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12:00 AM
@lila Thanks!
@SerenaT 5 weeks
@Nai54 Oh, that's just mean, mind-gamey and cruel... I totally approve it :D
:D thanks
Ah, it is friday at last
@lila did you have a good week?
@Nai54 For me it's Saturday, 02:08 AM. I guess so, it was fine but nothing too fancy, with bad overcast sunless weather and most days were overly "sleepy" because of the effect of the weather (I don't know how it is called, bio-met?). And you?
It is 2:08 am for you? I knew you didn't sleep
Over here it is 5:12 pm friday, a lovely day out. Right now the climate basically is summer even though it is spring and the temp is around 75 (rare weather for spring in my area)
so that definitely was a plus
Haha yes I guess in that sense you were right. I am trying to go back to normal day-night cycle, but it has been disrupted most of the time because of the "c*vid" time.
I used to not only say "hi" but also "good night" on chats, but I stopped since a month or two because I am ashamed of how disrupted my day-night cycle is and timestamps of would-be "good night" messages are embarrassing evidence of it.
Oh and apologies but I forgot to post on this chat: in Poland people reported seeing an exotic animal (mostly a lizard: iguana or legwan) on the tree and were "afraid to open windows because it might invade their home and be dangerous"; turns out the "animal" was a giant croissant thrown on the tree to feed local birds:
in The Awkward Silence, yesterday, by Tinkeringbell
@lila stuff like this happens in Poland and you don't tell us? :P
12:27 AM
I feel like that is the headline news in Poland vs here in America where literally every day is doomsday
Is it nice to live in Europe where everyone is nice? Sometimes (here in the USA) we can be the most ignorant and stupid. For example, see this website page: boredpanda.com/dumbest-things-people-said of the dumbest things people have said, and at least 70% was said in the USA
Haha me also sometimes, I remember a few months ago there was a headline article about a ridiculous thing (quite a scandal, nonetheless) that a medical facility gone "rogue" and closed their doors for all the patients, and then instructed the patients to instead contact the nurses/doctors via banging a wood stick on the windowsill. A wooden stick had been left there next to the building where the window was, and it had been functioning like this for some weeks: patients banged with ...
...stick, then doctors threw the prescriptions/whatever out of the window. However, after some time it turned out that, surprise surprise, somebody stole the stick and patients quickly picked up the subtle message that it is more reliable to always come with your own stick. It had been like that for a few months before national news began interested, boom headline article and the medical facility apologized for this (in my opinion, a bit of disrespect to patients).
12:43 AM
Wait a second. Somebody stole the stick? Person 1: "What do you do for a living?" Person 2: "Erm... well, I steal sticks. Especially ones from medical facilities."
Moving on from that spectacular joke that I just attempted...
@Nai54 or there's one very smug polish dog
Hahaha :D
@JourneymanGeek What brings you here this fine evening?
@Nai54 What would keep me away?
Hmmm... trying to think of witty response
@Nai54 Haha I guess the news article had it a bit dramatized, but that was so ridiculous nonetheless :D it immediately reminded me of an old joke from Soviet Russia: a militiaman sees a man on the street who is walking with just one shoe. He asks the man: -Good afternoon citizen, have you lost your shoe? He happily replies: -No sir, I have found a shoe! :D
@Nai54 I finished reading this article, I know that most of these sayings are just non-bright people, but I cannot help to think that at least some amount were deadpan jokes that were missed and misinterpreted as serious statements. I must admit that maybe one or two of my "gems of wisdom" are archived in article like this somewhere; I sometimes say quite braindead and obviously wrong things in deadpan tone as jokes, too.
1:40 AM
@Nai54 Oh don't worry I think it is fine (at least this is my opinion that I am okay with this); our Meta is also depressingly quiet but you recently helped to resurrect it a bit, I technically like writing but only the specific type of writing, mainly the utility type of writing (as in SE answers), it always quickly drains me so much but I am exhausted in a happy way (like after exercise, e.g. running or walking a large distance).
@Nai54 On the other hand, writing fiction stories, novels, etc. is my nemesis and hardly ever any pleasure results from this; a novel written by me would certainly make a good toilet paper substitute.
2 hours later…
3:19 AM
@lila The only way to improve is to practice.
@lila I agree. I found a better one that fully represents the ignorance and nerve of some people: boredpanda.com/…
Hello to the blank void of nobody
You know that feeling where you're just talking into a empty room, well, that is actually what I'm doing, but I feel the same.
Bye everybody who is not here, leaving this room now.
Never mind, I'm back. Couldn't resist procastinating on work.
I just finished this book, "Surrounded by Idiots by Thomas Erikson". I highly recommend it. Has anyone here read it?
11 hours later…
2:51 PM
2 hours later…
4:43 PM
@Nai54 I agree, but if I have no pleasure from this, then I have no impulse to practice. I noticed that most of the things for me are enjoyable regardless of whether I am experienced in them or not, and often it even gets progressively less enjoyable the more experienced I am because apparently novelty factor plays a huge role for me.
@Nai54 Of course I know :D look at this chat room: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/94066/hnq-feed
@Nai54 Haha classic. And you see, I was actually sleeping/preparing to sleep and that is why I didn't respond at that time. It was around 05:30 AM for me and I went to "sleep" around 04:00 AM. I usually almost always turn on a quiet music and drift away, then in half-awake state I close the music and go to actual sleep; I saw notifications from the chat and that they were from you, but I didn't click further and instead just turned it off to prevent too much light exposure from the screen.
@Nai54 Wow, a book by Thomas Edison? It is that guy who invented electricity and LED lightbulbs, right? (see, the example of my dumb jokes that, if taken seriously, would make you wonder how many billions of brain cells am I missing :D) On serious note, no I didn't read it.
7 hours later…
11:44 PM
Did not one single person talk in the 2021 last 7 hours?

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