Cease, cows, life is short is a quote from the One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez. It is a phrase that Aureliano Segundo says in Chapter 17, and is later written on his coffin.
Any thoughts on what the phrase (specifically, the word cease) could mean in the context? Some tran...
@Tsundoku I actually disagree. It's a major work. After Gulliver's Travels, it's Swift's best-known piece of writing, and it remains hugely influential. I don't think the fact that it's short should be determinative.
@PrinceNorthLæraðr Oh god, he's gonna synonymize poetry with poems and poetries isn't he. Somebody stop him
@PrinceNorthLæraðr Someone else got suspended?! Whoa. Seems to be happening a lot of late. Or is this just a general query?
@Randal'Thor I appear to have gotten all my ducks in a row for the timeline answer. With some reasonable assumptions, the main story (from Fiver's vision to defeating Efrafa at the Honeycomb) takes ~80 days. Answer should be out tomorrow or the day after, depending on how much dithering I do over formatting.
@bobble Great! I noticed that there's a big gap of uncertain time between their doeful return to Watership and the Efrafan assault, so impressed if you managed to estimate that with any accuracy.
I also noticed, to my surprise, that the whole last phase of the story, the Efrafan assault on Watership, only lasted less than 24 hours.
@Tsundoku That's a false equivalence. A famous lyric that's part of a longer sequence doesn't merit its own tag just because we've already determined that composite works get one tag. Also, nobody publishes "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" as the chief work in a collection.
"A Modest Proposal", on the other hand, is frequently published both as a stand-alone pamphlet (which is how it initially circulated) and as the chief work in a collection.
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Our tour says that we aim to be "a question and answer site for scholars and enthusiasts of literature." I'm definitely an enthusiast, and I have a fair bit of scholarly training. And there are many other users on here whose scholarship and enthusiasm are evident fro...
@Randal'Thor I actually just estimated the whole thing to be 30 days, but that is based on some educated guess about how long various things take... would you like explanations of that in the answer?
@Librarian I suspect @GarethRees will have some thoughts and counterpoints on the issues raised in this meta post ...
Thank you @verbose for a well-written question starting an interesting discussion!
I don't think I fully agree with your answer, but I'll try to put some thoughts together clearly in comments and maybe an answer of my own. It's certainly a discussion worth having, though.
@bobble Sure, I'm interested in both the known things (X happens the day after Y) and guesstimated things (Z probably takes around N days), as long as the difference between them is clearly indicated.
Some bounds can probably be set by the occasional mentions of human months (I think August is mentioned at one point, and maybe other months too).
> Scholar isn't restricted to those credentialed, of course; someone who, for example, painstakingly reads and re-reads a novel to establish its timeline is a scholar whether or not she has an academic degree.
The story starts in "May" and ends in late "August" (given that six weeks afterwards is "October"). Which is why I felt comfortable estimating about 80 days, though the true count may be higher.... must re-run my numbers
(it's not the last event, because Campion and some other survivors arrive back at Efrafa precisely on "the afternoon of the following day". But I filed that under my "later events" section since it's not connected to the main plot)
Common Stack Network policy is to embrace non-Googlers. The Stack Exchange wants to be a place Google sends folks, not a place that sends folks to Google.
Unfortunately, many sites and some of our users feel the downvote reason "does not show any research effort" is synonymous with "did not try ...
Buckle up, this is gonna be a journey.
We're pretty early into the site's existence. Things are rolling along nicely. We're hanging around a whopping 45 questions a day, and we've got the rocky foundations of a meta going. But we're going to run face-first into a deep, structural problem with t...
Literary analysis, and literature in general, is prone to a lot of cliquish cross-subject sniping and condescension. Bardolatry and the Authorship Question, the validity/dignity of [romance novels/YA lit/ebooks/whatever], One True Wayism with regard to critical lenses, self-publication and vanity...
This is shaping up to be a bit more of a rant than I meant it, but this is a serious problem, and I'm growing increasingly frustrated. I feel this is something we need to explore.
A good community is an ongoing dialogue. Right now, our dialog is poisoning interactions and pushing people away. ...
Those meta questions (i.e. the three first ones) date from the site's first month in public beta. It's worth rethinking our approach to low-quality questions.
It's a very insightful meta post, reading through it. When you ingrain something into your identity, it feels much more like a personal attack when someone challenges it.
> Folks have a tendency to take what they like and equate it with who they are.
This is a good thing to keep in mind for entering a discussion in general, really.
This text is from The children's bach by Helen Garner
They laughed. Vicki watched them closely, ready to be included in their
amusement, to roll her shoulders in scepticism as they did, but they
pretended not to see her and turned back to their contemplation of the street
outside. In a minute on...
Hmm, "John Steinbeck was once forced to ask his editor for additional time due to half the manuscript of Of Mice and Men having been eaten by his Irish setter." (The dog ate my homework)
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@Tsundoku I'd consider the title question opinion-based, but the body contains the kernel of a more objectively answerable question, so a good edit might rescue it.