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Those are two options I came up with
I still want to see what razetime comes up with
In the first one, the placement of the Vyxal logo looks kinda random. Maybe you could move it into the center?
I think I prefer the second one of the two
Welp, and I just messed up by committing directly to master instead of making a new branch
@lyxal Me too
@user We all mess up by committing straight to master without making new branches
Is there any way I can try out Vyxal locally to test stuff out?
Download the repo, set up the flask app
You need to pip install all of the libraries in requirements.txt
Alright, I'll try that
And you need to make a virtualenv inside the repo folder
1 hour later…
@lyxal What does it do? Fizzbuzz or Game of Life might be fun!
@AviFS if the argument passed is 42, return the time, otherwise return the string "username"
2 hours ago, by lyxal
Because the lambda is hyper, the 42 is AMiller42, there's a (was)if statement, kN is the (raze)time and username is you and A Username
@lyxal That's good!
1 hour later…
what is the help required
Vyxal community ad
it's on the next page of the transcript
Any design suggestions?
second one looks good, you need somepadding on the top and bottom
would recommend some left/right padding but idk if that's important
not exactly good at design myself
@lyxal split the "Terse, elegant" into two lines
and add golfy
because it's a golflang
I'm using a meme generator to make this btw
And the background colour is #696969
@hyper-neutrino @wasif @Razetime @user @UnrelatedString which do you prefer?
i don't like that G personally
looks too much like a C
that last one is definitely the best but it would probably be better if we could find a font that still feels like the other font but just without that G
@lyxal this
Let's wait what others say
honestly you could just take the second to last one and edit out the middle like third of the G lmao
that would probably be terrible actually
And How about removing the word Golfy
Terse and Golfy are synonymous
That's what I thought
now up the font size
this is.. dosis i think
@lyxal nice
@Razetime how'd you know?
also i am honored to be a part of this :p even tho i literally just hang out here and occasionally say something useful :p
@lyxal I use an unholy number of fonts and have tried creating fonts
push it up a slight bit now and it should be ready
i'd rather a darker background color but like if it's #696969 then you probably want to keep that :p
And I just realised that it needs to be 300x250 while my images are 1400x1400
@lyxal Now the font is better
that is obviously squished :p
Like the last one
you can probably just add padding around the sides and then scale it
@hyper-neutrino that's called using an image resizer to make it compatible
@hyper-neutrino would that work?
Because I don't know how I would do it
ok what editor are you making it in
No judgement please
But Zombodroid meme generator free
Because I'm doing it on mobile
what do you need again
> The image that you create must be 300 x 250 pixels for right sidebar ads
wait is 300 the height or width
@lyxal oh that's difficult to scale in
@hyper-neutrino height presumably
@hyper-neutrino awwright nice crop
wasn't really a crop but ye
isn't it always w x h
@hyper-neutrino I think that's the one I'll use
yeah all the other ads are wide
@Razetime ads are usually taller than they are wide iirc
not here
No wait wider than taller
i think we're allowed to use double dimensions for higher DPI
> The image that you create must be 300 x 250 pixels for right sidebar ads or 728 x 90 pixels for banner ads. Images can be double that if high DPI.
> Must be GIF or PNG
@hyper-neutrino oh that looks much nicer
this one is a PNG
> Must be hosted through our standard image uploader (imgur)
yeah ez
> Absolute limit on file size of 150 KB
this one is 46KB so we're good :p
@hyper-neutrino So this is the one?
@hyper-neutrino @wasif @Razetime @user @UnrelatedString we good with ^?
i likey
I likey too
i lickey
Just need a tagline now
also where are you linking it
@hyper-neutrino repo
But I now get a feel that the code in the image can be shortened
do you have a landing page of any sort
Pair kN and the compressed string and index with the boolean condition (equal to 42?)
oh wait your README has sufficient info
@wasif why are you trying to get rid of yourself?
It's an if statement
(was)if statement
2 hours ago, by lyxal
2 hours ago, by lyxal
Because the lambda is hyper, the 42 is AMiller42, there's a (was)if statement, kN is the (raze)time and username is you and A Username
@Razetime oh yes
It looks nice
Is this for community ads?
@hyper-neutrino @Ausername @AaronMiller @AviFS @Razetime @math @pxeger @PyGamer0 @UnrelatedString @user @Underslash @wasif come and upvote the Vyxal community ad
epic gamer moment
How many does it need?
That's probably the quickest +4 I've ever gotten
yeah it took like 10 seconds lol
The funny thing is that I was planning on asking if we should do a community ad last night before caird mentioned it
1 hour later…
also N-byte lambda should really work if the following thing is also a combinator
for example, ‡₌*ġḭ should be an LCM function
but it doesn't work, whereas λ₌*ġḭ; did
@hyper-neutrino Yes
@hyper-neutrino Jyxal did have some stuff to do that...
i don't exactly know how parsing works but it should be pretty easy
*how lyxal does parsing
No idea
just feed a list and recurse lol
like to do two-byte lambda just recursively grab two terms and combine them
postfix operators are better anyway so hopefully transformers make vyxal more usable
anyway, my vyxal solution did not beat jelly on PE1, but someone who actually knows what they're doing might be able to
@hyper-neutrino they are way easier to parse
harder for Vylight tho - I don't have a list of tokens...
Actually I suppose it doesn't matter.
Since I can just highlight modifiers as necessary
just add a list of tokens 4head
also yeah postfix is way easier
i mean with prefix just recursively fetch and pop from the list of tokens each time
with postfix just maintain a stack
as long as you don't try dealing with infix operators lol
you can also treat prefix as postfix but backwards
like by parsing in reverse order?
hm true
sounds like it'd get confusing for an LTR language tho
like for example in jelly, the nilad-followed-by-links-as-nilad quick would not work as a prefix if the language is going from the left to the right
granted that's a problem with prefix not with your parsing method
big brain idea
keep a queue of elements
prefix isn't inherently harder to parse but it makes so much less sense for a ltr language
and transformers pop from the queue
^^ yeah def
1 hour later…
@hyper-neutrino done
what's LCM?
Lowest common multiple
For someone named math, I thought you would have known that
Is it lcm of two or lcm of a list
Because the latter would be nice
(as well)
Can you overload it to pop once, if it's a number pop again?
@lyxal oh right.. i was thinking of lambdas and things
@Ausername of two
@Ausername sure
Iirc that's what GCD does
Ok cool
But not now
When I'm next at the computer
@math lambda-ish conic meateater
or lateral-numbers consuming meat
@lyxal can you do a function for lateral numbers pls?
Vyxal feature request
@math lateral numbers?
Gauss's name for imaginary numbers. I started using them too
Btw tan is broken
So is arctan
@math will do later this year once I actually learn about them myself
@Ausername it takes radians by default, not degrees
It appears to be taking a list.
Gosh dang it
Sounds like vectorisation playing up again
I coulda sworn I fixed that
Well it is trying to vectorise math.tan...
Or whatever:
arg = pop(stack); stack.append(vectorise(math.atan, arg))
Fixed atan
I'll fix the others later, I just wanted atan.
I also used ~ for the first time ever
@lyxal if you are online can you please add the LCM builtin
and GCD?
@math there is a gcd builtin
oh ok
@wasif I added two argument lcm
nice thx
well how do you make your I/O system for Vyxal online interpreter
My work at anaconda interpreter has stuck for this
@wasif Some sort of multithreading compatible dictionary
I don't exactly remember
my try is to make something really basic at first
the frontend is complete backend is working too
problem is how the code will execute
Look at old revisions of my flask app
@wasif one idea is to wrap all the essential functions needed to run a program from start to end inside a function
@lyxal that dosen't sound good
what i am currently doing is to write a seperate compiler and execute function
So take away all the command line stuff and file reading and make an execute function that, when given a program as an argument, it executes it and gives it back to the flask app
a stdout variable is passed to execute function
That's what I mean
it calls the compile and exec() s it
@lyxal but it dosen't work
@wasif let me check the repo quickly
Here's a simple way to think of it
Say you want to run an Anaconda file offline.
How would you do that?
if name__=='__main' stuff
to run offline
Now imagine that instead of the if statement, you had a function definition
@lyxal why would you
@math this is for analogy sake
two seperate functions: execute_file and execute right?
both call compile and exec() it
@wasif not necessarily
thats where the problem
You don't need a function to do it offline
You only need a function for online
@lyxal you need internet
in my unupdated code print function assigns to a stdout variable
but stdout variable dosen't update
i have both tried passing a variable named stdout to function and also making it global var
Line 57, 58, 70, 71 and then 73 onwards are were you want to read
i get that part
@math running offline means actually cloning the repo and running the raw python
isn't anaconda some sort of pip
but why exec which changes a variable dosen't work inside function
@math yes
but not for me
it is my golflang
Try using exec(string, {}, {})
I'll try that when i get back to computer
is that what vyxal does?
In some places, yes
what does to empty dicts do
seems that it takes globals and locals for exec
No wait
but why empty them
It should be exec(s, globals())
I have tried exec(s,globals()) dosen't work
I will show you how it is doing that later
Are you passing the manager.dict to the execute function
I am not using multiprocessing manager at all now
ok let me share it with you
Function arguments don't get modified
Then Should I have to make it global
or make a copy
But if you pass something like a list or dictionary, it will modify it
hmm seems a good idea
i will try it soon
but why it cannot modify the string
i know strings are immutable but i modify with +=
It is modifying the string locally inside execute
But unless you are retuning it, it won't update inside the flask app
I suspect I'll have to see your full flask server and execute code
currently the main issue is with exec
lets get flask outta here for a moment
i can manage it
So you're saying it won't work even locally?
its not working even locally
it has calls like stdout+=stack.peek();stack.pop()
later i would try with a list
I'll have a play with it in a bit
ok thx
@wasif so do you have the version with the issue you're describing?
because looking through the repo, I don't see any calls to exec
@lyxal wait what?
wrong b
use β
you have ß instead of β
oh that's beta not Eszett
@lyxal no nlt currently
we will talk about this later
got to go now
till next time ;p
@lyxal is that not a Vyxal file?
3 hours later…
@lyxal should have included a regexp for me :-(
2 hours later…
@lyxal +7, yay
5 hours later…
@math it's a temporary place to store my rewrite of the v2 parser
@pxeger Here you go, is that better?

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