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@trondhansen is it normal for cats to do it?
Today Bhutu was playing soccer with her dry dry food and in a shot one food went staight to litter box.
she jumped straight inside litter box and ate that food particle right from litter box
I thought cats are generally highly hygenic in nature
is this a weird behavior?
@Sonevol it is not uncommon for female cats to seek out the scent of male cats even when the female is spayed,the scent of other cats give a lot of information about what cats have been in the area and their gender and age.my cat trine is very focused on the scent at a tree on the border of her teritorry where other cats marks.
the ground where cats hunt prey is not always clean so it is not very strange for bhutu to catch and eat the kibble that ended up in the litter box.
7 hours later…
@trondhansen how cool do u find the cats of taylor swift?
1 hour later…
hello, @djsmiley2k
remember our dolphin conversations/
does anybody owns any pet dolphin other than circus?
3 hours later…
@Sonevol the cats i like the best is natural cats as in cats that have not been changed in any way,taylor swifts cats are changed to have folded ears and it had been ok for me if this had been a one of a kind cat but it is not.for me selective breeding removes an important part of what an animal is.
@trondhansen but same with dogs too, all are different breeds from selective breeding
@Sonevol lots of dog breeds are only to make the dog look in a particular way and tihs is damaging for the life of the dog.
@trondhansen true
@trondhansen why so many people are afraid of arachnids?
@Sonevol it is in our genes if you take a baby that have never seen a spider and show him/her a picture of a spider the reaction is fear this is pure instinct and some thing we do not have controll over.
but the same fear does not come when u have never seen cats
and see kitten pictures
the cute response have been studied by science it is in the genes of most mamals :)
@trondhansen why is it these automatic cute and fear response?
@Sonevol for the baby animals that we find "cute" it's because we are picking up on their similarities with human babies
it is usefull for our survival,saving babies and running away from danger,we are animals and we do not controll this part of our life :)
@motosubatsu That's part of why cat meows sound the way they do; they evolved to sound similar to the cry of a human baby
@AllisonC yup.. specifically there's tones in the solicitation purr as well that hit the same responses

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