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Q: Infinitude of primes with 3 being a power/non-power of 2

Misha IvkovI'm interested in the following two complementary questions: Are there an infinite number of primes $p$ such that there exists some $1\le n < p$ with $2^n \equiv 3 \bmod p$? Are there an infinite number of primes $p$ such that for all $1\le n < p$, $2^n \not\equiv 3\bmod p$? A resolution to Art...

2 hours later…
Q: Uniform convergence in the proof of Stirling's formula by Rudin

psieThere are some related questions, e.g. here (but with no answer). I'm concerned about the proof of Stirling's formula in Rudin's PMA. I've spent a good portion of the day trying to figure out with what tools presented in the book so far I can best understand this. For a full overview of the part ...

Q: What does it mean for an "integral" to be convergent?

BRAD ZAPI'm looking at the following definition of improper integrals, as well as their convergence: Definition of an Improper Integral of Type 1: If $\int_a^t f(x) \, dx$ exists for every number $t > a$, then $\int_a^\infty f(x) \, dx = \lim_{t \to \infty} \int_a^t f(x) \, dx$ provided this limit exists...

7 hours later…
Q: How to show that $K[s^2, st, t^2]$ is integrally closed?

Smiley1000Let $K$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic $0$. I want to see that $K[s^2, st, t^2]$ is integrally closed. The following proof is given at $k[x^2,xy,y^2]$ is integrally closed : We have $\newcommand\quotient[2]{{^{\Large #1}}/{_{ \Large #2}}} R = K[s^2, st, t^2] \cong \quotient{K[...

1 hour later…
Q: The cubic relationship of three consecutive terms of tribonacci, Padovan, and Narayana sequences?

Tito Piezas IIII. Fibonacci and Lucas numbers $$F_n = 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,\dots\\[7pt] L_n = 2, 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 18\dots$$ There is a relationship between two consecutive terms such that, $$M(x,y) = x^2+xy-y^2$$ $$M(F_n,\,F_{n+1}) = \pm1$$ $$M(L_n,\,L_{n+1}) = \pm5$$ with the sign depending on whether $n$ is odd or e...

Q: A real function without periodic points has unbounded orbits

H4z3Let $f: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ a continuous function. We say that a point $x$ is periodic if it exists some $m >0 \in \mathbb{N}$ such that $f^m(x) = x$ where $f^m$ means $f$ composed with itself $m$ times. I'm trying to prove that if $f$ has no periodic points then for every $x$ the ...

Q: A circle and an ellipse with foci F1 F2 lying inside it are given Construct a chord AB of the circle touching the ellipse suchthat AF1F2B is inscribed

Tutor4872A circle and an ellipse with foci $F1, F2$ lying inside it are given. Construct a chord $AB$ of the circle touching the ellipse and such that $AF_1F_2B$ is a cyclic quadrilateral. For this problem , i am interested in synthetic approach , allthough i tried to use coordinate to see if this tangen...

1 hour later…
Q: Find all polynomials P with real coefficients and positive integer n

John O'neilThis problem is found in a past test. Let $n$ be a positive integer. Find all polynomials P with real coefficients such that $P(x^2 + x-n^2) = P(x)^2 +P(x)$ for all real numbers x. I think that we should be comparing coefficients of certain terms. If we start by noting the degrees of the polynomi...

2 hours later…
Q: Spectrum of a certain $\mathbb{Z}$-graded ring

ConLooking at almost 10 year old notes from a course on commutative algebra, I found the following exercise which I had apparantly not done back then: Task: Compute the spectrum of the ring $R = \mathbb{Z}[x,y]/(x(2+xy),y(2+xy))$, where $\deg(x) = 1$ and $\deg(y) = -1$. Out of curiosity I started do...

2 hours later…
Q: Elementary solution of exponential Diophantine equation $2^x - 3^y = 7$.

R.P.The title says it all. I would like to have a solution, preferably one which is as elementary as possible, of the exponential Diophantine equation $$ 2^x - 3^y = 7 $$ where $x,y$ are non-negative integers. Note that some small solutions are $(x,y)=(3,0)$ and $(x,y)=(4,2)$. If I really had to solv...

Q: What is the weakest set theory in which the set of all ordinals cannot exist?

kevin.spaceyThe title may be confusing, I'll try to clarify first. For me, the weakest set theory in general is the extension of classical predicate logic with equality by the axiom of extensionality. Let's call it basic set theory. Now let's try to extend the basic set theory by asserting the existence of t...

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