« first day (1775 days earlier)   

Q: Is the Gabriel-Rosenberg reconstruction theorem still true with coherent sheaves (instead of quasi-coherent sheaves)?

user1319604The Gabriel-Rosenberg reconstruction theorem, when applied to varieties, states that it is possible to reconstruct any variety $X$ from its category $\mathrm{QCoh}(X)$ of quasi-coherent sheaves. This means that if for two varieties $X$ and $Y$ there is an equivalence of categories $\mathrm{QCoh}...

2 hours later…
Q: Simply connected complex simple Lie groups are in bijection with complex simple Lie algebras

Bobby-John WilsonSimply connected connected compact Lie groups are well-known to be in bijective correspondence with complex semisimple Lie algebras. Now every connected simply connected complex Lie group has a unique compact real form. So it would seem that this gives a bijection between connected simply connect...

Q: Is there a way to describe the pattern this process creates for any set of points in a 2d plane? Will all sets necessarily have a pattern?

AnankeI apologize if this is put inelegantly as I'm new to this type of mathematics, but I thought of this experiment and can't stop turning it over in my mind. Take any set of points on a 2d plane and connect every point to every other point using line segments. Now take the midpoints of each of those...

1 hour later…
Q: Constructions for rings and modules simultaneously

Zufallskonstante$\newcommand{\Mod}{\mathbf{Mod}}\newcommand{\Ab}{\mathbf{Ab}}\newcommand{\from}{\colon}\newcommand{\Id}{\mathrm{Id}}\newcommand{\tensor}{\otimes}$ Let $R$ be a ring and $\Mod(R)$ the category of (right) $R$-modules. When you learn abstract algebra you meet a number of constructions following roug...

3 hours later…
Q: Does adding an axiom to a first order theory always induce an adjunction between categories of structures?

Perry BleibergThe theory of groups and the theory of abelian groups differ by only one axiom, commutativity. "Forgetting" this axiom induces the inclusion functor from Ab to Grp, which has a left adjoint, the abelianization functor. What is the correct generalization of this fact? In general, the class of stru...

6 hours later…
Q: Why is the past uniquely determined by the present in classical mechanics and ODE?

td12345I just began reading Ordinary Differential Equations by Arnol'd, and in the first few paragraphs of the first chapter, Arnol'd says the following: The theory of ordinary differential equations is one of the basic tools of mathematical science. This theory makes it possible to study all evolution...

Q: From strong solution to classical solution of elliptic PDEs with Neumann condition

mnmn1993Suppose $\Omega$ is a bounded and simply connected domain in $\mathbb{R}^3$ with a smooth boundary $\partial \Omega$. Assume that there is a strong solution $u \in H^2(\Omega)$ to the following equation \begin{equation} \left\{ \begin{aligned} \Delta u&= u & \hspace{15pt} &\text{in $\Omega...

3 hours later…
Q: Solving the definite integral $\int_{0}^{L} \frac{\cosh(K(x-L))}{\sqrt{\cosh(KL) - \cosh(K(L - x))}} \mathrm dx$

Luv GuptaI have an integral which involves hyperbolic functions. The integral is $I =\displaystyle \int_{0}^{L} \frac{\cosh(K(x-L))}{\sqrt{\cosh(KL) - \cosh(K(L - x))}} \mathrm dx$ I tried solving it as follows but was unable to proceed further. Using the hyperbolic cosine identity: $\cosh(a - b) = \cos...

Q: Confused about exactness preserving functors

ChrisLet us work with $A$-modules for simplicity. Suppose that I have a functor $F$ from $A$ modules to $A$ modules, and I can prove that for every sequence : $$N_1\rightarrow N_2\rightarrow N_3$$ which is exact at $2$, then: $$F(N_1)\rightarrow F(N_2)\rightarrow F(N_3)$$ Does this imply that $F$ is a...

Q: Given two inner touching circle prove the assertion (involving tangents )

trutruvruvru This is the link for geo gebra applet https://www.geogebra.org/classic/g5bb7ngf (sorry for some different labellings) Given two circles internally say $X_1$ and $X_2$, $X_1 $ is the larger, centers of $X_1, X_2 $ are $A, D $ respectively, internally tangent to each other at some point $ B $ let...

Q: Lie groups with only one-dimensional irreducible unitary representations are abelian

mixotrovLet $G$ be a Lie group. Suppose any irreducible unitary representation is one-dimensional. (Irreducible meaning having no proper closed invariant subspaces.) Is $G$ abelian? This great answer seems to imply that this is the case, but I would like a more complete answer or a good reference. Citing...

2 hours later…
Q: Prove that: $\vec{DZ}=\frac{1}{a+c+d}(c·\vec{DA}+ d·\vec{DC})$

Pam Munoz RyanThe problem Consider the inscribable quadrilateral $ABCD$ with $AC=a, CD=c, DA=d$. Let the points $X$ and $Y$ be on the lines $AB$ and $BC$, respectively, such that $A\in (BX), C\in (BY) $ and $BX=BY=BD$. If the angle bisector $DAC$ intersects the line $XY$ at the point $Z$, prove that: $\vec{DZ}...

Q: Sampling a spherical gaussian distribution without discarding points

MakoganThere is a technique that allows you to sample points uniformly ins a sphere by combining three Gaussian distributions as described in wolfram alpha. Additionally, there is a concept called spherical guassian, commonly defined as: $$ Ce^{\lambda(\mu \cdot v - 1)^2} $$ There is also a generalizati...

2 hours later…
Q: Simple Random Walk: expectation of number of times of hitting level k before returning to origin is 1

H-a-y-KAssume $S_0 = 0$ and let $N_k$ be the number of times of visiting level k before returning to origin. My textbook first claims that $P(N_k > 0) = \frac{1}{2k}$ and $P(N_k > j+1|N_k > j) = \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{2} \frac{k-1}{k}$ and hints that this can be used to show that $E(N_k) = 1$. I am lost...

1 hour later…
Q: Approximating the binomial distribution with Poisson when np is not constant

foxIt is really well-known that the binomial distribution with parameters (n,p) can be approximated when n is large, p is small, and np is a constant (some textbooks say moderate). In my case, $n=x\ln x$, and $p=1/x$. $x$ grows large so the first two conditions are satisfied. however, $np=\ln x$ so ...

Q: Is the chain rule needed at all to solve this problem?

user1575411In order to find the derivative of the expression $$\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}x} [(x-a)^2-(x-b)^2],$$ is the chain rule needed at all or is it possible to just use the sum rule and the power rule? I took this from a video that explains optimization for machine learning. The professor mentions t...

« first day (1775 days earlier)