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I voted 1) Zanna, 2) Kuffy, 3) Raxivianera (whatever). I think makes the most sense but am open to lobbyists.
2 hours later…
The shorter a person is present on SE, the less they are spoilt by this terrible community. Let's give the newcomers (such as political science, e.g.) a chance.
3 hours later…
Hi, I came here for the elections after a long break. Whats which the candidates? only Zanna has a good candidate score. What happened to Seth, Muru, and others?
2 hours later…
@SeverusTux Seth recently resigned as a mod as did terdon, jrg and RolandiXor
muru is here doing his work as usual :)
@Just_A_Man since "this terrible community" is the voting constituency, who are you addressing? ;)
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Unfortunately some people still write as Kuffy instead of Kulfy :( By the ay thanks for the vote :)
@CloudCho I guess 5 out of 8 are in same time zone :)
@Zanna Us all, including you and myself. We are all hopeless. Maybe, only the real newcomers (a few months or less) could change something for the better. I urge you to step down from the elections and vote for @political science.
hahaha :)
@Just_A_Man are you going to vote for Political Science?
@jokerdino Of course, and so should you.
Good luck with your election.
Votes are never meant to be disclosed
@Kulfy By the way, I would welcome more openness and pluralism here.
@Just_A_Man what changes would you like to see?
@CloudCho Geologically, it should be Holocene.
@Zanna It was an answer to Kulfy, concerning "never meant to be disclosed".
I was referring to this message
@jokerdino By the way, I love the icon you chose.
@Zanna I have also a suggestion on what can be improved ;-) A little bit of a sense of humour to be allowed at the site. @Fabby complained on that too if I am not mistaken. :-))
@Zanna In summary, we should have a young, thriving, open-minded, and energetic community. I don't see how to get it with stable, old users like us.
I certainly am not going to get any younger :(
why discrimination based on age?
@Just_A_Man Votes should be as anonymous as they can. :)
@Pilot6 Sense of humour? Banned. One joke, instant suspension
That's what I am complaining about. This is almost the case
@jokerdino you're extinct, but you still do a great job
@Pilot6 I'm open to humour. But in chat only :)
@Kulfy What is wrong if one wants to publish their votes?
people can do what they want, but no one should force people to show who they voted for
@jokerdino How can you force ?
2 hours later…
social pressure
@Zanna :-))
I won't publish my vores this time even if they social torture me.
There is no much intrigue this time. When I participated 3 years ago, there were a lot good candidates. I got the 3rd place and terdon was elected as 2nd. Interesting why almost nobody took part this time of those.
Voting is, by design and requirement, anonymous. If you want to say who you voted for, okay, but 1) nobody must be forced to disclose their vote, and 2) nobody must be forced or pressured into vote for a certain candidate.
@ByteCommander There is no way really to force or pressure here.
This election is quite simple. One elected is obvious. The second will be one of two.
unless you know someone personally, not really force, no. But I would e.g. consider Just_A_Man's wording above already on the border from campaigning to an attempt at building pressure. If they were a more influential user themselves, it might have influence.
@ByteCommander That was pure trolling.
I agree with your assessment on the probable outcome, but something similar to that happened in many of the past elections too.
Still enough acceptable candidates for a proper election imo, although more activity and interest would always be nice
The '16 was not like this. There were many candidates who had real chances.
Were you elected in '16, or the next?
Let me see if I voted for you ;-)
Yes, sure. Didn't say it has to be like this, but it's not a unique situation either. I was elected '19, but I ran already in '16.
'16 was Thomas and terdon iirc
I found it. My votes were: Zanna, you, Videonauth :-)
3 hours later…
@Kulfy Yes, you are right. Five candidates looks like living in India.
@Just_A_Man Ha Ha, I think Holocene is dating format not location information.
@CloudCho Or may be Sri Lanka 🙃
@CloudCho I count 4.
4 hours later…
@WinEunuuchs2Unix :))
Thanks by the way ;)

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