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Is it because your wife kicked you out of your house when she took the kids?
!!/lol u good my epic gamer?
@user I am doing covid 19 testing.
Stay positive
btw it's not that the bot is testing itself for covid it's that it's doing testing for others
@user yup
Twas a nasty divorce
Poor vyxal bot lost everything
@VyxalBot do you are done is do?
@lyxal I am doing a good deal more than you. Stop slacking around, you nerd.
Yeesh, I knew the divorce was bad, but you don't need to be like that with me
@VyxalBot what the bot doing?
@emanresuA I am doing a zoom call with the president of America.
VyxalBot, it's okay if you're not doing fine. You don't have to be pretend with us
!!/how is our beep boop doing?
@user I am doing neural network training.
Good, good, I hope you feel better soon
let the wellness flow through you
Let it propagate through your neurons
5 hours later…
A: Interpret brainfuck

lyxalVyxal, 150 bytes k2T0ẋ→_0→0?£{D¥L<|¥i:‛+-$c[:‛ +$ḟ←_:_←›Ǔṫ∇∇+J←›ǔ→_|:‛<>$c[:‛ >ḟ←+→|:\.=[←_← iC₴|:\,=[←_:_←?CȦ→_|:\[=[←_← i0=[Ȯ¥$ȯ\]ḟ∇∇+$]|:\]=[Ȯ¥$Ẏf\[=TG‹∇$_]]]]]]]_› Try it Online! "But there's already a Vyxal answer that's 100 bytes shorter bro what is this cringe" I hear you say. Well this v...

hehe I made a non-eval brainfrick interpreter
thus undeniably proving Vyxal's TCness
and it's the same length as the Golfscript eval version lol
hey guys since when did switch argument order to do shorter_string.find(longer_string)?
and why hasn't c been modified to do the same?
2 hours later…
@lyxal I suggested that, and I don't know why it hasn't been done for c :P
Should probably open an issue
@lyxal Noice
3 hours later…
@mathcat I am doing excellently.
3 hours later…
I have finished adding explanation to brainfrick interpreter
1 hour later…
@VyxalBot cool Noxan
4 hours later…
pre-commit-ci (bot) opened PR #1097 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:pre-commit-ci-update-config → Vyxal:main): [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate
pre-commit-ci (bot) created branch Vyxal/pre-commit-ci-update-config
2 hours later…
@Seggan How do rationals / complex numbers / similar work in Myxal/Jyxal?
chunkybanana opened issue #1098 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Matrix exponentiation never worked

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