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When I looked at your post, you have there twice the link to the same question.
> Be sure to check all of @WillieWong's comments and answers here and here.
> Edit: I would also like to know why this and this are unclear.
Sorry that I have comments to form rather than to the content. (Still, improving the form might help your questions to be better received.)
BTW you wrote about Willie Wong in your question that "he is on MathOverflow". Actually, he used to be a moderator on Mathematics.
Here is link to the current revision - where you can check the links mentioned above: meta.mathoverflow.net/revisions/4554/5
I have mentioned them simply because, looking at your wording, it seems unlikely that you actually wanted to link to the same post twice.
As a side note, I would say that might be a suitable tag for the psot on meta.
12 hours later…

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