@Seggan Nice! Would this play nicely with the tabl interface?
Eg. Is it going to have an option to handle invalid programs and infinite output?
@AaroneousMiller That'd be awesome. For the time being, I'm putting Vyxal aside and gonna work on supporting another lang, and then take a break. But if someone wants to work with me to get Vyxal running, I'm down!
CMP: Do we want to borrow one of Radvylf's droplets for running the backend of the Vyxal online interpreter? It'd act as a sort of API and github integration on push to production would be enabled. We'd keep using Pythonanywhere for the front end.
(Also keep in mind that version 3 will be coming soon and that it'll be hosted not on pythonanywhere and probably on github pages if scala -> js works)
I suppose this brings up another question: with version 3 coming, what should we do with the version 2 sites? Keep them running or just let them drop off and let sites like ATO host v2?
I like having an autoformatter I can run any time I like
Also, in a few minutes, the Github pages thing for VyxalS should be updated, so you may be able to run some (very) basic stuff there (addition, multiplication, calling functions, and not much else)