with the bounty until after grace period?
What the heck, I actually just wrote "acc*pted".
You are rubbing off on me! :D
@Nai54 No it would not, because awarding and acc*pting are separate distinct actions (as far as I understand). I was also surprised: this bounty of yours on pregnant platy fish postmortem had already entered grace period, but I guessed it would disappear immediately without grace period if there was no answer.
By the way, I have to announce that I would not be able to upv*te any post until 2:00 AM UTC because I banned myself from voting for today by using all the votes.
Oh by the way, where I live today is Mother's Day (26th May); I asked my mom what does she want from me and she said "two kisses, but one will also be fine, but nonetheless two would be really appreciated much more" because she knows well that I hardly have any material possessions myself; God bless the old woman ^.^
@lila You have to announce? What would have happened had you not? :O
@Sarov Nai45/54 would enthusiastically write an answer that I have been obnoxiously nagging this chatroom about since a few days, and won't get the upv*te no matter what, so what would have happened? A great disappointment? :O
"The war all started with the event now known as 'The Great Pets Betrayal of '21'."
Haha exactly; I mean, I technically do not know yet whether the answer will be worth an upv*te, but considering the previous instances I highly guess so? And imagine somebody nagged you to do something (or you don't even have to imagine, I have been nagging you as well about this answer :D) while baiting you with pompous promises about +100 points, but after all the hard work you didn't even get any gratitude?
@lila How considerate of you :D Thanks, and don't worry, I won't start on an answer for several hours, or even until tomorrow, as I plan to go take advantage of the beautiful sunny day outside!
@Sarov By the way, I know we have the position known as "moderator", but we arguably could also have a position of "narrator" who would be writing transcript of all events in the Q&A site. If we had it, you would be my #1 candidate ;3
Ok, bye everybody! :D
bye see you soon!
2 hours later…
@lila Arguably, you could say that anything is arguably true.
@Sarov :D never change, Sarov, never change please

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