y-axis is amount of knowledge. First bar is Jon Skeet, second bar is most knowledgeable non-Jon-Skeet human, third bar is you, third bar is most ignorant human
See how you know about as much as the most knowledgeable human (who isn't Jon Skeet)? :P
(and before a pedant calls me out for the lack of units, Jon Skeet's knowledge is infinite, so his bar is infinite whatever units and all the other bars are basically 0)
@user my point was more that some people with more experience with things obviously know more about said things than someone who doesn't have experience with those things
Like I don't really know that much about how scala links files and how it manages to find resources in the resources file. Hell, I don't even know if my js fix works. But I know that you have more of a chance of knowing because you have more experience
I'm pretty sure you know that source files go in <platform>/src/main/scala, but if you really want to continue pretending you don't know anything, I can go along with that :P
Anyway, got an essay to submit by midnight that I've barely started on and the 4 coffees I drank aren't helping me focus so I'm going to sign out o/
@emanresuA I'm switching GMP over to a dynamic library so we don't have to do all this stupid cross-copmiling stuff, got it working on Linux which is a relief, but getting to work on Mac is going to be very painful
True story: the parameter for the main method used to be called arghs, because writing the main method caused programmers to emit several "argh"s. Over time, the "h" was dropped, making it "args." Nowadays, people think that it's a shortening of "arguments," a very plausible but ultimately wrong explanation
I've managed to submit a ridiculously over-engineered project to do some basic string manipulation stuff (think packages nested 4 levels deep, two dozen different classes) without the teacher batting an eye
<script src="./vyxal.js" type="module"></script>
<script src="./main.js"></script>
<!-- I want to be able to call the stuff in vyxal.js in main.js without having to make it a module -->
@naffetS but then they need to be imported don't they? And then which properties do you import and even then the web worker script was fricking up the imports
Because I want eval to work without needing to take context
So it can be called in other places that don't have context
And even then, that's just a bandaid fix. That pushes the problem down the line until the next time there needs to be a contextless function which calls functions which do require context
And sure you can pass context around, but what if I want to call something like multiply in number helpers in a function where passing in context is overkill
@naffetS because it takes several minutes to compile. And that's a problem for first time compiles on people's systems, for running workflows which don't retain previous compiles and for any time the dictionary decides it needs recompiling