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@lyxal dude what is wrong with mine?
I've always maintained that it's great
12 hours ago, by Ginger
I have a number of reasons for this, but #1 is that it just looks ugly (#2 is no mober)
is why Ginger is making one
@naffetS I brought you here so that Ginger would be able to discuss problems directly with you
because I'd happily stay with the one you made
well, allow me to clarify my reasons
I don't have much time, so I'll finish tomorrow, but here's the top few issues
#1: What is happening to this layout
on my Chromebook, the icons on the sidebar overflow off the bounds of the page
Things like a lack of mobile are an issue, but I don't think that mandates a whole new website
And the layout can always be fixed too
@naffetS @Ginger it seems to me like there have been legitimate issues raised about the current site. I think it is best that y'all discuss them before anyone rushes to make new websites and before anything is assumed to be official.
Personally, I'd prefer sticking with the current site and addressing accessibility/layout issues
That's not to rule anything in or out, but to simply state what I think about the situation
5 hours later…
Q: how to load javascript dynamically

hguserI try to load some js files dynamically,for example: function openInforWindow(){ //check if the InforWinow.js has been loaded or not if(window.InforWindow){ //do the right thing } else { loadJs('xxxxxx/InforWindow.js'); // do the right thing //but here ,the infowindow is ...

Totally good practice
@lyxal agree, imo these are things easily fixable by adding a few lines of code or doing some fancy css magic
@emanresuA vylight for v3 when????
3 hours later…
Lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/v2-make-rotate-left-and-right-considered-monads in Vyxal/Vyxal: Merge branch 'main' into v2-make-rotate-left-and-right-considered-monads
@lyxal as it currently stands, I think the tabbed v3 interpreter site is designed based off of what we think is cool, not what's actually useful
being able to optionally see the compressor and idioms tabs is useful
and when enough data is generated, it'll be useful for vyncode tabs too
sure, but there's gotta be a way to have that stuff without a whole reorganizable tabbed layout
the way I was planning to do it was to have a set of (non-movable) tabs for the tools
and on mobile make it an offcanvas so they still get plenty of screen space
What if the default layout was changed?
Something like ^ seems like it could work
that is effectively what my system would look like, except without the ability to move the tabs
how about non-movable on mobile, movable on desktop
my main issues with that site are 1. it doesn't work on small screens and 2. it looks ugly
if both of those are solved I'd be much happier with it
2 is subjective
but 1 can be fixed
Lyxal created branch hub in Vyxal/Release-Prepping
I'm going to keep working on my interpreter, just as an experiment
what I envisioned was the big boy being used by people with desktops or a desire for customizability (like us devs) and mine being used by people on mober or similar
there's already a dev version
I don't like that one much, it feels flat
that's the point
it's the bare minimum
for testing if scala->js stuff even works before delving into Vue
it's literally just the current v2 site copy-pasted
does it have to be the bare minimum? I'd be fine with doing a touch-up on that one
tell you what, how about purposing the experiment for v2?
see how that goes
I'll see what I can do
make sure to keep the keyboard + tool tips
fair warning, that's going to lose you syntax highlighting
since the codemirror parser I'm working on is generated by v3
and idk if the syntax is compatible
you can use that
oh right lol
okay, I'll make it use v2 and we can see how that goes
Lyxal pushed a commit to Release-Prepping/main in Vyxal/Release-Prepping: Create do-the-release-thing.yaml
@Ginger An error occured while processing event 54488c20-78ad-11ee-8a3e-ae60b26bc7c7!
ah yes
the ignore list
it has a hyphen
Lyxal pushed a commit to VyxalBot2/main in Vyxal/VyxalBot2: Update config.json
Shutting down...
@Ginger could you restart the bot pls?
sure, hold on
Well, here we are again.
that error worries me
@user I made the workflow thing that puts js releases on a different branch
it sent those out of order
good stuff
tomorrow will be thnkingin about how to do versioning
on th the website
@lyxal Command error: Expected a value for code
Good just making sure it exists
!!/delit "stdin := n (. scan-fix: {if even? then halve else increment endif}) := collatz $n $collatz call"
@lyxal @Ginger An exception occured whilst processing this message!
Good stuff
!!/delit "relation add from [1, 1] end"
@Ginger Ṇ+from#[1|1#]}
holy hell
Well that's interesting
33 messages moved to ­Trash
lettuce never speak of this again
anyway back to screwing with mill
Lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-resume-implementing-stuff in Vyxal/Vyxal: Add from as a keyword for branch. @Ginger An exception occured whilst processing this message!
you think you're real funny, eh?
pre-commit-ci[bot] pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-resume-implementing-stuff in Vyxal/Vyxal: [pre-commit.ci] auto fixes from pre-commit.com hooks
@lyxal ?#=n⸠ᵡλ#{e|halve|increment}#{}#=collatz#$n#$collatzĖ
!!/delit "halve"
@lyxal halve
!!/delit "half"
@lyxal half
!!/delit "increment"
@lyxal increment
Ohhh wait @Ginger where's the bot getting its deliterate implementation from?
halve and increment were added after the third pre-release?!?
Gosh dang.
I've forgotten what happened and when
Hey so srs question how does it update its jar file when a new release is made?
@lyxal currently it doesn't d:
VB uses my Tyxal instance, which uses an embedded JAR
figuring out how to update it is a Later Problem™
oh, while you're here: is there anything special I need to do to have the runMethod() function be able to invoke my new generator?
run Method?
Do you mean the thing in the js bridge that calls the scala stuff?
Which run method?
Ah you mean in the build file
That's a user question
@user come here there's a user question for you
He should be here soon
user handles the build files, because whenever I touch them things don't go to plan :p
got it working, nvm
@lyxal those EBNF grammars don't seem to be right
for one, a bunch of rules aren't actually referred to anywhere
are strings and numbers toplevel items like elements?
there's also a bunch of conflicts in the grammar
hallelujah, it generated
GingerIndustries pushed a commit to Vyxal/generate-codemirror-highlighting in Vyxal/Vyxal: Add automagic generator for CodeMirror syntax highlighting
GingerIndustries created branch generate-codemirror-highlighting in Vyxal/Vyxal
GingerIndustries pushed a commit to Vyxal/generate-codemirror-highlighting in Vyxal/Vyxal: Merge branch 'generate-codemirror-highlighting' of github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal into generate-codemirror-highlighting
@Ginger runMethod wants a method insidèa singleton object, e.g. GenerateDocs#generate with an emptyp arameter list
I already got it working fwiw
Oh nice
@VyxalBot Ah I see
@lyxal Nice!
One thing we could do is have a separate folder for each version of the interpreter, and serve GitHub pages from there
So there'd be a 3.6.9 folder with the 3.6.9 interpreter, and vyxal.github.io/v3.6.9 would serve the index.html from there, but 3.7.0 would have its own folder and interpreter
Which would work around the issue of breaking changes making the Scala-JS bridge from older versions no longer work
mathcat4 opened issue #8 (Add keyboard + tooltips) in Vyxal/vyxal.github.io
I figured that one needed an issue of its own :d
Steffan153 approved #7 (Add the dictionary back) in Vyxal/vyxal.github.io
Steffan153 merged pull request #7 (Add the dictionary back) in Vyxal/vyxal.github.io
Steffan153 pushed a commit to vyxal.github.io/main in Vyxal/vyxal.github.io: Merge pull request #7 from Vyxal/add-the-dictionary-back
Steffan153 deleted branch add-the-dictionary-back in Vyxal/vyxal.github.io
Steffan153 approved #1964 (Make it so that Ǔ and ǔ are considered monadic to modifiers.) in Vyxal/Vyxal
mathcat4 opened issue #9 (Fix the idioms tab) in Vyxal/vyxal.github.io
this too
mathcat4 opened issue #10 (some enhancements / bugs) in Vyxal/vyxal.github.io
3 hours later…
@lyxal Unable to open PR: Validation Failed: 'No commits between production and main'
@Ginger I am doing very carefully not touching hot surfaces.
2 hours later…
A: Repeated Digit Primes

Pacmanboss256Vyxal, 88 bitsv2, 11 bytes Þp'f:ẋfṅ⌊æ;~AẎ Try it Online! Bitstring: 0010101101000000100111110011100100110010100100011000111001011001000011111011010100010010

@Pacmanboss256 I found a 13 byter: Zødṅ⌊æ)Þp~AFẎ but it somehow vyncodes worse, giving 11.25 bytes
gotta love that :p
in fact

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