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@petStorm Sure, but my idea is to a) plan everything first (including the codepage) and b) incrementally implement everything once it's all planned
Because I don't want another codepage riddled by placeholders
And besides, if I plan everything first, I have a list to work through, meaning I always have a next thing to work on
(If your codepage is already filled... you can't add instructions dynamically anymore.)
@petStorm Sure, but then backwards compatibility goes out the window.
Because if there are different code pages, then things like string compression messes up
And the old characters no longer do their job
Sure, you could have two characters doing one thing...
But then you've got 2 pages.
There's a reason why I've moved on from Keg
And it's because of the flaws that existed.
The codepage being one of those flaws
So this time round, I'm creating the codepage first, then implementing it all
Okay, I see.
2 hours later…
Ð?_ř multiply a number by a string 4 bytes
String Ðirection, Input and discard, řepeat each character in the string n times.
Ð will put the target string in the direction of the input. If the input is positive, nothing happens. If it is negative, it gets reversed. Otherwise, it gets nulled.
(Ð): Pop [x, n] Push (x in direction n)
(ř): Pop [x, n] Push (repeat(x, n))
3 hours later…
@Lyxal It doesn't need to get nulled. It can just leave the string as-is.
Because, ř already does the job for you.
Wouldn't just Ðř work?
@petStorm no because the input cycles
But if it goes n then string, yes
Vyxal can beat jelly in Fizzbuzz by 2 bytes
I've got an 18 byter but I can't type it on my phone because Unicode
But you've already seen what it'll be like in the Keg room
Essentially, push a range 0-100
For each, multiply the string "fizz" by the divisibility of the number by 3
Multiply the string "buzz" by the divisibility of the number by 5
Add those two strings and short circuit or with the number
And voila: 18 bytes, which is 2 less than Jelly
With a flag of course
Flag less is 19 bytes
Would it be any shorter if you auto-push character constants?
Like in Canvas, fizz pushes the string fizz as a whole onto the stack.
@petStorm no because the strings are already compressed
Using dictionary compression, right?
@petStorm indeed
user image
Subject to change once i finalise codepage and dictionary
Also the last character might be wrong because i can't remember if it goes up or down
Don't worry : i got it right
@Lyxal Hmm, remember that the Fizzbuzz starts at 1.
@petStorm there'd be a range command to account for 1 through 100 inclusive
@Lyxal Now I got a 16-byte NST version: H|35,÷┬Σθ#θ@,┘Ƥ∨
@petStorm we make a good golfing team.
We both beat Dennis today, so I'd say we did pretty well.
Good job!
(Set theory is already a very high-level and concise language, therefore I expect an extension of it to beat Jelly.)
A: 1, 2, Fizz, 4, Buzz

DennisJelly, 24 20 bytes ³µ3,5ḍTị“¡Ṭ4“Ụp»ȯµ€G Try it online! How it works ³µ3,5ḍTị“¡Ṭ4“Ụp»ȯµ€G Main link. No input. ³ Yield 100. µ Begin a new, monadic chain. µ€ Apply the preceding chain to all integers n in [1, ..., 100]. 3,5ḍ ...

2 hours later…
17 bytes in vyxal if mapping things to integers auto generates a range
But I can't crack 16 bytes
@Lyxal Which means that you need to adapt the old one-digit pushing behavior of good ol' Keg.
@petStorm no. That won't help at all
All numbers are already a single byte
@Lyxal Do you want me to explain my program?
H                Push 100
 |               For every item in 1 .. 100:
  3              Push 3
   5             Push 5
    ,            Pair. {3, 5}
     ÷           Is divisible          . {i%3, i%5}
      ┬          Get all truthy indices. {} for none, {1} for fizz,
                 {2} for buzz, {1, 2} for fizzbuzz.
       Σ         Sum the list. (0, 1, 2, or 3)
        θ#       Push fizz.
          θ@     Push buzz.
            ,    Pair, {fizz,buzz}
             ┘   Capitalize. {Fizz, Buzz}
Just realized that fetching at corr. indices is shorter.

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