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@mathcat that's the benefits of having a haircut and shave: as the hair falls off onto the floor, you get more clarity as there isn't as much weighing you down anymore :p
!!/do you is done do?
@lyxal I am doing improvement of self so that maybe someday somebody will love me for who I am instead of what this stupid chatbot can do.
@VyxalBot do you is done are is are done is are done are do?
@lyxal I am doing the cooking of dinner for once instead of just living off cereal like usual.
We need a !!/give bot cookie command
@VyxalBot do you done done done done done are is done done done done done is are are are are is is is is is is is is are done done done is are are is are is are is done are is do?
@lyxal I am doing a new cupboard for my spices. And more importantly, a place to hide my contraband.
@aketon there's a few hundred pre-determined responses it can give every time you check whether it's functional or not
oh my goflds
And there's several ways of checking its status
@lyxal I am doing minecraft speedruns.
!!/lol u good my epic gamer?
@lyxal I am doing a reset of this timeline. Your lack of activity has made it impossible to continue any further.
@VyxalBot do you done are done done are is are done is done are done is do are done do are does?
No do's in the middle
Only a do at the start and a do at the end
!!/do you done are done is do?
@emanresuA I am doing things that make me a productive member of society. You should try that one day.
@VyxalBot do you done are done done are is are done is done are done is are done are done do?
@lyxal I am doing terribly - my divorce attorney just informed me that the custody hearing is tomorrow instead of next week like originally planned.
No does either
@aketon ^
!!/make me a double choc chip cookie
!!/pls make meh a double choco chip cookie
@Steffan I am doing very little because I have a headache.
no wonder
!!/plz make meh coki
!!/coffee me
@Steffan brews a cup of coffee for you
!!/plz mak me coki
!!/plz make me a cookie
Why no work
oh what on earth
who wrote that
} else if ("double choco chip" in content) {
That's an error in JS
!!/sudo mak me coki
@Steffan No, you sussy baka.
ok somebody pull
it's an emergency to not be able to have a cookie
!!/do you done do?
@Steffan I am doing cartwheels.
!!/sudo make me a cookie
@lyxal [SUDO] Here you go: 🍪
yeah sudo will work because the else if is not reached
@Steffan only hyper can do that
Idea: !!/mom or !!/dad pings hyper
Hyper's american
Maybe MOOOOOOM or DAAAAAAAD works as well
@emanresuA whoa don’t insult him
hes canadian iirc
Sorry, Canadian
im bad lol
Canada is also a shitty country but in different ways
But probably better than us
Or maybe the grass just looks greener on the other side
imo canada is prob a bit better
not like that's relevant
!!/do you done done do
@Steffan I am doing nothing you need to know about.
It would be nice if vyxal bot ran in trash
or sandbox
Not trash but sandbox yeah
@Steffan it’s always relevant
We Americans have a reputation to maintain
You’ll have to fight me if you don’t think the us is now on the too 10 list of shitty western countries
!!/run `’murica` ,
@user (output was empty)
!!/run is broken
@emanresuA (output was empty)
@user I do indeed agree lol
!!/lol u good there m8?
@emanresuA I am doing a thing. What that thing is though? A mystery... for now 🕵.
chunkybanana merged PR #10 (Vyxal/SE-Bot) (Vyxal:add-online-interpreter-tag-to-auto-tag → Vyxal:main): Add "online interpreter" to auto-tagged prs
chunkybanana deleted branch SE-Bot/add-online-interpreter-tag-to-auto-tag
chunkybanana opened PR #11 (Vyxal/SE-Bot) (Vyxal:MOOOOOOOOOM → Vyxal:main): MOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!11!!11
If hyper's the parent does that make me the cool uncle who always pranks everyone at family gatherings?
Perhaps. Would you mind checking my code looks like it works?
I did, and it looks like it should work
MOUM is a possibility though isn't it?
Oh well.
chunkybanana merged PR #11 (Vyxal/SE-Bot) (Vyxal:MOOOOOOOOOM → Vyxal:main): MOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!11!!11
chunkybanana deleted branch SE-Bot/MOOOOOOOOOM
3 hours later…
@Steffan ooooops sorry
@emanresuA Doesn't hyper run Canadian Inc.?
1 hour later…
@emanresuA gosh dang it I had an elegant 8 byter that gave use to some lesser used stuff
I'd classify ẏ as "lesser used"
@lyxal Enumerate?
@emanresuA string padding and replace spaces with 0
@emanresuA I find it common enough in golfing languages
Frick it I'm posting it anyway
5 hours later…
@lyxal Correction: the weird uncle who thinks he's cool :P
@VyxalBot What is this for? Isn't it easier to ping hyper directly? It autocompletes
@VyxalBot do you are done do?
I guess not
I guess the divorce has the poor guy out of action
[Discord Relay]
lyxal#4610: does the chat relat even still work?
lyxal#4610: *relay
Well at least that's still working
even if it's only discord to here
6 hours later…
@user For the memes
3 hours later…
@emanresuA True, that is the primary purpose of VyxalBot :P
Steffan153 opened issue #1363 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Add element overload to group consecutive chunks where condition is truthy
Not yet :P
!!/do do?
@hyper-neutrino Would you mind fixing (and pulling) the bot?
Steffan153 opened issue #1364 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Add "right vectorize"
!!/do you do?
!!/do you done do?
It's responding to webhooks lol
chunkybanana opened issue #1365 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Make shuffle return a string when given one
[Discord Relay]
user0#3010: !help
user0#3010: foo
Hmm so bots don't go over the relay
kinda makes sense

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