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Do we have only two questions about the metaphysical poets? That is simply not Donne.
9 hours later…
Q: Details of the gunpowder creation?

releseabeI have asked this in chemistry stackexchange but got no real answer. I am puzzled by the final step in which the Judge asks his comrades to urinate on the mixture. It may have some literary significance but I am wondering if anyone can explain if there was any good reason for doing it. Here's wha...

Is there any specific reason this question is not tagged rabindranath-tagore?
I'm sad @Tsundoku modhammer-deleted this answer. I'd've upvoted, but alas, I can't even vote to undelete!
@verbose My reasoning was probably that it doesn't try to identify a story by Tagore.
@verbose Since I'm a mod, every deletion I do is a mod-deletion. There is no way to temporarily take off my moderator hat.
8 hours later…
Congrats @bobble on the memetic "over 9000" reputation!
@Tsundoku no sock puppets?
@Randal'Thor 🎉
@Tsundoku but it's about a story Tagore references, in a letter by him, in a collection of his work .... no?
@verbose The answer received five downvotes, as a consequence of what looked liked targeted / concerted downvoting. I have no other explanation for those downvotes.
@Tsundoku ¡pobrecito! I'd've upvoted, if that makes you feel any better.
I'm not in a hurry to undelete it. Those five downvotes won't go away.
Looks like we have enough potential candidates to hold a graduation election.
@Tsundoku How many mods have we had over our existence? The three current ones, plus Gallifreyan, Hamlet ... I think I'm missing at least one other person.
@verbose Aza.
(who went through several usernames, so Aza may not be the one you remember)
wow. That's an incredibly well-written resignation letter. I missed that entire episode. Sounds very harrowing; I hope she's doing well now.
@Randal'Thor you are correct, I cannot connect her with anyone I remember, but it doesn't matter. Asking for her deadname would simply replicate the very reasons she left.
Wasn't there a mod called Zyerah?
2017: Mith, Hamlet, and Aza appointed.
2017: Hamlet steps down.
2018: Gallifreyan appointed.
2019: Aza and Mith step down.
2020: Rand and Tsundoku elected.
2021: Mith returns.
2022: Gallifreyan steps down.
2023: ???
@verbose She's a CM now :-)
@HenryWHHackv3.0b Yep, same person.
@Randal'Thor oh nice!
Her username shows as user80, so presumably she created a new account and is CM with that one.
And Mith was still known as Mithrandir at the time.
@verbose Yep.
oh ah
Well, good for her and for SE for making her feel like she could be comfortable returning.
Jul 28, 2021 at 20:38, by Rand al'Thor
Q: Join me in Welcoming Valued Associates: #945 - Slate - and #948 - Vanny

RosieI’m excited to introduce you to the two newest members of the Community team. Slate and Vanny have joined us as Associate Community Managers. They are joining JNat and Catija on Community Ops and will report to me. Slate and Vanny will eventually oversee tickets that come through the contact us f...

Jul 28, 2021 at 20:39, by Rand al'Thor
^ spot a familiar face in a new guise
How does this election work? Do @Randal'Thor and @Mithical have to run again, so it's four candidates for three slots? Or is it a two-way contest between @bobble and @MattThrower for one slot?
4+ candidates for 3 slots is the expectation, I think.
It's technically a "graduation election", so pro-tem mods need to run in order to keep their diamonds.
Mith was actually never elected by the community, although I was. (Between 2017 and 2020, SE changed from appointing pro-tem mods to allowing pro-tem elections.)
Before during the beta phase CMs used a meta post discussion to make a call for moderators.
Q: Accepting nominations — Who should moderate this site?

Robert CartainoIdeally Moderators are elected by the community, but until the community is large enough to hold a proper election, we will be appointing three provisional Moderators to fill those roles. We need your help. Please nominate folks you would like to see become provisional moderators for this site. ...

I think on my first site, I was just appointed without such meta post.
Ah yes, I still have the email Pops sent me.
I have seen sites that have moderators and I have no clue how it happened. I can find no meta posts or elections.
@Randal'Thor Considering the nickname Limey, citrus fruits must have been widespread in England at least in the 19th century.
@Loong wasn’t limey applied to britishers overseas? Lime juice was included as an admixture to sailors run ration to stave off scurvy. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limey
Obviously ships on the high seas would have access to exotic fruits not common in Blighty.
oh nice! you convinced Bobble!
so we'll be electing three mods out of Mithical, Rand, Matt Thrower, Bobble, and anyone else who steps up. great
that means we'll have an election with an actual choice where I'll have to think about my preference
Q: Primers in Blood Meridian -- an unmentioned/overlooked detail?

releseabeThis somewhat recapitulates my question about making gunpowder which was so brilliantly answered yesterday. Basically, my question is, given that the gang certainly had primers, which I understand to be small metallic containers which are full of, importantly, a high explosive -- probably mercury...

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