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Attention all epic gamers:
We got a number 1 victory royale
Week.golf we bout to get down
17 votes on the board right now
Just wiped out APL town
@lyxal @lyxal @Steffan @mathcat @emanresuA @user @UnrelatedString @hyper-neutrino @Seggan @PyGamer0 ^
Good job gamers
> This language will be soonly available in WeekGolf!
> soonly
Well it already is available
It was actually added 5 mins before voting closed lol
huh, cool
@lyxal ... without SBCS scoring REEEE
@lyxal How do you even have a solution?
I'm speed
@emanresuA only temporarily
As in, how did you get it to work?
> Oh yes thats true I forgot to made that ^^'''''''''''''''''''''''''''
@emanresuA I had to tack an S at the start
Just to make sure input evaluation doesn't treat the first test as an integer instead of a string
I just get a URL decoding error
You mean on the site or when running a program?
> New record on the puzzle of the week, "Palindromic Range", with Vyxal by emanresu ! With a total of: 0 bytes! The previous score was 26 bytes by lyxal (Diff: 26 bytes)
Hmm yes
Truly excellent
(I actually have 23 (12)) bytes
I've got a 12 byter too
It's just 3 more utf-8 bytes than yours
Ah. Very similar, it's just the and possibly the different ranging
have a go at resubmitting
I now have 11 / 22
you what
how did you manage to frick with the system that badly?
I honestly don't know
10 / 21 btw
Also an 11/20
I found your 0 byte solution
Looks like the leaderboard's been fixed
Replace the with a 1O
(if that's the same 10/21 I had)
probably is
With 1O or
yeah that's what mine looks like with sum
I have a 13/20
make that 13/18
@lyxal Huh, nice
Well, updated my pxeger theme
@emanresuA basically the 11/20 but with a little more ascii
Did you figure out a shorter form for ⌈⌊?
chunkybanana merged PR #1357 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:count-overlapping → Vyxal:main): Add count overlapping element
chunkybanana deleted branch Vyxal/count-overlapping
chunkybanana closed issue #1343 in Vyxal/Vyxal: "count overlapping" builtin
@emanresuA only for
the real golf is making the map ascii
@lyxal Oh. that's clever lol
once the SBCS starts working I'll show you the 18
@lyxal Is it vectorising everything?
Filter can't work, because lazyness... or can it?
no filter
Ohhh... ohhhhhhh.
did you find the most primitive form of a map?
Oh well SBCS is up
not on the leaderboard yet
huh yeah
do you have the 18 UTF-8
@lyxal Btw new bounties
I've gone and done #2
I saw
I'll coordinate with razetime later because timezones
chunkybanana opened issue #1358 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Make the online interpreter not put certain flags in generated submissions
It's been sitting there for several minutes
Why no work
It work on pythonanywhere
1 hour ago, by lyxal
@emanresuA I had to tack an S at the start
did you do that?
because otherwise a test case like 565 will cause any filtering operations inside a map to do it for each range 1...n for each number in the range 1...565
why no sbcs
it's a work in progress
so now i have to try to use dif chars that dont use 3 bytes or smth lol
only temporarily
you can see that the live byte counter is SBCS, it's just the leaderboards that don't use SBCS
a fix was attempted earlier, but led to emanresua getting NaN bytes and me getting 0 bytes
ok ill wait for sbcs before i try to outgolf everyone lol
4 hours later…
Also it seems that the l flag doesn't work when put with s flag. Try it Online!
Most output formatting flags don't work together
Ugh. Would it be hard to fix?
1 hour later…
@tybocopperkettle how about something like "is positive"?
Honestly that could be quite useful
How useful would that be? Couldn't you use ± for most cases you'd need it?
That returns different values which can take several bytes to transform
In the case of < 0 it'd return a 0 instead of -1
It'd be a true binary check
2 hours later…
Guys there's something wrong with github
It's saying that we only have 6 stars on the main repo
Weird given that we were only at 109 the other day
Must be some sort of bug
huh where?
@mathcat in the screenshot
It says we have 110 stars, which is 6 in decimal
Or negative people starred Vyxal
Yeah, it's weird that they all of a sudden switched to displaying star counts in binary
Is it just me or is the site not loading fully
Like the keyboard doesn't load, the byte counter doesn't update and the syntax highlighting isn't highlighting things
it's not a pythonanywhere issue either
It won't load the resources locally either
After a while the keyboard worked for me
There's our problem
Okay so here's a little idea I've been thinking about
and by that, I mean something I pondered about while sitting in a barbershop
a fractional byte encoding for vyxal v2.x that uses only 50-95 characters and has a command set that is determined by the first "byte" in the program
I say 50-95 because I haven't fully figured out logistics yet
the idea is that choosing the command set for non SBCS languages is hard because you have to decide what to keep and what not to keep as built-ins
so why not let the user choose what built-ins they want
it'd basically be a transliteration of a small, fractional byte character set into full SBCS vyxal
that's about all I've got at this stage
any feedback, thoughts, opinions, reasons why you think it would/wouldn't work?
@lyxal It's worth exploring. I don't think it'll end up helping that much but obviously I have no data to back up that claim. Even if it doesn't work, it's an interesting idea
@lyxal Since when did this start happening? The release of v2.15.1 or just randomly?
just this hour
React was added to the frontend a while back, right?
Huh weird
it was working earlier today
Is the CDN we're using to get React down or something?
but some say it's fine, and that it's only a little slow
@lyxal intresting
4 hours later…
Why do we have to wait another week before we can vote for langs again
The site isn't made by professionals :(
1 hour later…
@mathcat actually very intresting
I think many would say it isn't "sportive" if it were a flag
I like this barbershop
1 hour later…
@lyxal I get the same issue with everything taking really long to load, but only at night for some reason. Probably an ISP thing or unpkg.com, because when it takes ages to load it says in the corner "waiting for unpkg.com".
Huh, it’s fast for me
Now or all the time?
Now at least
2 hours later…
tobyck opened PR #1359 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:vectorising-sum-overloads → Vyxal:main): Add overloads for vectorising sum
Did we change the review permissions?
Steffan153 merged PR #1359 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:vectorising-sum-overloads → Vyxal:main): Add overloads for vectorising sum
Steffan153 deleted branch Vyxal/vectorising-sum-overloads
Steffan153 closed issue #1246 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Add str and num overload to `Ṡ`
@emanresuA Someone changed it to 1 review required. Someone already changed it back lol
I changed it back
!!/u good my epic gamer?
@user I am doing an among us livestream on Twitch.
!!/do you do?
@emanresuA I am doing lessons on how to drive manual transmission. I want to be able to go fast without worrying about the engine blowing up.

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