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Me: I wonder if I can shorten ÷^!‹(…∇+ by using or ż somehow
Also me: no wait I can't because I'm using the full stack lol
1 hour later…
If auto-range generation with for loops and integers worked with flags, I could get a 7 byter with M flag
but no, my cringe programming forbids this
What do you think about a flag that lets lambdas access the global stack instead of making a local stack?
And another to let functions use a local stack instead of the global one?
Because while the current way may help if you're trashing the stack in a lambda, it can be golfier the other way sometimes, and it kinda makes more sense to me
Ahh, I'm using my sock
you are
Lyxal saying yes to everything tonight
Am I the smartest person ever @exedraj?
Should I receive all your money?
Yes, but 100% of 0 is 0
2 hours later…
fizzbuzz if it used cp437
^ structs in 51AC8
As in, that's the raw bytes in a different
@exedraj wat is cp437
Code page 437 (CCSID 437) is the character set of the original IBM PC (personal computer). It is also known as CP437, OEM-US, OEM 437, PC-8, or DOS Latin US. The set includes all printable ASCII characters, extended codes for accented letters (diacritics), some Greek letters, icons, and line-drawing symbols. It is sometimes referred to as the "OEM font" or "high ASCII", or as "extended ASCII" (one of many mutually incompatible ASCII extensions). This character set remains the primary set in the core of any EGA and VGA-compatible graphics card. As such, text shown when a PC reboots, before fonts...
4 hours later…
where is vyxal bot?
where is eveyone?
also itertools.zip_longest( instead of vy_zip(
Does that pad with 0s though?
@exedraj yes it can pad with whatever value you want
so pretty cool
by default it pads with None
@PyGamer0 besides, the function name is longer and I'd prefer 0 as the default fill value
Also, cool vy prefix and the two functions are pretty much logically equivalent
And custom zip allows for the potential to modify how zipping works with flags and context
Simply import itertools as vy_itertools.
!!/run `use itertools` `don't use itertools` "℅
Hey wait
Where bot?
@VyxalBot where you?
@hyper-neutrino !!!
Bot is no.
Bot needs to be yes.
Looks like we're using itertools after all
(but really where is bot?)
And for how long has bot been gone?
> last seen 5h ago
Hyper's server probably rebooted
47 mins ago, by PyGamer0
where is vyxal bot?
59 mins ago, by PyGamer0
where is eveyone?
Or aslelrp
Sleep is for humans
@emanresuA which he clearly isnt
@exedraj And L-L for Lyxal, E-A for me (negative work, I have to break whatever Aaron does for A-E), etc!
@emanresuA for me?
P-O (so break O & P)
But on a more serious note, how should we allocate elements?
Because there's more than just ascii upper-case
I call dibs on string digraphs
I call dibs on array stuff
Also @emanresuA I've had an idea for one character SCCS that seems a bit more helpful than treating ascii as part of compression
@user you'll have to be more specific
Which array elements do you want to implement?
Aight will give the specific ones when on computer
Probably cartesian prod and powerset and permutations
Also, before anyone starts elementing, i need to create the elements.yaml file
And fill in the elements I've already implemented
@emanresuA ^
Who's this 'A username'?
Also 94 * 162 ≈ 15000 words
Idk someone who suggested ascii letters be part of SCCS
@emanresuA ^
I don't know if I particularly like the idea of ascii being a part of compression
The idea I presented only has 162 entries, but can be used for things like regex construction etc
It's not like those digraphs are commonly occuring
@exedraj Oh true
Then again, some digraphs could help with that - wrap in conditional lookahead, parenthesise (already proposed), wrap in brackets (already proposed), etc
ighto time to go follow the yaml specification that I've already forgotten despite only writing it 24 hours ago
@user you're good at YAML right?
Do I have to escape square brackets somehow?
Mmm, not really but sure
No You don’t have to escape them
Ah frick why can’t i edit
so is
- element: "∧"
  name: Logical And
  arity: 2
  description: Returns the first truthy argument if both are truthy, otherwise returns the first falsey argument.
    any-any: a and b
 vectorise: false
    - [0 0] : 0
    - ["", 1] : ""
    - [[1,2,3], 0] : 0
    - [1, 2] : 2
Should be but shouldn’t vectorise and tests be indented?
Oh you won’t be able to use those as keys without putting them in quotes yeah
Yeah i remember my robotics team uses ‘@id’ instead of just @id
It’s not too bad tho
2 hours later…
room topic changed to Vyxal: For discussion about Vyxal. Repo: github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal | Org: github.com/Vyxal | Interpreter: lyxal.pythonanywhere.com | Type !!/info for more info [chat-bot] [code-golf] [discord] [epic-gamers] [joe] [never-gonna-give-you-up] [rickroll] [unicode] [vyxal]
2 hours later…
!!/issue `ḃ` doesn't vectorise The `ḃ` command doesn't automatically vectorise, so when you try to use it on a list of numbers, it just returns 0. It should be changed to automatically vectorise, because at the moment it's pretty much useless on lists without `v`.<br><br>Example: Try it Online! enhancement on hold
@hyper bot became borked, bro.
!!/lol u good my epic gamer?
3 hours later…
@hyper-neutrino BOT NO WRK NO COKE
CMD: What do you think about having a separate file for overloads?
@exedraj @AaronMiller @pxeger @hyper-neutrino because no hyperping ^
@emanresua @UnrelatedString @ruse @Razetime @user @PyGamer0 @Allxy @AviFS @VyxalBot @math ^
Wait, why did you ping VyxalBot and my and lyxal's socks?
@user I think it sounds like it could be a good idea, but I'm certainly no authority on the matter.
You're one of the few of Vyxal gang who has experience as a professional dev :P
Wait, where did you hear that?
Oh, I thought your job involved programming
In any case, you're still a core Vyxal contributor, so your advice is helpful
@user lol, I mainly click buttons all day, and do a little bit of powershell/bash scripting here and there to make my life easier.
> I mainly click stuff and press keys all day - Programmer
true :p

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