So the invariant behind alpha-beta negamax is that eval(d,α,β) is eval(d) truncated to the interval [α,β], meaning if it lies outside then it is snapped to the nearest endpoint.
And that paragraph in my post describes what eval(d,α,β) returns.
You can see that it is similar to plain negamax except that it sometimes returns earlier (knowing that further testing does not change the answer).
Let me quote what eval(d,α,β) does:
> We first set m := α before testing any move. When testing each subsequent move we would call t := −eval(d',−β,−m) and then set m := max(m,t). If m≥β then we can immediately return β. At the end we return m. The reason for calling "eval(d',−β,−m)" is that if the resulting position has true value u outside [−β,−m] then it would have equivalent effect on the true value v of the current position as the truncated value.
> (If u<−β, then −eval(d',−β,−m) yields β so we return β, which is correct since v>β. If u>−m, then −eval(d',−β,−m) yields m so it does not affect m, which is correct since that move led to true value of −u<m.) Here d' is set by a heuristic (e.g. quiescence search may set d' := d−1 for normal moves but d' := d−1/2 for check and d' := d for captures).
The "early return" is "If m≥β then we can immediately return β.". Indeed, once m≥β it can only increase further but we truncate to β anyway... so return β.
This relies on the call to "eval(d',−β,−m)" not affecting the result.
Well I suppose I should not try to simplify too much; it's better to just work through the cases carefully. =)
Read "true value" in the above as "plain negamax value".
I'll just give a sample expansion of the first case: "If u<−β, then −eval(d',−β,−m) yields β so we return β, which is correct since v>β."
Let eval[P](d) be the output of eval(d) when current position is P. Let P+X denote the position after performing move X from P. Take any position P and move X from P. Let u = eval[P+X](d'). If u<−β, then −eval[P+X](d',−β,−m) = β (by the claimed invariant), so eval[P](d,α,β) returns β immediately, which is correct since eval[P](d) > β (by definition of negamax).
To be technically precise, note that throughout we are using the invariant under structural recursion on the finite search tree comprising all the calls to eval. Namely, if eval[P+X](d',α',β') is eval[P+X](d') truncated to [α',β'] for every call of the form "eval(d',α',β')" that eval[P](d,α,β) makes, then eval[P](d,α,β) is also eval[P](d) truncated to [α,β].
What I mean is that we are merely proving the above implication, and then applying structural recursion to obtain the desired theorem.