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It seems like there have been fewer questions. Is that normal for a Beta?
I think we've just about hit the limit for what the Area 51 committers have to say.
A lot of us have been "inflating" the numbers by posting questions we already know how to answer just to put documentation into the system.
Hoping to be a fully public beta soon, then we can run more advertising, I think?
Yeah, most of the "general" questions have been posted and answered.
Once it's public, though, there should be no shortage of questions that weren't thought of.
But I also think there will be a lot of people asking questions like "why doesn't my drone work"
Yeah, but we have the tools and politeness to handle that when we see it.
Our questions will model how to ask and which kinds of questions are on-topic.
And there will probably be some questions here that can provide them with the information they need.
Yes, of course. :)
21 hours later…
I’ve had a look at the Area 51 page and it says to be successful, you need around 1500 site visits per day. We have 215. How do you think we can up this number to make sure this Stack Exchange makes it through the beta phase?
Well, we aren't even a public beta yet. We have along way to go before that stat really matters too much.
I’m pretty sure that they’re talking about the stats required for a private beta - I’ll get the link now
Drones and Model Aircraftdrones.stackexchange.com

Beta Q&A site for experienced flyers, pilots and builders of drones and model aircraft.

Currently in private beta.

I'm reasonably confident that's not true. See other sites on Area 51 which are currently in beta.
I’m not sure what you mean - it says that their stats are okay but need some work
> 546 visits/day
Yep, but ours is 215
If I’m misunderstanding, then please do let me know - this is my first SE beta
My point is that sites in the public beta stage don't have it all figured out yet. I'm saying that I think this is a longer-term goal.
I see what you mean. I take my point back, there’s no need to worry
For now... the time will come for it to matter a lot. :)
1 hour later…
@ifconfig Just FYI, if you edit a post, that edit will push the post back to the top of the front page. Your edits are good, but please try to space them out so that you don't end up flooding the front page as a result.
Ah, okay.
I read the feed by newest question, so I had no idea. drones.stackexchange.com/questions

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