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Bot actually dead
@Ginger how easy is it to migrate a chat bot over to SE Chat?
Just as an estimate, not as something I'm saying to commit to doing
At least not yet
(cc @hyper-neutrino)
also @hyper-neutrino I've added keywords and tags for all non-digraph elements. Is that enough to get a preliminary element search working on vyxapedia?
oh boy time to dive into scala parser combinators again!
can't wait to see which recursion errors I get this time :p
@user how do I run individual files again?
because I have once again forgotten
vyxalJVM/testOnly *LexerTests
And vyxalJVM/testOnly *LexerTests -- -z "text" to only run tests with a particular piece of text (or maybe it's -t?)
but like a code file
not a test file
I think the documentation folder has it
Do you have like a main method in it?
if the bot was working, you'd know what I'm doing
one second
I want to run it interactively to test the methods
Maybe test:console?
Or maybe just console
Gimme a sec, let me try it on my own computer first
My bad, it's vyxalJVM/Test/console
Just test:console/Test/console would run in the root project
Should we call the old lexer IlliterateLexer now? :P
okay so I have a main function in the file for testing how do I use it?
If you're using the repl, I guess you don't really need a main function, but you can do LiterateLexer.main() ig
@lyxal There's also the runMain command (vyxalJVM/runMain vyxal.LiterateLexer, I think)
scala> LiterateLexer("{1 + { 4 - } map} map")
val res3: Either[vyxal.VyxalCompilationError, List[vyxal.LiterateToken]] = Right(List(LambdaBlock(1 + LambdaBlock(4 - )map), Word(map)))
Holy hell
it worked
It's working?
it needs a bit more tweaking to account for variable syntax
+ transliteration to sbcs
but that's the foundations ah frick lists
We could use plain [,] for those, right?
the idea is [|] still
I more mean I forgot about those
Right mb
Remind me to document this console thing sometime
I've basically never used a Scala REPL before (at least, not through sbt)
@lyxal When you get tired, I think it's :q to quit
Because you're sad
ctrl+c also works
That exits sbt, not just that console
It did for me, idk
I know that because I'm using ctrl+c to exit the console
Left(VyxalCompilationError(string matching regex '\]' expected but end of source found))
ah fun
Oh, I've been running it with sbt console, that's why
that would explain it lol
Btw, you don't need raw"""\[""".r, you can do raw"\[".r
The """ is only in case the string includes double quotes
Actually, I think you can just use "[" and "]" instead of using regex? idk
That's your problem, I think
Just "|" should work
this was happening before I added "|".r
And """[^[\\]]+""".r can be """[^|[\\]]+""".r so that the |s can't be taken as list elements
What's the input you're giving it?
[3|4|6 7 add]
a sensible, well formed list
Does changing [^[\\]]+ to [^|[\\]]+ help?
Because this regex works (admittedly, not the same as that recursive parser)
that doesn't include the last ] in it's match though
unless it does
and the highlighting is jank
ah highlighting was jank
If you put parens around the \] in the regex, the matched ]'ll be highlighted a different color
it doesn't include it in something like [3|4|6 7 add|[1|2|3]] though
I forgot to include [ in the [^] thing
And this is just plain regex, so it can't handle recursive lists
it doesn't like that middle regex for some reason
"[" ~ repsep(list | """[r]+""".r, "|") ~ "]" ^^ { case _ ~ body ~ _ =>
      ListToken(body.mkString("", "|", ""))
that works if you just have something like [rrrr|rr|rrrr]
oh there we go
got it working
"[" ~ repsep(list | """[^\]\[|]+""".r, "|") ~ "]"
right. now to remember what I said literate mode variable syntax would look like
guess I never documented it anywhere
I love forgetting things like this
$name for get, =name for set?
or how about :name for set?
"Hello" :greeting
"%, World!" $greeting strfmt println
compared to
"Hello" =greeting
"%, World!" $greeting strfmt println
I'mma ask about this in TNB
1 hour later…
scala> litLex(""" "Hello" =greeting "%, World!" $greeting mod print""")
val res2: String = "Hello" #=greeting "%, World!" #$greeting % ,
@user what's the point of "Lint with Scalafix / build (push)" if it doesn't automatically lint?
It just tells me there's something wrong without doing things for me
don't just fail, actually do stuff dang it
CI/CD moment
I really need to learn how to use that
feel like you've said thqt before
Jan 19 at 1:54, by hyper-neutrino
I should learn how to use github actions
somewhat similar
All the literate mode branch needs now is tests
And probably a few more keywords for a few things
Only took about 4 hours too
As I said, pretty simple job
@lyxal lol
2 hours later…
@lyxal should be? I will have to implement that tomorrow or later sometime
Also, I've been thinking and variable assignment in literate mode should be =:name or :=name
One of those two
The colon is necessary to avoid ambiguity over what's a word and a variable assignment
It's currently _name btw
op ::=name for augmented assignment maybe
:>=name could also be augmented assign
Maybe :> even
I think := for assignment and :> for augmented
I think after the literate mode stuff is done, a rudimentary online interpreter should be made. I think it'll be the last infrastructure thing before elementing
I think it's the right time for it now
Why not :op=
Because that would be hell to lex
Not necessarily
Most of your ops are either names or single / double unicode characters
It's not the name that's the issue it's the fact that it would require a bit of reworking of things because it wouldn't just be directly translatable to Unicode
op:=name requires no extra reordering
Because it's already in the syntax sbcs requires
It's also consistent with how the sbcs looks
1 hour later…
Also, :op= could be painful to lex because of cases like :{:op=}=
Because op isn't just keywords - it can be lambdas and modifiers
2 hours later…
#1590 - Literate mode for v3 is now ready for review
@lyxal you've asked the right person :p
well duh, that's why I asked! :p
if you use Python and sechat it's actually not that hard #notsponsored
is that similar to what sechat requires?
analyzing beep boop...
er, kinda
you could conceivably retrofit it to run on sechat, but I'd advise at least a partial rewrite (which I am more than happy to do :b)
@hyper-neutrino ^
in the meantime you can use OLIMAR to run vyxal code instead
if only it'd announce github events too :p
sure easy
/srs it wouldn't be very hard for me to make a bot that does the same things Vyxal Bot does
and I'm more than happy to do it q:
@Ginger create a branch on the repo to switch to sechat and we'll see what happens
@Ginger I'd be more than happy for you to do so :p
@Ginger #definetelynotbiased
okay, time to do a little trolling beep boop rewriting
@lyxal do you mind if I put it in a new repo? I'm probably not going to use much of the original code besides the "I am doing x" files and such
aight cool
@lyxal advance warning: I'm planning to create a GitHub App, which the bot will use instead of the current GitHub user account; is that OK?
frick, I can't create Apps in the Vyxal org because I'm not an admin
eh I'll do it later™
ok after inspecting the sechat code I think I need to make a few upgrades
frick my droplet isn't responding
send me sechat and I'll rewrite it later
> It works by basically transliterating words into their unicode equivalent, and running the resulting program as normal.
… what?
is that a flag or smth?
Also, what does String in the depth map (String, Int) stand for?
oooh, off-topic, but I kinda like the scala override keyword
definitely better than python's magic methods
how do those 2 have any relation to each other
I meant if you do something like override def toString and def __repr__()
well the only reason thats the way it is is because toString is defined on Any
4 hours later…
@lyxal Well I set it to only lint instead of also fixing. You can remove the --check and use the auto-commit action that's being used in the other workflow so it'll automatically fix some issues too
@mathcat it is
@user mergéd
@mathcat the variable name
Wow literate mode works on native
Passed the test suite first try
@Ginger I don't know whether to be happy or concerned that it worked so effortlessly :p
yeah that's a sign of a giant lurking bug somewhere
Or it could just be that scala native is doing its job well
I honestly don't know
Because it had issues with the normal lexer, but not the literate
@Ginger oh
That's a problem?
look, that's a Later Problem™
Try again
It should be fixed now
although this whole thing is kinda a Later Problem™, because I don't currently have a way to do any development on the bot
I can work on it once Radvylf fixes his server's UPS, which he said will only take a week or so
Well at least app creation isn't a problem anymore
I fixed that
yeah, by making me admin
you don't have to do that :p
Don't go abusing your powers now :p
@Ginger ah but you see, I do
Because I can
And it was inevitable anyway. If not now probably a few months down the track
but, like, the only thing giving me admin does is let me break things in new and exciting ways
Org ownership just means "yeah you look like a key developer who needs a few extra permissions for stuff + you fit in to the community well so here's a reward"
uh, alright I guess
I'll try not to touch any shiny red buttons :b
not sure I count as a "key developer" tho
If it makes you feel any better, there's 15 other org owners
hm, ok lol
1 hour later…
In today's epsiode of f*cking around with things that'll probably just cause pain, we'll be exploring github pages! :p
huh, looks like mill and sbt put the JS in different spots
that's fun

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