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@JosephCasey Okay relax, I understand what you said :D my point was more about saying "cr✱p" no matter the context, it just makes chat a bit dirty and unpleasant place, and it gives bad example: even if as little as just one person says "cr✱p" or other dirty words, then some of the witnesses will eventually start to assume it is okay to say "cr✱p" and other dirty words, and one day we will suddenly wake up and realize that all of us say "cr✱p" and other dirty words on regular basis.
Agreed (again). @lila How is your day going?
Actually, it is 2 am in Poland! So, how's your night going? ;)
Get to sleep @lila.The National Sleep Foundation guidelines advises that healthy adults need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night. See you tommorow.
@JosephCasey Hahahaha no, nobody has even said anything like this, that is just your creative misinterpretation :D and no, posting the response to Henders's goodbye Q&A was not anything bad, but it annoyed Nai45 because it was a bit uncallibrated; in my opinion it was equivalent to something like this: one day you learn that passionate, charismatic and cool teacher used to teach in your school, but retired 10 years ago, before you ...
@JosephCasey ...even became the student of this school. And as he retired, there was a big "goodbye" party where all the students had the chance to give him gifts and express respect and gratitude. But that was 10 years ago. However, you want to express your respect for the teacher regardless, so just out of the blue, despite the fact that he has already been retired for 10 years, you go and give him a home visit: you knock on his door and, as he opens, you ...
@JosephCasey ...blow the party horn, throw confetti in the air and excitedly shout "happy retirement, wish all the best for you Sir!" :D
@Nai54 Haha sorry I was writing the essay for Joseph and I thought I would finish before you log out :D day way okay but nothing too fancy, just fine; as for night, oh just another beautifully boring night and yes I am going to sleep soon, and yes I actually get at least 7 hours of sleep, I just do not have any reason to wake up early (for now at least) and that is why I have been disrupting my circadian cycle.
@Nai54 And thanks for the stars, it means a lot to me!
I am sorry for bumping a closed question to the front page, it was accident.
1 hour later…
@JosephCasey Which people did you like more, those on Arquade or those on Pets?
And about that Joseph's Meta post: actually, the more I think about it, the less inappropriate it seems to me and the more adorable it seems instead :D this Meta site of Pets is one lonely, quiet and sad place to be honest, some fresh activity will not hurt anything as long as it is reasonable; posts on Meta do not affect reputation so posting on Meta cannot raise any suspicions about reputation farming.
But please, please, pretty please with sugar on top, do not take this as invitation to answer all the other existing "moderator says goodbye" posts :D it was okay if you didn't know, but now you know it is unneeded and why it could be seen as nuisance; please focus on more recent activity than these, thanks; good night see you.
4 hours later…
The unexpected perils of working from home:
@Stephie Oh no, not the smartest place for a head
@Stephie XD Could be worse, I guess? (S)He could decide to rather sit on your lap... 3 minutes before the start of a video conference...
Or that - usually he just decides that there’s a super dangerous something exactly when I don’t have my microphone on mute. And he’s got quite the baritone for his age.
I so envy you people who have pets at home :D I cant have any in my flat
@SerenaT There are always 2 sides of a coin. I absolutely love my dog (well, my parents dog to be precisely), but sometimes I hate going on walks with him. I like the company of a cat in my improvised home office, but I hate cleaning out the litter box. I'm currently at my parents place a lot, but I guess once this whole situation is over, I'll stick to my pet rock ^^
I really did not mind the litter box that much back at home with my parents, I just really like the company of animals generally
I know it is different to have your own but for me animals really give me a fuller life
@SerenaT I know what you mean. I thought a lot about getting a pet rat, but I had to admit to myself that I wouldn't be able to provide the little critter with enough entertainment and company. Even a small fish tank requires me to invest time and effort. So, still no pets at my own place. To be honest, it was also a relief that I could just abandon my place for a while and stay with my parents for moral support.
I am also waiting for the right time in my life. Right now I and my S.O. work full time and we live in a small flat. It just is not the right time. But I really see some pets in the future.
Luckily I do not live alone because I am afraid of putting my parents at risk for just a small visit, and I am definitely not staying for longer hehe
@SerenaT Yeah, makes you realize why you moved out in the first place ^^'
I waited to get a cat until we had our house. I knew I didn’t want an indoor-only cat and as we were in the third floor, it just wasn’t realistic.
@Elmy Pretty much, but the relationship with my parents improved drastically after moving out which is nice
@Stephie Exactly and right now we really dont have the space or the time. The pet would be alone a lot after the pandemic
@SerenaT that's so a dog thing
I used to check my chair for dog lying dangerously for years... even at work :D
(Which confused my then boss)
4 hours later…
@lila @lila Honestly i was a little less skilled in gaming even though i love roblox by heart, However i kind of like you guys more (Even though sometimes i hate your way of helping), the fact that you are helping makes a difference.
sorry for the double ping
And yes, i mean arquade didnt really help that much.
but guys can we keep off the leash? it helps me talk about different things not related to pets.
@JosephCasey tbh, the only reason it was frozen was... no one was using it
If it gets locked, give me or one of the 'local' mods a ping and we'll likely unlock it if we're free
ok thx
But anyways.
I dont know what to do.
Can anyone run for moderator?
just a question
Can anyone as in me, if i had the skills, run for moderator?
You guys good?
No one has responded in over 20 minutes.
30 minutes to be exact
@SerenaT It's nice to hang out with my cats during the day, but they have a fantastic sense of when I'm in meetings and love to interrupt them by walking across my desk, jumping on my shoulders, etc.
@JosephCasey chill. People have other things to do than sit here all day. Please learn some patience.
im sorry its just ou guys are usually active and i was concerned
@JosephCasey there's certain requirements for being a mod
Now i know and wont beg you guys.
If you are serious, you can go look em up
Uhm what part of stack exchange can i look it up on?
@AllisonC Priorities!
@JourneymanGeek They're experts! Even when I was doing something that was being livestreamed out and made sure the two interruption culprits were out of range, the one who almost never interrupts found a way to get on camera :)
IK you must abide by the Terms of Site
@AllisonC Oh right how did the stream go?
@JosephCasey you can find it on meta
that said, as much as the hard requirements, there's also the soft requirements - being a moderator is tough
@SerenaT The one last night? I think it went okay :) I was pretty nervous for it, but I feel like I did okay with all the questions from the board, and there weren't any stream questions. Next candidate is tonight so I'll be watching hers, and then we have the candidate for president on Thursday.
@AllisonC Nice! :)
Im willing to go through it.
You dont think i know?
They have to manage the whole SE site.
In fact i feel bad for you.
@JosephCasey Are you? You haven't been willing to take more than a twelve hour break from answering questions, or to put in the effort to improve your answers.
i havent answered a single question in a day.
what question?
and yes i am improving my answers.
@SerenaT We'll see how it goes. :) It's definitely not the easiest job in the world but I'm hopeful I can help get us back on our feet.
@JosephCasey I'm pretty sure, and I'm not bragging, that I've probably had to deal with worse than most mods ;)
And here's a really important tip. You're ready to moderate when people start nagging you to stand.
@JosephCasey You're constantly complaining about being "suspended," asking if you can "please just post again," and trying to sneak in answers. You need to show some maturity and be serious about improving yourself. You haven't shown either of those yet, sorry. Think about yourself, not others.
Allison, See thats a problem.
The nonprofit board I'm a candidate for, I'm not there because I wanted to be. I was asked by others. That's where you should be for a moderator.
I have always thought about myself and its brought some negative consequences to me. Im ready to stop thinking about myself and start helping others.
Im deleting my crappy posts.
At the time I stood for SU mod, someone was nagging the other mods to when the election would be so I could stand.
Im going to continue deleting my crappy posts.
I was also a mod on SR.SE
@JosephCasey too many deletions = question or answer ban
I also was a mod at meta, quit cause I was angry at the people who ran SE, came back cause the other mods needed help....
i only deleted 4 is that too much?
@JosephCasey no one knows the number
oh lord
but its always better to... try to post stuff you don't need to delete
let me hope and pray it wasnt too much.
im going to undelete two
just in case.
I agree.
Can someone accept my deletions?
@JosephCasey But you're doing it in a terribly selfish way. You are putting "I want to help others!" over other people telling you, repeatedly, "But you aren't helping." You're putting "I want to help!" over actually helping; your intentions don't make what you're doing helpful to either the site or the people coming here for help.
never mind
i dont know how to respond to that.
You've been given advice, repeatedly, endlessly, about what you need to do to actually help, and you've selfishly decided that you know better than everyone else here and are going to do it your way instead. Focus on improving yourself.
and im following that
im improving my posts.
How many posts with highly-voted answers have you read?
@JourneymanGeek amen to that!
@JosephCasey I know I said I’d be silent. But let me suggest one extra step: when you are at your “crappy posts”, read them again and think carefully about why people downvoted them. This is not a site where user base is downvoting a lot, quite the opposite. On some of the higher traffic technical sites, some of them would have been downvoted to oblivion. And without comments.
Making mistakes is ok, not leaning from them is stupid.
I understand
I improved the answer on the cat drinking the choc milk question.
@JosephCasey Hey, that's an actual improvement. It refers to the facts given in the question and gives an online reference.
Thank you.
I just hope i can get upvotes or at least get the count to zero instead of -2
Also can you teach me how to change a URL link into a clickable text?
It might make answering alot better.
@JosephCasey there's a short-cut in the rich text editor window for that
alternately look up the markdown help
oh thanks
@JosephCasey Ha! That’s the first time that you asked for constructive advice - Good!
Looking up and figuring out the markdown help's a good idea in general...
especially since grumble we use three different dialects on SE
I still dont understand it. Do i put [1] at the beginning of the text and then at the end of the URL?
There's rumor about a WYSIWYG text editor replacing markdown, but I have no clue when that's gonna happen
@JosephCasey use the rich text editor. One moment
First, write the text you want to be clickable. Then mark that text and click the icon on top of the text box that looks like a chain link. Enter the web address in the new tiny text window and click ok
in theory if the second link was different, it would add it below, but good enough for demonstration purposes :D
There's another variation where the link is inline, but lets not worry about that first.
@Elmy I'm trying the alpha for that. Its ok but the devs seem opposed to having the preview, which sucks for a lot of uses
Its not replacing markdown - its an alternative WYSIWYG view :D
cant see screenshots
it just shows a circle with a diagonal line through it
it says its copyrighte
I made my screenshots :D
@JosephCasey Must be a policy in your school or something (I assume you're at school?)
I am
im on my school account, thats why i want to merge.
is when i get out of school, i would want to have the same tools on my home account.
How hang on wait a minute.
when you write an answer, there are buttons on top of the answer box like [B] [I] and the next one is supposed to be a chain link.
wait lemme see
When you mark some text and click on the chain link button, you can enter the web address and it makes the marked text clickable
yep i see it
AH ok that makes it easier.
@JosephCasey lots of filters block imgur
including the one at work
I kinda forgot that ._.
ye its ok
ok, I'm off to the analog world. See you later
OMG OMG OMG thank you elmy
it worked
@JosephCasey The one after the chain link is a quote mark. You should use this one when you copy paste text from a website into your answer to make it clear which text is yours and which is copied
well i usually use the "" on my keyboard.
but thats a good idea too.
Now lets hope i get some upvotes from that question.
Using quotation marks is good for small inline quotes, but if you're quoting a larger block of text, using the quote markup is the better option. It makes the quoted text more clearly quoted and improves the overall formatting of the answer.
Be sure you appropriately name your links, too. "Click here" hasn't been valid link text since the early 90s. ;)
ha ha ha
I mean, unless it's like...

For an example of what can happen if you jump straight into Scrumbut, [click here](https://ronjeffries.com/xprog/articles/jatbaseball/)
@JosephCasey much better!
@Sarov True XD But that's the exception to the rule
Ok edited Blind kitten answer
@JosephCasey I tried to suggest an edit to change to using blockquote, but "Edits must be at least 6 characters"
Basically, instead of using "s around the text, put a > before. ex:

> Large block of text goes here
so its >"Text" Blockquote
You don't really need the "s if you have a > since the fact that it's a quotation is implied.
Having an answer that's nothing but a quote and a citation for the quote doesn't really make a good answer, either. Particularly when it's repetition of information from a previous answer, or not appropriately connected to the question (which here is about an adult cat, but your answer is about training kittens).
Actually, yeah, on a second look, the source could explain 'why' the adult cat bites, and how to prevent it early on, but not how to stop it once it's a problem, which is what was asked.
@JosephCasey another tip
you never want a large direct quote as an answer
Consider this
@JosephCasey I just took a look at that answer; that's exactly what I would recommend to delete as a "link only answer." It's a short answer with no useful information directing the asker to follow a link.
pets.stackexchange.com/questions/19742/… While it has a large amount of quotes - it also has some research (since I knew nothing about it and was curious...)
@JosephCasey take a good, detailed read through this: pets.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/774/…
and that's the thing. Its not 'just' about posting an answer. You need to have some original content, or pull together more than what something someone would find with a quick google
@AllisonC As always there are exceptions, though. Like if there's a single authoritative source, there is no answer more valid than just redirecting to it. e.g. pm.stackexchange.com/a/25442/25606
@Sarov True, with something detailed like that, though you still run the risk of link rot even with official documentation (and even moreso with the type of more blog-style sites that tend to get linked here).
Yeah, normally I would've included an excerpt too, but... it's the entire page that's relevant.
@Sarov there's always context and commentary to add
And even with tech-type answers like that, it can be a big help to have at least some of the information in the question; there's an extension we use a lot here, but we use a very old version because the license to get the newer ones costs more than the higher-ups want to spend. Finding old Q&A posts is sometimes the only way we can figure out a solution to an issue. :)
@Sarov also, what if they move the page, or they delete it or....
Is there? Q: "Can I do X?" A: "Yes, here's official doc showing how."

What would there be to add?
Whenever possible, a brief summary of what to do, with "here's official documentation with more details."
@Sarov Lets say, hypothetically, that Altassian decides to stop supporting the version and nukes all the documentation...
cause $deity its a lot of fun hunting caches
and you work somewhere that's stuck on the old version
Like I said, with the extension we use, I can't depend on "official documentation" because it's advanced several years beyond what we're using. :) So anything that just links me to "official documentation" isn't helping, but sites that tell me what to do and then link to (usually missing) documentation do help.
@JourneymanGeek Haha sweet, did you make this gif yourself? It immediately gives me vibes of 2009 youtube tutorial video where, instead of voiceover/embeeded captions, people were writing in real time in Notepad with some typos and then backspacing to fix those typos, all in real time :D
@lila yup
Fair point, but in this case there's really no way to summarize/excerpt. Putting the entire doc into my Answer would make it huge. I guess I could preemptively change the link to be WBM?
I use a tool called licecap, though screen to gif is 'better'
@Sarov I'd probably include things like "its a built in plugin" and that "the csv needs to be formed, and follows the excel CSV format"
Well, I actually basically did that via "You first need to create a .csv, of course. No plugin is needed."
I could add a note bout the Excel. And put WBM link just in case.
@Elmy Noooooooo, you just ruined my head canon! :D Anytime I was annoyed while doing any tedious maintenance tasks in my aquarium, I was thinking "oh come on, think about Elmy, having a problem dog is 678 times more demanding than having this aquarium and Elmy is surely more enthusiastic than you!" and I was immediately feeling better and more enthusiastic to do the cleaning. :D :D :D
@Elmy you have some experience with “special” dogs, right?
@Elmy Haha "even a small fish tank requires me to invest time and effort" - I would say "especially a small fish tank" because the bigger the tank the more self-sustaining it is; most of the effort is during setting it up, but once it is established then you could leave it completely without your attention for at least a few days (assuming constant electricity supply to run the filtration all the time and auxiliary timers to periodically switch on/off the lights).
what did i just walk into?
@Stephie i edited it.
However, the huge problem is that once you set up an aquarium, it is basically "grounded", as if it was set in stone; relocating a cat or dog is trivial, relocating an aquarium is huge and disruptive nuisance because you literally have a heavy brick of water that could weigh several hundreds of kg or more.
@lila Gosh that's true :) My big tank holds itself pretty well (other than the rapid water loss, I'm overdue again on doing a water replacement, need to squeeze one in soon), the smaller one tends to get overrun by algae and is technically overstocked, so it takes a lot more attention
And soon I'll have to empty both to relocate them to a different house... I'm going to take that time to correct some problems with the planted one, it's never really gotten itself established so I'll effectively start it over, but it's going to be a pain to remove all the soil!
uuhh guys? what are we talking about?
@Stephie @JourneymanGeek I edited the answer.
@JosephCasey you don't really need to ping people every time you edit
if you don't know what's going on, read the scrollback and catch up
I saw what you guys put
I was just updating you
Im going to make a log book chat. So you guys know what i did.
@CaldeiraG hi o/
What is Superuser?
what site is that?
@JosephCasey About aquariums, next time please just read a few previous messages and you will know, it takes less effort for one person to read a few recent messages than for all the other people to write a compressed transcription of recent messages.
@JosephCasey I don't know, something about computers
I thought it was a Mod site and didnt want to join it unless i was given permission.
you know, Superuser is a term to describe administration.
But anyways, thank you for the clarification.
Guys tell me If you support me on this, but i just got an awesome idea.
@JosephCasey no problem :D it is not only for moderators, you can join it if you want.
Im thinking about going back to Area 51 and seeing if i can create a site Just for mods, only mods, mods from all sites.
@JosephCasey I am almost scared to ask, but what is it?
mods from any site.
no one except mods can join it
@JosephCasey exists.
and it will be a support system for mods.....wait it does?
I forgot
there is one.....
well frick
@JosephCasey Oh okay I see, I have to say that it is actually a good idea, but it is in fact so good that someone had already come up with it and it exists (I suppose it is good, I don't use it).
well then i might make a suggestion to a community mod, or SE staff to make a new rank.
im still working out the kinks, but i believe it might work.
@lila What do you think of a new site rank?
sorry for the ping
but what do you think?
I think i have it worked out, go to off the leash for a minute.
@lila "relocating a cat or dog is trivial" 9 out of 10 cats disagree.
5 out of 6 dogs disagree
@JosephCasey I don't know any details, I would need to know what benefits it could potentially create, and whether it could complicate things and create more problems than it solves; as for now it sounds interesting but has a little "solution in search for a problem" vibes.
lila go to off the leash.
@Sarov Hahahaha sorry I wasn't specific with my words, I knew relocation is bad word :D I meant "physically moving a cat from one apartment to another" :D
Cats would still disagree. :P
"So what if you have to move a giant heavy brick Who cares about you? *I have to get used to an entirely new environment!!!*"
I mean the thing you do with cat transporter if you take your cat to the vet, it is easier than taking a whole aquarium to the vet
@lila I'll give you this one. I'm dreading trying to move a pile of platies far more than moving the cats. Two of them have already been through a few moves (original home to foster, foster to previous residence, previous residence to here), the third one far fewer (street to impound, impound to foster, adopted by one of the people living in the same house she was fostered in)
(I'd barely even count "street to impound" or "impound to foster" as a move, she didn't seem to spend much time in the former and was in the latter for maybe a week.)
Hahahaha do you remember this question?
Q: Dog won't walk unless the whole house walks with him

Mell_O_DramaMy dog is almost five and a rescue. I work from home so he spends all day with me; he's always been funny about going on walks without me if I am in the house. If I'm sick and want to stay in bed, he'll walk with my husband until he notices I'm not there, then run back to find me. Our dogwalker h...

At least you don't need multiple people chasing the aquarium all around the house trying to corner it to grab it and stuff it into the carrier. :P

I assume.
I imagine analogous one: "Platy fish won't walk unless the whole aquarium walks with her" :D
lila check off the leash
@Sarov Haha okay, but in case of fish you already move their whole environment with them, if you want to be fair then move a cat together with all these city blocks it is patrolling :D
Cat: "I am okay with this."
@Sarov Haha you know, I cannot even tell whether you are being Sarovesque or just implementing cat's mindset; it makes me realize that Sarovesque style is much much older that Sarov and has a rich heritage, and that cats have already been pioneers of Sarovesque style long before humans.
Cats have shaped who I have become, I guess.
@Stephie I've once had the most docile and cuddly and lovely dog. After she died we saw an article in the newspper about a dog that was abandoned at the gate of a dog pension but the shelter was already full and the pension had no place to keep him, so they looked for someone to adopt him.
@Sarov This... could be arranged...
Turns out he was abused, never trained for the first 6 months of his life, probably never socialized properly and very aggressive towards men... Suffice to say I had to learn a lot and learn fast
@Elmy I may ask you for the occasional reassuring “it’ll be fine” pat on the back
I have been clear from caffeine for whole 10 days now! \o/
I am looking at, uh, five hours?
im clear for 2 days, not including soda.
For me, uhh...
3-4 years I guess? I think I had a soft drink around then.
wow thats not bad
I've never once drunk coffee. Cannot stand the smell so I'd never be able to bring myself to drink it.
Hahahaha this is not how it works! :D Caffeine in coffee and in soda is the same chemical substance, it is like saying "I have been abstaining from drinking alcohol for a month, not including beer".
Not to sway you off of no caffiene, but coffee isnt actually that bad with creamour.
they come in different flavors such as hazelnut, m&ms, hersheys, ECT>
@Sarov Yeah, same here. But I love tea (which also contains caffeine) and really rich hot chocolate (which is also kind of bitter like coffe, but I like it muuuuch more)
My mother's tried to get me to like tea but it's all way too bitter.
@Sarov Do not let it steep for more than 3 minutes, then the bitterness cannot develop
Keep in mind celery is also too bitter for me. Though everyone I've asked say it's tasteless to them.
And many tea packages instruct you to take 1 teabag for a cup and 3 for a teapot. I always take 1 or 2 for an entire pot
i honestly have thought about just going to the grocery store and buying a bunch of Hershey's cookiesncream and just melting them in one big glass bowl.
im off topic.
Let talk in off the leash
@Sarov Oh this could be some weird food intolerance. A friend of mine is histamine intolerant. Cheese tastes hot like chilli for her
oh my god
i would love to have histamine intolerance.
i love spicy things
wassup @DavidPostill
@Sarov Do you notice this in just some random foods, or is “too bitter”’a recurring theme?
@Elmy Agreed. What kind of tea / brand do you prefer?
I'm not sure; only ever compared for celery, (uncooked) broccoli, and tea.
ok imma go see if i can attempt to answer questions PROPERLY. You guys have seen how i have done it and i only have @Nai54 to thank for the idea.
@Sarov Because some people have a specific sensitivity to bitter. We had a user once over at SA.
oh and stephie
i replyed to your comment on my answer
@JosephCasey haha no you wouldn't, it is not the same pleasant sensation as spicy food like chilli, it is a medical condition, it gives you rash, headache, itching, etc.
@Stephie I need a variety of at least 10 different teas, otherwise I'll be bored ^^'. But my first pot of the day is always either green or Earl Grey, the second one some fruit or herbal tea.
so wait
shes allergic to the food?
Because thats closely related to allergy
@JosephCasey yes. And to weird foods. She can eat young cheese like Mozzarella, but not old cheese. She cannot eat chilli. She can eat egg white but not egg yolk. And i forgot a thousand little details of what she can or cannot eat
can i say the d word?
@lila "Pleasant". I remember reading that unlike other 'flavours', spiciness is not a sense of taste but rather a sense of pain.
@Sarov Pain is just weakness leaving your body you should all know this :p
@JosephCasey oh boi
@Sarov Haha, I once heard a child in a restaurant complain that the ketchup "hurt her". Turns out it was chilli sauce
@JosephCasey Histamine is involved in causing immune response, so you are right in terms of symptoms; but cause is different: histamine intolerance is if you are deficient in enzymes that break down histamine and you accumulate the histamine from the food; and food allergy is if some food proteins trigger your immune system as "foreign" and your body produces histamine causing allergic reaction.
@JosephCasey hahahaha true :D
Like histamine posioning, As we described yesterday, "In moderation"
Thats what epinephrine antihistamine is for.
But no i completely enjoy scorching my mouth with hot food.
@Sarov Oh you see, it causes pain but it is fake pain, it tricks your pain receptors into thinking your mouth is burning and your body responds with releasing natural endogenous pain relievers to help you cope with such a horrible thing as burns, but since it was fake all along it goes away sooner that the body expects so it leaves just pain-relievers in there, giving you a pleasant "high".
@Sarov But some people naturally produce more and some produce less of these pain relievers, I guess you just produce less and thus not enjoy the food.
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