Also vectorising dyadic minimum / maximum is actually quite useful (although it'd require some changes to be possible in v3), and I think you've already talked about the "smarter list shape typechecks" thing
1: it would be neat if errors included the location of the code that errored, so that could be shown in the editor 2: could the JS API be reworked so inputs can be requested on-demand and I can use the terminal for them?
ideally #2 would let me supply a function that returns a promise resolving to a string
ideally inputs would be allowed via the terminal and there would be a dialog for adding default ones to the permalink
I'll just implement the dialog for now, since that saves me from having to figure out where to put the inputs UI :p
When I said "dunno if #2 can be done" I meant that I have absolutely no idea what that would involve and haven't looked into it yet, not "I have a sense of what this would involve and it is hard"