Its just pure joy and frankly, capsicum doesnt have any taste and all you feel is your mouth saying "Im on fire, Im on fire, Quick get the water". However water doesnt do anything but make it worse in your mouth.
it spreads the spice further into your mouth making it even more hot.
@JosephCasey yes exactly, that is why they give epinephrine injections for people suffering from anaphylactic shock, like after being stung by bee while being allergic to bee venom.
@JosephCasey It is because capsaicin is non-polar molecule (insoluble in water, soluble in fats), it is advised to use milk instead of water to flush off the mouth in goal to relieve the pain.
@JosephCasey And who said that?!? Acid and base mix so well that they neutralize each other. It's the fat in milk that can wash away capsaicin better than water alone
@JosephCasey haha no problem, I think it does not even matter in this case, capsaicin is irritant not because it is acidic but because it interacts with sensory neurons.
@Sarov I guess so; is it my illusion or is the tone of your message dramatic? Don't worry please, close your eyes and repeat after me: "capsaicin-saturated milk is not there and cannot hurt you" :D
@Elmy 100% correct, but I am trying to find a germ of truth in Joseph's saying, and there is one: they "don't mix well" in a sense that the neutralization reaction creates a lot of heat and this could damage things; for example if you get burnt by a corrosive acid/alkali on your skin, it is advised to continuously flush it with water and not try neutralizing it (acids with bases and vice versa) because heat released could cause more tissue damage.
Question is, would saturated milk actually be spicy? Or not because the capsaicin would stay in the milk, so it'd just behave similarly to water in terms of spiciness?
I have recently (re-)discovered how useful the hide/filter functions in chat rooms can be. With all its quirks, our user interface isn’t that bad, all things considering.
@Sarov It would, capsaicin like other substances moves across the gradient of concentration via diffusion, if you eat lots of chili and drink milk then milk has 0 capsaicin while your mucous membranes have a lot so capsaicin moves from your membranes into milk. If you drink milk saturated with capsaicin it is the reverse, milk has higher concentration than your membranes and it diffuses into membranes, giving you a spicy feeling.
Having an answer that's nothing but a quote and a citation for the quote doesn't really make a good answer, either. Particularly when it's repetition of information from a previous answer, or not appropriately connected to the question (which here is about an adult cat, but your answer is about training kittens).
@JosephCasey Oh okay; I think reason is because the question asks how to discourage cat from biting and your answer only tells the reasons why a cat could be biting, but does not offer any solution about how to stop the cat from biting; you include "It also gives solutions of how to stop your cat from biting, scratching, or ripping." but this should be better quoted and included into the answer itself in case the link dies.
Not specificially on the one answer you're complaining about (which is a bad answer and deserves the downvotes), but in general. You've done pretty much all of this, which tells me you are not trying to improve.
@JosephCasey In answers, we shouldn't point users to follow links, it is best if you paraphrase the source material with your own words, but if you don't want to do this then you could always just copy-and-paste the relevant part as long as you clearly indicate that you are quoting the source.
Using quotes should be done selectively. @JosephCasey you're in school. How fast would your instructor fail you if you turned in an essay assignment on Abraham Lincoln with a link to a Wikipedia article on the movie Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter and nothing else?
@JosephCasey my name is Allison. And I mean in general, not this moment. You are a student. Are you really going to get an A on a project where you answer with only a link to the wrong information?
That's not an essay. Furthermore, it's not even an answer. It's the wrong information, as found by someone who didn't want to put in any effort beyond a quick google search, which the original questioner could have done themselves. And probably did, or they wouldn't be here asking for help.
That's not an A grade. It's not even a partial credit, it's a 0, see me after class, your parents will also be in this meeting.
So why, if that would get your parents called if you turned it in for school work, do you think anyone would upvote you for producing the same quality work here?
@JosephCasey It is much better now that it at least offers an answer to the question, but I see that you have also made sure that all of us in the chat notice how updating that answer was sooooooo much of a favor you have made for us :D
You're getting downvoted because your answers are very low quality, in a wide variety of ways. Claims of "trying" and "understanding" are hollow when you don't demonstrate actual effort and understanding, and you have yet to demonstrate either of those things.
Instead of writing "see me after class" level answers, try spending the amount of time needed to get at least a C.
@JosephCasey I reversed my downvote, but still there is no way I could upvote this answer :/ it is better now, it is a good first step in improving this answer, but for now that's like improving from F to F+ :/
Allison, With all due respect, look at my answers before and look at them now, If you dont see at least a speck of improvement, then i guess you never will.
@JosephCasey I did. It's still not good, it still doesn't answer the question, it's still a failing grade, and while I haven't personally downvoted, I don't see any reason someone shouldn't.
This site and the users here do not exist to pat you on the head and tell you what a good job you're doing. If you're writing low quality answers, you're going to get the response to low quality answers, which is downvoting and deletion. We're not here to make you feel good about yourself, we're here to answer people's questions.
@JosephCasey I did but you cannot reasonably expect all other people to do the same, I did it because I see a potential in you and I want to encourage you, but if you expect all other people to have a similar mindset then you are setting yourself for disappointment :/
@JosephCasey Also worth noting that it's generally considered rude to say goodbyes/greetings to a subset of a group you're talking to). I'm 90% sure you did this one on purpose, though; just pointing out in case I'm wrong.
@Sarov I know many more magic spells like that: "I wish you all the best, BUT..." or chanting "no copyright infringement intended" to make yourself immune before proceeding to use copyrighted material beyond fair use (I am just kidding, relax please) :D
@JosephCasey I think it should all happen naturally and organically with the votes on posts, it should be like in free market where voters decide on their own which answers are good and which are bad; if you open a restaurant in the city downtown and give low quality food and low quality service then no amount of giving attitude is going to convince people, free...
@JosephCasey doesn't care if you don't get the validation that you claim you deserve, free market only cares whether you provide things that people demand; people in restaurants demand high quality food and service, people on SE demand high quality helpful answers.
@Sarov Of course, relax, I know it doesn't work :D I am giggling at this because I have watched educational material about copyright law and it ridiculed this "magic spell" in a way that a lawyer dressed like vampire Dracula with vampire fake teeth was going "I will SUE YOU!", then the protagonist pointed a cross at him and started chanting "no copyright infringement intended" and the vampire started hissing while helplessly crumbling down on the floor :D
@JosephCasey Not all your answers are bad, a few have had quite good reception and are scored +4/-0 and +3/-0. However, my impression is that you are not necessarily fully aware why exactly these answers were much better received than the others; as I am seeing it, you are in a way blindly gambling with your chances and even though you "hit the right note" from time to time, you are not yet able to replicate it consistently and I am sure it could be frustrating and discouraging.
@JosephCasey One universal thing that characterizes virtually all your answers is that they are short. Short answers are rarely good ones, generally length correlates with quality, and sometimes it takes me really a long time (a few hours, or a whole evening) to write elaborate answer that receives 0 or 1 upvotes - after having experienced disappointment like that, upvoting a short answer that looks like the author spent 3 minutes writing it just feels cheap.
@Sarov Also worth noting that it's generally considered disappointing to give a two-word unenthusiastic reply to someone's long and enthusiastic message that was meant to lighten up your mood and entertain you. I'm 90% sure you did this one on purpose, though; just pointing out in case I'm wrong.
@Joseph Casey. I can't believe how much advice and how much of it you've ignored. It seems like a constant uphill battle that will lead to extreme actions, such as true suspension if you continue (arguing, low-quality posts, bad edits, etc...). In fact, on other SE sites I participate in, you would be suspended already. Lucky for you, the Pets Moderators are very forgiving people.