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@VyxalBot are you a sussy baka?
@Ausername @lyxal yes
That's how you do it
4 hours later…
[['none', ['number', '1']], ['if_stmt', [[['string', 'abc']], [['string', 'def']]]]]
that may or may not be the result of parsing 1[`abc`|`def`]
and I just realised I haven't written the parser the way I wanted to
that looks.. reasonable? except that i thought you were going to return parse structure objects not lists
this should work too with the transpilation process
those are structure objects
that's just their repr
and that's how I want it grouped
but I meant internally
Like I wanted to pop until closing bracket when opening bracket, but instead I made it similar to the old parser
big brain time
Lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/fb-parser: big brian time
big brian
i somehow found my way into this room
We all do eventually
@hyper-neutrino where bot?
@lyxal it died because of the SE outage
@VyxalBot welcome back
lol i am in the vyxal org but i dont know vyxal
!!/run 10CMC
@PyGamer0 ⟨⟨``|10⟩⟩
what did that do?
@PyGamer0 because vyxal devs are in the org
you don't really need to know vyxal to help out with vyxal dev :p
is being an epic gamer a requirement tho
@PyGamer0 convert 10 to it's corresponding ascii char, pair it with each item in the (implicit) input (0), and then convert back to ordinal value
@hyper-neutrino yes
luckily, wanting to help develop vyxal instantly makes you an epic gamer for all intensive purposes
!!/run 163C66MC
@PyGamer0 ⟨⟨163|``⟩|⟨163|``⟩⟩
wait is it not meant to be "for all intents and purposes" or have i been saying it wrong this whole time ._.
!!/run 1222C3333M2938228C
[@PyGamer0: 58767439]

chr() arg not in range(0x110000)
Most recently popped arguments: [2938228]
Final stack: ["⟨['ӆ', 3]|['ӆ', 3]|['ӆ', 3]|['ӆ', 3]|⟩"]
“For all purposes in tents”
@hyper-neutrino it's all intensive purposes
!!/run `@lyxal
@PyGamer0 @lyxal
or am I the wrong one?
i think the wrong one is whoever the fuck made the english language /hj
four all porpoises in tents
1 hour later…
Lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/fb-parser: I don't remember what I changed
!!/run ❬ ❭
@PyGamer0 0
❬ ❭
They be too thick
1 hour later…
Lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/fb-parser: More stuff
1 hour later…
@AidenChow Welcome to the Vyxal chat room! Type !!/help for my list of commands, and !!/info for info about Vyxal!
3 hours later…
in The Nineteenth Byte, 38 mins ago, by Adám
@lyxal I'll be delighted to. I can scrape the glyphs and their meanings from the interpreter, but would you want an actual layout, using a prefix-key, or bi-glyph tab substitution? Also, should the language bar include easily typeable ASCII?
We getting a ketboard layout added to github.com/abrudz/lb/blob/master
in The Nineteenth Byte, 28 mins ago, by Adám
No, e.g. my APL language bar supports both e.g. `,a and aa<tab>→.
we gotta decide which prefixes we want
so I made a google doc: docs.google.com/document/d/…
@AaronMiller @Ausername @PyGamer0 @hyper-neutrino @lyxal @math @pxeger @user ^
i dk about vyxal
hehe, the github link should be github.com/abrudz/lb
actually, I think we should just use the vyxapedia mappings
Lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/fb-parser: Almost done
brownie points if you get the reference in the commit message
Lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/fb-parser: oh yes more docs
Lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/fb-parser: And that's probably it
Lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/fb-parser: parser testcases
Lyxal opened PR #206 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:fb-parser → Vyxal:fresh-beginnings): Fb parser
Lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/fb-parser: Update test_parser.py
Me when I need the review done on the PR
yes, I did just request 7 reviewers
Lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/fresh-beginnings: Update Parser.md
i think i'm done for the night
with a bit of luck, the pr will be merged sometime tomorrow
meaning that we're getting close to actually implementing elements
meaning that we're almost 25% done (roughly maybe idk)
@lyxal o/
ysthakur requested changes on PR #206 (Vyxal/Vyxal): "Other than that one import, this looks pretty good to me. The comments and formatting are quite helpful."
ysthakur commented on PR #206 (Vyxal/Vyxal) in file vyxal/parser.py: "This is very sus imo, but what happens if you just do `import lexer` or `import vyxal.lexer`?"
@lyxal I kinda would've preferred it if every key had a single prefix like ` (and to type backtick itself, you'd do ``)
Another cool thing would be if you could type \lam to get a lambda and \mlam to get a map lambda
Y'all want to make a team for Langjam?
@lyxal i've removed the entire ASCII block because I assume we do not need combos for those but lmk if you want it back
@user uuuh 11:30 pm utc+5:30
are you gonna make a room for langjam?
it sounds fun
and thankfully my exam will get over on friday
@PyGamer0 It'll be the entire weekend, so it's not like any of us will have to stay up at midnight
@PyGamer0 Sure
@VyxalBot @lyxal i just need a clarification on this comment
then I'll approve the changes
@VyxalBot lol, the link for commented goes to a json file for me
@hyper-neutrino ^
i suppose it links to api.github.com instead of github.com by mistake
it should link to the html_url field of the json @hyper-neutrino
hyper-neutrino pushed a commit to VyxalBotSE/master: use html_url field for PR comments
@hyper-neutrino pulling new changes; I will restart in a few seconds if any updates are available
pxeger commented on PR #206 (Vyxal/Vyxal) in file tests/test_parser.py: "this much docstring is unnecessary for such a tiny function (which probably doesn't really need to exist anyway)"
this was a bad idea
uuhh what was bad?
all of the chat messages
2 hours later…
15 messages moved to ­Trash. They were helpful but cluttered chat
2 messages moved to ­Trash
ysthakur opened issue #31 in Vyxal/VyxalBotSE: Don't report review comments on PRs
4 hours later…
Lyxal commented on PR #206 (Vyxal/Vyxal) in file tests/test_parser.py: "Outside of "the workflow" is testing locally using the command line. "
@user we only get 2 character combinations
ysthakur commented on PR #206 (Vyxal/Vyxal) in file tests/test_parser.py: "@Lyxal It's still fine - we can do that using `pytest tests` (or whatever directory/file you want)."
Lyxal commented on PR #206 (Vyxal/Vyxal) in file tests/test_parser.py: "I more mean actually running the file on my computer, because I don't have py_tests set up locally."
@lyxal Did you have problems installing pytest?
I've just never actually installed it
Just do pip install pytest, it's a lot simpler than running files manually
@lyxal Is it working for you now?
I'm on mobile
@hyper-neutrino hehe jokes on you because I used the vyxapedia mappings

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