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I don't understand your last comment
do you know the notation $df_x$ and some about tangent space?
Hi, would you please explain more your answer?
Yes, i can; but maybe I use some notions that you don't have
Sorry! Then what should I do?
Well, first of all what is the differential of a function
the differential is a local concept; you have to fix a point $x$ in the domain and the differential is a linear map that send the tangent space $T_x R$ in $T_{f(x)}R$
Is a familiar concept for you?
Is it not Like “calculus” we can define it at a point. Or use formulas?
well it is the same in this case
but when you say: "the differential is surjective"
Yes, you’re right.
you mean "for all point $x$ the differential at point $x$ is a surjective map"
so you fave to fix $x$ and the differential become a linear map from $T_x R$ to $T_f(x)R$
in our example take $x=1$
you have to show that the differential at point $x_1$ that goes from $T_1 R$ to $T_e R$ is surjective
and following the definition you discover that the differential at point $x=1$ is just a linear map that send an element $v\in T_1 R = R$ to the element $e^1 \cdot v$ that lives in $T_f(1) R = R$
What does $v\in T_1 R = R$ to the element $e^1 \cdot v$ that lives in $T_f(1) R = R$ Mean?
If you want to think like "calculus" you try to understand that for all $x$ in the domain, the Jacobian valued at the point $x$ is a surjective map
Yes exactly. I’m familiar with this way more. Go ahead please
Ok, well
the differential at a point $x$ coincides, in this exercise, with the jacobian of the map $f$
the Jacobian is the matrix $1 \times 1$ with the entry $e^x$
you are asking if this matrix is a surjective linear map for all x in the domain
Taking for example $x=3$, the matrix $1\times 1$ with entry $e^3$ is invertible, and it is a surjective map
but $x=3$ is just an example; the matrix you have is always invertible (and then surjective) because $e^x \neq 0$ for all $x$
By \neg 0 you mean except zero?
different from
You mean it is not equal to zero?
yes: \neq correspond to =/=
Tell if I said something strange for you
Ok, My question is here, if I choose 0 in $T-f(x)$ then I can say that f is not a surjective map because there is not any “x” in domain that “e^x is not equal to 0”. What is the difference between these? The one you told me for “df “ and the one that Isaid now?
They are two different maps.
The map $f:R to R$ is just f = e^x and it is not surjective
Yes “df” & “f”
not just "df" but "df_x"
you can speak about differential when you fix a point.
Fixed a point $x$ in the domain, now we can say what is the map $df_x$
Let x=0, then what happen?
well the question now is: what is $df_0$?
It is 1
Yes, is the matrix $1\times 1$ with the entry equal to one
We are asking for the surjectivity of this matrix
It is a number & like a constant function is always surjective
so the differential at point $0$ is surjective
to be a submersion you have to say, doing always this thing, that for all element of $R$ the differential at that point is surjective
And how?
Just by trial and error attempt?
Well for a fixed point $x$ what is the matrix representing the jacobian (i.e. the differential at point x)?
It consist of all partial derivatives of f which here is just one variable
yes, so the matrix is ...
(in our case)
Always invertible. Because we are encounter with a number
And of course surjective
exactly: the matrix is always a number different from 0
so it is invertible and then surjectiv
So as a conclusion,If I”m not mistaken in my question The appearance in “f(x)” and “df(x) is the same but it is an submersion which is not surjective, it is a general statement,am I right?
I really appreciate. I don’t know when, but how can I ask you more questions in future?
my email is
Thank you very much and mine is “
remember to convalidate the aswer
byebye, have a nice day
you're welcome
thanks ---> you're welcome
You mean clean our dialogues? How?
How can I delete our conversation?
Nope i did not mean that ahahah
I mean you can accept my answer
Just clicking on link to vote you mean?
Ok, it is the first time that I chat here and I didn’t familiar with its rulls
I mean, When you ask a question in Stack and people wrote answers, you can accept one of them as the "full answer" to your question. You can do that in your question "submersion or not" page.
For the chat no problem, we can leave and there is no problem
other people will use this chat for speaking about differetial geometry
I told you that because i see in your profile that you forget to accept answers
like also this one
Q: Dirac bundle and Frobenius theoram

geo sdWe know that for any distribution W in TM, one can associate the Lagrangian subbundle. In this case how can I prove this statement?"This subbundle is dirac if and only if  W is involutive."

You mean there is no problem if others see the emails?
I vote your answer, is it ok?
Yep, it is
and yes there is no problem with mail
Thank you very much again, bye
bye bye
have a nice day

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