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Q: 2020 Community-a-thon: Increasing SE staff engagement with our sites and communities

Yaakov Ellis This event is now in progress Please join us in chat to meet any staff who will come to visit. As was announced in the Q2 roadmap and subsequently discussed on MSE, we will be hosting an internal company Community-a-thon event from Tuesday, June 16 through Monday, July 13 (inclusive). Some of t...

The Community-a-thon is officially underway! So far we have approximately 30% of the company committed to participate, and hoping to increase that number steadily as the event proceeds.
I'll be publicizing this chat room as well for staff to come and visit (though those of us who are starting with fresh accounts need to earn 20 rep before we can even do anything in chat). (And I promise that once I get enough rep on my sock puppet account that I am using for the event, I'll come and post here at least once during the event.)
...if anyone's looking for question inspiration, there are currently two topic challenges going on over at Literature. The May-June challenge: Guy de Maupassant and the June-July topic challenge: Korean Folklore.
If you're looking to get into some editing, you can run this query on your favorite site.
After you have a bit of reputation, if you want to take a peek at spam flagging (and / or regex) you can check out Charcoal HQ.
If you want to lose your mind, you can try to figure out the tagging system on Science Fiction & Fantasy and help keep things consistent. ;)
@Mithical No one can figure that out, don't give anyone false hope
Shhh, it's a trap, can't you see?
If you're fairly good at English, answering some questions at English Language Learners might be not so difficult and rewarding.
If you want to fly high you can try Drones and Model Aircraft.
Don't forget community driven moderation, the folks over on SOCVR are happy to help/guide/assist in your flagging and/or close/delete voting.
@Mithical answering the questions will not be so … rewarding. nice sales pitch there.
Lemme rephrase that, then. :P
If you're fairly good at English, answering some questions at English Language Learners might be not so difficult and can be rewarding.
An Oxford and?
@YaakovEllis People could be given write access, but that would take away a bit from the new user experience and earning your chat privilege, I guess.
@Tinkeringbell yup, understood. And I may exercise that tool on a case by case basis. But in general we are encouraging any staff who are starting out with a fresh account to go through the organic experience (and then if folks need more assistance, giving ways for them to get it)
Are there a list of sock accounts participating? Also how many staff are participating?
1 hour ago, by Yaakov Ellis
The Community-a-thon is officially underway! So far we have approximately 30% of the company committed to participate, and hoping to increase that number steadily as the event proceeds.
@Mithical What is 30%?
Any staff member who is using a sock on the sites can remain anonymous or disclose it based on their own preference. So no list of sock accounts will be given.
SO has ~390 employees, so that's about 115 people.
390? really?
where did you get that # from?
That's what LinkedIn says.
> View all 386 employees
@Daniil Here is a more accurate number (~250)
Oh ok, so around 75?
Someone should tell LI that, then.
currently, yes. It is a 4 week event, and we (myself and those helping with the organization) will be continuing our internal PR event throughout the event, so definitely looking for the final participation number to be higher
We have a very good representation so far across all departments, levels of seniority in the company, tenure
Sounds interesting :) Fingers crossed things go well!
Dear Stack Exchange staff, welcome to Stack Exchange!! (:
Now only to also include staff badges on users chat profiles, and Network profiles ;)
So we can see who is staff, and who isn't ;)
@YaakovEllis so you are going to change DB values to up their reputation? xD
@Luuklag absolutely not. And it is kind of hard to do - I would have to basically create dummy records in a number of tables (to handle rep recalcs). Much easier to just get people to post actual content.
@Luuklag If anyone here is claiming to be staff and I see that they are not, I will have no qualms over outing them
I've been here for 6 to 8 years, I call myself "staff"-like.
@rene outed
Any real staff member would have known to claim only 4 to 6 weeks of tenure
I've got a staff. Or a cane. Same thing.
@Mithical Shesh, how outdated :p You need a flamethrower
@Mithical pretty sure some people just set it incorrectly
or don't update where they work
morning all!
Agree ^
@YaakovEllis Good to know, however posting actual content can be hard too ;)
@rene Let's make it a race. Afternoon here too ;)
I would be highly surprised if you would turn up in a different timezone ;)
@rene Never say never!...
But that ^ is a good summary ;)
I just realized this is on
Hmm, I didn't notice. The same people turn up blue here for me ;)
You mean green, I think. ;)
BRB rewriting the userscript to display in rainbow text
%of letters in each color or something?
...I can't actually do that, I don't know how, unfortunately... :|
It's actually pretty easy
if you can code, sure
I never got past Scratch
I never got past basic HTML.
What's HTML? :)
so you know basic and HTML?
// ==UserScript==
// @name         Rainbow moderators
// @match        *://*
// @match        *://*
// @match        *://chat**
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
    'use strict';
    let css = `
.username.moderator {
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, orange , yellow, green, cyan, blue, violet);
    background: -o-linear-gradient(right, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, violet);
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(right, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, violet);
@Zoe Now add an exception for me. My username is supposed to be too red only ;)
Long time no see btw, how you're doing?
Alright I guess ^^ You?
What does it look like?
We clearly need mods with longer usernames.
@Zoe Fine :) Always fine :)
well, we've got tink
Dayum, Tink. Look at that flair.
Not nearly enough red!
But it does look fancy :)
*adds rainbow styling to ROs as well*
ROs should be easy as long as there's a separate HTML class
figured out how
o/ @bigO; you'll need 20 reputation on any site before being able to chat
looking sparkly geek, at least on my end
Also, long usernames REPRESENT!
cries in mid-tier username length
8 characters. Perfectly fine.
right, back to what i was doing earlier xd
.signature.user-305737 > .tiny-signature > .username.moderator {
    color: red !important;
    background: none !important;
    -webkit-text-fill-color: inherit;
@Tinkeringbell red override for you ^
~~mostly. Can't do the popup because there's no unique class or ID in there, and :contains isn't a thing~~
Thanks! I'll make sure to install it on my own PC :)
The CSS can also be chucked in a stylus script
Hello @Mike! You'll need 20 reputation to chat, it looks like you're just 9 shy on Apple.SE.
That ping probably won't work for another 9 rep btw :')
Heh... Yeaaaah...
Maybe just throw that in the channel title.... 😁
But one would assume most staff would know that
Pro tip tho: clicking "change" in the chat profile kicks the cache and makes it refresh the rep faster than waiting for the scheduled task running every 6-8 arbitrary time units :')
@JourneymanGeek It's not like the UI doesn't tell you :P
You don't have a text box if you're under 20 rep, but a nice explanation of how you lack the rep to chat ;)
probably not the best place for that here
Don't feed the bridge dwellers
I have not been sub 20 reputation in... a very long time
I remember because there was one on meta last week/the week before, where someone posted a screenshot ;)
3 hours later…
I spy a wild hairboat :eyes:
Long time no see
woof woof... I'd forgotten about this - will be curious to see how it works out... /me crosses paws
@JonClements NEW AVA WHO DAT?
@Mithical what? where? :ducks:
@JourneymanGeek what can I say... gotta wash one's ninja kit occasionally...
(also, masks are oddly on point for our time)
Behind every mask... is another mask.
Yeah... but haven't been for any walkies recently...
it me!
@JonClements But... how are you supposed to be ninjapuppy without your ninja suit?
pure skill of course!? :p Do have to admit that having glow in the dark blue eyes, a somewhat oversized head and only 3 legs, does make stealth a little trickier :(
2 hours later…
ah and we've even got the CEO in here, nice
Uh oh...
quick everyone, look busy!
I look blurry is that okay?
yes. can't tell the difference as long as nobody looks too closely. ;)
@rene that's going down as one of my favourite rene statements ever :p
I would like to see your list
there is a list?
@Mithical I like what you did there... :p

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