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cgccuser merged PR #723 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:add-apply-lambda → Vyxal:main): _Add apply lambda _
cgccuser deleted branch Vyxal/add-apply-lambda
I was looking over the PR, and I guess I was about 2 minutes too late in saying this, but shouldn't line 4618 in elements.py be deleted, since the command is now a structure type?
@lyxal ^
Well yes.
AMiller42 created branch Vyxal/oops
AMiller42 opened PR #729 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:oops → Vyxal:main): oops
Lyxal merged PR #729 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:oops → Vyxal:main): Remove the element code for `⟑` as it's a structure now
Lyxal deleted branch Vyxal/oops
@AaroneousMiller make sure to use descriptive names
because the PR names show up in the release notes
oh yeah i forgor
A: Slice the source code (Cops)

Aaroneous MillerVyxal, 22 bytes, 1 slice Ǎ⟑(hn\++Rnẋ::ws=ß⅛)¾∑t Try it Online! For once I decided not to take advantage of some strange quirk of Vyxal that only I know exists and instead did a normal Vyxal cop answer. Enjoy!

@AaroneousMiller I cracked it you nerd.
A: Slice the source code (Cops)

emanresu AVyxal, 18 bytes, 1 slice »ż⟩" 3⅛⇩Cݵ×∷İ»kPτ Try it Online! Should be fairly easy but I'll see if y'all get this one.

@emanresuA [1:15:6]
Nice, intended solution. How did you find it?
look for things that can be used to reverse strings
and then look for the pattern
Did you see ?
»⟩" 3⅛C×»kτ was what I eliminated straight away
I was thinking it might be something to do with the µ
but then I saw the ż
and then realised that's what the was for
Oh nice
Expect round two soonish
A: Slice the source code (Cops)

emanresu AVyxal, 47 bytes, 1 slice »β₀₇⁽sßḋ∪₁ĿɖC↵‡_Ẋ$ƛµ"√₀tṠ⟇0H∧+(Ȧfꜝ⁼∑↵dTḋI∷›»kpτ Try it Online! A bit harder.

2 hours later…
@emanresuA I have an answer that only works on lists of numbers, instead of strings
If that 0 was a ¤, it'd be valid
but alas, it isn't
however I did notice you left a list of numbers in your TIO link
tell me you didn't make the mistake of thinking it was a list you had to reverse
Lists of numbers is what I intended. How long is the solution you found?
(I'm pretty sure you found it. Nice job!)
8 bytes
but it's supposed to be a string dumbass
Yep, that's it
> will input a string
list of numbers is not a string, idiot.
I just read the 'reverse it' bit
3 mins ago, by lyxal
If that 0 was a ¤, it'd be valid
and then 9 bytes
I know
@lyxal changed it was always that way /s
I originally started by looking at maybe using Cartesian product somehow
Then once I determined that wasn't viable, I looked at transliteration
Then once I determined that wasn't viable, I looked at that T, bitwise not and assign, assuming a negative step
Then I wondered what could be done with cumulative reduction
And found the $" trick
A simpler version would be ƒp
Ooh I have another idea
A: Slice the source code (Cops)

emanresu AVyxal, 233 bytes `NZɾ√√₁₆₂‛‛ẋȯWġ₴ẏ.tṗṫ⟩εpj*5;[[kromer]]ȮGβŻ∇QQ↳ꜝ^QJ∧A⇩≬[pipis]fWPėX℅dżT←›Ṗ‡[[BIG SHOT]]!ṗȯḃ•I[[classic vyxal jankness]]Ẋėṅ⋏HðβėEV3RY BUDDY 'S FAVORITE [[Number 1 Rated Salesman1997]] ṁẏ℅□ṁQḃ₌ŻKKQTẇλε λ½ no ₃≠ Ḣ¥s in λλ square ʀ¬ of 2` Try it Online! Maybe if I add enough deltarun...

2 hours later…
@lyxal whoa, mind your language
Ner*, dumbas*, and idio* are extremely vulgar insults
@user you idot
6 hours later…
How can I convert a list of digits to an integer?
@mathcat τ works, but you need to specify the base
(I think default base is 10)
to base works only on numbers
List of digits of a in base b
oh wait no
3 hours later…
Woo first Jyxal program!

C:\Users\...\Jyxal>java -jar test.jar
[(1 + 0 i), (1 + 0 i)]
For the program ⟨1|2⟩⟨1|1⟩
Though such a small program and 45 KB already because of the complex math runtime lol
3 hours later…
@mathcat ṅ⌊

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