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Q: Accepting own answer to questions

SkippyPosting questions with answers is acceptable and even encouraged on Stack Exchange. It was brought up on the site, a concern that is the OP accepts their own answer and is giving inaccurate advice, there is concern that pets may be adversely affected. Understanding that Stack Exchange has it's...

My daughter has called our goldfish duck, I'm not sure if this should be a Q for Pets, Parenting, Cognitive Sciences or be kept a family secret
@chad see meta post about ^^^^
@mon hello :)
@Skippy hi! Haven't been in here all day; what's up?
@mon we had a party here last night, in chat i mean
and u?
@Skippy aw man, I'm always late to the party! That sounds like much more fun than the wall-to-wall meetings I had at work today. :-(
But now I am home to the gentle sound of purring at my feet, so all is better. :-)
@mo my cat is asleep on my should/arm. I cannot move it, he gets upset ha
@Skippy heh. One of my cats, who I adopted as an adult last year, had apparently been previously taught that sitting on shoulders/necks was cute. That's cute when they're 2-pound kittens, but not 12-pound cats. I've finally gotten him to stop. :-)
@mon :)
4 hours later…
user image
@woliveirajr bahahah that is the best one I've heard so far..
@MonicaCellio Mine keeps trying to do this and he is 12 pounds or so
@ash hi :)
Heya! :)
@iKlsR hmmmmm.......i think we can see it in her eyes.
There is definitely some plotting there
@Skippy hahaha......... i think you had a really different kind of duck.
@AnkitSharma ;)
1 hour later…
@Skippy i wonder how much animals as a pet do you have
@AnkitSharma good question, our extended family shares pets :)
@ank what about oyu
@woliveirajr you've got me thinking now, should I unaccept answers to help encourage more answers??
Q: Is there a way to prevent another dog pooping on our grass?

Precious TijesunimiI noticed recently that the grass outside our gate that is regularly trimmed, is been pooped on by another dog. I don't know the dog and I've been trying to watch and notice but I've never seen the dog. I know about dog been territorial and that the other dog might not poop on our grass once he ...

This Q was edited to change the emphasis of the Q
There are two answers one to the original, one to the second, what to do?
Q: Question edited to change question and now has two answers addressing two questions

SkippyThis question Is there a way to prevent another dog pooping on our grass? was edited to change the emphasis of the question. There are two answers one to the original, one to the second, what to do? related: Editing answered questions to alter the original meaning

@Skippy my sister have two dogs and i have taken care of dog,fishes and cats.
My sister also kept a cat for few days but she quite that decision due to some problems . So i had experience of dogs,cats and fishes.
And also want to keep a dog in future a dalmatian.
@Skippy the reason for writing What is the best way to take care of dead fish's body? was just to make sure that i don't want any random method but a respectful method by which somebodies emotion doesn't get hurt and some more alive animal didn't get hurt.
@AnkitSharma you've very thoughtful and kind.
I g2g now. going to have an early night to night and hanging out with my children :)
1 hour later…
@ank @pre just a friendly post to tell you not to delete to many of your posts, you don't want to get a post ban.. it's better to edit them to improve them
@Baarn Which posts?. And why should begin deleting them?
@Skippy about cooking???
@Skippy about the unaccept answers -> well, I usually wait 2 or 3 days to see if more answers will come. It's (let's say) boring to see a question that you know an answer, or know the answer, but another answer was already accepted
@PreciousTijesunimi On the chicken question, you already did yesterday
@woliveirajr Sheeple.
@JoshDM @JoshDM not sure if I understood you...
@woliveirajr yes :p cracked me up
@woliveirajr don't want to offend people now by unaccepting..
@wol but now I'm a little worried, you got me thinking about it.. hm
@Skippy good night lady ! :)
could mark the end of the world
@woliveirajr I'm in bed. went to bed, decided to check my phone and bam! on the laptop and god knows what will happen next
@Skippy (before those earlier posts) please, fell free to flag that xkcd comic above, so that any mod could remove it
@wol I actually am not sure what you are referring to.. my comment about the post?
@Skippy cell phones should be banned from bed :) I have a problem with them, too. But sometimes my little girl makes me be awake for 3 hours every night, so I sleep as soon as I can next day
@woliveirajr You should be able to remove it yourself, if that's what you want...
@wol who are you having a go at? me for the feedback on the downvote?
@Skippy about down-voting because of writing "i" instead of "I", for example...
@Beofett I tried, but someone starred it, I don't think I can anymore
@woliveirajr It looks like the previous post was starred, not the one with the link, but if you'd like, I can delete it for you?
@Beofett please, do so... I think Skippy already saw it, so we can talk but it doesn't need to be there anymore
@woliveirajr done
it was more than that. If someone with a rep of 10000 can't make an effort to bother to capitalise 'I's on top of everything else
who posted it originally?
@Skippy I only get bothered by that sort of stuff if I know that English is their primary language
@Skippy I loved that you commented, explaining. I'm having some hard times with so many downvotes (not on my questions, not your downvotes). For so early stage of any site, and without previous / simultaneous comment...
@beo I've seen enough of his posts to know he knows how to write some things
@wol I have 10% downvotes. I have made more upvotes alone than most users, yourself included. So why don't you now justify to ME why you have not upvoted even half of the posts I've upvoted?
@wol and then when people ask for feedback on the downvotes I am called an insecure, conceited, judgemental a**hole by YOU. You dare to ask me to justify why I downvote 10% of my votes. If some are not downvoted, the site will be useless. It is not realistic to upvote everything
I have made a huge effort to vote, to encourage people, with votes and rep rewards.
@Skippy yes, I think you have the best stats than everybody else on Pets. I think I've upvoted all questions I've seem, and also all the answers (but I'm not sure). I just haven't read all questions about cats and dogs, I have very low knowledge about them (except for a poodle that was my best friend for many years)
Anyway, I don't come here to be ripped to shreds
@Skippy sorry, wasn't the intention
@Skippy and never called you that
@wol I'm not really interested, I haven't asked anyone to justify to me why they vote the way they do, with the exception of the Mod votes, so I could see what people didn't like. Even then I shouldn't have pushed it.
@Skippy (not even thought about that)
@wol You DID call me that, by posting the cartoon. It is as plain as day. Anyway. I'm going. Now I understand a few things/
Shame was going to ask you about being Brazillian, my son is a purple belt in brazilian jiuttisu
all my kids do it
night @beo
night all
@Skippy I have to say I don't see @woliveirajr's comments here as attacks on your downvotes. Perhaps there's a simple miscommunication here?
@Skippy Have a good night
@beo it was the cartoon he posted in regard to my comments on a Q xkcd.com/1238
@Beofett of course wasn't attacks on downvotes of @Skippy, she is (and must be) free to vote up and down as she likes, like anyone else in the site. I'm just worried about downvote first - comment after, or downvote first - never justify that so many people have...
As for not just saying, what you did is definitely good, my 288 upvotes speak for themselves.
@Beofett in a private beta phase
@woliveirajr at least be man enough to admit that you posted the cartoon pinged at me in repsonse to my comments on my downvote. and this is why people do not comment
@woliveirajr Actually, my feeling is that explaining downvotes is arguably less important in private beta.
@Skippy that's why I just pointed the second half of it, and asked it to be deleted from the chat. I don't think it applies to you, just the "some things were wrote wrong, so downvote"
Private beta communities should expect a higher level of familiarity with the platform, and many of us deliberately post stuff that is borderline to establish how the community feels.
@Beofett doesn't it discourage people
@Beofett when there are so few people involved in beta?
@woliveirajr Maybe this is unreasonable of me, but my expectation would be that members of a private beta should have a thicker skin than once the site goes live.
It's generally true that most people in private betas have some level of experience with the stackexchange platform.
Unexplained downvotes are (again, in my subjective opinion) most frustrating to people who are still learning the ropes, so to speak.
That being said, I still think adding comments to explain downvotes is a generally good thing, even in private beta
@Beofett yep, I got the grey area idea, exactly to see what should be done and what shouldn't , what kind of Q & A we expect.
But people do have legitimate reasons for not commenting to explain.
Some people simply do not enjoy the potential confrontations that frequently come from explaining why they downvoted, and that's a perfectly legitimate stance, imo.
@Beofett I got that also, specially those retaliation that some users do when get downvoted and know who downvoted... and, sadly, very common
I have downvoted exactly one answer here, but did not comment. In my case, it was because I felt comments made by other users sufficiently explained it, but I have downvoted without any comments in certain other circumstances.
@Beofett :) yes, was writing exactly that.
@Beofett But when we are among private beta, where few people moved from the proposal to "I'll take time, effort, and so on", I understood it was because some people will like to discuss what is good and what is not for the site. When someone begins to receive constantly downvotes
@Beofett (I think it was Ankit, but I'm not sure), and don't even know why, it seems that more explanation could be given. And since I consider that people in private are interested in making the good standard of the site, I find it weird when someone is "penalized" without knowing why
@Beofett I'm really not sure if getting signs of "this kind of question / answer is not welcomed here", but without explaining why, is a bit... hum... building something. Things are built with communication, not with random penalties, IMHO.
@woliveirajr In all honesty, downvotes are a form of communication. Granted, they don't carry much depth....
@Beofett if someone else already explained, ok. If it's flagged (and even flags require justification, like "too broad"), ok.
@woliveirajr Ankit does seem to have received a fair amount of downvotes. It looks like maybe half of them have fairly clear explanations, though.
close votes, comments, etc.
@Beofett yes, but a very shallow one.
@woliveirajr yep
@Beofett after asking in many cases...
@woliveirajr Can I use human medicine on dogs?: 3 downvotes, 3 close votes, and a related meta discussion
@Beofett but after questions on meta about downvotes were downvoted, and seeing that people would have to come to chat to understand why (and chat, by definition, is made by people online at the same time), I began to get worried about downvotes
Answer on motion travel: 1 downvote, no comments (and I'm not actually sure what the downvote is for)
Possibly because of the "click here to see more" link?
Every downvote carries a message: "This question does not show any research effort; it is unclear or not useful" or "This answer is not useful"
@Beofett in that questions: meta discussion is/ was great. having to ask why 3 downvotes for the question: he (or anyone else, it doesn't matter) has to guess if it was because of the question itself, the lack of sources, because it asked for opinion (and that's why it should be close, in my opinion)...
Safe to take dog out to the park answer: 1 downvote, no explanation, but my assumption is that there is no reference to back that up
You can't force people to comment on their downvotes. This issue has been discussed several times on different sites, always with the same results.
answer on changing a dog's food: same as above, including my speculation as to the reason for the downvote
@Beofett exactly that. What was the downvoted useful for? It didn't help me, seems it didn't helped you either, since you don't know too what it was for...
question on french mastiff friendliness: 1 downvote, no explanation. I speculate that it is because it is pretty subjective, and/or because breed influence on personality is arguably less of an influence than upbringing/environment
@Baarn This!
@Beofett :) and then we have some question on meta on why people are just googling and quoting from elsewhere. You guess the downvote was because the lack of source, @Baarn could think (I'm just guessing) it's because it wasn't useful...
@woliveirajr Yeah, ones like that I find hard to justify, but there's one fundamental rule to the stackexchange platform that takes a lot of getting used to: people can vote however they want, for whatever reason they want.
I think a good reason to downvote Ankits questions and answers is the lack of proper grammar. While he might not be fluent, a downvote also might carry the message of: "I don't think this kind of language is appropriate for an expert site, please edit"
I know on some of the other sites I participate in, it is not uncommon for me to have a highly voted (25+) answer or question that gets one or two random downvotes, with absolutely no explanation
@Baarn, @Beofett : force people to comment would be bad, I know. Prohibiting people from downvoting would make this site useless, as @Skippy said before (and she is right about it). The SE method you just mentioned (people vote like they want) has it's merits, and teh whole SE works based on that.

And we know it works, since all they are only, with huge traffic, lots of questions and answers...
@Baarn and that one of the things I'm afraid: this will be an expert only site?
@Baarn Quite honestly, downvotes could just as easily mean "I don't like this user's gravatar"
@Beofett I even have upvotes in silly answers, on the original SE, that kind of make me fell shy
@woliveirajr the definition of "expert" is very vague, so everyone is an expert
in Parenting, Jul 5 at 13:30, by Tim Post
On the web, nobody knows you got your degree in Antarctica in a school of fish.
or can be an expert (self-proclaimed)
@Beo, @Baa sorry, gotta go, will be back after, will ove if we can keep this discussion afterwards
@Beofett To me a comment is an indication of something that could/should be corrected in the post. A downvote with out a comment is a disagreement with the post. There is nothing to be gained from posting a comment that says I think you are wrong. If I can not suggest an improvement I do not comment. And just because I comment does not mean that I Downvoted.
@Chad That's a very good point regarding the intent of comments. Comments really should only be used to improve a question/answer, or provide a warning if there is something objectively wrong with it.
I think in private betas, its okay to be a little more lax about that, as it is a formative period where feedback is very important, and in general most sites are fairly permissive (to varying degrees), but as far as a reason for not explaining downvotes, that certainly makes sense

downvote feedback

yesterday, 3 hours 11 minutes total – 54 messages, 2 users, 1 star

Bookmarked 2 mins ago by Skippy

Q: How to heal a wounded chameleon?

ShaulMy daughter just came in with a fairly large chameleon that our cat caught and wounded. It's got big puncture wounds in both its sides from the cat's teeth, and very traumatized. Any idea what to do to (a) calm it down, and (b) give it some chance of healing?

Quite frankly, I am not happy with some of the advice I'm seeing here. There are too many comments and answers being posted by people without expertise. sigh
@Skippy Agreed. I downvoted and commented on the one answer.
This is why those question should be made off topic in my opinion
@Baarn I'm on the fence about that
@Beofett I think it is hard, to decide, too. But how would you react if this was his own pet and not a wild animal?
And he only came here to save the vets bill?
@Baarn I've posted an answer, in line with Chad's answer on that meta discussion (explaining why a vet should immediately be consulted, with a reference). I also voted to close, in line with my answer to that meta discussion. I think both are also in line with Ben Miller's top-voted answer there, as well.
@Beofett Here is the thing I am not going to take a wild chameleon that my cat caught to the vet. Even if it is a pet I am not taking it to the vet. I could buy 20 new ones for the cost of walking into the door at the vets office.
If someone had a decent answer for the OP I would not have a problem with keeping it open. The fact that it escaped anyway is probably more of my consideration for closing than that it is wild or a medical question
@Chad That's why I suggested a rescue service.
@Skippy please tell me this is not an actual problem you have:
Q: Is it ok to feed my goat kitchen scraps?

SkippyWe recently inherited an angora goat from a cousin, as she had to move and we have a largish yard (1 acre). We've been feeding her kitchen scraps, potato peelings, fruit and vegetable leftovers and even, bread crusts (not meat). I am wondering if this is healthy for the goat and really what so...

@Chad Also, from that source I listed: "Typically (in my experience) a vet will charge a $50 exam fee (very similar to a dog or cat visit fee) and then perhaps $20-40 on antibiotics. ". Pet chameleons can be much more expensive :)
@Beofett its 120 to walk into our allpets. Those little chameleons can be found for $5
I hate when i seem them since I know they were probably wild caught in florida
Chameleons? Or anoles? I've never seen true chameleons for less than $50, although its been many years since I lived in Florida
@Beofett yeahthey are not real chameleons but that is what they are called in florida and I see them sold in pet stores as chameleons.
The Carolina anole (Anolis carolinensis) is an arboreal lizard found primarily in the southeastern United States and some Caribbean islands. Other common names include the green anole, American anole and red-throated anole. It is also sometimes referred to as the American chameleon due to its ability to change color from several brown hues to bright green. While many kinds of lizards are capable of changing color, anoles are closely related to iguanas and are not true chameleons. The Carolina is a small lizard; male adults are usually long in adulthood, about half of which is its tai...
If you go to disney world or any where in the orlando area they are literally everywhere
Yeah, they're incredibly common, from what I recall. I assumed the question was about actual chameleons, but I could be mistaken.
@Chad how can we decide in which case these questions are OK and in when they are not?
Some vets will take care of wild animals for free…
@Baarn I am of the opinion to be liberal in the questions we accept but conservative in the answers we tolerate. In other words give questions the benefit of the doubt but answers should be of high quality.
mediorce answers devalue the site far more than mediocre questions.
True, but giving great answers (and ensuring only the good answers are voted up) requires a lot of people with professional expertise.
I mean … the accepted! answer on the reptiles question received two upvotes
@Baarn We will get that. There are millions of people with expert level experience in Pets. Mine is focused on rabbits, and while I have a few other animal interests I can not answer authoritively on Dogs or cats as many others.
But if we build it they will come
15+20-8 = 27 rep for an answer that should have never been written
I mean seriously… citing wiki.answers.com?
@Baarn Notified the user to remove the accept so that I can delete the answer
@Chad no, i've never owned a goat, wanted to get goats on the table, well not on the table
@Skippy ok
@PreciousTijesunimi I've seen that and I think it is good that you've done that. But still I wonder more why other people upvoted that answer in the first place :/
yeah dont let the goat on the table you will never get it to stay off if you do.
@PreciousTijesunimi deleting all your posts is not a good long term solution, you may end up with a post ban
@Skippy It'll be neccesary if it doesn't help
@Baarn maybe because people keep demanding to know and discuss in excess why their posts are downvoted
@PreciousTijesunimi you are deleting a lot of posts here pets.stackexchange.com/help/answer-bans
@Skippy I'm not certain self-deletions count towards that....
@PreciousTijesunimi I get that you are trying to help, but the question is do you have the expertise to give the advice? Or are you just giving a suggestion that you think might help? If you can not explain why your answer is correct authoritatively you should consider not answering. If you can then you should fully explain your answer so that it can help future visitors as well as the current poster.
@Skippy I have just deleted 3
nm... self-deletes count if they're deleted within 30 days of posting.
@Beofett it was something I was warned about on SMO a while back when deleting posts on SO.
@Beofett does or doesn't
@Chad I got the ointment and beta-dyne for a vet source. I added the band-aid.
@Skippy they do count towards a question ban if self-deleted before 30 days have passed.
A: I apparently got question-banned for deleting some of my old, zero-upvoted questions. Is there a better way to handle these?

Jeff AtwoodSo long as your self-deleted questions are more than 30 days old at the time of deletion, they no longer count against you. This is necessary because of a large contingent of abusive users that ask, then delete, and re-ask. (More philosophically, asking lots and lots of questions that nobody ca...

@Beofett hm that's what I'm trying to tell @PreciousTijesunimi maybe you can try and explain.
@Skippy wait... that's question ban. answer ban might be different.
@Beofett That's about questions, is it the same for answers?
argh you beat me
@PreciousTijesunimi I think the problem was with the bandaid... They are not intended to stick to lizards, and if applied incorrectly could cause harm. Not to mention the plastic type could be hazardous in the wild.
@PreciousTijesunimi you should add that vets source in that case … answer.com yahoo.answers and other crappy sites do not contribute in making the internet a better place, they just pest it with myths and confusion. We shouldn't place links there
@JohnB you get a suspension for 24 hours by default if you delete more than 5 answers in a day
@Chad That was my primary objection.
and the comments about trying to pet it
:11713302 still, aren't we talking about answers...?
@Chad Q&A?
hi @joh how are you? :)
Apparently answer bans are MUCH harder to get: meta.stackoverflow.com/a/179925/166646
@Skippy lethargic! Busy days at work recently
@Skippy I dont know I did it with answers on TWP when they implemented the back it up rule I deleted my answers that did not meet the criteria and got a suspension
@JohnB not so good :/
@Baarn Why?
@Chad ok, @beo has answered
@PreciousTijesunimi there is no review mechanism, the community is full of strange people (just look at some of the questions). In general it is a very bad place for receiving good information.
@Skippy I don't think I'll have much problems with that answer, A moderator helped me out
@PreciousTijesunimi oh good and I'm not sure if I've been giving you good info about post bans
@Baarn Yeah. Thats true
@Baarn this is what is worrying. it's good to have watchdogs
@Skippy Yes, you've been talking about question ban
@Chad I have to say, I thought you were like a dog with a bone, but I appreciate your feedback with me and the rabbits.
If you fully explain your answers, you will find the points where your position is weak and be able to either explain it better or remove that part entirely. Short answers rarely provide much value on SE
@PreciousTijesunimi I know longer have a clue :P
OK I'm really going back to bed. Night all
@Skippy I would have left it but you kept saying it was fixed... but imo it wasnt
cheerio hooroo and all that
@Chad then you should tell me. that's why I asked lol
@Chad leave me a comment under the post, so I get a ping and will have a look tomorrow
@Skippy G'night
@Chad What does IMO mean?
In my opinion
@Chad Oh ok lol. That is the name of a state in my country
@PreciousTijesunimi lol sorry that is internent slang sometimes you will see IMHO (in my humble opinion) which i find pretentions because if you have to say it is a humble opinion then it obviously is not
@Chad Hahahaa
Who knows how I can know the breed of my dog?
There are genetic tests
@Chad I guess a vet will do that
@PreciousTijesunimi maybe.
If you posted a picture here we could probably help identify it if it is just curiosity.
@Chad Where is the picture. Pls give me a link
@PreciousTijesunimi I meant if YOU post a picture of your dog
@Chad Oh OK.
A minute
Oh, this brings up another kind of question we might encounter on the site "Help me identify my {pet}" shudder
(totally OK in chat of course… after all this is the litter box)
@Chad I've already posted two pictures. Sorry if it is not quite clear. Its already dark over here
Hard to judge from the quality of the pictures :/
@Baarn Its quite dark over here. I tried to brighten up as I could. Probably I'll take another one tommorow
@PreciousTijesunimi Where did you get the dog from?
A picture sitting or standing would be better too. It looks to be a brindle color though
@Baarn My dad bought him. I don't know where from
Hi everyone.
@Coronus Hello
@PreciousTijesunimi chances are high that it isn't a renowned breed then. But it could be a certain local breed that has not yet received international acceptance
@Baarn Okay should I still post a clearer picture tommorow?
@Baarn also entirely possible its a mix of multiple breeds
@PreciousTijesunimi of course! Even if we can't put a name on your dogs breed I guess most people will enjoy pictures anyway.
@Baarn Okay, will do that tommorow
I don't own one but they are cute… (tortoise, too)
@Baarn Indeed they are cute. And social, too.
Where is John Cavan?. He used to be the highest rep user when private beta started?
When will it be out of private beta? It's said (at least 1 more day) for days.
@Baarn Unfortunately, I think you can only see that if you are in the private beta. Which I'm not.
Ah, sorry… Robert Cartaino wrote on meta:
"Just a brief administrative note:

We typically do our private beta evaluation just about now, but the entire Community Team is in New York this week for a Summit meeting. The site seems to be doing well overall, but the evaluations and related activities are being deferred until next week when we return."
@Coronus or if you want to join the beta click here
@Baarn Awesome!
@Coronus so that did work? Great! I wasn't sure 100%, never tried that before :)
@Baarn Yes it did, thanks. I should've whined sooner. :)
Hello everyone
Hey @Lix
@Lix Hi there.
This has to be the friendliest room in the entire network :P
@Lix No worries, we'll manage to make it worse
You'll all be sent to your baskets!
@Lix baskets?
@PreciousTijesunimi I think that means my tank.
@Coronus my tank?. I'm confused here
@PreciousTijesunimi I think we just got sent to our [rooms].
@Coronus ok I get it
@cor - you got it ;)
@Lix Fine. As long as we get taken for walks.
Now, I have to get busy reading through the questions so I know what's already been asked.
@Coronus not much regarding
Oh, should I specify animal in the title? I know the site will place the tag in the Page Title for SEO.
@Coronus It depends on the question… in general tags and noting the animal should suffice, but most people mention the pet in question in the title.
2 hours later…
@PreciousTijesunimi If I recall, he is away on vacation or something like that, and that is why he hasn't been around :)
Hey @AshleyNunn! :)
@jonsca Heya! Long time no see! :)
Yeah, that's for sure. How's it going?
Pretty awesome, actually. Nothing super interesting to note, but I am happy :P
Glad to hear!

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