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@Petəíŕd It was hyper-neutrino's fault!
2 hours later…
!!/status uwu
Sorry Petəíŕd, I'm afraid I can't do that.
!!/status tingly
B-b-bot ( ͡U ω ͡U ) status: ***blushes*** Onwinye
Uptime: 40 days, 8-8-8:40:37.619007
Wunnying since: 2023-06-22T23:01:47.465663
Ewwows since ***screeches*** s-s-s-stawtup: 1-1-1-17
4 hours later…
If I'm understanding range coding right... is there anything stopping us from changing the ranges based on previously read characters? (as long as it stays the same length?)
@Petəíŕd I am doing oppa gangnam style.
@emanresuA I thought that's how it worked anyway
the ranges are made more specific on each bit
[1,2,3,4,5] /lambda 1: 2 mod 0 equals?}
Very goofy
[1,2,3,4,5] /{1:2 mod 0 equals?}
that works?!?
I made that a thing that you can set arity in a bracket lambda?!?!
I mean, I'm all for it
Is the / reduce?
reduce and filter
If so, why is it before the function?
working on a system to make it so that reduce can switch behaviour based on arity
And isn't / divide?
like how ~ can be filter by or perform without popping
@TheThonnu v3
So wouldn't there by ambiguity
Yeah still in v3
What's divide then?
the actual sign thing
one second
that thing
beat you to it :p
dang ninja'd
ninja'd on the ninja
that's gotta be like a record or something
Lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-momentum-branch-2: Make / either reduce or filter

A lot of little ninjas

2 mins ago, 46 seconds total – 12 messages, 2 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 1 min ago by The Thonnu

uh oh :p
@user !!! you broke the linting rules you literally created
you goofy
> error: [DisableSyntax.ConsecutivePushes] You can push multiple items at once with ctx.push(a, b, ...)
@TheThonnu It was user's fault!
Yes it was :p
you're gosh dang right
the copilot extension clearly says it was user! :p
sorry not copilot
fricking vs code
!!/status tingly
B-b-bot ***smirks smuggly*** status: Onwinye
Uptime: ***blushes*** 40 days, 1-1-1-13:34:15.874252
Wunnying ( ᴜ ω ᴜ ) ***looks at you*** since: 2023-06-22T23:01:47.465663
Ewwows s-s-s-since ღ(U꒳Uღ) stawtup: 17
copilot extension is the most goofy thing I've said all night
@lyxal Well Vyxal bot clearly says it was you :p
And Vyxal bot is always right
@TheThonnu does it?
Haha nice
11'ing at its finest
Now you're blaming yourself
I am?
I have immunity to edit jokes :p
Lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-momentum-branch-2: Fix user's (1!!!1!!1!!!!!11!!) linting problems
github-actions[bot] pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-momentum-branch-2: Refresh element and/or trigraph docs from recent commit
10 {1: even? yes? (2 divide) no? (triple 1 add) end} scan-fix
truly a goofy collatz
Lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-momentum-branch-2: Scan-fix/log + change ternary to yes? ... no? ... end
Ternary used to be just ? ... : ... end but for some reason that doesn't parse anymore
@user changing to the new parser has broken lambdas
[1,2,3,4,5] { even? ? 1923 : 23423 end } map
should work
> [1,2,3,4,5] { even? yes? 1923 no? 23423 end } map
2023.08.02 23:35:57:555 main DEBUG vyxal.Interpreter.execute:16
    Lexed tokens: List(ListOpen("["), Number("1"), Branch(","), Number("2"), Branch(","), Number("3"), Branch(","), Number("4"), Branch(","), Number("5"), ListClose("]"), StructureOpen("?"), Param("even?"), StructureOpen("["), Number("1923"), Branch("no?"), Number("23423"), StructureClose("end"), StructureClose("}"), Command("map"))
Exception in thread "main" scala.MatchError: Param (of class vyxal.parsing.TokenType$$anon$9)
(using the version of the ternary that does actually parse)
github-actions[bot] pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-momentum-branch-2: Refresh element and/or trigraph docs from recent commit
It tries to say that the even? yes? 1923 is lambda parameters without realising it's a ternary
happens with all structures too i think
> [1,2,3,4,5] { if even then 1923 else 23423 end } map
ofc it works if the arity is added, but that's not golfy at all
[1,2,3,4,5] {1:  if even then 1923 else 23423 end } map
that works
@lyxal To be fair, that rule was made for ctx.push(a, b, c), not stuff that would go onto multiple lines, since it's actually more verbose that way
@lyxal :|
@lyxal Huh, how is the ? put before the even?
> "?->" -> StructureType.Ternary,
> ?->
ysthakur pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-momentum-branch-2: Fix literate lexer issue with nested structures
ysthakur pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-momentum-branch-2: src/main/scala -> src
ysthakur pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-momentum-branch-2: Slightly refactor log
5 hours later…
ysthakur pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-momentum-branch-2: Make way for same impl to be used for debug and normal
1 hour later…
@user old lexer can handle it just fine
Why is ?-> a thing?
Why not ??
I thought that was a typo, hence the !!!!11!!!
@user it's syntax
Will add
@user is there a way to explicitly disable it for a section?
(and the warnings too - there seems to be a lot of those that don't seem to be able to be silenced)
@lyxal I'll just remove the entire thing
The warnings are because I added the -Wvalue-discard flag, I didn't realize there'd be so many false positives :(
It's all good
ysthakur pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-momentum-branch-2: Add test for literate lexer (ternaries)
ysthakur pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-momentum-branch-2: Remove ConsecutivePushes check
ysthakur pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-momentum-branch-2: Turn off -Wvalue-discard

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