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I think I've figured it out
I can just overwrite the generator's print function if it explicitly prints
Like, I can make it an attribute of the lambda
That'll work wonderful
@hyper-neutrino @AaronMiller @pxeger ^
@AaronMiller I only just saw the tag description
funniest thing I've seen all day
@lyxal If it works, sounds good to me
@lyxal :)
@AaronMiller also, #112 is fixed
#113 is also fixed (locally) too
@lyxal They're both still broken for me. Does the site just need reloaded, or is it just not fixed?
clear your cache
Oh, that's why it hasn't been working.
#115 is a work in progress.'
oh and apparently, the templates aren't updated automatically
no waity
the webhooks are all broken
I think it might be failing because there are some local changes on the pythonanywhere side. Because of that, git pull won't work, since it doesn't want to override the local changes.
I really wish there was something you could use to override your local changes completely :p
delete and re-clone /s
git restore .
or git checkout .
Any new local files that you don't want deleted should be added to the .gitignore first, though
@AaronMiller Thx
heh I just realised that I probably shouldn't be mucking around on the site while aaron's doing stuff
Have you fixed it yet?
The weird thing is it works fine on my static version...
I'm back. Is it still broken?
If only you had 480 less lines
@AaronMiller I don't want to try. Lyxal will tell us once it's done :p
Ok now vylight's not working because its files have ceased to exist
And CodeMirror doesn't care what you feed it, so it's trying to get the nonexistent Vyxal mode.
I'm going to go do some trigonometric integration - it's far less confusing than this.
@AaronMiller am I safe to try and fix it internally
We'll leave it alone
@lyxal Sure, I ain't doin' nothin'
mmm that moment when all the key files are deleted
Wait what?
@lyxal ( ´・・)ノ(._.`)
@AaronMiller I had to delete Vyxal.py flask_app.py main.html and one other thing from the site's directory
there we go
the webhooks are good again
@lyxal Uh oh
Oh nvm
@lyxal Nice. Basically, any changes to files done in pythonanywhere should be pushed to the repo, or better yet, not done in pythonanywhere, and any files that only exist locally in pythonanywhere should be added to the .gitignore. If we make sure to do those, I think that should prevent it from breaking again.
I know I've learned my lesson ;p
Wait is ysthakur user?
Yes it is
They do stuff in Scala
@lyxal I only knew what the problem was because that was the reason I have like 6 commits in a row for testing the Grok webhooks. They were set up fine, but that made them break.
@Ausername I know because ysthakur made the same auto-elements.txt-to-markdown script that user was talking about here
@AaronMiller lucky.
I can't believe I didn't notice before - and they never mentioned it.
@AaronMiller otherwise we might have not known what was wrong
And #115 is fixed, and was fixed about 40 minutes ago.
that moment when Hyper's Vyxal vid has more views and likes than the Jelly vid
@Ausername why is the scrolling broken?
as you can see, there's stuff in the header and footer
but they don't start scrolled at that point
Try running (whichever editor).refresh()?
Yeah that works
lyxal lives in upside-down land, which means that his videos have 37 dislikes and only 1 like! We have to fix this!
^ We should pin this message to make sure that lyxal gets the likes he deserves.
@lyxal Fxied
@Ausername dang caching
@Ausername Fxied Fixed <-- Fixed
@AaronMiller is the scrolling good on your side?
@lyxal Ye;'
that's what comes up for me
i've cleared cache several times
Are you talking about the horizontal scrolling? If so, yes I have that
But does it show up properly?
that's what I expect
but instead I get the first picture
when loading the link that is
no, they still show up blank
@Ausername why are they blank?
No idea
So it is there, it's just not loaded right.
oh okay
it's fixedf
check the recent commit
turns out they needed to be in expand_boxes
Maybe it takes time to load
but what about the horizontal scrolling?
, at least in Firefox
@AaronMiller what do you mean by that?
is that from one of the issues?
@lyxal No, I just noticed it, and I see it also in your pictures from a moment ago. The page is just slightly wider than the browser, and so there's a horizontal scroll wheel.
@AaronMiller I don't know why that is
It's a pain when that happens. What browser?
chrome for me
Firefox gang
that sidebar on the left side of your browser might be causing the issue
@hyper-neutrino You are firefox gang right?
repro in edge too
@Ausername yes
Edge is chromium based
no repro on firefox
it's a chromium bug
@lyxal oh you already did an edge pic
epic chrome moment
@AaronMiller I like how both of our edge pictures show that we don't use the browser at all
lol right?
like smh just install vivaldi by default
@Ausername yes. that has the scroll bar
It's because chrome doesn't have overlapping scrollbars
no repro on edge
no repro on chrome
@hyper-neutrino your edge is just funny
3 out of 4 edge has repro
2 out of 3 chrome has repro
@hyper-neutrino you're just special
i regret trying to repro in IE
it's there
can confirm for safari on iPad and chrome on Android
right but the whole thing is infinitely cursed
my screen might be too large
@hyper-neutrino imagine not using dark mode smh
@AaronMiller bro why tf would i use any mode for IE
Overlapping scrollbars
if i expand enough fields or spam newlines
if the vertical scrollbar appears
lol I use system-wide dark mode
it forces the horizontal one too
@AaronMiller so do I
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i don't know then
In Chrome, the vertical scrollbar is overflowing the page.
@Ausername Can confirm, full-screen mode makes both scroll bars go away
Smh terrible formatting
How to get rid of bottom bar?
Also, how to make keyboard put characters into last active field?
(on screen one that is)
@lyxal Easy, echo "" > main.html
Oh I see, my dummy textarea is overflowing
Just auto-resize its width
Or even CSS irt
@wasif You're probably wondering what this is about./
I just completed my first RR% wikipedia speedrun in 1:27 :)
@Ausername yeah
It came with a whole plethora of bugs
Wow record 7 users here
All (to our knowledge) have been fixed, along with the webhooks and my sanity.
Pls give me a link to website
@wasif I think the record is 8 people
@lyxal epic
@wasif it's been integrated into the official online interpreter
@wasif it's the official syntax highlighting scheme of vyxal
Are there any other golfing languages with syntax highlighting?
Don't think so
All use TIO
We're probably the first major golfing language to have syntax highlighting
If you give me the spec for e branch, I can start making a highlighter for that.
Don't bother
Wait for it to become v3
Honestly, the highlighter was the easy bit.
Integrating it was harder.
But it's done :)
The experimental branch is far too experimental for any solid highlighting
But you can always try porting the experimental parser if you want
Honestly, it's very different.
How's Jyxal going
I kinda gave up on that.
I was up to the point of implementing hundreds of builtins, then decided I didn't want to.
I know that pain
Because that's where the E branch is up to
Please don't give up on e branch
At least that's only ~50
@wasif I'm not gonna give up
Heck nah
E branch has too much potential
We can help
room topic changed to Vyxal: For discussion about Vyxal. Website: github.com/Lyxal/Vyxal [code-golf] [never-gonna-give-you-up] [unicode] [vyxal]
Just give me a list of functions to implement, and I'll do them.
---I'm not gonna give up--- Never gonna give you up
What the markdown?
In Python?
@Ausername new_elements.txt
@lyxal Where?
@Ausername on the E branch
Well can you give me a link to the e branch
A lot of that can be reused...
@wasif Just go to the repo and switch the branch to experimental
I have wondered that couldn't vyxal have 255 constants
@wasif it can
I just haven't implemented that many yet
I see
You can add it to your todo
Do you have any constants you want added?
Let me think
More date/time constants?
Like day of week, day of month, UNIX timestamp, is DST etc.
I think I've got the first two
But the last two sound good
Added to the todo list
You would want to search python datetime module docs and find more epic things to add
6 hours later…
: Can we recreate the Lyxal army?
the what now
Have a look in the nineteenth bakery. It's there somewhere.
Also isn't it 5am for you?
@Ausername yes
@hyper-neutrino sleep
goto sleep;
A username has been mauled by velociraptors
hyper-neutrino has died of sleep deprivation
@lyxal Nice memorial to 2x-1.
I figured it'd be fitting seeing as how the language they nominated for lotm got chosen for July
We don't have enough people
We had okie last time.
And TNB is inactive right now...
I've also realised that your challenges don't have Vyxal answers, and are just the right level of difficulty for me :)
@UnrelatedString Can you join the Lyxal army

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