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bbrk24 opened pull request #4 (Fix typo in README) in Vyxal/Vyncode
@Ginger An error occured while processing event afce8690-3fcc-11ee-8b8e-0aea06d103a8!
Lyxal approved #4 (Fix typo in README)
Lyxal merged pull request #4 (Fix typo in README) in Vyxal/Vyncode
Lyxal pushed a commit to Vyncode/main: Fix typo in README
Lyxal pushed a commit to Vyncode/main: Merge pull request #4 from bbrk24/main
8 hours later…
Uh oh
Bot died
The bot is dead and it did it itself
So close to 60 days too
And not far away from 69
I wonder what killed it
@user to be honest, I don't know what's best
Base conversion isn't something that comes naturally to me so I don't know what's golfy or not
How is the bot deployed?
@lyxαl Rydwolf's server seems to be offline
so he killed it
well at least I'm not directly responsible :p
Well, I host my bot on GitHub Actions! Yes, that’s right, I’m freeloading on the GitHub action servers! There’s pretty much no downtime, but it has to be restarted every six hours at least.
it requires database storage though
I doubt github actions actually lets you keep stored memory between restarts
@lyxαl just have it stored in a text file and when it ends commit it.
that'd require a major rewrite of how the bot works
umm @lyxαl @user do you know how the IntelliJ configurations work with v3?
I just installed IntelliJ and the Scala extension but I don't know how to actually run the code lol
that's a user question
I use vs code :p
I couldn't get that to work either lol
it says no build target can be found
you have metals installed? and sbt?
what's sbt?
I have metals
I think sbt came with Scala, right?
you may have to install it separetly
I just typed sbt into my terminal and it's doing something
well that means it's installed
what's the vs code error?
8 mins ago, by The Thonnu
user image
the full error
ooh we got something now
that's bc my branch isn't updated
now it just says "Internal error"
nothing else
where at?
bottom right
what does it say?
In the problems tab it's just "unused private member" - they look like warnings
hard to tell what the internal error refers tpo
and yes the unused private member things are in fact warnings
you get those with usual sbt compilation
are you on windows?
strange that native isn't building then
very strange given that native shouldn't be compiling at all for me
do I need to install Java?
you don't have Java?
that might help, given that scala is, well, a JVM language :p
the Scala REPL was working fine though
from the Metals for VS Code page
which file should I be on?
are you trying to run from vs code?
tbh I never run from vs code
but jvm/src/vyxal/main.scala
wait that works?
I don't need to use sbt everytime?
what so sbt jvm/src/vyxal/main.scala?
no if you want to run from vs code
if you want to run from sbt in terminal, sbt vyxalJVM/run
It's doing something but taking a while
  | => vyxalJVM / Compile / compileIncremental 43s
it be like that
especially on first compile
takes a few minutes
Starting plain repl...
what do I type in?
that's vyxal 3 :p
oh sick
any vyxal 3 program you want
yeah that works
sbt vyxalJVM/run -l for literate mode
sbt vyxalJVM/run -h gives sbt options not Vyxal options
btw on the online interpreter just using the h flag times out
duh :p
the flag prints to stdout
not to the website stream
what if I want to see the output :p
it's something that needs to be fixed, but not a bug as such :p
anyway, I'll be back tomorrow with some more element ideas
@TheThonnu How about sbt vyxalJVM/run -- -h?
@TheThonnu It should just happen automatically
Open up one of the test files and IntelliJ will show you green arrows. When you click those, the test will run and the test configuration will be added
To try out the JVM REPL, go to the jvm's Main.scala and IntelliJ will again show you a button to run it
Installing vyxal in a venv makes a cool executable
@user I don't see green arrows
@TheThonnu but anyway it's ok - I can run it from the terminal
@lyxαl @user suggestion for D downdot:
num a: round a to the nearest integer
str a: sentence case
lst a: grade up (indices that will sort a)
can't implement today; I'll do it tomorrow
@TheThonnu Looks like the project hasn't been detected properly, the src folders should be blue
Let me try setting it up on my own computer
@TheThonnu Does Metals in VS Code work?
What problems are you getting?
2 hours ago, by The Thonnu
user image
That's VSC
Well you can run tests from the terminal pretty easily
Just do vyxalJVM/test
That runs all tests, instead of just one test
To run just one test, you can do vyxalJVM/testOnly "*ElementTests"
@TheThonnu Sorry forgot about this, looks good to me
Another element thing (@lyxαl and Thonnu): can we make the list-fun overload of join on be reduce?
It would feel very satisfying
go for it
It's working for me, could you try just reloading the sbt project?
On the right side will be a hexagon, the sbt icon
If you open up that window, you can hit the Reload all sbt projects button
If that doesn't work, you can go into Project Structure and add shared/test/src as a test sources directory to the vyxalJVM module
Or you can use VS Code instead (but it looks like you're fine with IntelliJ even if you have to use the terminal)
@user didn't work :(
@user doesn't let me go to shared
those are my only options
but yeah I'm fine with using the terminal
btw @lyxαl @user how do I convert VNum to float/double
tried that
@TheThonnu Hit Add Content Root, then add src inside that
[error] 1647 |      case a: VNum => VNum(scala.math.round(a.toDouble))
[error]      |                                            ^^^^^^^^^^
[error]      |value toDouble is not a member of vyxal.VNum, but could be made available as an extension method.
Oh, well I guess you'll have to add it to the VNum class then
@TheThonnu There's also an sbt shell panel at the bottom, slightly more convenient than running sbt from the terminal
There's already toInt to help you out
def toDouble: Double = underlying.toDouble
underlying.real.toDouble, I think
underlying is a complex number and can't directly be turned into a double
@user Sorry I meant add shared as a content root, then add the test/src from there as a test sources folder
but no arrowheads
is it supposed to be dark green?
but anyway I set an alias TestVyxal so all I have to do is type that into the shell tab
so I don't really need this
@TheThonnu Oh cool
@TheThonnu The arrows should show up when you open one of those files
Try opening up ElementTests
yeah I'm on ElementTests.scala
they don't show up
Oh well
it's fine
can I assume that gradeUp will only take lists of ints for now?
Just to make my life easier
then you can change it if you want
Shouldn't be necessary
  def gradeUp(iterable: VList): VList =
doesn't work since it doesn't know what types are in the VList
I would suggest VList.from(iterable.indices.sortBy(iterable(_)))
still won't work, right?
@TheThonnu Oh, looks like it needs an Ordering[VAny]
how about I push this now, then you edit
I've got to go in a bit
Nope mine won't work either
bot's dead isn't it
Odd, an Ordering already exists, so sortBy should work
Anyway o/
5 hours later…
@user that's already R though
Hey @Ginger, how possible would it be to make it so that changes could be pulled to Vyxal Bot without killing uptime? Something like having two instances (a main and backup) could work. When pulling, switch to the backup, update the main, switch back to main, update the backup
Just an idea to keep both functionality updated and uptime ticking up
Not something to commit to at all
And the backup wouldn't need to be hosted elsewhere too. It could just be hosted on the same server
It'd only be a backup instance for switching
In fact, it could even just be a spawned process created when pulling and destroyed after the updating is done
it's not possible trivially
of course I could just make it so that restarts save uptime :p
@Ginger I figured it would take a non-trivial efforr
Food for thought though
Hey how did it manage to send the correction message before the actual message
@lyxαl chat jank go brrrr
I sent the efforr message first then *effort and somehow they're in reverse order
Truly goofy hours with chat
@lyxαl Ah, you want to avoid breaking compatibility with v2?
No i meant it's already implemented :p
Guess that makes sense, I would've just liked join because it's like you're joining the list on the function when reducing it
@lyxαl Oh lol
I mean it's not hard to move it
it's not :p
But I guess R for reduce makes more sense
and when you're using literate mode, it doesn't matter what its sbcs is
which is how I envisage most people will want to golf in 3
@lyxαl New chat feature: time-travel based edits
Correct mistakes before you make them
which reminds me, there's a little bug with the online interpreter where if you type a letter that isn't a built-in, it errors and closes the code window
Oh dear
e.g. typing the letter k in literate mode while not forming a full keyword
Just type, or run?
holy heck
Is it trying to continuously parse it or something?
Because it's classified as not a keyword apparently
no but why does it error?
it parses on each keypress
Oh dear
to give a live literate byte count
So we need a fault-tolerant literate parser?
Or simply stop unwrapping the Eithers?
ideally unrecognised tokens should just be converted to sbcs as is
it's because the k on its own doesn't match any regex apparently
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No such element: k
    $c_jl_Throwable vyxal.github.io/Vyxal/vyxal.js:27318
    $c_jl_Exception vyxal.github.io/Vyxal/vyxal.js:50921
    $c_jl_RuntimeException vyxal.github.io/Vyxal/vyxal.js:57965
    $c_jl_IllegalArgumentException vyxal.github.io/Vyxal/vyxal.js:65946
    $p_Lvyxal_parsing_Lexer$__sbcsifySingle__Lvyxal_parsing_Token__T vyxal.github.io/Vyxal/vyxal.js:25099
    sbcsify__sci_List__T vyxal.github.io/Vyxal/vyxal.js:25235
it's in sbcsifySingle that it errors
which I guess makes sense because there is no element k and there can't be because it's the constants digraph thing
maybe don't throw errors on unrecognised elements?

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