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2:20 AM
@BESW I've gotten it for flash flood and whiteout/blizzard warnings. Nothing civil, though. (I think those ^^ are Nat'l Weather Service pushes.)
2:37 AM
@nitsua60 Yeah... I'm getting texts that say the current tally for confirmed cases, recoveries, and deaths, "STAY HOME. Save lives." and a number to call for info.
2:49 AM
@BESW Wow. That's pretty aggressive/assertive. And probably exactly what's needed.
Our governor does not mess around.
@BESW I feel like you've told some stories in that vein about her before?
She spent 15 years as a nurse and nurse administrator before taking over the family bank and then going into politics.
According to Wikipedia she's on the board of Guampedia =)
OMG the logo for Guampedia is so cool! (Assuming that's a decent map of the NMI along the sail, which a cursory look at google maps seems to indicate it is: guampedia.com
Actually, I guess that's the logo of the Marianas History Conference. My bad.
Ah yeah, that is the Marianas along the sail. Guam's at the very bottom.
We've had a lot of governors who were mostly interested in the wealthy influential members of the community, and only did the optics of being invested in the population and the culture. Lou takes her self-styled maga'håga role seriously and I'm very glad she's the governor during the pandemic.
16 hours later…

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