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Q: Cat has watery eye

Hayley GlassMy cat has been sneezing for the last week at least once a day, but I have thought nothing of it. Today I can home and one of his eyes looks more watery than usual and the corner of his eye looks a little irritated and red. Should I wait and see if the symptoms clear or worsen or immediately take...

2 hours later…
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@Henders, I got a great shot of my pleco last night!
Awesome shot
trying to get one of our catfish, but he just hides too much
That's the problem I have with Pleco. As soon as it sees movement, it hides away.
@RichieACC looks so shy
@djsmiley2k r all fishes shy?
@Sonevol nah
Most schoolin fish are quite happy to come out and be photoed, especially when hungry.
3 hours later…
@Sonevol A wild rat is a pest. They destroy the feed for other animals, damage property, and carry disease. All cats are instinctive hunters (some better than others), and with or without sufficient resources will hunt and kill wild rats, field mice, voles, and other pests that threaten the resources they're tasked to protect.
A common treatment of feral and semi feral cats around here is to give them jobs like that. They'll be located in horse barns, dairy barns, and breweries. Anywhere where grains attract rodents and need to be eliminated as a source of disease.
1 hour later…
Loki used to sit on the step and wait for me to get home.
What a good boy!
That's Calvin, lying in Loki's bed. He used to tease Loki. Poor puppy would rather lie on the floor than disturb the cat.
It was Calvin who taught Loki to respect cats. Loki still has the scars.
Q: 6 month old cat still nursing

BreeMy kitten is now 6 months old but my year old cat is having kittens anyday now and my 6 month old is try to nurse on her and he’s been doing that to his older brother who is also a year old. Why is he doing this he eats cat food and brings me dead moles and alive chipmunks.

@RichieACC My family dogs back in the day did a similar thing. The Dalmatian didn't have scars, but when we brought him home as a puppy the first thing he did was chase my cat, and it was also the last time he ever chased a cat. No dog we had while he was still alive ever chased one, either.
helllo ladiesss n genteeelmen
whaaaz upppp???
juuuust noow tooold Bhuuutu tooo bite meehhhh.....
shee diiddd
den askedd forr aa simplee meoweee
meuhhhhhhh......heere it comes sweet and lovely lovely
@trondhansen buddy ddy uuur cat is so good...but sorry minee miss universsseehhhh...
ha ha ha this is called hypnotism skill to force reader to that mentality u have....
can hypnotize any dirnnn personnn of thee planett.
@Sonevol your spelling looks somewhat degraded.
@trondhansen cuz I'm hypnotizing u
i'mmmm super intelligenttt
wass havingg this drugg pexep for 10 years
donno why doctor gamme
got totalllly dumb then
@trondhansen your spelling looks somewhat degraded
quite pun intended for other's to laugh
but carefully covered to assure me nobody is laughing
@JourneymanGeek where u buddy? wanna have a chit-chat?
u smarter.....huh I can play with u at my little finger tip
anybody BOLD enuf to test me?
@Sonevol Please stop.
4 hours later…
Q: Harley and Tubby

EvelynMy 1 yr old maltese shitsu Harley keeps chewing his fathers , Tubby, fur. He has chewedvoff all his ear fur and all his chest fur. Hoe can i stop this as Harley keeps vomiting large fur balls. I dont want to spray anything on Tubbys fur that will irritate or harm eithet of them. Help please

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