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Lyal started
I know
let the games begin!
I hate lazylists so much
I wish someone else just implemented them for us in a sane way
Thoughts on this? What more needs to be added? (all tests pass tho so dw about that)
@user is this a promo for pxeger's libgolf? ;p
Oh nice, are they adding those to libgolf?
That'd be so good
they already habe
> somelazyilst
Let's just use that then, I want to burn our LazyList class to the ground and then dump its ashes in sweet relish
I like relish
@AaroneousMiller lazy is te name of the game 😎
i hate relish
You can eat the lazylist ashes with relish if you like
but if you do i'll have to kill and burn you too :P
aight imma go study for my math tests now o/
felt good to do some pythoning today
2 messages moved to ­Trash
i can feel myself becoming more incoherent
my fingers are just getin g lazier soemhow
Whatever happened to the V flag?
1-char variables?
!!/issue V flag never got implemented The V flag for single-character variables never got implemented bug unimplemented
Oh waiit.
it's LYAL day
I love how since we got more organized and rewrote everything, the number of issues has just been going up :P
32 now
And that’s after fixing like 10 issues today alone :p
Who’s typically best to request reviews from?
probably me
also user and emanresuA
Pxeger also reviews
I’m not gonna approve this one because I’m on mobile tho :p
Too lazy to sign in to GitHub
Understandable, have a nice day
Also good work everyone
Finding issues is nearly as important as fixing them
I wrote a super simple “fuzzer” that just ran every possible 2-byte program with the O flag and returned every program that had an output, including those that errored, which is where those 10 issues all at once came from
I’m still going through the results though, since most of them are duplicate errors, or are intended
also there’s literally thousands of programs in the result
Btw the l flag also never got implemented
I put in an issue for it
@AaroneousMiller Wow lol
All mine came from looking through list builtins and running infinities through them
Manual fuzzing
I’ll put my fuzzing results in a gist if anybody else wants to help go through them. It basically just says “This program errored”, and then I run that program manually to see what the error was and see if it needs fixed.
I just realized, we’re probably going to need want to do another Vyxal LYAL once we do v3
@hyper-neutrino I've made a PR with the updated link
in The Nineteenth Byte, 47 secs ago, by Nitrodon
!!/run ⁽ǓǏc - abcde cdeab
in The Nineteenth Byte, 53 secs ago, by Vyxal Bot
[@Nitrodon: 60189476]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/Vyxal/mysite/vyxal/main.py", line 147, in execute_vyxal
    exec(code, locals() | globals())
  File "<string>", line 27, in <module>
  File "/home/Vyxal/mysite/vyxal/elements.py", line 2790, in prime_factorisation
    return {
  File "/home/Vyxal/mysite/vyxal/elements.py", line 2793, in <lambda>
    }.get(ts, lambda: vectorise(prime_factorisation, lhs, ctx=ctx))()
  File "/home/Vyxal/mysite/vyxal/elements.py", line 3868, in vectorise
nvm not a bug
but still something to consider I guess
I just want to confirm that I'm not crazy: This should terminate, right? Try it Online!
(I mean, I am crazy, but I don't think I'm crazy about this)
it should
but it looks like is just İ
at least, in theory it should be
dang it, that means I would have had a 3 byter that outputted by terminating or not
actually no, im an idiot
I think is supposed to be while the result doesn't change
i had tried ẋ thinking it did what İ does, i think
or is that big X dot?
actually, i dont know what i was thinking
but really though what is the difference between x dot and I dot?
im probably getting tired, but not yet to the point of being extra good at vyxal
@lyxal i have no idea
İ collects intermediate values
ẋ doesn't
i think
dont quote me on that
we'll have to clarify that after LYAL
TODO: fix documentation for and the lambda modifiers
in The Nineteenth Byte, 2 mins ago, by lyxal
now's a good change to explain the different lambda types
I was tempted to write "now's a good chance to be a big shot"
because that's what I'm listening to lol
in The Nineteenth Byte, 15 secs ago, by lyxal
@Nitrodon named functions take their arguments in reverse
probably a bug, but because no one ever uses named functions, eh
sounds like a bug
since I completely forgot about it earlier, here's the output from my fuzzing thing if anyone wants to investigate any of the errors: gist.github.com/AMiller42/97d724c90f8f3f88b7e9678ad5022c47
dont worry, theres only a little over 22000 erroring programs in there
but most of them are duplicates, so there's really probably only like 10-30 actual problems to find in there or smth idk
@AaroneousMiller 22000 < 22001, ok i wont worry
have fun, because I'm going to bed now. Since I'm awake when y'all land-down-underians are sleeping, I'll continue with question answering and teaching where possible tomorrow
@AaroneousMiller ighto then
however, I am at work during that time, so I may not be able to answer questions immediately, so if anybody else wants to do some teaching too, feel free
9 hours later…
I take it y'all can handle LYAL teaching/CMC posting while I sleep
feel free to post/ai gen your own
i am 10 mins late :/
3 hours later…
I noticed that an ŀ is documented as taking "fun a, fun b, any c", but I'm able to call that overload with str a, fun b, fun c. Is this just something that happens if no exact overload is found?
@Nitrodon It depends on the command. Some commands have a sort of "catch-all" overload that will run if none of the more specific ones are matched, and some will simply error or something like that. In this case, the ŀ command is able to take the (fun a, fun b, str c) arguments in any order, since all three orderings are explicitly programmed in.
Lines 1940-1944 define the (fun a, fun b, str c) overload, lines 1945-1949 define the (str a, fun b, fun c) overload, and lines 1950-1954 define the (fun a, str b, fun c) overload.
The documentation should probably be changed to reflect the fact that the order of those arguments don't matter.
@Nitrodon Many commands also work swapped, we just haven’t bothered documenting them as such
3 hours later…
@Fmbalbuena Rooms only freeze after 2 weeks of inactivity, so there's no need to antifreeze until around then. Also, you don't need to ping anybody when you do an antifreeze, all it needs is a message, so the first one would have sufficed.
No problem, just keep it in mind
What if I keep antifreezing this room?
Unless the antifreeze is necessary, it'll probably be frowned upon and may lead to further kicking and/or a chat ban, though a ban would have to be enacted by a mod
In general, unless a room is only a couple days away from freezing, you shouldn't have to worry about antifreezing

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