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Q: Where are these ancient places described in a Sumerian tablet?

Rand al'ThorRecently, in a museum, I saw a tablet of ancient literature from Mesopotamia, specifically showing part of the ancient Sumerian story Enki and Ninhursag: The translation to English (provided in the museum and also available here) is as follows: "May the land of Tukriš hand over to you gold from...

@Tsundoku Similarly, would an omnipotent god be able to make 15 a prime number?
1 hour later…
Is there some kind of psychological block that prevents people from assuming that characters in novels might be murderers unless it's stated fairly explicitly. This question and this other question have started me wondering about this.
Mystery novels are, of course, excluded. :-)
2 hours later…
@PeterShor A couple of other examples: Hareton Earnshaw in Wuthering Heights; Charlotte Haze in Lolita
@GarethRees We have a question about Charlotte Haze. Maybe you should ask one about Wuthering Heights.
1 hour later…
I'm surprised that nobody yet mentioned the very first question on this site, post ID #1:
Q: Is there anything that definitely confirms that Svidrigailov actually committed murder in "Crime and Punishment?"

JNatIs there any proof that Svidrigailov actually committed murder in Crime and Punishment, of either Philip (his servant) or Marfa Petrovna (his wife)? By proof, I mean either a nuanced passage I might have missed in the actual book, some sort of letter or manuscript by Dostoyevsky, or something el...

posted on September 22, 2024

The Facts of Life is a novel by Graham Joyce (1954–2014) set in Coventry shortly after World War II. Its central characters are an elderly woman, Martha Vine, her seven daughters, and her grandson, Frank, who is the out-of-wedlock son of her youngest daughter, Cassie. Cassie has episodes where she wanders off and behaves irrationally, so the family does not believe that she is responsible enoug

@Feeds And I left my signature off the review. Could somebody put it on?
1 hour later…
Not sure who has the power to do that. @Mithical maybe?
@PeterShor Done
2 hours later…
Q: What is the title of this book?

Shannon SchropeI recently read a book and can’t remember the title or author. The plot included a female writer who had been in a car accident and kept having dreams about fire. She was living in New England for the summer with her husband, whose name was guy. There was a caterer who was murdered by an ax. The ...

1 hour later…
@PeterShor Like the psychological block that prevents people from seeing Macbeth as the main villain of the play named after him?
of course sometimes it's backwards. In particular in Jules Verne's La Jangada I think Joam Garral is actually a criminal, he did commit the armed robbery that he was sentenced to death for, although he likely couldn't profit from it because his partners in crime took all the money, and he did a clever scheme, with his family's help, to fool everyone, get on the good side of public opinion, get his sentence overturned, and got Torres killed in that process.
Only Jules Verne somehow hasn't written or hasn't published the last part of the serial novel where he reveals all that.

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