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anyone home?
2 hours later…
Again 2 downvotes on two different answers. I can't see the reason yet.
2 hours later…
@AnkitSharma can you post links in here of the two answers
A: When is it safe to take my dog out to the park?

Ankit SharmaIts always safe to wait till full vaccination. If you still want to socialize him before full vaccination, then you can make his interaction with known dogs from neighborhood etc which had their full vaccination (on your or their place/avoid public places). Taking him to streets or parks is risky...

A: Make life easier for motion sick dog when traveling?

Ankit Sharma Dog motion sickness is more commonly seen in puppies and young dogs than in older dogs, just as carsickness afflicts more children than adults. The reason for this is because the ear structures used for balance aren’t fully developed in puppies. If the first few car rides of your d...

@Skippy this two. Yesterday i similarly got downvote in three answers now this two. I though there is something wrong in the answer so i removed two of them yesterday but now its happening again without specifying reason.
@AnkitSharma I downvotes the first one, as it was vague, and didn't give many details., it kind of rehashed the question, yeh it's not good to take them out, but you can mix himwith known dogs from the neighborhood, but not the public.. I regard neighborhood dogs as the public
@Skippy ok no woories.
I downvoted the second one after a lot of thought, as you only really added winding down the window, you rehashed what the OP had tried, changing positions and stated the problem again. motion sickness is more often seen in puppies tha asults
I will try to re phrase in detailed word later.
also you state to make the dog as comfortable as possible'
this is true, but doesn't address what is causing the motion sickness and how to relieve it.
@AnkitSharma I am sorry, I don't downvote on people for personality, but on what I perceive as a value added post. what has this post brought to the site that wasn't here alread and is a benefit to the site, not something we can go and google in less than one second
@Skippy i don't take down vote personal at all.
But i thought 5 down vote in 2 days without any comment or suggestion is little vague.
BTW I'd like community feedback on any issues that need to be addressed within and involving the actually chatroom, given I've been made the new owner. I don't want to do anything, unless the community wishes.. cheers
@AnkitSharma I am trying to get these long chain of comments off the site and into chat, so I am not commenting as often if I downvote. Also people can get upset and think the downvoter is being over critical
Although voting is anonymous, I am happy to discuss any post, that a person brings in here, that I, personally have downvoted and give the reasons why and we can discuss it openlu
@Skippy any ways i didn't understood the problem with this answer pets.stackexchange.com/questions/611/… i mean i addressed the user problem in non highlighted quotes as In your case it appeared that your dog became habitual to the motion sickness even into adulthood
If it wasn't my downvote, I can't give reasons, as it woul dbe guess work
@AnkitSharma hang on let me read it again
Ok @ank
I'll explain
The user says Changing his location in the car didn't change anything as well.
Normally, we don't feed him at the morning of the trip. We've also tried drugging him, but he still manages to get motion sick or prolongs the actual vomiting events
You give one of the possible causes of motion sickness..
The reason for this is because the ear structures used for balance aren’t fully developed in puppies.
then state that it appears this has become habituated into adulthood, which is a leap
Either it is a condition from undeveloped inner ears
where's the connection with it being habituated?
The only solution you provide is one he has tried..
making the dog comfortable within the car
and opening a window for fresh air
@Ank I'm sorry, but for someone looking for a viable answer, this just doesn't give one
Do you see my reasoning?
OK, My answer is not the definitve answer, but I will explain why I answered the way I did
I removed the need for medication, which the OP had tried
I did not discuss trying to vary the dogs postion within the car, as the OP had tried this
@Skippy i will not say i am agree with you but will look at it later. Anyways your reply is appreciable and nothing is personal :)
The OP had tried not feeding the dog in the morning
I added to this by extending this to drink and the day before. w
With another solution to settle the tummy
and an overview of long vs short trips
@Skippy the points i refereed which already tried by OP is just to provide generic answer. I have completely read the question and tried to answer it in generic way
@AnkitSharma this is just an example of how I think, others may see it differently
@AnkitSharma the Op wants an answer to his problem, not a generic answer.
@Skippy if we can do both then i can't see any loss
It's like some Q are too broad, do we need generic answers to a specific problem?
@AnkitSharma that's fine.. you can post and you might get upvotes, that's all good, you expressly asked why it was downvoted and I have explained.. it's all good my friend
@Skippy i don't have any problem, just want to know if there is any reason which i was not able to see.
Anyways i will like you to say that the down votes are good but providing comments going to help user to know which is he lacking in.
@AnkitSharma good, and you know, my opinion is only one.. it is one downvote against 2 upvotes. ;)
@Skippy i always tries to think the reason for down votes just to improve my answer , nothing else.
@AnkitSharma likewise :)
Anyways will catch you latter. :)
ditto :)
@Skippy It looks like you offended people
@PreciousTijesunimi on regrd to what?
@Skippy Your Pro-tem Moderator Nomination
@PreciousTijesunimi yes
@Skippy James Jenkins really countered you
@pre in the comments?
@Skippy Yeah. I just read them
@pre nto sure which ones you're referring to. I'll go look
@pre I think you're talking about an old comment? I am not sure what you mean by countered
it is difficult to have these kind of discussions in this format, because there is so much that is difficult to communicate via a keyboard. You are kind of like a puppy full of energy, bouncing around, you "know" that you are going to be a big dog some day (and I am pretty sure you will be too), but your still a puppy and full of puppy energy This one
@PreciousTijesunimi yes but not sure what you mean by countered, it's a different interpretation of the use of the word countered I think
@Skippy Countered, Like opposed
@pre the funny thing is, I voted for most of the nominations..
upvoted I mean
@Skippy Me too
Your initial self-nomination had +6 until 9 users came by
I made acomment, because you and I have the highest rep and @ank is near the top as editor on beta and we are at the bottom of the mod popularity heap
No, it was always negative and dividied
@Skippy hahaha. I think I know my offence and why people didn't like me
@pre what is yours?
@Skippy The same think you complained of. Not always attrributing external sources and using too much external source words
I've stopped this though
@pre that does not offend me..
@pre you are not an offensive person
anyway @pre I suggest we leave the topic for the time being, there's nothing left to be said, just get on with the site business
If my being here discourages others from being here, the solution is rather simple
I need to pop off for a while, you talk later :) @pre
@Skippy hahahha....... you are being a good competition for me in Mod race. We will rally going to win from bottom ;) ................ we have got more vote then top user.....its a different fact that most of them are negative.:|
I could not vote for anyone who recently committed several copyright infringements (ie: forgot to attribute correctly) . And even though it did not happen in bad spirit and the person promises to better their behavior, I expect from a moderator to recognize these things on their own.
for the record I haven't made copy right infringemnts
@AnkitSharma :p
2 hours later…
room topic changed to The Litter Box: General discussion for pets.stackexchange.com. Pet gifs welcome. (no tags)
A: Chat room for dogs - the kennel

JohnBI think it seems silly to fracture the chat into topic based rooms. The main room is only called The Litter Box due to a vote; there is no intention for the discussion to pertain exclusively to cats. I certainly see the need for chat room division on larger sites, but we currently are one of the...

I'd ask for feedback in the other room, but that would break my own logic ;)
@Skippy, are you there ?
@Skippy your comments tend to disappear right as I finish responding to them :)
@Beofett oh sorry, I clean them up if noone replies within say 12 horus
@woliveirajr yes hellos
@JohnB I'm really glad you brought this here
@Skippy :) hi there.... I just that you already accepted my answer, and, hum, can we talk about it ?
oh and @beo I comment too much so, sort of tidy up as I go
@woliveirajr yes?
@wol of course... I have been accepting answers and then blush if a better answer is posted accept that one..
@Skippy No harm in that. I just find it funny that the timing seems to work out that I post a response only to find that you deleted it while I was typing :)
@Skippy so... I never participated in a private beta earlier, and have little experience even in public beta. But, in the already set sites, I (and perhaps some others) tend to stop answering if someone already answered and was accepted
@beo sorry I had no idea
@Skippy Does what I said make sense? I don't care if there's a chat room specifically for unladen swallows, but it seems more convenient for everyone to keep meta site discussion in one room so that everyone has an opportunity to voice their opinion instead of having to keep an eye on a bunch of different rooms
@wol true it's hilarious, as on cogsci I rarely accept answers, to encourage new ones and float the best answers.. but here I have a suspicion that people will post irregardless
@Skippy And sometimes some comments are exactly about that: hey, new OP, don't accept is so fast, as it might discourage others from answering
if you think I'm flat out wrong you can tell me, my feelings won't be hurt :)
@joh it totally does, but as you can see with a couple of streams here already, a prolonged debate on dog training wouldn't help
@Skippy :) perhaps yes, people will answer anyway... perhaps not...
@joh it's not right or wrong., it's opinions and ideas
@Skippy I did want to say don't worry too much about the nomination votes. Everyone got at least one downvote (most got multiple), including the clear community favorite. Also, don't forget that its more important for a site's health to have people participating in the ways you mentioned who aren't moderators.
If moderators are doing the majority of edits/closing/chatting/meta discussion, that's a bad sign.
@wol I reckon they will.. just get that impression or wouldn't accept, but I hear you I 've been thinking about it also
@beo good point.. interestingly, just as you psted your comment, I saw the ping, but couldn't see who from
@Skippy Yeah, I deleted my comment when I saw you had already deleted yours.
@beo I deleted my self nom and asked @ank to delete his nom for me, it's distracting me from the site and making me feel down and it's not necessary
@beo yeh I know I saw! haha
@beo without going into it did you catch my comment the other day? the apology one
@Skippy I totally agree with you there, I'm more thinking of a debate on whether or not something is on topic or should be closed as too broad. Things like that should be kept in this room
@joh I'm thrilled to see you her ein chat and on meta btw.. an
@Skippy Yeah, that was another I was responding to when you deleted it :P I honestly wasn't sure what you were apologizing for, though... You've been great here in pets!
@Skippy :) yes, I'm really interested in this proposal (specially because there was some debate if aquarium proposal should exist, since there was a Pet going on).

The same way I have some doubts about downvotes in general, and specially here in private beta. I just saw that @AnkitSharma had lots of downvotes, and knew how to deal with it, but I'm not sure if everybody does
@wol we can always rethink my strategy of accepting early answers
@beo yes I have had a helper on SE to help me get my head straight. and it's good.. keeping my personal stuff at home and now it's working well.
@JohnB I think the important thing is that meta discussion is tracked on meta. Note that the built-in mechanism to export extended comments to chat brings it to a separate chat room, not the main.
@Skippy and I'm afraid what will happen when newcomers come to this site. You know, some people know how to deal with the StackExchange format, but those who arrive here from google, might not like that reception
I didn't realise how much experience I had with pets until this started and I started lisitng, it's good it makes getting older feel useful
@wol in what regard specificaaly
@Skippy Good to hear, and I'm glad to see you've started participating again. You've contributed good content on several sites!
@Skippy (and I'm not talking if you downvoted or not, just in general, since you're having an intense participation here, and you're one of the mod candidates, I think)
@joh this is why I prefer bringing discussions to chat, it's more relaxed,, fo r me I get a bit tense in the comments, trying to express a lot of ideas in a short space
@Beofett no doubt, but SE is a terrible discussion platform. Chat is good for discussion and fleshing things out, meta is good for voicing official opinions. Nothing official should be decided in chat
@beo did you see the familty fotune game :)
@wol you've totally lost me sorry lol..
@wol as for mod candidates, we don't actually votes, the community team selects them hang ong I'll get link
the comm team could also select someone who hasn't yet been nominated
A: How to organize a formal moderator election on a beta SE site?

Robert CartainoYour community should already be picking out potential candidates to "represent" your site — Helping us find Moderators Pro Tempore. Please go to your meta site and start/participate in the Moderator nomination discussions. I am in the process of creating positions for Moderators Pro Tem from e...

or is never nominated
@JohnB True on all points. IMO, meta stuff can certainly be fleshed out in chat (main or gallery), but the finalized opinions should then be moved to an appropriate meta discussion.
@joh exactly, I hold out hope they will pick me and I get the chance to do the job proud so I have a backward flying gooses chance to be elected by the community LOL
@Skippy heh, an election is years away if SE continues at its current pace =\
a handful of sites have been in beta for 3 years now
@Skippy huahuahuahua. To summarize: I'm not sure if early acceptance of answers is good, if would discourage other answers.

And for the downvotes, just to say that if you (or anyone else) goes to be a mod, I prefer the style that comment first, suggest edits, and only if the question / answers stands incorrect, downvotes. Not using downvotes for stating that something could be better
@joh as long as we don't die of old age.. oh that reminds me of a ping about longevity
@Skippy :) and about the mod election, nomination, etc., well, was just because that discussion on meta
@joh I know, I feel for @beo and the other mods there on Parenting.. the rotten question count
@wol yes I agree, but sometimes endless comments, eventually need to become immediate downvotes
@JohnB regarding some sites being 3 years old: those are all in a questionable state. Too active to be deleted, but not active enough to mature to a full site.
@Baarn Not quite. 3 of them have been confirmed to be launched. SE is just extremely slow at launching sites
@woliveirajr yep I thought so, II've retracted my nomination, so I can relax and just participate, if I'm asked by the community team, I will do it, but this way I don't need to feel worried about votes etc and just working on the site with everyone hey?
@JohnB OK, my main example was fitness.SE. It lost a very big percentage of its userbase due to a big change concerning on topic things
@Skippy yes, I know, specially because comments aren't for discussion. Had problems with that in securitySE and some others sites. On the other hand,
@baa not Parenting and CogSci..
@Baarn did it close?
@Baarn Money, Board Games, and more recently Graphic Design are all confirmed for launch. Money is the only one so far with a proposed site design
@Skippy Just saw it :) Upvoted your answer, but I'm honestly not a fan of these types of questions, so I'm only upvoting your answer. These types of questions fall into a bit of a grey area on parenting. We've closed some and asked them to be reworded, but we haven't quite reached a consensus. There is at least one similar question (games for teens in the car, iirc), that is still open, upvoted, but I had to protect it.
@Skippy no, it didn't close, but it had to recover from that (or still has to)
@woliveirajr precisely and I'm finding it's easier to get into arguments in comments, as they are fraught by the restriction that real time chat doesn't have
@JohnB fitness.SE had a design, too :)
@Skippy Yeah, although question count is only the most visible symptom we have :(
but since nutrition was excluded, most aspects of the design are now somewhat outdated
General participation (or lack thereof) sometimes shows in ways not clearly indicated by the area51 site stats.
@Beofett actually I wasn't sure about that, I go on the review queue on parenting sometimes and I voted to close a Q and then thought.. hmm I think my Q might be off topic.. I don't mind if you close it.. I thought the game might be a cute idea for people
@Baarn post us a link
@Baarn really? I missed that. Link?
Link for what?
@Skippy well, I don't have any problem with you nomination, at all. Just don't want that this site become a cave of downvotes and darkness. One example: one answer of mine got downvoted. My answer did have some source. Someone (and of course I know who) downvoted, comment with some another source (blog). I answered the comment with more sources, and got another downvote
@Beofett I was chatting to a comm team member about that and cogsci and he was saying for some sites it doesn't matter if the Q rate doesn't meet the area 51 bench mark. I asked point blank if they might close.. I don't think so
@Baarn your fitness betam so we can support
@Skippy I'm not certain its functionally different than this question, so I'll wait and see if other people VTC (I'm trying to encourage more people to use that privilege, anyway!)
@Skippy But in some meta there was a discussion of people just giving google answers, and not opinions. Well, unless really weird, opinions and past experiences shouldn't get downvoted. Answers with reliable sources shouldn't get downvoted just because someone disagrees of prefer other approaches.
@woliveirajr post a link here of your post if you like, I think that's helpful for dissecting what's a good post and ontopic
@Skippy The comm team is incredibly supportive of the sites that are languishing in beta.
The original design for Fitness & Nutrition can be found here:
Q: Fitness Site & Brand proposed design

Sean GallagherMy name is Sean and I'm the Art Director here at Stack Exchange. I've been awarded the Fitness and Nutrition identity and communications development. I'm happy to meet everyone and look forward to launching the site and supporting this community. :) This design is meant to convey energy, and ...

actually I am quite happy that nutrition was excluded, I don't like that design ;)
@baa my son is a full time Brazillian Jiu Jitsu coach facebook.com/graciebarrahornsby.bjj and he studied fitness at tafe here, I will try and persuade him to join
@Skippy there is also Martial Arts
@Beofett yeh they're great.. have a good way of being soothing in difficult situations
@Baarn that's really disappointing that a design got that far but a launch still hasn't come to fruition. I think there are some internal things to blame for that...but I'd only be speculating :)
@woliveirajr bahahahahahahha
gotta run, folks!
one question that won´t have just one ideal answer (like Parenting SE, in general). 3 answers (more than we're getting here, in general), each answer with some good ideas. Don't see how any answer should be downvoted, even if I disagree with some approach
@wol mine cogsci.stackexchange.com and yours of course.. my two babies and I go on parenting from time to time to help the Q rate.. it's hardm because I'm such a know it all hahahha
@Skippy :) no, wasn't the question, the answers are the example!
@JohnB as I said: a big part of the userbase left after nutrition was excluded.
@Baarn I didn't know that. thnx
@JohnB Bye John! and if I call anyof you love, it's how I talk to younger men and women.. bye love.. so if it ever slips it's not abd expressio here
@woliveirajr yep I get it,, post it..
Actually I would be totally happy if anyone commits to Nutrition on Area51. The network clearly lacks a Q&A site on these questions, since it got excluded. (Oh yeah and that is totally a referal-link)
@wol sorry I thought you were posting the pets SE exchange site as your beta site, because we were having a beta share... lol sorry,
@Skippy hahahahaha, no problem
@wol I downvoted the bones answer.. I can tell you why if you like
@Baarn commits? possibly.. I'll go look
@Skippy I'd love to discuss that. Because the other downvote was from someone who said (in other answer and in his profile) that he has some bias against industrialized food in general, so......
@baa I'm not a professional, but do have a serious problem with my digestive tract, this aspect may help, what do you think?
@woliveirajr ok here goes
em @wol I don't entirely agree, I think it's too one sides. some smaller breeds thrive on things like raw chiken necks
I agree big dogs can swallow them whole and that's not healthy
@Skippy Well, the description is a bit misleading… As long as your questions are not personal medical questions, I think those could be fine.
I always oppose topics that should better be discussed with a medical professional. The internet is the wrong place to get a diagnose. And StackExchange shouldn't offer a platform for that.
@baa not to the level I participate here or Cog Sci
I honestly expect this round of commitment to fail, but that is just a personal guess…
@baa it's done
@Baarn :) I'm afraid, too
@tim hey! and you just came in after so many offtopic chats about other beta sites! lol
The Nutrition proposal was pushed through the initial proposal phase far too quickly
@woliveirajr afraid of what?
@Skippy so, downvote just because you don't agree 100% with the answer, although that might happen sometimes?
Just popping in for a short spell, we're about to kick off today's summit activities :) That reminds me, I found a duck but I still need to pick up a hose.
@woliveirajr I am always happy to reverse downvotes, if people want to discuss and edit
@Skippy of @Baarn
@TimPost huh> can you please refrain from answering questions about poutlry
Okay, but I'm totally grabbing any related to hoses.
@woliveirajr diet and nutrition?
@Skippy having you on a site about nutrition would be great. Especially someone who can cite credible sources. This prevents the site from becoming "yet another nutrition myth hellhole"
@TimPost excellent we'll bear this in mind for common torture practices of recalcitrant SE members, it's in Area 53 as we speak :p
@Skippy no, no problem, don't have problems with downvotes, I think each one is free to up-and-down-vote anything they like. I just don't expect Q&A sites to have great, complete, perfect answers all the time (except skeptics SE, but in that case it's the goal of the site).
@Baarn I have a good grasp, having a motility disorder (I relate to rabbits that aren't fed properly!!! lmao) and study and then working on a cancer ward.. it's quite interesting.. I became friends with a speech pathologist and they asses what sort of diets people can have also.. it's interesting.
@Skippy and specially sites where more opinion and experience is required, than simply googling for elsevier or science direct articles. I think downvoting isn't a warm welcome to anyone, specially for sites that have a potential to attract layman
@woliveirajr if you change your A to be less damming of feeding bones to dogs, I'd change my vote. Dogs, in the wild, need to crunch up the bones of their prey, for many reasons, one being bones are high in Calcium and skeletal muscle high in phosphorus, and they need the bones to balance the Calcium to phosphorus ratio
@PreciousTijesunimi hi Precious, I love your name, it's a happy name
@Skippy lol. Everyone's name is a happy name
@woliveirajr I didn't downvote many posts at all until everyone got a bit of rep, so as to encourage everyone, then when someone has around 1K in rep I figure they shoul dbe able to cope with some constructive feedback with a downvote
I prefer giving feedback trough comment instead of downvotes. I only downvote if an answer is outright wrong or I really know that the user should have know better and is just being a lazy bum.
@Skippy :) no, no problem, I'm not questioning if you downvote something or not. And about that answer: were we talking about wild dogs, I'd happily change it. Were the OP asking about a specific dog, of a specific size, and about some specific bone of a chicken, probably I'd answered it another way. But for questions in general "are X or Y safe, as people say?"
@Beofett which corner of PA are you from, if you don't mind me asking? I'm in the SE corner :)
@baa sometimes I just don't have the energy for am extended discussion over it in the comments, and have been trying to drag some people in here to do so.
@Skippy fair point, I completely understand that and I wasn't trying to judge your behavior (just adding my personal view)
@Skippy I'm not sure that anyone can answer "raw bones are ok, go with them without problems", just to hear / read that a poodle went to a surgery because he ate a phalange
@JohnB I spent most of my life in the SE corner (main line, Philly, etc.), but now I'm a bit closer to the middle... just outside of Lancaster :)
@woliveirajr no not wild dogs, I'm actually repeating things from animal husbandry lectures while studying veterinary science.. the whole bone.meat balance abd the best feed for animals.. eg the best meal for a cat is a rabbit, and then they cough up the fur afterwards (sorry bunny lovers)
@Baarn I agree with your point in principle.. I think downvotes are useless without feedback
@Skippy and yes, about diet and nutrition :) I think it's a good proposal, but don't know it the SE standards (time given to any proposal show viability, amount of questions and answers) aren't too high for some subjects
@Beofett ahh, I'm in Bucks. But I was at Shady Maple not too long ago! (That's about the only reason I have to go into Lancaster county :D)
@JohnB Ha! Everyone seems to come here for Shady Maple!
@Skippy huahuahuahua :)
@wol I made a commitment to it, just now, I will post the min Q&A if it makes it to beta, but nothing like this.. bit ore like on parenting, I potter on review queues there from time to time
I haven't eaten there in years...
@Baarn exactly that
@woliveirajr actually it's amazing any of us talk, I'm sure globally, our pets would all be eaten in one culture or another :P
@Skippy :) I loved someone asking about pet snail and I hating those snails in my aquarium... this site will be very ecletic, like a noah's ark (for those who believe in it)
@Skippy very long discussions...hummm....no time to read it at the moment. Anyways i have removed my nomination for you as you requested and even removed my own too. ;)
@woliveirajr once, we had a pony who grabbed the bread out of the trunk of our car while we were unpacking the groceries, he would walk into the house! that's a menajerie
@AnkitSharma :( that made me so sad.. I want to give you a hug
@cha finally! hi
@Skippy - I have nothing against you personally but you are putting out some incorrect information
@Chad please provide a linked post as an example and we can discuss
@Skippy hahahaha,....now i have to wait till Movies and TV become and i can nominate myself again to loose ;)...but will going to try again and again.
@cha ps I have nothing against anyone personally here, except for @TimPost's big ape bringing in fleas
the worst one is about rabbit hair balls... do a little research rabbits get a condition called wool block because they do not make hair balls.. the condition can lead to GI Stasis witch is the most common cause of death in domestic rabbits
@AnkitSharma we sound related, are you sure you're not my long lost son?
@AnkitSharma Who says you have lost just because of some down votes. Community managers can still choose you
@Chad I have, I cover that in the feeding rabbit hay question wool block is the same as hairballs
@PreciousTijesunimi true
Noo hairballs are a cats way of dealing with it.. hay does not help with wool block in any way that I am aware of or have ever read and I have read extensively
@Chad wool block, or hairballs no same thing I'm referring to here.. yes cats also get furballs or hairballs, but for different reason
that's in part why cats eat grass, they are made to vomit..
@Skippy Yes. Community Manager have the final say. They can choose whoever they want
@Skippy Which is why you should cite it to clear up the problem of misunderstanding
@Chad ok I totally get your point now. I will edit my answers to make this clear.
brb got to go edit
@Precious I doubt they will chose anyone who is too controversial.
@Baarn Yes. I know they have their criteria for choosing people
@PreciousTijesunimi still community preference going to be consider and its not in my favor
@Skippy ha ha ha......
@AnkitSharma That might be true but you don't need to give up
@cha pets.stackexchange.com/questions/551/… see my edit for this one
@PreciousTijesunimi i am not giving up on site at all but re-nomination is not going to come from my side. ;)
@Baarn controversy always attached with popular peoples :P
@AnkitSharma Okay.
@Skippy You need an expert source that you can link to that agrees with what you are saying for that. Your claim The best remedy to relieve a rabbit's unpassable hairballs is to offer the rabbit a diet only of fresh green hay with plenty of fresh water on hand does not agree with anything I have ever read.
Papaya is used to help rabbits with wool block. in nature they get it from dandelions, strawberry bushes, and a few other plants that are fairly common
@cha the references are all in the post. I have stopped providing links, because of link rot, so provide the organisation, any article and author names,, this is an issue for how we cite references.
@Skippy The best protection against link rot is to quote the relevant parts, but I don't think stopping including links at all is a good solution. Link rot isn't that common, particularly when citing authoritative sources, and non-rotted links are very useful.
A quick google, btw, shows that Wikipedia agrees on hay as a prophylactic for wool block, at least for Angorras, and they cite a reference.
helps prevent wool block which is different from relieving it
If you have constipation and I tell you eat bananas before your meal to prevent it that does not help you deal with the existing constipation
@Chad Sorry, I probably shouldn't have jumped in, since I actually haven't read the question/answer (and honestly don't know much about rabbits).
@cha pets.stackexchange.com/questions/692/… gof for your life, I think this is the problem.
@Beofett No it is fine. I think this is a problem of miscommunication. Eating hay does help keep the GI tract moving properly. But it does not fix a wool block issue as the answer states
@Chad Yeah, now that I've actually looked at the answer, I see what you're saying. I would agree that a statement like that calls for a specific citation.
@Beofett yes, it depends on the organisations.. for a lot of the aspca rspca type animal welfare sites, I have noticed that they update their sites a lot, articles etc and some of the smaller specialist animal organisations are charity based and have the sort of websites that are prone to closing.... so I think it's probably a good question on SMO maybe.. not sure.. the number of webpages a person can go to and 404
I'll add links.
Wait, is that called wool block (or hairball) because rabbits actually eat hair?
I haven't quoted I have read many articles and taken out the guts
Are they drunk? I thought that was something owls do …
well, they spit them out …
@Skippy In a lot of cases, when link rot occurs people take the time to find a replacement link and edit it in.
@Baarn they swallow it and I'm not sure about alcoholic beverages, I hear Alcoholics Anon has a big rabbit contingent
@Baarn I saw something that indicated that shedding onto their food is a likely culprit.
@Skippy they swallow their own hair? is that on purpose?
@Chad yes it;s a rememdy for wool block
@Beofett ah ok, that would explain it
@Skippy No once the wool block has set in eating hay will not help
(like I said though... I know very little about rabbits!)
@Chad it's been shown to be the best remedy in most cases. green hay
@Beofett (me neither)
obviously ;)
and filling them up with hay it can not process or move will cause GI Stasis
OK, I go find quote and link
@Chad the hay stimulates the bowel and digestion.. don't make me go medical on you chad lol
@woliveirajr I think that rabbit needs a therapist more than some hay added to his diet ;)
OK, you aksed for it.. I will provide a medical answer bajajajajajajjaa (that's laughing with an accent for me)
@woliveirajr I think that is something parents get from their children :p
@Baarn Rabbits groom themselves simillar to the way dogs and cats do. They usually molt at least 2 times a year those are the most dangerous times for the non wool breeds. For angora, jersey wolly's, AFL, etc they are at risk all of the time.
@Skippy :) yes
@Baarn I think the owners (aka us) need therapists :P
@Chad did you see my question on wool block I posted it for you to answer?
@Chad ah OK, thanks for the explanation
(do you have a source for that? :P )
just kidding
@Baarn Yes I can.. it is in domestic rabbits
@Baarn naughty but funny :P
@Chad I will improve my answer tomorrow it's getting a bit late 1am and please feel free to make your voice heard with a long answer to that question Chad. I think it's a good idea for you to put forth your ideas and knowledge. As it sounds like you have something more to bring to the table than is already there.
interesting... I just found a link that somewhat supports skippy... though
First remove pellets from their diet immediately. Change the rabbit's feed to completely hay. Most wool breed breeders will then supplement the diet with one of two things, fresh papaya or pineapple juice.
That's what I think is good. We can bring variety to the table and people can pick and choose and see what works, as we all know there is NO best way
Hay is not going to fix it by itself.
@Chad I know :) but I want to hear more about your berries
I wish I could star these posts of yours @chad as they are really helpful for the chat about this (I've used up my chat stars lol and all my votes for the site)
@Skippy and that's why I , personally, just use downvotes at the very end, after comments, edition, discussion...
wow, I didn't know that there is a max on chat stars…
@Skippy And that is my concern with your answer though is that it sounds like you are saying that hay alone will fix it.
If someone reads that and tries it, it will probably kill their rabbit
@woliveirajr yes, sometimes it can be fruitful having discussion like here tonight, but sometimes it's a hit downvote and run, until we have the time to discuss
@Chad the sources I used advised that.. I promse to go find a quote in the morning and add a line about seeking vet advice, I understand your concern more now, how it can mislead people into maybe risking their bunnies lives.
@Skippy if the "downvoted" knew who downvoted him/her, I would agree 100% with you. Since downvotes are anonymous, and chat isn't there everytime (not everybody is online at the same time), comments leave a sign of "don't agree with that".... it's just a matter of preference, and I prefer to use downvotes as last resources
@Baarn yes, will you do me a favor and star some of chads later posts, relevant to the bunny pooh situation? lol sorry it's getting late here and we are discussing bunnies, ulitmately eating their poop
@Skippy but that's just me
@woliveirajr it depends on the previous reactions I've had form people. I totally agree. If I think it might bring up counterproductive comment discussion I wont, but will always address if someone brings it up
@Skippy and how do you deal when the downvoted just notice it after some days, and posts a generic comment like "downvoters, mind to explain?" ? Do you remember all your downvotes and , time to time, take a look at them to see if someone asked explanation, or...?
@Skippy :) but you're trying to go sleep, we can continue this later, ok? We're 12 hours apart :)
@Skippy sorry
@woliveirajr in my case I am checking meta and chat and am excited when I see someone post this, lol I'm really sick, this makes me happy? I need a life LOL
@woliveirajr Yip another reason to +1 Skippy for mod, as I walk the corridors when you all sleep bahahaha it sounds like a reason not to vote ;)
Omg home shopping is on tv it is so late. abort abort where is the remote?? -O>O-
@Skippy :) save some excitement for the long run!!!!
-O<O- -O>O- that's my eyes searching
@wol hahahahaha you don't know me.. Tim Post is a good one to understand my psyche. I am prolific all the time in my life.. I always need something to channel myself into..
@Skippy poor Pets proposal hahahahahahahaha. Good to know that, indeed we need people who make things just keep going
@woliveirajr I have just stop studying two fulltime courses concurrently, it did start to get to me, especially with CogSci activity, so now I am halftime for the next month and have some time
@woliveirajr no worries, I am more sensitive than I can come across, I don't want to take over, I'm good for giving things a good kick start and then I need to back off and let more people conribute. But I will still post, not as much. I asked a few questions today, didn't post any answers.. I need to back off for the sake of the site, but I did want to put a bit of a flood with everyone else, so we could feel that great ethusiasm
This is the hardest part, because as a community, we're doing great forming our standards and I think it should do well
any night my friend@wol it's bee great to chew the fat.
@Skippy :) it was fun talking to you
and night to all my new Pet friends. don't let your pets eat each other overnight :p I'll hop off to bed pardon the bad kangaroo joke
@woliveirajr I can be fun, but need to moderate myself to be sensible. I started a facebook page and it was insane.. thousands of likers.. I have opened and closed a few fb accounts, I'd accumulate the 5000 friend limit and close. That's why I came here to put all that online energy into doing something purposeful and using my brain
And there's some sharp people on SE, it's refreshing. beats farmville roflmao
@Skippy and candy crush too!
@Skippy night, lady, sleep tight.
I do not have fleas, just a nervous tick that makes it appear that I'm constantly scratching. Just so you know, @Skippy
1 hour later…
seen on a website: "Whenever you suspect a swim bladder problem, do not poke the fish with a pin or needle!" umm... does this mean I should be poking my fish with needles when I don't suspect anything's wrong with them? :)
@Wooble never heard about the high arts of fish acupuncture?
I always misread the sites title… on my laptop I read "Pest beta" on my mobile I read "peta beta" …
@PreciousTijesunimi have you read my comments below your post? I'd begin deleting them if you agree
@woliveirajr I agree with that comment that some cultures have other definitions about pets. I think that will put us to some challenges
@Baarn it'll be fun... everytime I remember about the Snail Pet - pets.stackexchange.com/questions/68/… - I smile
@woliveirajr as a child I kept nearly every creature from our garden as a pet ;)
@Baarn because I remember that I hate them in my aquarium... some people/country eat them... and some people pet them. What a wonderful world (by Louis Armstrong)
@Baarn huahuahuahua... and some I would burn with magnifying glasses
hehe true, no one should hear what I've done to countless ants
I think I poured every liquid I found in our workshop and every powder I found in the kitchen onto them… and lit it up if possible
Anyway, today I think it would be interesting to keep them as pets, although I wouldn't want to do that.
@Baarn I'm not sure... if my curiosity on what can be done to ants has finished. But I just throw then to my fish, some of them like to eat those bugs
@woliveirajr hey, lots of people eat fish, too. granted, the ones you eat generally don't make good pet species unless you've got one really giant aquarium...
@Wooble exactly that :). Even I eat fish. Sashimi... hum...
Somebodies pet is others food. Hahahha....funny
I know people who keep rabbits as pets and eat them occasionally …
the grey area is very big there :/
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